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本文(英语一轮复习名师教学课件Unit4《Astronomythescienceofthestars》新人教版必修3.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语一轮复习名师教学课件Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestars新人教版必修3* * 话题:科普知识常用词汇:science 科学scientist 科学家technology 技术engineer 工程师astronaut宇航员astronomer 天文学家breakthrough突破project项目capsule太空舱manned spaceship/spacecraft载人飞船space shuttle航天飞机unmanned spaceship/spacecraft无人飞船circling the moon绕月landing on the moon登月re

2、turn to Earth返回地球weather satellite气象卫星communication satellite通信卫星carry out scientific experiments开展科学实验with all the information available 有所有的可用信息invent a folding wheel 发明可折叠的轮子have access to space travel能到太空旅游apply basic technology to daily life 将基础科技运用到日常生活中范例:Is there life on Mars? We dont know.C

3、an we land on Mars? It all depends on the development of science and technology.Man has known a little about Mars.There is almost no oxygen on Mars.It might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100 degrees below zero at night, which prevents us from living there.Now that Mars are quite differe

4、nt from our earth, if we are to go to Mars one day, we should have to take along our own oxygen, food and clothing.But it is certain that with the development of science man will land on Mars in time.一、 单词识记根据词意写出单词的汉语意思或写英文单词。1不同;不像 prep._2有害的 adj._3连锁;锁链 n_4存在;生存 vi._5因此;于是 adv._6使迷惑;使为难vt.;谜;难题n.

5、_7气候n._8生物学家n._9温和的;文雅的adj._10物理学家n._unlikeharmfulchainexistthuspuzzleclimatebiologistgentlephysicist11astronomy n_12atom n_13carbon n_14acid n_15fundamental adj._16multiply v_17oxygen n_18dioxide n_19gravity n_20satellite n_天文学原子碳酸基本的;基础的乘;增加氧二氧化物重力,万有引力卫星;人造卫星二、词汇拓展用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1If we interfere

6、干涉 , it may do more _ than good. harmful 2He fell _ in love with her. violent 3She is good at dancing; she is a _ dancer. birth 4Some students were doing a _ experiment in the lab with the help of their teacher. biology 5I was unaware of his _ until now. exist harmviolentlybornbiologicalexistence三、词

7、组互译将下列词组译成中文或英语。1密切注视;当心_2突发;爆发_3既然_4感到高兴/振奋_5阻止;制止_6轮到某人;接替_7产生;分娩_8下蛋_9及时;终于_10挡住 光线 _watch outbreak outnow thatcheer uppreventfromin ones turngive birth tolay eggsin timeblock out11think ofas_12combine into_13cool down_14get the hang of _15be different from_16spread all over the earth _17go by_18

8、make a trip _19be off_20rise into the air_把看作是合成冷却熟悉; 理解;掌握与不同遍布全世界过去, 推移去旅行启程升入太空四、单元重点句子填空根据句子结构或语法要求填空。1We usually think of science subjects _ physics, chemistry, biology, geology and mathematics.2What are the most important skills we need _ be real scientists?3_it was to become was a mystery _th

9、e dust began to slowly combine into a ball _ move around the sun.4It exploded loudly _ fire and rock,_ were in time to produce the water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, _ were to make the earths atmosphere.asto beWhatuntilmovingwithwhichwhich5It allowed the earth _ dissolve

10、 harmful gases,_ had become part of the earths atmosphere, into the oceans and seas.6Scientists believe that taking carbon dioxide _ the atmosphere and _ fill the air _ oxygen helped life to develop.7Last month I was _ luck enough to have a chance _ make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping,

11、an astronomer.8I cheered _ immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin _ watch the earth become_ small and the moon dissolvewhichfromfillingwithluckyto makeup watchingsmaller9Walking does need a bit of practice _ that gravity has changed.10We watched,_ amaze as fire

12、broke out on the outside of the spaceship _ the earths gravity increased.nowamazedas五、课文内容理解根据课文内容,请用适当的词或短语的正确形式填空。As the result of “Big Bang”, the violent earth slowly settled into a 1._ moving around the sun.The gasses which were to make the earths 2._came into being from the 3._ of the dust ball

13、, with water following them while the earth 4._ down.It allowed the beginning for life.Millions of years later, the first extremely small plants began to appear on the 5._ of the water, 6._ and filling the sea and oceans, which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fis

14、h.As time passed, green plants taking 7._ and producing globeatmosphereexplosioncooledsurfacemultiplyingcarbon dioxide8._came to land and grew into forests.Later the 9._ of lives continued, such as insects, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs and 10._, the typical of which is human being.They dont only

15、do good to the earth but cause damage to it.oxygenchainsmammals六、单元语法复习翻译下面句子或用适当的连词填空。1野生动植物能否得到很好的保护是非常重要的。2恐龙为何灭绝至今还是个谜。3It is a shame _ you have to leave so soon.4It is not clear _ gold was found there.5_ kind of food is the best is still not certain.6_ is need for the space trip is careful prep

16、aration.7_ will go makes no difference.Whether wildlife can be well preserved is of great importance.Why dinosaurs died out remains a puzzle.thathowWhichWhatWho1puzzlen谜;难题v使迷惑;使为难a puzzled expression on her face脸上困惑的表情a puzzling attitude 令人费解的态度be puzzled about 对迷惑不解find the answer to/solve a puzzl

17、e找到谜底/解开一个谜运用:完成句子1 他们为什么做这事我仍感到莫名其妙。Their reason for doing it is still _.2 我不知道下一步怎么办。I _ what to do next.a puzzle to meam puzzled about2exist vi.存在;生存exist in/on sth.存在;有exist on sth.靠活下来come into existence 存在;产生运用:完成句子1 这种想法是诗人才有的。The idea _ the mind of poets.2 我靠自己挣的工资简直难以糊口。I _ the wage Im gett

18、ing.exists only incan hardly exist on3make v迫使;制作;使变为;选举;赚得make sth. 制造make sb./ sth. 使做make sb.sth./make sth. for sb. 给做;使成为运用:完成句子1 她自己做了几根蜡烛来照明。She _ light.2 今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来。I couldnt _ this morning.3 她给我做了一件玩具作为我的生日礼物。She _ as a birthday gift.made some candles to givemake my car startmade a

19、toy for me拓展:make sth. from 用做make sth. into 将制成make oneself understood/heard 使明白/听到make it clear that 明确make trouble 惹麻烦make a profit/loss 盈利/亏损4remain vi.保持;仍然是;剩下;留待以后做;停留remain on/in 停留remain to do/to be done 有待做/被做remain to be 仍然是运用:完成句子1 After the fire, _ of my house. 寒舍所剩无几 2 _ 以后可见分晓 whether

20、 you are right.3 I _ until May. 我在伦敦一直待到五月 4 In spite of their quarrel, they _. 仍不失为最好的朋友 very little remainedIt remains to be seenremained in Londonremained to be the best of friends5feel v触摸;感受到;以为feel sth.触摸;感觉到feel sth.doing 感觉到在做feeladj./to sth.给以某种感觉feel that 认为;以为feel like doing 想要做某事

21、feel ones way 摸索着走运用:完成句子1 出事后,她的左腿失去了知觉。After the accident, she couldnt _ in her left leg.2 我觉得有东西顺着我的胳膊向上爬 crawl 。I _ up my arm.3 我觉得这钱包像是皮的。The wallet _ leather.4 她坚信自己能成功。She _ in her bones _.5 这水感觉是温的。The water _.feel anythingfelt something crawlingfeels to me likefeltthat she would succeedfeel

22、s warm1in time 及时;终于in vain 徒劳;白费in use 使用in turn 轮流in surprise 吃惊in sight 看得见in secret 秘密地in reality 事实上in particular 特别;尤其in detail 详细地运用:用适当的名词填空1 The doctor arrived in _ to save her.2 He buried his gold in _ and no one knows where it is.3 We suggested that his project be discussed in more _.4 He

23、 pretended to be very busy, but in _ he had very little to do.5 They answered the teachers question in _.6 He didnt change at all.All our efforts to help him were in _.7 If you keep on trying, you will succeed in _.timesecretdetailrealityturnvaintime2lay eggs 下蛋lay sth.aside 把某物放在一边;积蓄 钱 lay sth.dow

24、n 把某物放下lay the table 摆桌子lay emphasis/stress on sth.强调某事运用:完成句子1 The bird _ 下蛋 in other birds nests.2 He is a political leader that _ 非常强调 individual responsibility.3 I _my book, turned off the light and went to sleep.4 After finishing the letter, he _ himself _ to sleep.lays its eggslays great stres

25、s onlaid asidelaiddown3preventfrom 阻止;制止stopfrom 阻止;制止keepfrom 阻止;制止运用:完成句子1 他的伤残阻止不了他享受人生的乐趣。His injures_.2 谁也不能阻止这个计划的执行。No one can _.dont prevent/stop/keep him from enjoying lifeprevent the plan from being carried out4break out 突发;爆发运用:完成句子1 第二次世界大战是1939年9月爆发的。_in September, 1939.2 流行性感冒通常在冬季发生。Influenza usually_.The Second World War broke outbreaks out in winter5watch out for 当心;提防watch over 看守;照看运用:完成句子1 在那些日子,你要是不加提防就很容易受骗。In those days you would be easily cheated if you _.2 在这你要留神车辆。You must _ the traffic here.3 工程师和工人们日夜守护着大坝。The engineers and workmen _

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