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1、船舶代理业务函电1委托电 You are hereby invited to act as agent on our behalf When the sbj vsl calling at yr gd port o/a Jan 9th,2004 toload a cgo of 20 000mts of maize in bulk. Her last port of call is korea n next port is Japan. Vsls main particular asf: sbj-subjected; gd-good; o/a-on or about; Cgo-cargo; vsl

2、-vessel; asf-as following Built/flag dwt/dft loa/beam grt/nt tpc bale/grain ho/ha gear,etc. Cgo dtls asf: Qtty in c/p:20000mts 5%mol OO. Lycn:5-15th jan,2004 Loading rate:cqd be. Dwt-deadweight; dft-draft; loa-length overall; Grt-gross tonnage; nt-net tonnage Tpc-tons per centimeter; dtls-details Qt

3、ty-quantity;cqd-customary quick despatch Lycn-layday/canceling date Based on c/p tht vsls holds capacity might not be big enough to load our max Qtty.Anyhow,pls instruct master to load up to vsls full capa and issue full hold certi finally.In order to make everything clear and arng smooth loading fo

4、r this vsl,youare kdly requested topay keen attn to the flwg items wch we hope you can act acdgly. 4 1.-once you rcvd this appointment letter,its high time to start pushing lcl shpr/cgo agent to ensure all cgoes/docus ready for loading prior to vsls arvl. You also need to check cgo status such as cg

5、o qtty/inspctd by ciq or not/whether docus for customs dclrtn arvd at the load port or when they will arrive/berthing prospect,etc.All these shud be reported to our office in written form. Lcl-local; Shpr-shipper; dclrtn-declaration s 5 2.-b4 vsl s arvl, you are requested to apply ciq for the initia

6、l nfinal dft survey+ cgo qlty loading supervision on behalf/acct of us. 3.-upon vsl s arvl, pls infm us in written form vsl arvl condition. 4.-when vsl cmmcd loading,pls adv us the time of loading cmcmnt/master s dclrdqtty/faxus the copy of masters pre-stowage plan for our ref. 5.-during loading, pl

7、s ask yr boarding agent to be on board often. The most important is cgo qlty,pls infm us imdtly if you find any problems. After office hrs or during holidays,pls call the flwg nbr at anytime for emergency.Pls also fax us yr daily loading report everyday.The said report shud content the qtty loaded u

8、pto 0600hrs each day, last 24hrs loaded on board, the bal qtty for loading bss on the qtty dclrd by master n any other necessary infos. Bss-basis 6.-upon cmpltn of loading, pls adv us the time of loading cmpltn,b/l fgr(shore scale fgr) ndft survey qtty snst. Pls also infm vsl s sailing time n dept-c

9、ondition. Snst-soonest 7.-after vsl s sailing, pls kdly fax us the flwg shpg ocus asap: a.-NOR; b.-SOF c.-DFT SURVEY REPORT d.-M/R e.-EXPORT MANIFEST f.-FINAL S/PLAN g.-FULL HOLD CERTI IF NECESSARY S/plan-stowage plan IMPORTANT NOTICE: As we are the time charterer s agent, all owr s expenses with eg

10、ard to the crew matters shall be settled with the head owr/master directly.In the event of stevedore damage, pls ensure tht the stevedores are immediately placed on notice with written acknowledgement fm them.Arngments tobe made to have the damage repaired asap. But vsl not to be delayed, in wch cas

11、e repairs are to be carried out at the next port. We are to be fully infmed in this regards.Shud you have any questions,pls donot hesitate to contact us.Yr kind co-operation would be much appreciated. Tks n B.rgds 11委托电的回复 Yr msg dd well ntd with mny tks.Plsd to be appointed as yr agent for attendin

12、g to sbj vsl during her staying at dlian port,will doour best for this vsl s smooth arngments n quick despatch.Mwhile,the esti p/disbts for sbj vsl asf: Mny-many; Mwhile-meanwhile 1.-chinese tonnage dues for 30days: 2.-port dues: 3.-berthage: 4.-pilotage: 5.-towage:(tugs hire) 6.-agency fee: 7.-quar

13、antine services: 8.-holds inspection: 9.-transportation: 10.-communication: 11.-sundries: Inttl: Our bank dtls asf: xxxx Pls kdly be advd tht as per shpr cgo/docus will be ready b4 vsls arvl.Loading will be conducted at xxx terminal pier no.x n berth condition asf:Dft limit-xm loaxxxm,fairwaydft lim

14、it Equipped with 5 x 10ton shore cranes. xm.Normally five gangs avail with average loadingrate abt xxxmts/wwp by cutting bags. Fyi, now port is suffering congestion n best etb/c/d.Will keep you posted of fther situation. Tks n B.rgds As agents only 14船舶抵港前向委托方发的靠泊计划函电: Pls be advd tht p/auth just cf

15、med yr good vsl to go alongside xxx terminal pier no.x upon her arvl after passing inward q-inspection n holds inspection. Etb/c/d. Etb/c/d-Estimated time of Berthing/Commencement or completion/departure预计靠泊时间 /预计开始装货时间或完货时间,通常指后者 /预计开航时间 15船舶抵港函电Pls be advd tht sbj vsl arried at dalian port and dro

16、pped anchor at the inner anchorage at hrs/xth with rob asf:fo/do/fw dft f/a. Vsl passed inward q-inspection n free pratique granted at hrs/xth, passed holds inspection at hrs/xth.Now sbj vsl is waiting for pilot for berthing. Etb. Rob-remaining on board 船上剩余(油、水) 16船舶靠泊及作业函电: Pls be advd tht sbj vsl

17、 got alongside xxx terminal pier no.xat hrs/xth,commenced loading hrs/xth with five gangs. Etcl rvtg. Etcl-Estimated time of commencement of loading Rvtg-reverting后告 17船舶作业期间每日动态函电: Pls be advd tht as per p/auth sbj vsl upto 0600hrs/today cgo loaded on board abt xxxmts,bal to load abt xxx mts. Etc/d

18、. 18船舶完货及离港函电: Pls be advd tht sbj vsl completed loading at xxxhrs/xth. Cgo loaded on board xxxmts.All paper ready for sailing hrs/xth.Pob n final sailed dalian hrs/xth.Vsl s dept-condition asf:fo/do/fw,dft f/a eta next port in xxxdays. Pls also find flwg shpg docus for yr ref:Pls kdly CFM yr safe r

19、cpt by rtn. Pob-Pilot on Board ;dept-departure Dft f/a-draft fore/aft 19因有关原因验仓未通过: Kdly pls note tht sbj vsl failed to pass holds inspection due to strong paint smell inside the holds.As requested by ciq surveyors, now hatches is opened n vsl is awaiting the next holds inspectn. Ciq-Customs, Immigr

20、ation, Quarantine 20卫检发现蟑螂并决定熏蒸: Pls be infmed tht q-officers found quite a lot of black beetles in crew s cabin then decided to carryout fumigation thoroughly wch will cost usd.To be for yr acct.Mwhile,acdg to lcl quarantine regulation, such fumigation must be done at the anchorage, but considering

21、 this vsl tight sailing schdl,we finally Pursvaded q-officers to conduct the fumigationat berth andall crews to stay on shore. 21卫检发现蟑螂并决定熏蒸: The whole operation will last 6hrs and vsl s sailing schdl will be delayed so caused.H ever,as this fumigation is compulsory,you are kdly requestedto remit th

22、e additional funds to cover said charge.Yr snst reply would be much appreciated. 22卫检决定对压仓水进行消毒处理: Due this vsl s ballast water was pumped in at south korea port where always regardedas disease are aacdg to the quarantine regulations,q-officers decided to do ballast disinfection at aprice of xxxyuan

23、/ton. 23因货物/单证未备妥而等泊: Vsl waitedfor berthingdue tocgo/docus not ready. 24因泊位未清而等泊: Vsl waited for berthing due to berth not clearedyet. 25因有关天气原因而停工: Loading suspended due to the threatening rain. 26雨停恢复作业: Raining stopped then resumed loading. 27因缺少劳力而等候作业: So far vsl still waiting for loading due

24、to short of labour/gangs. 28因大雾/海况不好船舶不能靠泊,天气好转后靠泊: At this mmt vsl s is waitingfor pilot due to rough sea n dense fog.As per p/stn pilot will be avail once the weather improving. 29密切关注正本提单动态,船舶靠泊后交给船长换取卸货指令: Will keep tracing the status of ob/l on end.Will present it tomaster upon vsl s berthing f

25、or changing masters dischg permission. 30商检登轮取样验货: CIQ surveyors embarked at anchorage to carry out cgosurvey.After taking sample,they returned to their test room for analysis.Vsl passed cgo survey n berthing permission granted by ciq surveyors. 31船仓渗水,因担心货损而停工。派焊工修理。 Loading suspended due the leaka

26、ge was foundat the starboard of hold no.2,P&I CLUB surveyor embarked n the welders were arnged to have it repaired asap.All time lost shud be stated on the time sheet acdgly. 32关于车船直取的安排及争议:( Owr ) rcvd several calls fm the cnee requesting to disch their cgo to their lorry and take delivery by weigh

27、ing. Their request definitely denied,but frankly say they have the right to take delivery their cgo. so, shud cgo dischg be not disturbed too much,we would allow them to do so. 33船舶需赶高潮靠泊: Sbj vsl will have to go berthing depends on high tide as restricted by the dft limit of fairway. 34因夜间不夜航,引航员将于

28、明早登轮: Pilot will be onboard tmrw morning as no night navigation at this terminal acdg to port practice. 35 请尽快安排汇款并传真我司银行水单: Pls kdly arng the rmtnce of esti p/disbts asap n fax us yr bank slip for our tracin at this end. 36因春节长假,请尽快传真我司有关单据以便我司及时清关: Viewing the forthcoming CHINESE LUNAR NEWYEAR 7da

29、ys holiday,pls urgently courier all shpg docus concerned to us asap enabling us clear customs formalities in time. 37 因调头区有浅点,该轮不得不等下一个高潮靠泊: Sbj vsl has no choice but to stay at the anchorage waiting for the next high tide for berthing as there is a shallow water point at the turn-around area beside

30、 the terminal. 38有关海事声明的主要内容: (sea protest) This is to advise you tht the m/t xxxunder my command,arrived at yr gd port at xxxhrs/xthAnd finally got alongside at 222hrs/xth.Vsl awaited shore readiness to commence loading until xxxhrs/xth.I,master of this vsl,hereby lodged this protest on behalf of m

31、y owner and charterers for the delayed loading and I am holdingyou responsible for anydelays,losses,claims and damage or cost that may incurred therefrom. 39代理人签单事宜: We have just fax the m/r and draft of b/l as well as the shpr s loi against the remarks on the m/r to yr office.Pls kdly cfm yr ob/l releasing instruction by rtn. 40 有关散装货物上面堆放压舱包以保证船舶稳性的问题: As per master,at least 2m hight of bagged cgo shud be stowed on the top of the bulk cgo for keeping

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