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1、人教版八年级上册英语第三单元练习题人教版八年级上册英语第三单元练习题Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Section A【目标呈现】词汇:babysit, camp, plan, hiking, Tibet, HongKong, away, postcard, send 短语:how long, get back, go hiking, babysit her sister, go camping, relax at home, on the 12th , go away, have a good time, show sb sth.句型:1. Wh

2、at are you doing for vacation? Im visiting my grandmother.2. Whats she doing for vacation?Shes going camping.3.When are you going? Im going on Monday.4. When is he going? Hes going on the 12th.语法:be+doing表示将来能力目标:会运用一般将来时谈论未来的计划和安排,形成初步运用语言的能力。教师寄语:A thousand-li journey is started by taking the firs

3、t step.千里之行,始于足下。【基础巩固】自主学习一 、重点词汇拓展1. 临时照顾 _ _ (现在分词)2. 计划,规划 _ _(现在分词) _(过去式) 3. 发送;寄 _ _(过去式) 二 、重点词组识记1. 去野外露营_ 2. How long_3. 回来_ 4. babysit her sister_5. 在家里_ 6. on the 12th_7. 远足_ 8. go away_9. 玩得开心_ 10. send me a postcard_三 、重点句型体验:根据所给提示词,写出英语句子。标点符号已给出。1. go hiking, next week _.2. send, fr

4、om Shanxi _.3. go camping, tomorrow _.4. he, Tibet, this summer _?5. she, take a vacation, with, next month _.知识要点1.【区别】How long和when(1)how long意思是“多久,多长”, 这个疑问词组是询问某个动作或状态持续了多久,在这种情况下,与之连用的动词应该是延续性动词,回答一般用for表示时间段的词组。(2)when意思是“什么时候,何时”,引导的是特殊疑问句, when可指比较泛的时间, 也可指比较具体的时刻。 典型例题: did he stay here? F

5、or two days.。 are you coming to see me? Tomorrow. 解析:中答语是段时间,故问句应该用how long. 由于中的答语是tomorrow,所以用when提问。 2. 在表示时间的名词前介词的用法: 在年、月、季节和泛指的一天中的上午、下午、傍晚前用 “ in ” . 如:in 1990; in summer; in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening 在特指的某天或某天的上午、下午、晚上前用“ on ” . 如: on a cold morning; on Sunday; on Saturd

6、ay afternoon; on November 12th 在具体的时刻前用“ at ” . 如:at half past ten; at 2 oclock 典型例题: Your uncle is leaving for Jinan Sunday morning.A. in B. on C. for D. at He learned English four years.A. in B. on C. for D. at解析:的Sunday morning是具体的一天早晨,所以用介词on. 选B. 中的four years是段时间,因此要用介词for. 选C.【随堂达标】 一、单项选择 1.

7、_ are you staying there? Just for two days. A. How often B. When C. How long D. How many 2. I have _ to tell you. A. anything exciting B. exciting something C. exciting anything D. something exciting 3. Im going to Tibet next Monday. _. A. I know B. That sounds exciting C. Im sorry to hear that D. T

8、hank you 4. What _ she_ for vacation? A. does, does B. is, doing C. is, do D. are, doing 5. When are you going there? I am going there _ May 12th. A. in B. on C. at D. for 二、用单词的适当形式填空 1. Shes _ (babysit) her sister.2. Hes going on the _ (twelve).3. That _ (sound) interesting.4. How long are you _ (

9、stay) in Beijing?5. Can you show me those _ (photo)?三、完成句子 1. 假期你计划干什么?_2. 我打算去野营。_3. 他打算在星期一看望他奶奶。Hes _ his grandmother _ Monday.4. 她妈妈下周在家休息。Her mothers _ _ _ next week.5. 我将给你寄名信片。I _ _ you a postcard.6. 当我们返校时,我们将让你看看我们的照片。Were _ you our photos when we _ _ to school.四、短文填空: 根据短文内容和所给的首字母,补全单词。A:

10、 Hey, Lily. What are you doing for vacation? B: Im v_(1) my uncle in London.A: When are you l_(2) for London? B: Im leaving the first week in October. A: Who are you going w_(3)? B: Im going there with my parents. A: What are you d_(4) there? B: W_(5) are going s_(6), visiting museums and going to t

11、he beach. A: And whats the w_(7) like there? B: Oh, its very beautiful this time of the year. Its s_(8) But sometimes it r_(9). A: I hope youll h_(10) a good time. B: Thanks a lot.【能力提升】语法练习1. When is your friend home?A. left B. leave C. to leave D. leaving2. Lets go. Dont call her. She doesnt like

12、. (Which one is NOT right.)A. take walks B. to take a walkC. taking a walk D. taking walks3. I live at school. So I go home Friday afternoon.A. in B. at C. on D. to4. are you staying in New York?About five days.A. How B. How far C. How often D. How long5. My mother wants milk because it is good for

13、health.A. me drink B. me to drinkC. me drinking D. me not to drink6. What is your mother doing on the weekend? my little sister.A. I babysit B. Im babysittingC. She babysits D. Shes babysitting7. This weekend is coming. Lets go out for a bike riding. OK?I cant decide .A. to it B. on it C. going out

14、D. go out8. My family sightseeing next weekend.A. go B. went C. have gone D. is going9. We are going to the beach for our school trip!That good.A. feels B. looks C. sounds D. smells10. We cant see her now, because she an important meeting.A. is having B. has C. had D. will have【中考链接】1. The summer va

15、cation will begin next week. David to stay with us. (2006年,昆明)A. will be coming B. comesC. came D. is coming2. Youve left the light on. (2006年,河南)Oh, sorry. and turning it off.A. Ive gone B. Ill go C. I went D. Im going3. How long the film KING KONG ?For just several minutes. (2006年,哈尔滨)A. did, begi

16、n B. has, begun C. has, been on D. did, be4. How long are you going to ? (2006年,安徽)For about two weeks.A. leave B. be away C. leave away D. be left【快乐阅读】My Plan for Summer Vacation The longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays el

17、apse (逝去) meaninglessly, my vacation should be a phase (时期、阶段) of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential. The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Hua Shan wit

18、h several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives, senior school teachers and former classmates(老同学). Besides, to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities, I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation. In short, I want to do interesting things in the

19、 summer vacation. Whatever I do, the goal is the same: to get necessary experience, acquire knowledge and broaden my horizons. Though the six week vacation will pass away at lightning speed, its influence is bound to last long.回答下列问题:1. How many weeks vacation will the writer have? _2. Whats the goa

20、l of the writer during the vacation? _3. Will the writer go to Mount Hua with several friends? _4.Whats the articles the main(主要的) idea? _Section B【目标呈现】词汇:bike, ride, sightseeing, rent, famous, Europe, something, lake, leave, countryside, nature, forget, finish, tourist短语:go bike riding, go sightse

21、eing, go fishing, take a vacation, a lot, take walks, rent, videos, think about, decide on, something different, plan to do sth, finish doing句型:1. Where are you going for vacation?Im going to Tibet.2. Who are you going with?Im going with my parents.3. How long are you staying there? For four weeks.4

22、. I heard that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.语法:一般将来时的运用。能力目标:能够运用询问有关旅游度假的问句及其答语,能够阅读简单的有关制定度假计划的文章。教师寄语:Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠赛过一个诸葛亮。【基础巩固】 自主学习一 、词语检测 1. Xian is f_ for many places of interests.2. Can you tell me s_ interesting about China?3. I want to the c_ (乡村) for

23、vacation.4. Dont f_ to take the raincoat with you when you go out. Because its raining.5. The boy f_ (完成) his homework two hours ago.6. There are a lot of t_ (游客) coming here for vacation.二 、短语互译1. take walks_2. 去观光_3. return to_4. 计划做某事_5. think about _6. 骑自行车旅行_7. help me forget problems_8. 去度假_9.

24、 decide on _ 10.去野营_三 、根据提示完成句子1. 你将去哪里度假?( for vacation) _2. 那里的天气怎么样?(how ) _3. 谁将和你一起去(go with) _4. 你将呆多久?(how long) _5. 他将周六钓鱼。(go fishing) _【知识要点】1. go+doing的用法这是一个固定句型,表示“去做”。Hes going camping with his parents他要与父母一起去野营。此类结构除go shopping 去买东西 等少数用法外,大多与体育或娱乐有关。例如:go swimming 去游泳 go boating去划船 g

25、o bike riding 骑自行车旅行go dancing 去跳舞 go fishing 去钓鱼 go sightseeing 去观光go skating去滑冰 go hunting去打猎 go skiing去滑雪go climbing去爬山 go walking去散步 go camping去野营go hiking徒步旅行典型例题:She is with her mother this afternoon.A. going to shop B. go to shop C. going shopping D. go shopping解析:按语法讲go to shop好像也对,同学们往往也会选A

26、,其实这里涉及到词的习惯用法问题,go shopping是一个固定的短语,意思是:去购物。故答案选C。2. something某物,某事something, anything, nothing等是不定指代词,当形容词修饰不定指代词时,形容词应置于其后,汉语翻译时通常前置。如:something different 不同的事情Do you have anything important to tell me? 你有什么重要的事情要告诉我吗?He heard something interesting outside today. 今天他在外面听到了一些有趣的事。典型例题:Is there in todays ne

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