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1、商务词汇Unit 1(1)Chief Executive Officer (CEO):首席执行官Chief Financial Officer (CFO):首席财务官/财务总监division(n.):部门hierarchical (adj.):等级的invoice (n.):发票query (n.):疑问,询问recruitment (n.):招募新人tech engineering: 高科技工程operate instructions:执行指令supervise:监督,管理;指导 supervisor 监管员inspector:n. 检查员,巡视员(复数形式:+s);检查器the boar

2、d:董事会;委员会oversee:vt. 监督;审查;俯瞰;偷看到,无意中看到self-managing:自我管理;自主管理corporate reorganization:公司重组appraisal (n.): 评估; distribution channel: 经销渠道; encroach (v.): 侵入; incentive (n.):鼓励; obsolete (adj.):过时的; omnipotent (adj.):万能的; org chart:机构表; plateau (v.):保持不变,停滞不前; renovation (n.):重新装修,维修limitation: n. 局限

3、性;(限制)因素;边界in bold: 粗体地;黑体的;加粗地scenario: n.剧情梗概;剧本提纲;电影脚本;分镜头剧本;(尤指有几种可行计划的)方案;设想;事态,局面aligned: adj. 对齐的;均衡的;协调一致;v. 结盟(align的过去式);使成一直线constraint: n. 数 约束;局促,态度不自然;强制;缺陷;不足hastily: adv. 匆忙地;急速地;慌忙地assumption: n. 假定;设想;担任;采取belief: n. 相信,信赖;信仰;教义disruptive: adj. 破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的lever: n. 杠杆;控制杆;vt. 用杠

4、杆撬动;把作为杠杆;vi. 用杠杆撬be accountable to: report to be in charge of: 负责,掌管Inc.是英文incorporated(公司)的简称production supervisor: 生产主管brochure: n. 手册,小册子maintenance & security managers: 维护和安全经理shop-floor workers: 车间工人see to:注意;负责;照料accommodate (v.): to bring into harmony, to reconcile; external (adj.): 外部的 inte

5、rnal (adj.): 内部的; overhead cost: 管理费用; time-consuming (adj.): 费时的merger:n. (企业等的)合并;并购;吸收(如刑法中重罪吸收轻罪)reluctant:adj. 不情愿的;勉强的;顽抗的acquisition:n.收购,获得物,获得incorporate:vt. 包含,吸收;体现;把合并;vi. 合并;混合;组成公司;adj. 合并的;一体化的;组成公司的corporate:adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的;团体的strategy-making:战略决策incentive:n. 动机;刺激;adj. 激励的;刺激的(

6、制度,手段)share price:股价undertake:进行,做(2)cohesiveness (n.): 凝聚力; doctrine (n.): 教条; enhance (v.): 加强、提高 essence (n.): 精髓; harmony (n.): 和谐; intention (n.) 企图,目的; loyalty (n.): 忠诚; vitality (n.): 活力,生命力.bureaucracy: n. 官僚主义;官僚机构;官僚政治frills: n. 虚饰,臭架子(不是复数)photocopiers:n. 复印机(photocopier的复数);影印机internally

7、:adv. 内部地;国内地;内在地 externally:外国的,与外国有关的;对外的,外交的,与国际事务有关的;外的,外部的,外面的,外侧的converted shed:转换流essentially:adv. 本质上;本来complexity:n. 复杂,复杂性;复杂错综的事物profit-driven:n. 获利导向,利润驱动core concept:核心概念 extensiveness:n. 延伸;大范围 infinity:n. 无穷;无限大;无限距capabilities:n. 能力(capability的复数);功能;性能stimulate:vt. 刺激;鼓舞,激励;vi. 起刺激作

8、用;起促进作用merger: n. (企业等的)合并;并购;吸收(如刑法中重罪吸收轻罪)enterprise:n. 企业;事业;进取心;事业心Paradigm shift:典范转移;思考模式的转移bust out: 增长; clash (n.): 冲突; do due diligence: 做尽职调查 foster (v.): vt. 培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等)adj. 收养的,养育的 globalization (n.): 全球化; purveyor (n.): 供应商; transform (v.): 使完全改变.Corporate Values:企业价值观Integrity:n. 完

9、整;正直;诚实;廉正 straightforward:adj. 简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv. 直截了当地;坦率地Customer Focus:以客户为中心 acquisition:n. 兼并,购并;获得,所获之物;v. 获得,取得asset:n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件adaptability (n.): 适应性; autonomy (n.): 自主权 consistency (n.): 一致性; innovation (n.): 创新; mission (n.): 使命,任务; return on investment: 投资回报; sluggish (adj.): 迟

10、缓的,停滞的. have an edge in:有一个优势 diversity: n. 多样性;差异Unit 2adjourn (v.): 结束agenda (n.): 会议日程; clarify (v.): 澄清; delegate (v.): 分配任务; focus (v.):集中注意力于; get down to business: 开始谈正事; minutes (n.): 会议记录; objectives (n.): 目标; participants (n.): 参与者; productive (adj.): 有用的,有结果的 survey (n.): 调研; to cover eve

11、rything: 包含了所有(内容)consultant: n. 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生encounter: vt. 遭遇,邂逅;遇到;n. 遭遇,偶然碰见;vi. 遭遇;偶然相遇respective: adj. 分别的,各自的chair vt. 担任(会议的)主席:allocate (v.): 分配; brainstorm (v.): 集思广益,集体研讨; chat (v.): 聊天; collaborate (v.): 协作; critical (adj.): 关键的,重要的; implement (v.): 执行,实施; realistic (adj.): 现实的,可实现的courtes

12、y (n.): 礼貌; intimidating (v.): 令人害怕的; neutral (adj.): 中性的,中立的, 客观的; partial (adj.): 部分的; point of view: 观点; softener (n.): phrase which make speech less direct and more polite; 起软化作用者(或事物)speak up and make yourself heard: voice your opinion; tactful (adj.): 圆滑的,委婉的; take a position: 选择一个立场; take the

13、 floor: ask to speak during a meeting; your views count: your opinions are important to consider.Taking the Floor:ask to speak in a meetingrepetition 重述 clarification 阐述 paraphrasing n. 释义;改述;演释曲;vt. 改述vi. 释义;意译enquire (v.): 询问; impression (n.): 印象; identify (v.): establish the name and identity of

14、someone; party (n.): particular person or contact; small talk: social talk, simple questions and comments(闲聊,聊天);surname (n): 姓courteous:adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的 receipt n. 收到;收据;收入;vt. 收到set pattern:套路,固定模式 Inc. :incorporated ink:preitid:公司1.Im calling about 2. Im calling to enquire about :used to state the p

15、urpose of your callabruptly (adv.): 突然地; convey (v.): 传达,传递; gesture (n.): 手势,动作; pretend (v.): 假装; tone (n.): 语气 make it (v.): be able to keep, attend an appointment; move it (v.): change the time of an appointment; ordinal number (n.): 序数词(例如:第一,第二等) something has come up: an unexpected event; tie

16、d up: 繁忙; urgent (adj.): 紧急的Unit 3brochure (n.): 小册子; concise (adj.): 简明扼要的; complimentary close (n.): (信末签名前)结束语,结束问候; connotation (n.): 含意,内涵; correspondence (n.): 信函; ethnicity (n.): 种族,民族 ; extraneous (adj.): 额外的,多余的; initials (n.): 姓名的首写字母; irrelevant (adj.): 无关的; jargon (n.): 术语,行话; objective

17、(adj.): 客观的; redundant (adj.): 多余的,累赘的; salutation (n.): (信函开头)称谓; style (n.): 风格; terminology (n.): 专业用语; tone (n.): 语气,口气; wordiness (adj.): 罗嗦,繁琐assertive (adj.): (话语或行为)坚决而有礼的; context (n.): 上下文,背景知识; format (n.): 格式; realistic (adj.): 现实的,实际的address (v.): 称呼; copy notation: the line in a formal

18、 letter indicating that the letter is being sent to someone other than the addressee; dignitaries (n.): (政府、社会机构或教会)高级官员; enclosure notation: the line in a formal letter indicating that additional items are included with the letter; enquire (v.): 查询, 询问(也可拼作inquire); full name (n.): 姓名; function (n.

19、): 功能; heading (n.): 标题; letterhead (n.): (信函)抬头; reference initials: the line in a formal letter indicating the initials of the person who typed the letter; signature block: the section of a letter with the name, title and signature of the writer.colleague (n.): 同事; enclosure (n.): something includ

20、ed with a letter in the same envelope; input (n.): advice or comment, information or resources that someone receives; intended recipient: the person who is supposed to receive a message; medium (n.): something used to communicate or express things; perspective (n.): a particular way of thinking abou

21、t something; transmit (v.): 传输,传送accommodations (n.): a room or building to stay in, work in or live in; briefing (n.): a meeting at which information or instructions are given to people; check-in counter (n.): (机场)办理登机手续柜台; departures and arrivals (n.): the times and flight numbers of airplanes tha

22、t leave and arrive at an airport; embark (v.): 开始(行程); get back to you: to return a call or letter to someone after gathering information needed; handy (adj.): 容易拿到的,方便的; itinerary (n): 旅行日程安排; round-trip (n.): 往返的; on the road: to be traveling away from home or the office; pencil-in: write somethin

23、g in a diary or appointment book using a pencil so that it can easily be changed if necessary; personal assistant (n.): 私人助理 ; squeeze in: to make room for an activity or appointment between others in a busy schedule; upcoming (adj.): 来临的,到来的.corridor (n.): 走廊,过道; destination (n.): 目的地; domestic (ad

24、j.): 国内的; security checkpoint: (机场)安检处; suite (n.): (旅馆或写字楼)套房; tip (n.): 小费address (v.): 称呼; annoyed (adj.): 生气的,不安的,厌烦的; gesture (n.): 手势动作,表情; global (adj.): 全球的; inconsiderate (adj.): 不体谅的,不在乎的; initial contact: the first meeting at the beginning of a business relationship; misunderstanding (n.)

25、: 误解; non-linguistic (adj.): 非语言的; offensive (adj.): 冒犯的; punctuality (n.): 准时; puzzle (v.): 使困惑; reception (n.): 接待; rude (adj.): 无礼的,粗鲁的; sacred (adj.): 神圣的,重要的; see it through the eyes of: to look at or consider a situation social conventions: 社会习俗; space bubble: the distance between people that

26、is considered comfortable break the ice: begin a conversation by asking a question or commenting on a topic; controversial (adj.): 有争议的; conversationalist (n): a person who is good at connecting with people and conversing with them; conversation starters: an opening line, comment or question used to

27、 start a conversation; elaboration technique: asking questions based on the last thing a person says; formulaic (adj.): 固定的,模式化的; hospitality (n.): 好客,热情; Its part of the job: a set expression meaning that something is part of ones work responsibilities; line of work: 行业; mutual (adj.): 双方的; ritual

28、(n.): customs, a series of actions which people regularly carry out in a particular situation; sight (n.): 旅游景点; socialize (v.): meet with other people socially; talking business: discussion of serious business matters; to get acquainted: to begin to know someone personally; work out Unit 4bond (n.)

29、: 债券; coin (v.): 杜撰; credit card fraud: 信用卡欺诈; cyberspace (n.): 网络空间 errand (n.): 日常琐事; firewall (n.): (计算机)防火墙; fund (n.): 基金; interchangeably (adv.): 可互换地; loyalty (n.): 忠诚 merchandise (n.): 商品; put (someone) off: 使推迟或停止; rival (n.): 对手 stock (n.): 股票; take advantage of: 利用acknowledge (v.): 承认; al

30、ternative (n.): 选择; apparel (n.): 衣服; browse (v.): 浏览; bulky (adj.): 笨重的; cellphone (n.): 手提电话; cognitive (adj.): 认知的,感知的; data (n.): (datum的复数形式)数据,信息; decline (v.): 拒绝; desirable (adj.): 令人想望的; dramatically (adv.): 戏剧性地,迅速地; facilitate (v.): 协助,辅助; graph (n.): 图表; incomparable (adj.): 无法比较的; likelihood (n.): 可能性; magnify (v.): 放大; minority (n.): 少数(人); proportion (n.): 比例; respectively (adv.): 各自地; retail (n.): 零售; simultaneously (adv.): 同时地; soar (v.): 迅速提高(生长); solicitation (n.): 恳求,请求 (v.): to do physical exercise or training.accomplish (v.): 成功完成;

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