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1、International Road Transport uniting EAST to West and North to South-the ECO experience in developing regional cooperation(28 Nov 2012/Izmir)Dr.Esmaeil Tekyeh SadatDirector of Transport and Comunication ECO SecretariatTehran,11/19/2023,1,11/19/2023,2,ECO Traditional Transit Transport Connectivity Ma

2、p of Marco Polos travels in 12711295,11/19/2023,2,ECO Present Geostrategic Location,Features of the ECO region:,11/19/2023,3,Features of the ECO region:,ECO Geostrategic Economic Capacities,Historical transit routs Silk Road New transit opportunities Strengthening of regional integration Dynamic dev

3、elopment Richness of resources Relative sustainability to crises Assistance of international community Landlocked countries Access to the sea Border with the EU Border with the Customs Union(EurAsEC)Border with China Post-conflict regions,11/19/2023,4,Strategic North-South/East West Transit Transpor

4、t corridors in the ECO Region,Kazakh Uzbak-Turkaman-Iran-Turkey Transit Transport corridor Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul Transit transport corridor Khergiz-Tajik-Afgan-Iran and Turkey Transit transport corridorKazakh-Turkaman-Iran and Turkey Transit transport corridorBandarabas Almaty Transit Transport

5、Corridors,11/19/2023,5,Islamabad Tehran Istanbul Road-Rail Connectivity,11/19/2023,6,Almaty-Istanbul Bandarabas Railway Connectivity,11/19/2023,7,Almaty-Istanbul Railway Connectivity,11/19/2023,8,Rasht-Astara Baku railway Connectivity,11/19/2023,9,Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan Iran Rail Connectivity,11/19

6、/2023,10,Key Challenges in Transit Transport corridors in ECO region,Stream lining ECO border control custom procedure Clarifying inter connection among transport,associations and customsparticipation actively in TIR Convention and harmonization conventions,11/19/2023,11,Solutions for Stream lining

7、ECO border control custom procedure,Promoting the TIR-EPD and SafeTIRDevelopment of TIR parking placesimplementing TIR Multimodal SystemImplementation TIR in Afghanistan Accession of Pakistan to TIRHarmonization of TariffCreate,Maintain,operate and evaluate harmonized time schedules,11/19/2023,12,So

8、lutions for Clarifying inter connection among transport,associations and customs,Using TTCC as a pillar for inter conection ECO Transport,Customs and associations Continues communication among Railway operational unitsDevelopment of Scheduled Rail Services particularly block train,11/19/2023,13,Solu

9、tions for participation actively in TIR Convention and harmonization conventions,Active participation in WP30 and AC2 Active participating in TIR ExBAssistance to Afghanistan to expedite the process of launching the TIR systemAccession of Pakistan to the TIR ConventionAccession of Pakistan,Afghanist

10、an and Turkmenistan to harmonization Convention ECO-IRU Pilot projects,Join Workshop and Survey,11/19/2023,14,ECO IRU Cooperation Based upon MOU and TTFA on Transit Facilitation,Monitoring Transit Facilitation at Border StationMonitoring Transit Facilitation at accessible PortsMonitoring Transit Fac

11、ilitation at Multimodal Terminal,11/19/2023,15,Monitoring Transit Facilitation at Border Station,Truck Caravan 2010ECO RMT Project 2011,11/19/2023,16,Monitoring Transit Facilitation at accessible Ports,Bandar Abas Conference,Oct 2011,11/19/2023,17,Monitoring Transit Facilitation at Multimodal Termin

12、al,Further ECO-IRU study on using TIR in Multimodal Terminal,11/19/2023,18,11/19/2023,19,ECO/IRU cooperationJoint achievements and findings,(i)ECO-IRU Silk Road Truck Caravan(October 2010)was organized to identify actual road transport conditions in the Region(ii)Upon instruction of ECO Heads of Sta

13、te in December 2010,they agreed to implement ECO Regular Monitoring of Trucks in partnership with NELTI-3(ECO RMT),where 29 companies in 8 ECO Member States regularly provided data,11/19/2023,19,Page 19,(c)International Road Transport Union(IRU)2011,11/19/2023,20,key findings of the Silk Road Truck

14、Caravan 2010,Major obstacles on implementation of TIR Convention include:Issuance of visa formalities,Border crossing points and infrastructure Lack of harmonization of customs and border crossing regulations,Duplication of controls on both sides of borders,Different requirements in terms of accompa

15、nying documentsLack of parking place,Standardization of highways,Unofficial payments,Differences of price of fuel,Manual processing of documents,Limited working hours at the border crossing points and,Long waiting queues,11/19/2023,20,Good Practices on Insurance Action Plan,Developing Criterias for

16、enhancing ECO Capacity Building for Establishment White Card like green Card&organizing Training coursesReceiving National Report and developing Master Plan in cooperation with Consultant,11/19/2023,21,11/19/2023,21,Good Practices on ECO PPP Initiatives,ECOLPAF InitiativesInitiating joint action cou

17、rse with IRU,UICUse the potential of ECO Bank for transport projectsUsing potential of ECO member states for ECO ProjectsPlanning for ECO Business Transit FORUMS,11/19/2023,22,11/19/2023,22,Good Practices on Uniform ECO Visa Sticker,Organizing Six ECO High Level ECO High Official Consular meetings i

18、n Tehran Preparation Uniform ECO Visa Sticker and Comprehensive report and check list by IranWill organizing ECO Senior Visa Officer in 2012,11/19/2023,23,Good Practices on Permit,Initiate study on how to create ECO License similar in nature with ECMT,11/19/2023,24,Good Practices on ECO Key Operatio

19、nal Corridors,Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul Corridor(ITI)Iran-Afghanistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Corridor(KIAT),11/19/2023,25,ECO operational corridors,Page 26,KTAI Corridor:Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran,ITI Corridor:Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul,Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul Corridor(ITI)Action Plan,Us

20、ing TIR along the Corridor Pakistan accession to TIR Shortly(Cooperation with IRU)Developing a Logistic Centers and Standard Road along the Corridor Organizing High Level Working Group,11/19/2023,27,11/19/2023,27,Iran-Afghanistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Corridor(KIAT)Action Plan(Herat Meeting,May 2012

21、),Implementing TIR in AfghanistanRunning two TRUCKS with TIR along Iran borderPlanning to run another two Trucks along Turkey BorderOrganizing High level working Group,11/19/2023,28,11/19/2023,28,11/19/2023,29,ThanksEsmaeil Tekyeh SadatDirector of Transport&CommunicationPhD(Organization Development)Web:www.ECOsecretariat.orgEmail:Director.TCECOsecretariat.org1 Golbou Alley,Kamranieh,Tehran,IR.IranTelefax:(+9821)2613 1409Tel:(+9821)2283 1733-4Fax:(+9821)2283 1732,

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