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1、湖北省武汉市学年度九年级元月调考英语试题湖北省武汉市2020-2021学年度九年级元月调考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听句子选答语1AMr. Watson. BChina. CMy brothers.2AShe likes it. BA doctor. CSinging club.3ATo volunteer. BVery far. CIn her office.4ABy subway. BThe big one. CQuite interesting.5AThirty dollars. BTwo years old. CSaturday evening.二、听短对话回答问题6

2、Where are the speakers?AAt the library. BOn the phone. CIn a bookshop.7What time can it be now?A6:35. B6:45. C6:55.8Hows the woman now?ANot bad. BA little better. CNot very well.9What worries them most?ANot catching the train. BNot bringing the phone. CNot setting the alarm.10What will the man do ne

3、xt?ATell the time. BCheck the watch. CReturn the money.11What can we know about the man?AHe had an accident. BHe helped the police. CHe wanted to give a hand.12What does the man mean?AHe was angry with the womans words.BHe agreed with the womans decision.CHe felt it a pity not to go out together.三、听

4、长对话回答问题听下面一段对话,回答下列三个小题13How many clubs are mentioned?ATwo. BThree. CFour.14What can we learn from Julie?AShe prefers dancing to acting.BShe was forgotten by her friends.CShe felt it difficult to choose the club.15What does the boy suggest doing?AFollowing the heart. BGoing with the others. CTurning

5、 a deaf ear.听下面一段对话,回答下列三个小题16What happened in chemistry class?AStudents had a test. BTeachers asked questions. CParents came to listen.17What do you think of Sheilas mother?ASerious. BStrict. CScary.18Which is the mans opinion?ASheilas mother will punish Sheila.BSheilas grades are not as good as hi

6、s.CStudying together will make a difference.听下面一段对话,回答下列四个小题。19What is the relationship between the speakers?AA guide and a tourist. BA buyer and a saleswoman. CA policeman and a hostess.20What is Mrs. Nicholas plan?AA business trip. BA seaside holiday. CA mountain hike.21Whats the mans last suggest

7、ion?ATo lock doors and windows. BTo cancel milk and papers. CTo tell the neighbor about her leave.22Why does Mrs. Nicholas ask the man for help?ABecause its not safe without people at home.BBecause leaving ladders outside is dangerous.CBecause there are thieves in the neighborhood.四、听短文回答问题听下面一段独白,回

8、答下列三个小题。23When will they arrive in India?ANovember 6th. BNovember 7th. CNovember 11th.24How will they travel around in the south of the wildlife park?AOn foot. BIn an open truck. COn elephants.25Why is it a good time of year to have a Tiger Tour?ABecause the rainy season of year is coming soon.BBeca

9、use the hotels they will stay in are very comfortable.CBecause there are fewer people and the tigers are active.五、单选题26Wow! You made it to the top, and your parents must be proud of you. _. They are always there to say “Well done”.AI guess so BYes, please CMy pleasure DVery well27I have ants in my p

10、ants for the coming exam next Monday. _. Its very important to keep a good mood.AGood luck BTake it easy CNo problem DTake your time28Im going to be away next week so youll have the office to _.Ahimself Byourself Cmyself Ditself29My friends and I decide to cheer up the old by writing letters. We wan

11、t them to know that nobody _.Aforgot Bhas forgotten Cis being forgotten Dhad been forgotten30What is the man doing now? He is _ his hands and knees looking for the womans earring.Ain Bto Con Dby31Im forever on a diet, _ I put on weight easily.Asince Bthough Cso Duntil32 Its really hard to make a dec

12、ision.Well, I think it was a _ choice between accepting the job and remaining the same.Astraight Btypical Cdouble Dgeneral33Whats your new years resolution?I think Ill be well _ for high school or whatever else comes in the future.Awaited Breceived Cdesigned Dprepared34 Have you seen the movie Leap

13、which is about China womens volleyball team?Of course I have! Lang Ping brought _ to our country and led the team to medals.Ahistory Bwealth Chonor Dtruth35Time flies! We experienced a lot last year.Yes, hard time has gone and nowadays many young adults have _ to study medicine in a wish to help mor

14、e people.Aagreed Bchosen Cafforded Dcontinued36Word came that the sports meet had been _ because of the sudden rain.The students must be very disappointed then.Aturned off Bkept off Ccut off Dshut off37 He has _ touched the ball all game.Be patient. He is a green hand, after all.Ahardly Bnearly Clat

15、ely Dfinally38Frank Smith said, One language sets in a corridor (走廊)for life. Two languages open _ door along the way.Aeither Bevery Ceach Dneither39 Peter, which skirt suits me better, the white one or the pink one?Up to you. I _ decide, either.Awont Bcant Cneednt Dshouldnt40Did you know_?Awhen the

16、 bookstore will close today Bhow could we get to the bus stationCwhat volunteers did at the hospital Dwhy people crowd into the store六、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Last weekend, I went snowshoeing with a group of teachers and students from my school. Although I 41 in very deep snow al

17、most two years ago, I had never tried snowshoeing before. A snowshoe is 42 a large plastic frame (框)which you attach to your own shoes. The idea is that the snowshoe 43 the surface area of your feet, therefore making you less likely to sink in the snow.At first, it seemed a little 44 a bit like wear

18、ing flippers (脚蹼)when you swim! I felt quite heavy and silly to start with, and it was difficult to 45 the fallen trees with the snowshoes attached to my feet. However, regularly hiking and walking in mountainous areas made me soon 46 it. I had a great time walking through the forest and seeing all

19、the trees 47 in snow! At times, walking uphill in the snow was 48 , especially when there were rocks underneath the snow. That said, once we 49 the top it was worth it! The mountain we climbed was called Le Tanet and it was 1 ,292 meters high 一 thats higher than Snowdon, the 50 mountain in Wales! Th

20、e sky was a bit 51 , but the views were fantastic. I managed to get some great photos and 52 to use the panoramic (全景的)setting on my new camera! After taking lots of photos, we started to go downwards. In some 53 , going down the mountain was harder. It was very steep, and it was easy to slip in the

21、 snow. Even though I kept falling over, it was really a good 54 . At the bottom, we had a hot drink in a cabin it was unquestionably 55 after a few hours of walking in the cold! Before we went home, I had a go at sledging which Id never tried before! It was great fun!41Askated Btraveled Crowed Drode

22、42Abasically Bparticularly Ccertainly Dpossibly43Ajoins Bprotects Ccovers Dincreases44Astrange Blow Chuge Dsmooth45Ago through Bjump out Cclimb over Dwalk towards46Alook forward to Bhold on to Cget used to Dlook up to47Adressed Bstood Chidden Dgrown48Arapid Bhard Cspecial Ddull49Anoticed Blanded Cpa

23、ssed Dreached50Alargest Btallest Cfarthest Dgreatest51Agrey Bblue Cclear Dbright52Aoffered Bpromised Cexpected Dremembered53Awords Bways Ctimes Dideas54Agame Blesson Claugh Ddeal55Aneeded Btreated Cheated Dpacked七、阅读单选 SCHOOLLIFESandwich Record SetPHOTO PROVIDED BY TUCHONGA new Guinness (吉尼斯) World

24、Record was set on April 1st, Global Times reported.550 students, from the San Diego Academy, made 868 sandwiches in three minutes. They broke the world record of 490 sandwiches. They gave the sandwiches to homeless and poor people.The students who made the sandwiches were from kindergarten to 12th g

25、rade. On that day, they found 52 tables that were lined up waiting for them in the school gym. On each table, there were pieces of bread, lettuce, sliced tomatoes and cheese. And forty-five parent volunteers were on hand to help, School News added.The students quickly got to work. The youngest stude

26、nts made one sandwich each, while the older ones made two. Within two minutes, almost all of them were finished. They happily waved their hands and gave each other high five in the air. School head Chaim Heller thought it was a great experience for students and it brought them together. Wuhan Post56

27、The news “Sandwich Record Set” was reported in _.AGlobal Times BWuhan Post CFood Culture DSchool News57On April 1st, 550 students from different grades_.Agave away 490 sandwiches Blined up 52 tables in the gymCmade 1 or 2 sandwiches each Dhelped 45 parents to volunteer58In which section of the newsp

28、aper can we read the news?AGUINNESS BSCHOOL LIFECTUCHONG DSAN DIEGO ACADEMY59We know from paragraph 4 _.Awhat sandwiches were made of Bwhen and where they made sandwichesCwhy their parents came to volunteer Dhow students felt about working together60Chaim Heller most probably wanted students to _.Ab

29、reak the world record Braise money for the poorCreceive practical education Dbring their parents together Making Friends with DucksIn traditional pet stores, you can buy an animal to be your companion at home. But theres a new kind of “pet store” where you can spend some time with animals and just w

30、alk away without taking any of them with you. What really matters is to be there.My colleagues and I visited one of these stores in the Sanlitun neighborhood of Beijing. We were looking for Call ducks (柯尔鸭), a Dutch species of pet ducks. They are famous for their cute looks and their sky-high pricesone of them can easily cost a few thousand yuan. Since we were not planning to spend so much on a duck any time soon, visiting them in

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