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1、奥运英语竞赛问答奥运英语竞赛问答奥运英语知识问答奥运英语知识问答 (儿童组5-10岁)Olympic Knowledge Q & A ( enfant suit children )1、 Who created the Olympic Games? 谁创立了奥运会?The ancient Greeks. 古希腊人。2、 Where is the origin of the Modern Olympic Games?现代奥运会的发祥地在何处?Olympia , Greece.希腊奥林匹亚.3、 Who is the father of the Modern Olympic Games? 谁被称为

2、“奥运会之父”?Baron Pierre de Coubertin.法国人顾拜旦.4、 What does IOC stand for?IOC代表什么?International Olympic Committee. 国际奥委会。5、 Where is the International Olympic Committee located? 国际奥委会总部设在何处?Lausanne, Switzerland. 国际奥委会总部设在瑞士洛桑。6、 What is the Olympic motto? 奥林匹克的格言是什么?“Faster, Higher, Stronger”. 更快,更高,更强。7

3、、 Where is the Olympic flame from?奥运会圣火之源在哪里?Olympic,Greece. 希腊奥林匹亚。9、 What are the colors of the five Olympic rings?奥运五环的颜色是那些?Black, blue, green red and yellow.黑、蓝、绿、红和黄。10、What does NOCS stand for? NOCS表示什么?National Olympic Committees. 国家奥林匹克委员会。11、What is the most revered and visible of the Olym

4、pic Games competition?奥运会竞赛最神圣的标志是什么?The Olympic Flame. 奥运圣火。12、Who designed the Olympic Flag? 谁设计了奥运会会旗?Piere de Coubertin. 顾拜旦。13、At which Olympic Games did China first win the gold medal? 中国在哪届奥运会上首获金牌?At 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angles.1984年洛杉矶奥运会 14、Which athlete won it?哪个运动员?Xu Haifeng.徐海峰15、

5、When did P. R. China participate the Olympic Games?中华人民共和国什么时候开始参加奥运会?In 1952. 16、Which city of China is the first one to bid for the Olympic Games? 中国哪个城市最先申办奥运会?Beijing.北京。17、Which Olympic Games did China first bid for? 中国最初申办哪届奥运会? 2000 Olympic Games. 2000年奥运会。18、When did Beijing win the right of

6、 hosting the 29th Olympic Games? 北京何时获得第29届奥运会主办权?On July 15, 2001. 2001年7月15日。19、What is the slogan of Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee? 北京奥运会组委会口号是什么?New Beijing, Great Olympics. 新北京,新奥运。20、Who is the president of Chinese Olympic Committee?谁是中国奥委会主席?Yuan Weimin. 袁伟民。21、What are the theme

7、s of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008?2008年第29届北京奥运会的主题是什么?Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics?“绿色奥运”“科技奥运”“人文奥运”.22、What are the mascots for the 2008 Beijing Games ?奥运会的吉祥物是什么?The five hues.五个福娃23、What are theirs names?他们叫什么名字?They are Beibei 、jingjing、 Huanhuan、Yingying 、

8、Nini.贝贝 晶晶 京京 欢欢 迎迎 妮妮24、What are theirs name means for?他们的名字代表什么?Beijing welcomes You 北京欢迎您25、 What are the four of the five mascots ?五个吉祥物象征什么?The Fish , the Panda the Tibetan Antelope And the Swallow.The last one is the Olympic flame 鱼、大熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子,最后一个是奥运圣火。26、What is the slogan of the official ga

9、mes and the mascots?官方奥运和吉祥物共同的口号是什么?“One World, One Dream ”同一世界 同一梦想27What the colours of the five hues?福娃的颜色是什么? Green ,blue, red, yellow and black. 绿、蓝、红、黄和黑色They also represent the sea, the air, forest ,fire and the earth这些颜色代表海洋、空气、森林、火和土地。奥运英语问答小学组(11-12岁)Olympic Knowledge Q & A grade school s

10、uit the students whose age at 11-12 1、 Who created the Olympic Games? 谁创立了奥运会?The ancient Greeks.古希腊人。2、 What was one of the prizes for winning an Olympic competition?赢得奥运竞赛将获得一样什么奖品?A wreath. 花冠.3、 What inspired the idea for the Modern Olympic Games? 什么激发了现代奥运会的想法?The discovery of the ruins at Olym

11、pia. 奥林匹亚废墟的发现.4、 Where is the origin of the Modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运会的发祥地在何处?Olympia,Greece. 希腊奥林匹亚.5. Who is the creator of the Modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运会的创始人是谁?The French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin. 现代奥运会的创始人是顾拜旦,.6、 Who is the father of the Modern Olympic Games? 谁被称为“奥运会之父”?Baron Pier

12、re de Coubertin.法国人顾拜旦.7、 What does IOC stand for?IOC代表什么?International Olympic Committee.国际奥委会。8、 Who chooses the city where the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity? 谁选择奥运会举办的城市?International Olympic Committee. 国际奥委会。9、Where is the International Olympic Committee located? 国际奥委会设在何处?Lausanne,Switzerlan

13、d. 瑞士洛桑。10、 What is the Olympic motto? 奥林匹克的格言是什么?“Faster, Higher, Stronger”. 更快,更高,更强。11、 Where is the Olympic flame from?奥运会圣火源至哪里?Olympic,Greece. 希腊奥林匹亚。12、 Where were the first Modern Olympic Games held?第一届现代奥运会在哪里举办?Athens, Greece. 希腊雅典。13、 When were the first Modern Olympic Games held? 第一届现代奥运

14、会什么时候举办的?1896. 1896年。14、 How often are the Modern Olympic Games held? 现代奥运会每隔几年举办一次?Once every four years. 每隔4年。15、 What are the colors of the five Olympic rings? 奥运五环的颜色是什么?Black, blue, green red and yellow.黑、蓝、绿、红和黄。16、 What do the Olympic rings symbolize? 奥运五环象征什么?Unity between Africa, the Americ

15、as, Asia, Australia, and Europe. 非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲和欧洲的大团结。17、 How many athletes were there at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896?1896年第一届现代奥运会有多少运动员参加?241名。18、 When was the first Olympic Winter Games held? 第一届冬奥会何时举行? 1924年。19、What brings the Modern Olympic Games within reach?什么使奥运会触手可及?Technology (t

16、elevision and satellites, etc.) 科技(电视,卫星等)。20、 What are the official languages of the International Olympic Committee?国际奥委会的官方语言是什么?French and English. 法语和英语。21、 How many National Olympic Committee are there now? 现在国际奥委会有多少成员?202. 202个。22、 Who is the current president of the International Olympic Co

17、mmittee ? 谁是现任国际奥委会主席?Jacques Rogge. 罗格。23、 Which important god did the Olympic Games honor? 奥运会是纪念哪个重要的神?Zeus. 宙斯。24、 Do women now compete in weightlifting? 现代妇女能参加举重比赛吗?Yes , they do. 能。25、 Have women competed at the Olympic Games since the second Modern Olympic Games?从第二届现代奥运会以后,妇女参与了奥运会吗?Yes, th

18、ey have. 是的。26、 Why was the International Olympic Committee initially reluctant to create the Olympic Winters? 国际奥委会为什么最初难创办冬奥会?Most countries are too warm to host the Winter Games. 因为很多国家太暖和而不能举办冬奥会。27、 What happened for the first time at the 1900 Olympic Games? 1900年奥运会发生了什么?Women were allowed to

19、compete. 妇女第一次允许参赛。28、 Which year was equestrian sport at the Olympic Games? 哪一年开始举办马术项目? 1912年。29、 What kind of people competes at the Paralympics? 哪些人能参加残奥会?Physically disabled. 残疾人。30、 Who were the only people allowed to compete in biathlon until 1992?1992年为止,滑雪射击只允许什么人参加?Men. 男人31、 When was the

20、women marathon introduced into the Olympic Games? 女子马拉松何年进入奥运会项目? 1984年。32、 Where is the opening ceremony of each Olympic Games held? 奥运会开幕式在哪里举行?In a major stadium. 露天大型运动场。33、 What is the Olympic Flame? 奥运圣火是什么?It is lit with a torch that is brought by a relay of athletes from the ruins of ancient

21、 Olympic in Greece.火种取自古希腊奥林匹亚废墟,并通过运动员火炬接力来点燃的神圣之火。34、 Are cities or countries that may host an Olympic Games? 举办奥运会的是城市还是国家?Cities. 城市。35、 How many cities from a country are allowed to bid for the Olympic Games?允许一个国家多少个城市来申办奥运会?Only one. 仅仅一个。36、What does NOCS stand for? NOCS表示什么?National Olympic

22、 Committees. 国家奥林匹克委员会。37、What is the most revered and visible of the Olympic Games competition?奥运会竞赛最神圣的标志是什么?The Olympic Flame. 奥运圣火。38、What did the Olympic Games start as a test of? 奥运会最初测试什么?Physical strength and endurance. 体力和耐力。39、Who designed the Olympic Flag? 谁设计了奥运会会旗?Piere de Coubertin. 顾拜

23、 旦。40、Who won the Olympic Marathon race in barefoot? 谁赤脚获得了奥运会马拉松冠军?Abebe Bikila. Abebe Bikila.41、At which Olympic Games did China first win the gold medal? Which athlete won it?中国在哪届奥运会上首获金牌?哪个运动员?42、At which Olympic Games did Chinese Women Volleyball Team win the championship?中国女子排球队在哪届奥运会上获得冠军?At

24、 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles. 在第23届洛杉矶奥运会上。43、When was China accepted as member of the International Olympic Committee?中国何时被接纳为国际奥委会成员?In 1931. 。44、When did P. R. China participate the Olympic Games?中华人民共和国什么时候开始参加奥运会?In 1952. 1952年。45、Which city of China is the first one to bid for the Olympi

25、c Games?中国哪个城市最先申办奥运会?Beijing. 北京。46、Which Olympic Games did China first bid for?中国最初申办哪届奥运会? 2000 Olympic Games. 2000年奥运会。47、When did Xu Haifeng win the first Olympic gold medal for China? 许海几何时为中国获得首枚奥运金牌?On July 29 1984. 1984年7月29日。48、When did Beijing win the right of hosting the 29th Olympic Gam

26、es? 北京何时获得第29届奥运会主办权?On July 15,2001.2001年7月15日。49、What is the slogan of Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee? 北京奥运会组委会口号是什么?New Beijing, Great Olympics. 新北京,新奥运。50、Who is the president of Chinese Olympic Committee? 谁是中国奥委会主席?Yuan Weimin. 袁伟民。51、How many times did the Chinese athletes Particip

27、ate the Olympic Games before 1949?1949年以前中国运动员参加了多少次奥运会?4. 4次。52、How many Olympic champions are there in China since 23rd Olympic Games?从第23届奥运会起中国共产生了多少个奥运冠军?55. 55。53、What are the themes of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008?2008年第29届北京奥运会的主题是什么?Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics?“绿色奥运”“科技奥运”“人文奥运”。54、What are the mascots for the 2008 Beijing Games ?奥运会的吉祥物是什么?The five hues.五个福娃55、What are theirs names?他们叫什么名字?They are Beibei 、jingjing、 Huanhuan、Yingying 、Nini.贝贝 晶晶 京京 欢欢 迎迎 妮妮56、What are theirs name means for?他们的

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