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1、八年级上册英语语法总复习习题 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998八年级上册英语语法总复习习题八年级上册英语语法总复习习题Review 1:形容词比较级与最高级Unit3 study, _your grades are., the better harder, the better hardest, best2. He is _ of the two girls. tallest taller 3. The weather in Beijing is colder than _in Hainan. 4. You dont n

2、eed a lot of friends _they are good. long as fact helps to _the best in me. out about up to to do with6. We _excellent, we _one thing in common. both, both have are, both have both, have both7. Do you play it as _as your sister 8. He is talented _. musics musics music music easy for me _friends. , t

3、o make , makes , to make , make10. Its kind _you to help me. 11. Who feels_(无聊的), Lucy, Lily or Mary 12. Which is _(差), Wenzhou or Hangzhou14. In the _show, he is the most _(天赋).15. Please read _(安静的), dont read_(大声的), your father is sleeping.16. I_(与不同) you, but he is _(和相同) you. _(打破)my arm this m

4、orning, he didnt _(嘲笑) me.18. My pen is _(类似) to Larrys.20. I think she sang _(清晰) than Nelly.21. I enjoy _(唱) songs. likes_(跳舞), when he finishes _(做) homework, he spends time _(跳舞). _ _(关心) me because she is always there to listen. is _(外向)than her sister. is _(滑稽) in our class. weather is getting

5、 _and _(越来越暖和).Unit41.My parents _my education seriously last night. 2. I dont like the soap opera because the stories are _up. is _ you to decide. to B. from to up to4. He _in playing basketball. able to ready to up a role5. Hangzhou is a good place _. visit 6. The radio station _, so I like it. go

6、od music B. has a good music good music a good music like the mall because its _(crowd).8. The _(获胜者) get a good prize each.9. You should wash your hands before _(餐).10. We should listen to the teachers _(仔细的).11. He was the _(创造性的) student in our class, so he _(选择)a magic to perform. on the talent

7、show. _(is/ has) the biggest screen and _(舒适) seats. theater is _(离近) my home. can buy clothes _(最便宜) in town. do you _970 AM, think of , like , like of , think of16. -Thanks for _(告诉) me. -_.Review 2 be going to do与will do sthUnit 51.The news _good news, the sitcoms are _.A. are, educational , educ

8、ation , education , educational2. He expects _good grades, but I hope _healthy. A. to get, keep , to keep get, to keep , keeping3. They are _this problem, but I dont take part in the _(讨论).4. I want to _who broke the window. for after out 5. I am ready _cook dinner for my family, I am getting ready

9、_it. A. to, at , to , for , to6. She wants to take her mothers _to clean the room. A. room 7. The game show is _(令人愉快的)。8. I will show you the photo if it _tomorrow. come out going to come out out out9. I cant _(忍受)the scary movie, but I dont _(介意)the action movie.10. Would you mind my _(成为)an actor

10、12. What _(发生了) to you13. Zhejiang _(以而出名) the Yue _(文化).14. He is _(富有) than me, because he is a _(成功) businessman.15. He _(可能) be too young, he couldnt _(穿衣) himself.16. _, he passed the exam, but I I didn; I am an _boy. (luck)17. Theyll try_best to finish the work by _.(他们)Unit 61.Mr Green wants

11、to know your name. Please _on the paper. it down down it them down down them 2.Im going to write an article _a magazine about women and children. B. to is he going to_when he _up -A doctor., grow , grows , grows , grows your _for next year -Im going to work hard and get good grades.A. subject D. res

12、olution story had _a bus driver. do with with do at D. do at6.They _(fly) to Japan tomorrow.7.-How are you going to do that -I _(take) acting lessons.8.I like playing the violin, I want to be a likes science, he wants to be a _.9.Those are my _(person) things.10. At the _(begin) of this term, they m

13、ade some study plans.11.The _(foreign) want to _(提高) their Chinese by _(them).12. He kept on _(speak) English with his friends.13. I _ _(从事) farming ten years ago. 14. We should take up some _(爱好), do you _ _(同意) me 15. This is my _(自己的) book, I am the _(主人) of the book.16. This book is written _(被)

14、Luxun.17. I _(制定) a resolution to get good _(成绩) yesterday.19. He is so young that he cant go to school. = He is _young _go to school. =He is not _ _ to go to school.20. Let them _(做) this thing, I think they can _(做) well.22. Your father made the workers _(工作) ten hours every day.25. What about _(吃

15、) some noodles, we can keep _(健康).Unit 7 1. I feel _the bike, and unluckily, he feel _from the bike,too. , down , into , behind D. off, asleep2. He will have a trip to Qingdao if _. can3. Will people _robots in their homes be 4. Will there be much pollution in the future ,there be , there will. , it

16、 will , there is. will only be _computers, not _paper. , in , on , on , in6. People will _200 years _space stations. to be, in be,on be,in to be, on7. My mother will come back home _two days. trees in the cities. A. There is going to be will have will has will be will have _free time and _cars. A. f

17、ewer, fewer , less , fewer , more are much pollution _the earth, we should paly a part in _the earth. , saving , save , saving , to save you fight in the classroom hope so think so dont think so dont hope 12. American astronauts _rockets to the moon before some years. may be someone _my umbrella by

18、mistake. bring _job makes me feel _. , boring , boring , bored , bored robots are fun _. watch 16. Some robotes will look like humans, _might look like snakes. other 17. The roborts can_the people who are under the buildings,and can also_the sick people. after, look at for, take care of out, look in

19、to at, look after18. I need some _(纸) to wrte.19. Air _(污染)is serious.20. we should stop _(污染) the _(天空).21. _(地球) travels around the sun.22. In order to pretect the _(环境), we should _(种植)many trees.23. I will buy _(一套公寓) in the _(将来).24. _(人类) will live _(在太空).25. Some _(危险) animals are in _(危险).26

20、. They have _(已经) built lots of _(工厂).27. He _(信任) in me, so I passed the exam.28. There are three _people on the playground, _of them are students(百). _(掉落) in love with Beijing since he went there. says he _(可能) go to Wuhan.31. I think it is _(不可能).32. _(在期间) the _(假期), I visited my uncle twice.Re

21、view 3:Unit 8,Unit 9 and Unit 10Part I exam, then he _go to college.A. prepare to, prepare for for, prepare to , prepare to2. I _him, and I replied to him. from of about from3. My mother _, so she has to go to the doctor. a friend the flu for the dinner to the concert you like _(来) to my birthday pa

22、rty (先填后选) A. Id love , I like C. Sorry, Im afraid I cant. cant. you come to my housewarming party-Im sorry, _I might look after my sister. 6. I went bike _with him last fall. ride7. I didnt go to bed _I finished my homework. 8. -_you tomorrow. -See you tomorrow! 9. -_ -Its Monday, January 28th. day

23、 is it today s today s the date today10. We will _a trip to Shanghai _this month. A. have, by the end , at the end of , in the end11. I must go home _10:00, or my parents will be worried. _(赶上)the final bus to the city three days ago. _(收到) some flowers, but I didnt _(接受) them. for _(邀请) me. Thank h

24、im for his _(邀请) too. is looking forward to _(say) goodbye to you.17. They _(闲逛) with their friends last weekend.18. I _(拒绝) this invitation, but he _(回复) it yesterday.19. My sister was _(吃惊) at the news.20. _(让我吃惊的是), he passed the exam.21. A lot of _(客人) went to the _(音乐会).22. There is an _(事件) happening.23. Lions are very lazy, they sleep in the _(白天).24. He left without _(说) goodbye.Part II school will have a sports _(会议) in this autumn.s go to cheer him up because he is _(沮丧).3. Some _(建议) may be useful for you. take _(出租车)to go to school. you

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