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1、Confucius,A Great educator&Thinker,Confucius(Chinese:孔子;pinyin:Kong zi),(551-479BC)BackgroundEducatorThinkerStatesmanA symbol of Chinese culture,Background,Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C.,and he was born in the state of Lu.His original name was Kung Chiu.His father,commander

2、 of a district in Lu,died three years after Confucius was born,leaving the family in poverty;but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education.He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.,Education,He established first private school in China and accepted the students from e

3、verywhere.Subjects:Manners,Music,Literature,Riding,Archery,and Mathematics(礼,乐,射,御,书,数)He have 3000 students.Among them,72 beome famous scholars.,Confucius Quotes,Keep what you say and carry out what you do.(言必信,行必果。)Not to mend the fault one has made is to err indeed.(己所不欲,勿施于人。)The commander of th

4、e forces of a large State may be carried off,but the will of even a common man cannot be taken from him.(三军可夺师也,匹夫不可夺志也。),philosophy,Confucius founded the Confucianism,which deeply influenced not only in the daily lives,but also the ideology(思想体系)of later generations in China.It is far-reaching that

5、 we are still living under the shadow of its sorroundings.As you know,it is called the Harmonious Society nowadays.,The basic Confucius doctrines(经济学说)are embodied(V.表现)in the following characters:,仁 benevolence(仁慈),to be humanity,mercy,and kindness义 justness,righteousness(正义),obligation(义务),friendl

6、y礼 rituals(仪式),ceremony,manners,courteous(礼貌)智 wisdom,resourcefulness(足智多谋),intellgence,well educated信 royalty,faithful,reliable,responsible,accountable(有责任的),creditable(诚信),Politics,As a statesman,Confucius didnt play an important role in his homeland.Once had he been the acting prime ministre,however,during his whole-life political career,he had to go to other countries back and forth.,A symbol of Chinese culture,Map for confucius Institutes Worldwide,

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