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1、数据类型转换数据类型转换一、隐式类型转换1)简单数据类型(1)算术运算转换为最宽的数据类型eg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; int main(int argc, char* argv) int ival = 3; double dval = 3.14159; cout ival + dval endl;/ival被提升为double类型 return 0; 其运行结果:6.14159int main(int argc, char* argv)010D17D0 push ebp 010D17D1 mov

2、ebp,esp 010D17D3 sub esp,0DCh 010D17D9 push ebx 010D17DA push esi 010D17DB push edi 010D17DC lea edi,ebp-0DCh 010D17E2 mov ecx,37h 010D17E7 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh 010D17EC rep stos dword ptr es:edi int ival = 3;010D17EE mov dword ptr ival,3 double dval = 3.14159;010D17F5 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr _real40092

3、1f9f01b866e (010D6B30h) 010D17FD movsd mmword ptr dval,xmm0 cout ival + dval endl;/ival被提升为double类型010D1802 mov esi,esp 010D1804 push offset std:endlchar,std:char_traits (010D1064h) 010D1809 cvtsi2sd xmm0,dword ptr ival 010D180E addsd xmm0,mmword ptr dval 010D1813 mov edi,esp 010D1815 sub esp,8 010D

4、1818 movsd mmword ptr esp,xmm0 010D181D mov ecx,dword ptr _imp_?coutstd3V?$basic_ostreamDU?$char_traitsDstd1A (010D90A8h) 010D1823 call dword ptr _imp_std:basic_ostreamchar,std:char_traits :operator (010D90A0h) 010D1829 cmp edi,esp 010D182B call _RTC_CheckEsp (010D111Dh) 010D1830 mov ecx,eax 010D183

5、2 call dword ptr _imp_std:basic_ostreamchar,std:char_traits :operator (010D90A4h) 010D1838 cmp esi,esp 010D183A call _RTC_CheckEsp (010D111Dh) return 0;010D183F xor eax,eax 010D1841 pop edi 010D1842 pop esi 010D1843 pop ebx 010D1844 add esp,0DCh 010D184A cmp ebp,esp 010D184C call _RTC_CheckEsp (010D

6、111Dh) 010D1851 mov esp,ebp 010D1853 pop ebp 010D1854 ret (2)赋值转换为被赋值对象的类型,但不会改变赋值对象的数据类型。eg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; int main(int argc, char* argv) int ival = 4; double dval = 3.14159; ival = dval; / double-int cout dval endl; cout ival endl; return 0; 其运行结果:3.141

7、593注意:数据类型窄化转换时,注意数据溢出及丢失。(3)函数传参 当实参与形参数据类型不同时,转换为形参数据类型。eg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; double square(double dval); int main(int argc, char* argv) cout square(5) endl; return 0; double square(double dval) return dval * dval; 其运行结果:25(4)函数返回当返回类型与表达式类型不同时,转换为返回类型。eg:c

8、pp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; double difference(int ival1, int ival2); int main(int argc, char* argv) int ival1 = 2; int ival2 = 3; cout difference(2, 3) endl; return 0; double difference(int ival1, int ival2) return ival1 - ival2; /返回值被提升为double类型 其运行结果:-12)类类型(1)单参数构造函

9、数(2)赋值操作符(3)类型转换操作符eg:cpp view plain copy/ implicit conversion of classes: #include using std:cout; using std:endl; class A ; class B public: / conversion from A (constructor) B(const A& x) cout Conversion from A (constructor) endl; / conversion from A (assignment) B& operator= (const A& x) cout Con

10、version from A (assignment) endl; return *this; / conversion to A (type-cast operator) operator A() cout Conversion to A (type-cast operator) endl; return A(); ; int main(int argc, char* argv) A foo; B bar = foo; / calls constructor bar = foo; / calls assignment foo = bar; / calls type-cast operator

11、 return 0; 其运行结果:Conversion from A (constructor)Conversion from A (assignment)Conversion to A (type-cast operator)二、显示类型转换1)C风格dst = (T)srceg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; int main(int argc, char* argv) int ival; double dval = 3.14159; ival = (int)dval; / double-int cou

12、t dval endl; cout ival endl; return 0; 其运行结果:3.1415932)函数风格dst = T(src)eg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; int main(int argc, char* argv) int ival; double dval = 3.14159; ival = int(dval); / double-int cout dval endl; cout ival endl; return 0; 其运行结果:3.1415933)(1)static_cas

13、ta、 类层次结构中基类和派生类之间指针或者引用的转换。up-casting (把派生类的指针或引用转换成基类的指针或者引用表示)是安全的;down-casting(把基类指针或引用转换成子类的指针或者引用)是不安全的。b、基本数据类型之间的转换c、把空指针转换成目标类型的空指针(null pointer)d、 把任何类型的表达式转换成void类型注意:不能转换掉表达式的const、volitale或者_unaligned属性。eg1:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; class Dummy double i

14、, j; ; class Addition int x, y; public: Addition(int a, int b) x = a; y = b; int result() return x + y; ; int main(int argc, char* argv) Dummy d; Addition * padd; padd = (Addition*)&d; cout result(); return 0; 其运行结果:-1717986920不做类型检查,转换没有安全性eg2:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:e

15、ndl; class Dummy double i, j; ; class Addition int x, y; public: Addition(int a, int b) x = a; y = b; int result() return x + y; ; int main(int argc, char* argv) Dummy d; Addition * padd; padd = static_cast(&d); cout result(); return 0; (2)dynamic_cast转换类型与表达式类型相同,必须同时是类的指针、类的引用或void *.用于类的上行、下行及交叉转

16、换。一般情况下,dynamic_cast用于具有多态性的类(即有虚函数的类)的类型转换。a、上行转换时,其与static_cast效果相同;b、下行转换时,其具有类型转换的功能,比static_cast更安全;c、交叉转换时,其转换成空指针,而static_cast则不允许转换。注意:不能转换掉表达式的const、volitale或者_unaligned属性。eg:cpp view plain copy/ dynamic_cast #include #include using std:cout; using std:endl; using std:exception; class Base

17、virtual void dummy() ; class Derived : public Base int a; ; int main(int argc, char* argv) try Base * pba = new Derived; Base * pbb = new Base; Derived * pd; pd = dynamic_cast(pba); if (pd = 0) cout Null pointer on first type-cast.n; pd = dynamic_cast(pbb); if (pd = 0) cout Null pointer on second ty

18、pe-cast.n; catch (exception& e) cout Exception: e.what(); return 0; 其运行结果:Null pointer on second type-cast.(3)reinterpret_cast转换一个指针为其他类型的指针,也允许将一个指针转换为整数类型,反之亦然。这个操作符能够在非相关的类型之间进行转换。操作结果只是简单的从一个指针到别的指针的值的二进制拷贝,在类型之间指向的内容不做任何类型的检查和转换。这是一个强制转换。使用时有很大的风险,慎用之。注意:不能转换掉表达式的const、volitale或者_unaligned属性。eg

19、1:cpp view plain copy/ expre_nterpret_cast_Operator.cpp / compile with: /EHsc #include using std:cout; using std:endl; / Returns a hash code based on an address unsigned short Hash(void *p) unsigned int val = reinterpret_cast(p); return (unsigned short)(val (val 16); int main(int argc, char* argv) i

20、nt a20; for (int i = 0; i 20; i+) cout Hash(a + i) endl; eg2:cpp view plain copy#include struct Foo ; struct Bar ; int main() Foo* f = new Foo; Bar* b1 = f; Bar* b2 = static_cast(f); Bar* b3 = dynamic_cast(f); Bar* b4 = const_cast(f); Bar* b5 = reinterpret_cast(f); return 0; 1- 已启动全部重新生成: 项目: test,

21、配置: Debug Win32 -1 main.cpp1f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(10): error C2440: “初始化”: 无法从“Foo *”转换为“Bar *”1 f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(10): note: 与指向的类型无关;转换要求 reinterpret_cast、C 样式转换或函数样式转换1f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(11): error C2440: “static_cast”: 无法从“Foo *”转换为“Bar *”1 f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(11

22、): note: 与指向的类型无关;转换要求 reinterpret_cast、C 样式转换或函数样式转换1f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(12): error C2683: “dynamic_cast”:“Foo”不是多态类型1 f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(3): note: 参见“Foo”的声明1f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(13): error C2440: “const_cast”: 无法从“Foo *”转换为“Bar *”1 f:workspacetesttestmain.cpp(13): note: 与指

23、向的类型无关;转换要求 reinterpret_cast、C 样式转换或函数样式转换= 全部重新生成: 成功 0 个,失败 1 个,跳过 0 个 =(4)const_cast修改类型的const或volatile属性a、常量指针被转化成非常量指针,转换后指针指向原来的变量(即转换后的指针地址不变)eg1:cpp view plain copy/ const_cast #include using std:cout; using std:endl; void print(char * str) cout str endl; int main(int argc, char* argv) const

24、 char * c = sample text; print(const_cast (c); return 0; 其运行结果:sample texteg2:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; class A public: A() m_iNum = 0; int m_iNum; ; int main(int argc, char* argv) /1、指针指向类 const A *pca1 = new A; A *pa2 = const_cast(pca1); /常量对象转换为非常量对象 pa2-m_iNum =

25、 200; /转换后指针指向原来的对象 cout m_iNum m_iNum endl; /200 200 /2、指针指向基本类型 const int ica = 100; int * ia = const_cast(&ica); *ia = 200; cout *ia ica endl; /200 100 return 0; 其运行结果:200 200200 100b、常量引用转为非常量引用eg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; class A public: A() m_iNum = 1; int m_i

26、Num; ; int main(int argc, char* argv) A a0; const A &a1 = a0; A a2 = const_cast(a1); /常量引用转为非常量引用 a2.m_iNum = 200; cout a0.m_iNum endl; cout a1.m_iNum endl; cout a2.m_iNum endl; return 0; 其运行结果:11200c、常量对象(或基本类型)不可以被转换成非常量对象(或基本类型)eg:cpp view plain copy#include using std:cout; using std:endl; class A public: A() m_iNum = 1; int m_iNum; ; int main(int ar

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