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1、上海海事大学考研资料英语请注意:如在考试中遇到相同或类似的题目,请按本答案解答,有些答案可能有争议,但此为改卷标准(最佳)答案,否则会被扣分。2009年考前语法资料. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb particle. 15%(不要填连词)1This situation has brought about some difficulties for the further expansion of their cooperation.2China has launched a fresh drive to

2、 crack down on (take severe messures against) bad English in the run-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.3Adults over age 80 are the fastest growing segment of the population and must will spend years dependent on others for the most basic needs.4There were doubtless adequate reasons why the suggestion

3、was not acceded to.( acceded to同意就任加入)补充:同意 The authorities didnt accede to the strikers demands.就任They are ready to accede to our request for further information.我们要是还需要资料,他们乐于随时提供。加入She acceded to the throne in 1952.她在一九五二年即位。Many countries have acceded to the treaty.许多国家已加入了那个条约。5The printer has

4、missed out a line.(miss out遗漏)补:Make sure you dont miss any details out.6The children seem to have been dragged up anyhow instead of being properly trained and educated.(dragged up :未尽抚养义务,粗心大意抚养;instead of 要和rather than 区别,rather than 前后都是并列的词、短语、分句)7 caution him against being late.(相当于warn sb that

5、 sth is dangerous)补充:Business leaders are cautioning again hasty action that would hamper flexibility8Police have appealed for information(to make a seriou public request for help,money,etc)9Many families once content to buy new and pay later after me, eager to trim their reliance on credit cards(依赖

6、)10He has called for an investigation into the committees spending.(要求,呼吁,尤其是公众的呼吁)11His friends dropped off one by one. (离开,散去,死去,渐渐减少)12We cant be prevailed on/upon/with either of us to abandon our friends13You try and solve an problem and wind up with/in/at another one.14The graffiti were painted

7、 out(painted out用油漆、涂料除去)15He would be doing his best to liaise with the government.补充:the education officers liaised between students, schools and colleges.(between a,b and c后面有and,则用between)16 His lips were white with tension。(表伴随状态)1734% of the respondents are opposed to the idea while 30% suppor

8、ted18If we opt for more equity in the taxation system, through higher corporation tax, for example, investment and growth may suffer.短语opt for something=opt to do something(选择)19. Most soldiers felt let down today as the result of fighting in our surprise landings behind the German line20. Her right

9、s in this case are subordinate to the rights of children and their need for the best possible education they can get.(less important than 次要与)21. The nations which entered into trade agreements did so because they were peace-loving nations22. The interests of the large majority of the population are

10、 incompatible (不兼容)with a social system based on the private ownership of the means of production.23. Several foreign correspondents were allowed to sit in on the hearings24. We try to guess at whats going to be popular. You can guess what happened next. We can only guess at the cause of the crash.2

11、5. He is trying to back out of his bargain.(食言) Its too late to back out now./ after youve signed the contract, itll be impossible to back out./ the government is trying to back out of its commitment to reduce pollution.26. The postitions of the two sides remain poles apart on all fundamental issues

12、27. China indicated it had concerns about/with/over participating in inspections of cargo abound for North Korea.(开往)The rise of concern about the environment./ the growing concern over inflation./ concern with worsening law and order.28. No food or beverage will be removed from the tables(从挪开)29. I

13、t admits of no excuse30. Hes played out by overwork and worry.(exhausted)31. It was adapted to/from a novel by Tom. (改编为)32.A good government has a right to allegiance from the citizen(一个好政府有权要求公民为其效忠)33. He choked down/back a sob. (抑制)34.He bent before the storm from over his fathers anger(bend bef

14、ore在面前屈服,from 由于)35.once youve given your word,dont try to back out.36.She hung back from the accident not wanting to see what was there。(却步,犹豫)37.South sharks has been ruled out of the four-day cricket match against New South Wales(罚出)38. The days began to draw in after summer39. The sickness appea

15、rs to be a gastrointestinal virus that often breaks out on cruise ships, affecting people for about a day.I was still living in London when the war broke out. / does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out/ fighting broke out between demonstrators and police40. The Roman Catholic Church and ot

16、her religious organizations must abide by a state law that requires most employee health insurance policies to cover the cost of contraception(避孕).You have to abide by the referees decision.41. A 50 ton locomotive can not stop on a dime. 注释:Stop on a dime means “stop very quickly”./ dime store表示“一元小

17、店”42. Tools and painted pottery bore witness to the beginning of human agriculture and settled life.(bare witness to见证) The empty workshops bear witness to the industrial past. 短语bear witness/testimony to something.二、改错Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences without altering the basic int

18、ended meaning, leave out those you deem acceptable. 15%(本题中的例子为正确例句) 重要提示:!改错题如有错误请注意把整句话都写到答题纸上,不要只写错误的地方,否则得零分!即错误的改成你认为正确的抄上,正确的直接写一个correct。而非按我们以下的解答方式。1.At the time the friendship store was exclusive open to foreign visitors(exclusively)2The emigrants were refused admission to the United State

19、s(admittance,admission译为进入机构组织,admittance进一个地方)3.What he said and what he did does not agree。(do)4. As usual they achieved part of their purpose,finding they had hold of the wrong and of the animal(finding 改为 only to find不好的,出乎意料的结果)I opened and closed a dialogue box, only to find myself zoomed in t

20、o an unusable detail level./ I went all the way to his home, only to find him out at a meeting5. For this reason, its vital that we must (改成should) find a way to make corcrete progress immediately.6. Excuse me, (加but) would it be ok if I go in front of your group?补充:Im sorry ,and I was reading a let

21、ter(but)Bush was in litter doubt (加about )how the us-led loalision would bring down Saddam.7.They stood up for classical education hard-earned knowledge,experiences(experience)and produce。(experience可数是“经历”不可数是“经验”)8.He spends a lot of time obsessed about me(obsessing)9. The executive authorities sh

22、ould see to (加it)that every law is enforced10.He added that he needed to cash because his retirement funds were dwindled。(改为dwindling,dwindle无被动)11. They are rightful upset that several public official may have taken advantage of their official position to advance personal financial interests. Right

23、ful改为rightfully(他们的失望是合情合理的)12.He is a nice guy except (加for) his hot temper(except前后同类,except for前后不同类)补:She felt fine except for being a little tired(except,因为都是指身体状态)13. Having visited Nanjing and Xian, our next site is Tibet.改为:We made Tibet our next site.14.It was suggested that the projects bu

24、ilder signed (should sign)a warranty to ensure the building was finished.三、动词时态填空Put the verbs(in the brackets) into the proper forms.(30%) 提示:答案必须填完整1A new report claims that one in fire Brits would prefer to have been bore(bear)French2.The thief was observed entering(enter)the room secretly3.The o

25、ld woman must have slipped(slip)them in his kimon while he slept(slip偷窃)4.Vandalism has made the surface dangerous to stand (stand)on in certain places5.He is sure that he will not regret making(make)the decision6. Judging (judge) from previous polls conducted by the same firm, Madrid has gained. 7.

26、 Assuming (assume) the economy holds up its targets look reasonable. 8.He had been waiting (wait)to make it public until funding was in place补:you had been giving everything(give)He had been mentioning (mentioned)your name to me他过去多次向我提到你9.If I had predicted that you would have thought that I was cr

27、azed marijuana addict(pridict, think)10. We had been working(work) on superman for 3 years and people liked it. 四、连接句子Combine each group of sentences into one by means of subordination in the most logical and coherent way: (答案需填完整的句子)1.she then order me to get rid of the beer./I might spill some on

28、the sheets.For fear that I might spill some on the sheets, she.2.the post office board approved the contract./business cases were made for each individual project.The post.on condition that business cases be made for each individual project.3.Accidents involving elderly climbers have been increasing

29、./they tend to under-estimate the risk involved in mountaineering.Accidents .because they tend.4.Not all of these changes are significant for small to midsized enterprises./several stand out as potential winners.Although not all., several.5.The player is extremely pocket-able and fairly easy to use.

30、/ the player can play back music, video, and photo files.Even though it can play., the player is .五用非限定从句或非谓语动词短语改写句子1.after the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.The president (being) assassinated, the whole I didnt receive any letter from him, I gave him a call.

31、Not receiving any.3.he came into the room when his ears were red with, his ears red with he had finished his homework, he went out.Having finished.5.because he had not received a reply, he decided to write again.Not having received, we are confident of our own future, w

32、e are now free of that inordinate fear of hegemonism.Confident of our own future,.六翻译无细节评分,主要从宏观上评分七作文,主要考连接词,注意对作文内容要求低,不要求创新,注重语言表达能力,多用并列,从属等连接词,句式上实现多变分数就会高 A Test For Your ThoughtsFrom middle school through high school we spend days, perhaps even weeks, preparing for and taking exams. However, were not judged on merit, creativity and innovation. We are

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