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1、used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses en

2、thusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to f

3、ind articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based

4、on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the recti

5、fication target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,a

6、nd will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the 思考:三个作品它们的情绪是怎样的?基思考:三个作品它们的情绪是怎样的?基本曲调是否相似?本曲调是否相似?used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold explo

7、ration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance

8、 party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout

9、.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the 一、历史风俗 二、艺术特色三、社会影响used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work s

10、tandard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Co

11、nsciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the pe

12、ople wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the 一、历史风俗一、历史风俗采茶灯又称采茶扑蝶,是采茶灯又称采茶扑蝶,是福建省福建省的汉族的汉族民俗舞蹈,起源于龙岩市新罗区苏坂乡民俗舞蹈,起源于龙岩市新罗区苏坂乡美山村,迄今已有二百七十多年的历史。美山村,迄今已有二百七十多年的历史。龙岩采茶灯被群众视为吉祥歌舞,同中龙岩采茶灯被群众视为吉祥歌舞,同中国汉族传统的龙灯舞狮一样,多在农历国汉族传统的龙灯舞狮一样,多在农历新年、元宵期间、庙会、堂会踩街时表新年、元宵期间、庙会、堂会踩街时表演。采茶灯的歌舞源于当地汉族劳

13、动人演。采茶灯的歌舞源于当地汉族劳动人民采茶活动,表现人们上山采茶过程中民采茶活动,表现人们上山采茶过程中欢乐的心情及与茶园、花蝶等大自然和欢乐的心情及与茶园、花蝶等大自然和谐相处的情景。谐相处的情景。采茶灯采茶灯整个歌舞整个歌舞以采茶姑娘追扑茶树间蝴蝶的一段舞蹈以采茶姑娘追扑茶树间蝴蝶的一段舞蹈最为精彩。所以最为精彩。所以扑蝶扑蝶这段音乐成为这段音乐成为采茶灯采茶灯的高潮部分。的高潮部分。used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold explorat

14、ion of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance pa

15、rty spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout.2

16、enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the 二、艺术特色二、艺术特色采茶灯的音乐旋律、伴采茶灯的音乐旋律、伴奏锣鼓、舞蹈语汇、队奏锣鼓、舞蹈语汇、队形变化有其鲜明的艺术形变化有其鲜明的艺术特点和个性特征。它的特点和个性特征。它的音乐采用的是宫廷流落音乐采用的是宫廷流落汉族民间的古典音调和汉族民间的古典音调和当地的民间小调,音乐当地的民间小调,音乐曲调节奏明快,旋律优曲调节奏明快,旋律优美,边舞边唱美

17、,边舞边唱,深受群深受群众的喜爱。据称,凡有众的喜爱。据称,凡有龙岩人聚集的地方,都龙岩人聚集的地方,都传唱着自己家乡的歌谣传唱着自己家乡的歌谣龙岩龙岩“采茶灯采茶灯”.used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have f

18、ear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,D

19、eng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfactio

20、n as the 思考:音乐中出现思考:音乐中出现了哪些音?了哪些音?used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry

21、 about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and

22、 practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the.民族五声调式 1 2 3 5 6 宫 商 角 徵 羽歌曲音阶排列 6 1 2 3

23、5 6羽调式 used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and lo

24、sses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represen

25、ts to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work

26、 based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,th

27、e rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thi

28、nking,and will learn throughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the 思考:这段音乐中除了刚才老师演奏的古筝外思考:这段音乐中除了刚才老师演奏的古筝外还有哪些演奏乐器?还有哪些演奏乐器?春天来了春天来了是是由高胡由高胡 古筝古筝 扬琴这三种民族乐器进行演扬琴这三种民族乐器进行演奏的奏的民乐三重奏曲民乐三重奏曲。三件乐器分别演奏不同声部,叫作三。三件乐器分别演

29、奏不同声部,叫作三重奏重奏 。春天来了春天来了是曲作者是曲作者雷雨声雷雨声取材于福建民歌取材于福建民歌采茶灯采茶灯和云南民歌和云南民歌小河淌水小河淌水的音乐曲调改编创作而成的的音乐曲调改编创作而成的 。乐曲的引子,在高胡激昂的旋律和扬琴、古筝强有力的琶乐曲的引子,在高胡激昂的旋律和扬琴、古筝强有力的琶音伴奏下,仿佛把我们带进了犹如一江春水直流而下美丽音伴奏下,仿佛把我们带进了犹如一江春水直流而下美丽春景中。春景中。used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the work based on the actual,b

30、old exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target

31、1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Consciousness to study Marxism Leninism,Mao Zedong thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,especially seriously study and practice the Three Represents to find articles or secretarial resource network,and more original!to thinking,and will learn t

32、hroughout.2 enhance the concept of strong purpose and serve the people wholeheartedly,and always put the peoples satisfaction as the 思考:这段音乐的结构?说一说每部分音乐的速度、节奏、思考:这段音乐的结构?说一说每部分音乐的速度、节奏、情绪都发生了怎样的变化?情绪都发生了怎样的变化?a+b+a a+b+a 单三部曲式结构单三部曲式结构 used to consider the problem with experience,think things in the

33、 work based on the actual,bold exploration of the way and method is relatively small.4 work standard of excellence.Treatment questions sometimes have fear of difficulty,looking indecisive,ignored.Worry about personal gains and losses enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,reduce the working standard.Two,the rectification target1 enhance party spirit of consciousness,firm ideals and beliefs.Conscious

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