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1、天津9小升初英语阅读理解训练10题附答案解析天津9小升初英语阅读理解训练10题附答案解析11Kitty is dining in York Restaurant. Her bill is Y 150. She can enjoy _if she gives the coupon?A10% off B10 yuan off C¥100 coupon DNothing2Kitty buys a beef burger at Y 12 at Mr. Burger. She can get_ when she gives the coupon.Aa chicken burger Ba packet o

2、f French FriesCa new fish filet burger Da slice of cake3A Kid lunch Set at Milky Way Cafe is Y 20. When Kitty gives the coupon, she_.Acan get a slice of cake and enjoy 10% offBneeds to pay ¥10Cneeds to pay ¥22Dcan get a slice of cake or enjoy 10 % off4Kitty cant enjoy free French fries at Lucky Food

3、 Shop when _.Ashe buys a breakfast set Bshe uses the coupon in 3 AprilCshe is in the Townhall shop Dshe uses the coupon the morning5The sentence Buy a burger, get a second free means that If you buy a burger, you can Get _.Aanother burger without paying money Banother couponCanother lunch set Danoth

4、er burger with less money6Which of the following statements is true?AOn April 12, Kitty can use the coupon of York Restaurant.BOn April 12,Kitty can use the coupon of Mr. Burger.COn April 12,Kitty can use the coupon of Milky Way Cafe.DOn April 12,Kitty can use the coupon of Lucky Fast Food Shop.【答案】

5、1B2A3D4C5A6C【解析】【分析】本文介绍了四家餐馆的优惠券。1推理判断题。根据York Restaurant ¥10 off coupon(优惠券)Minimum(最低的)¥100 food and drink order可知,纽约餐馆有10元的优惠券,最低消费100元的食物和饮料。基蒂花费了150元,因此她可以享受10元的优惠。故选B。2细节理解题。根据Mr. Burger, Buy one, get one free! Buy a burger, get a second free.可知,在伯格先生店,买一赠一,因此买一个牛肉汉堡,就会得到一个免费的汉堡。故选A。3细节理解题。根据

6、Milky Way Caf a free slice of cake or 10% off with any kids lunch sets可知,在银河咖啡馆,可以免费享用一片蛋糕,或者儿童套餐打九折。故选D。4推理判断题。根据Lucky fast food shop free French FriesNot valid in the Townhall shop可知,她在市政厅商店无法享用到幸运快餐店的炸薯条。故选C。5词义猜测题。根据Buy a burger, get a second free中的free表示免费的,因此表示买了一个汉堡,第二个汉堡是不用付钱的。故选A。6推理判断题。根据M

7、ilky Way Caf a free slice of cake or 10% off with any kids lunch sets(套餐), valid(有效的)till 16 April可知,银河咖啡馆的优惠券直到4月16日有效。故选C。【点睛】认真阅读题干,根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,推理判断和概括归纳,选出正确的选项。例如小题3,根据Milky Way Caf a free slice of cake or 10% off with any kids lunch sets可知,在银河咖啡馆,可以免费享用一片蛋糕,或者儿童套餐打九折。故选D

8、。2 Once, a Chinese student went to study English in England. His family name is Sun. It is the same as the English word sun.England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy or misty(有雾的), and it rains now and again, so the people there dont get much sunshine in the whole year.When the Chine

9、se student arrives in London, a tall English policeman with a long face opens his passport to check it. The policeman is interested to find the Chinese name Sun in the passport. He thinks it is pronounced(发音)just like the English word sun, so he said to the Chinese student, I see your name is Sun. Y

10、ou are wanted here! The Chinese student is very surprised. -But after a moment the policeman begins to smile, Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! 1The weather in England is _.A.cloudy B.misty C.rainy D.A, B and C2Englishmen like_ very much because of the bad w

11、eather.A.Chinese students B.rain C.sunshine D.their country3The policeman checks the students_.A.bag B.passport C.ID card D.plane ticket4The Chinese student was welcomed because he had got_.A.a nice name B.a good passport C.luck D.much money5The sentence You are wanted means are not welcome

12、to come here B.we dont like want to have some names D.we dont want you to go away6The policeman was a _ man.A.funny B.bad C.foolish D.rude【答案】1D2C3B4A5D6A【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文叙述了一个中国学生去英国学习的故事。这位中国学生姓孙,和英语单词“sun”一样。英国的天气恶劣,全年白天见到的阳光不多。当这位中国学生来到伦敦时,一位英国的警察看他的护照时,认为他的姓氏和英语单词“sun”发音一样,微笑着说,我们需要阳光,因此

13、不想让你离开英国。1细节理解题。根据It is often cloudy or misty, and it rains now and again,可知,英国的天气经常多云或有雾,而且还时常下雨;故答案选D。2推理判断题。根据so the people there dont get much sunshine in the whole year. 所以那里的人们一整年都没有多少阳光。以及Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! “孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!所以我们不想让你离开!”由此

14、可以推知,因为天气不好,所以英国人非常喜欢阳光;故答案选C。3细节理解题。根据When the Chinese student arrives in London, a tall English policeman with a long face opens his passport to check it.可知,警察检查了学生的护照,故答案选B。4细节理解题。根据He thinks it is pronounced just like the English word sun,以及Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont

15、want you to go away! 警察认为这名学生的中文名字“孙”和英语单词“sun”发音一样,所以警察说:“孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!所以我们不想让你离开!”由此可知,这名中国学生很受欢迎是因为他有一个好名字,故答案选A。5词句猜测题。根据上文He thinks it is pronounced just like the English word sun,他认为它的发音就像英语单词“sun”一样,以及下文Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! “孙先生,你给英国带来了阳

16、光!所以我们不想让你离开!”结合I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here! 可知警察说:我看到你的名字是“太阳”,这里需要你!也就是说不希望“孙先生”离开;故答案选D。6推理判断题。根据But after a moment the policeman begins to smile, Mr. Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away! 可知,这位警察和孙先生开了一个玩笑,由此可推知这位警察是一位幽默的人,故答案选A。3 Sonia is a stud

17、ent. She likes collecting things. She has a sports collection(收藏品). She has ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and two soccer balls. She likes playing tennis. She plays tennis every day and she is in the school tennis club. Susan is Sonias friend. She has a sports collection, to

18、o. She has five basketballs, six volleyballs, three ping-pong bats and many ping-pong balls. She also has two soccer balls. But she doesnt play sports. She only watches ball games on TV or get some sports news in the magazines.1What is the passage mainly about?A.Ball games. B.Hobbies. C.School girls

19、. D.Tennis.2Sonia likes , but Susan doesnt.A.watching TV B.reading magazinesC.playing sports D.collecting things3Both Sonia and Susan have two rackets batsC.volleyballs balls4Sonia is in the school B.volleyball D.basketball5Sonia and Susans col

20、lection is about .A.clubs C.sports D.magazines【答案】1B2C3D4A5C【解析】【分析】文章大意:这是一篇介绍人物的说明文,介绍的Sonia和她的朋友Susan收集的物品。1句意:这篇文章是关于什么的?爱好。A. Ball games.球类比赛;B. Hobbies爱好;C. School girls.学校女孩;D. Tennis网球,选项A、C、D不全面,只有B选项符合题意。故答案选B。2句意:索尼娅喜欢做运动,但是苏珊不喜欢。根据文章第一段第二行She likes playing tennis以及第二段第三行But she do

21、esnt play sports可知,应该是喜欢做运动,故答案选C。3句意:索尼娅和苏珊都有两个足球。根据第一段第二行She has ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and two soccer balls以及第二段第二行She also has two soccer balls可知,她们都有两个足球。故答案选D。4句意:索尼娅在学校的网球俱乐部。根据第一段最后一行she is in the school tennis club可知,在网球俱乐部,故答案选A。5句意:索尼娅和苏珊的收藏品是关于什么的?运动。根据文章

22、第一段和第二段整体讲述的运动方面的收藏,故答案选C。4Daniel comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. He usually gets up at about 6:30 am and has breakfast at 7:00 am. Then he leaves home at 7:15 am.He gets to school at 7:45 am. His first class begins at 8:00 am. There are four lessons in the morning.

23、Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.Afternoon classes begin at 1:30 pm. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at 3:10 pm. Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.1Where is Daniel living now?ASydney. BBeiji

24、ng. CNew York. DShenzhen.2When does Daniels first class begin?AAt 7:15 am. BAt 7:45 am. CAt 8:00 am. DAt 8:15 am.3What time does Daniel have lunch?AAt 11:50 am. BAt 12 oclock.CAt 12:10 pm. DAt 12:20 pm.4How many classes do they have a day?AFour. BTwo. CSix. DEight.5After school, Daniel usually stays

25、 at school for one hour to _.Aplay soccer Bplay basketballCdo his homework Dplay music【答案】1B2C3B4C5A【解析】【分析】试题分析:短文大意:短文介绍了戴妮尔的国籍,现在生活的地方,主要突出了一天的学习生活,从早上上课到中午吃午餐的时间,下午上课以及放学后参加的活动,1B细节理解题。根据短文第一段中的句子“He is now staying in Beijing with his family.”可知,戴妮尔现在和家人一起居住在北京,故答案为B。2C细节理解题。根据短文第二段最后的句子“His fir

26、st class begins at 8:00 am可知,戴妮尔的第一节课开始在上午八点。答案为C。3B 推理判断题。根据短文第二段“Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.”可以判断戴妮尔上午在十一点五十下课,午餐十分钟以后,即十二点,故答案为B。4C细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“There are four lessons in the morning. There are two lessons in the afternoon.”可知,戴妮尔一天总共上六节课,故答案为C。5A细节理解

27、题。短文的最后一段“Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.”可知戴妮尔放学后再在学校待上一个小时是为了踢足球,答案为A。考点:人物介绍类短文阅读。5Im Jim. This is my room. Its a nice room. There are some pictures on the wall(墙)Theres a desk and a chair in my room. There is a sofa and a bookcase,too. The desk

28、 is between(在之间)the bed and the bookcase. My schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. There are some pencils,a pen and a ruler inthe pencil box. My sofa is near the bookcase. My baseball is under the bed.1There is _ in Jims room.Aa desk and a chairBa desk and some chairsCa chair and some desksDsome

29、 desks and a chair2The desk is between the _and the_.Asofa;bookcase Bbed;bookcaseCbed;sofa Dsofa;bed3Jims pencil box is_.Aon the desk Bnext to the deskCunder the bed Din the desk4Jims bed is near the _.Asofa Bplants Cdesk Dbookcase5Jims _ is under the bed.Apen Bbaseball Cruler Dwatch【答案】1A2B3A4C5B【解

30、析】【分析】本文介绍了吉姆的房间。在他的房间里,墙上有一些图画,有一张桌子和一把椅子,还有一个沙发和一个书橱。1A细节理解题。根据There are some pictures on the wall(墙)Theres a desk and a chair in my room. There is a sofa and a bookcase,too.可知在吉姆的房间里,墙上有一些图画,有一张桌子和一把椅子,有一个沙发和一个书橱,故选A。2B细节理解题。根据The desk is between(在之间)the bed and the bookcase. 可知书桌在床和书橱之间,故选B。3A细节理解题。根据My schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. 可知吉姆的铅笔盒在书桌上,故选A。4C推理判断题。根据The desk is between(在之间)the bed and the bookcase.可知吉姆的床在书桌附近,故选C。5B细节理解题。根据My baseball is under the bed.可知吉姆的棒球在床下面,故选B。6Middle school students in America hear about twenty bell

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