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1、最新牛津译林版学年英语八年级上册Unit8单元测试题及答案精编试题8AU8 外国语综合1、单项选择1. There was _ heavy storm with thunder and lightning last night . A the B an C a D / 2. Tomorrow will be colder , the temperature will drop _ -3C。 A on B to C at D in 3. There s _ wrong with my computer . It doesnt work . A something B anything C not

2、hing D everything4. The boy fell _ and hurt one of his knees in the park . A of B on C from D over 5. A new film is on tonight. _People are going to see it at the sunshine cinema . A hundred B three hundreds C hundred of D hundreds of 6. Hearing there was a bomb near the building , all the people sc

3、reamed _. A in fear B in all directions C in all D in fact7. Its raining _ outside . Tell him _ the window . A heavy ; to open B heavy ; open C heavily ; dont open D heavily ; not to open 8. the boy is _ move away the bricks and stones on the ground . A enough strong B enough strong to C strong enou

4、gh D strong enough to 9. _ may start fire in an old house . A lighting B wind C thunder D smoke 10. Hours later , as i was trying to work out the problem . I suddenly _ of a new idea . A think B thought C thinking D was thinking 11. Water _ the school , but luckily , nobody was hurt . A killed B cra

5、shed into C washed away D mopped up 12. - _ bad weather it is ! - yes . It is wet and cold . A what B what a C how D how a 13. My teacher told me to _ when i was in trouble . A calm down B come down C slow down D get down 14. I was talking with my friend in the living room _ my mum came in . A becau

6、se B when C since D while 15. My uncle _ me while i _ on the computer just now . A called ; worked B was calling ;was working C called ; was working D was calling ; worked3、完型填空One afternoon after school,Jim and Kate were walking along the street. 46they heard a loud noise. “Come on!”shouted Jim.“Th

7、at sounds like an accident.Lets47what has happened.” They ran to the place where the noise came48s soon as they got there ,theycould see what had happened.A small car had knocked into the side of a truck.The accidenthappened in a quiet street.Jim and Kate were the first ones to get to the accident.4

8、9else came.They found that both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt.Jane said,“We must be the only ones who saw the accident.Jim ,you run back down the road to Mrs Browns house quickly.Ask her to50the policeman and the ambulance.Ill stay here.” Jim went off51he could. Kate could do nothing

9、 but wait.She knew that when people were hurt in an accident,theyshouldnt be52. Soon the police car and the ambulance53.The policemen got the car door open and they carried the car driver out.Then they got the truck driver out.The men werent seriously hurt,but they were both taken to hospital.The po

10、licemen54Jim and Kate ,“You were very good children to act so quickly55you saw the accident.Thank youfor your help.”And then Jim and Kate went home happily.( )46.A.Finally B.Suddenly C.Luckily D.Carefully( )47.A.know B.hear C.think D.see( )48.A.from D.around( )49.A.Everyone B.Somebody C.No

11、body D.Anybody( )50.A.see C.find D.wait( ) far as fast as long as soon as( )52.A.moved B.carried C.changed D.saved( )53.A.found C.went D.arrived( )54.A.liked B.thanked C.called D. helped( )55.A.when B.before C.that D.while3、阅读理解 B In some places in North Africa , gre

12、at cities once stood . There were gardens and trees and grass . But now these places are like deserts(沙漠). Scientist begun to study this land to find out what happened . Many of them believe the died when people cut down the trees . Trees help other plants grow . Tree root (根) hold the soil (土壤) in

13、place . They keep the wind from blowing away the soil . Leaves on the ground keep rainwater from running off . Trees near farms can help to stop strong winds . Then farmers will have a good harvest . Many years ago .there were hundreds of farms in the southwest of America . Then the farms turned int

14、o fields of dry land . Because few trees grow in the dry southwest . Now we try to protect trees and forests , in many places ,when a tree is cut down . We will plant a new in its place . We do not want the land to die .1.some places in North Africa now like _. A forests B deserts C farms D gardens

15、2.The word “hold ” in the second paragraph means “_” in Chinese . A 保持 B 吸引 C 减少 D 阻拦3.What can trees do ? A they turn fields into dry land B they help other plants grow C they help strong winds blow D they help rainwater run off4.The word “its” in the last paragraph means “_” A the farms B the new

16、trees C the old trees D the lands5.What does the article tell us ? A farms are better than cities B there are no deserts in North Africa C lands will die without trees D people cut down the trees in America C News from Japanese police said on 19 October that the body found under a rock cliff (悬崖) of

17、 a mountain was Yoshito Usui , the writer of cartoon Crayon Shinechan (蜡笔小新) Yoshito usui liked climbing mountains alone . On 11 October . He told his wife he would go to a mountain . But he never came back . His wife couldnt find him and called the police . The police found him in the mountain . It

18、 was thought he died because he fell off a high rock cliff . Yoshito usui was born on 21 April , 1958 . He began to draw cartoons in 1985 . 蜡笔小新 is one of his most famous works , he began to put it in a cartoon magazine in 1990 . The next year , it was made into a cartoon movie . It was the stories

19、about a -year-old boy . From the boys eyes ,. And what he did People can learn a lot about society and life . The cartoon became popular among children and adults all over the world and was translated into many other languages . After hearing the news . Many people who like Yoshito Usui felt sad . T

20、hey hope to go on reading or watching his cartoons.1. Yoshito Usui _ . A lived in a mountain B is the writer of the cartoon Crayon Shinchan C lived by himself since 1990 D left home on 19 October 2. Yoshito Usui died _ . A in a traffic accident B in a natural disaster C after he fell off a high rock

21、 cliff D of a sudden illness during his climbing 3. When did Yoshito Usui begin to draw cartoons ? A in the year of 1958 . B in the year of 1985 C in the year of 1990 D in the year of 19994. Which is NOT true about cartoon Crayon Shinchan ? A it is one of Yoshito Usuis most famous works B it was in

22、a cartoon magazine in 1990 C it was made into a cartoon movie in 1991 D it was only popular among children 5. What do we know from the article ? A Yoshito Usuis wife found him in the mountain B Yoshito Usui was born on 21 April. 1985 C Crayon Shinechan was translated into many other languages D afte

23、r Yoshito Usuis death , people didnt watch his cartoons any more .5、填空1、 in the beginning . I felt a slight _ (动摇)。2、 No one lived in the old house . So it was quite _ (寂静的) there .3、 Sandy _ (使规律作响) at the door . But no one answered .4、 He wanted to buy some _ (木板) to make a new table .5、 Save the

24、little cat right now . It is still _ (活着的)6、 We _ (climb) the hill when it began to rain yesterday.7、 Students must try their best _ (learn) all their subjects well .8、 The bus stopped and some people _ (get) on it 9、 Look ! How hard it is _ (rain) outside .10、 The boy was so tired and felt _ (sleep

25、) soon .6、句型转化1、 Timmy will look for some more information for us (用at this time yesterday 改写句子) Timmy _ _ for some more information for us at this time yesterday .2. Broken glass may start big fire in the forest .(对画线部分提问) _ _ start big fire in the forest ?3. Dont stay near the window .(改为同义句) _ _

26、from the window .4. My fathers car didnt work because the temperature was very low (改为同义句) My fathers car v _ _ _ _the low temperature .5. He was trying to find his way out . His friends were looking for him (用时间连接句子) He was trying to find his way our _ his friends were looking for him .7 根据汉语意思完成句子

27、 1、 地震发生时, 他正在做作业。 _ , the earthquake _.2. 人们惊恐地跑出去, 但很多人被掉落的玻璃碎片划伤了。 People ran _ , but many of them were hurt by _.3. 我的双脚痛, 只好在黑暗中慢慢向前移动身体。 My feet hurt , so i had to _.4. 一阵恐惧掠过她的脑海, 她大声求救。 _her mind and she _.5. 人们正在努力清楚街道上的积雪。People _the streets 8、任务型阅读 The Great Fire of London started in the

28、very early hours of 2 September, 1666. In four days it destroyedmore than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. Overone hundred people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives. The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the Kings bak

29、er in Pudding Lane. The baker,with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window into the roof. A strong wind blew the firefrom the bakery into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning. Why did it happen ? Why didnt people stop the fire earlier? There are some reasons . First , almost all the houses were wooden . They could catch fire easily , second , the streets were not wide and the houses were close together . Third ,there was a strong wind The fire stopped only because the king

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