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学年高中外研版英语选修七同步检测Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year21 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高中外研版英语选修七同步检测Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year21 Word版含答案03 课后演练提能夯实基础知识。. 单词拼写1. The _(最精彩的部分) of our tour was seeing the palace.答案:highlight2. The _(图表) shows the companys rapid growth in recent years.答案:chart3. The world of business is highly _(竞争的)答案:competitive4. I have _(出租) the house o

2、ut to a very nice family.答案:rented5. Children are easily influenced by their _(同龄人)答案:peers6. The lovers promised to be faithful f_.答案:forever7. He was e_ chairman of the education committee.答案:elected8. The book mainly deals with environmental i_.答案:issues9. Physics has made e_ progress in this cen

3、tury.答案:enormous10. Anything of that kind s_ the taste of my wife.答案:suits. 选词填空share.with.,tell jokes,be elected as, look back at, work as, be likely to, have fun, Its a great pity that1. They _at the party last night.答案:had fun2. He _ chairman of the meeting.答案:was elected as3. I like to _my high

4、school days, which were the happiest in my life.答案:look back at4. _they cant come to the party.答案:It is a great pity that5. He _a room _his brother.答案:shares;with6. When our English teacher saw some of us sleepy in class,he was often _to make us laugh.答案:told jokes7. His uncle _a worker in our schoo

5、l.答案:works as8. Tom _ go to Qingdao for a holiday this summer.答案:is likely to. 完成句子1. As we _ our achievements in the past 30 years, we were enormously proud.当我们回顾过去30年来我们的成就时,我们非常自豪。答案:looked back at/on2. I _ whenever I visited her.我发现无论什么时候我去看她,她总是在看电视。答案:found her watching TV3. Did you _ at the b

6、irthday party?你在生日聚会上玩得开心吗?答案:have fun4. He _ at that time.那时他的确看起来很生气。答案:did look angry5. _ you hadnt got the chance to go abroad.你没有得到出国的机会真可惜。答案:Its a great pity that. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. My worry is _ hes got a health problem.答案:thatthat引导表语从句,that不作成分,只是引导词。2. It depends on the weather _ she will

7、 be back tomorrow.答案:whetherit作形式主语,whether引导从句作真正的主语。3. It is a puzzle _life began.答案:howit作形式主语,how life began作真正主语。4. It was not clear _ they left in such a hurry.答案:whyit作形式主语,why they left in such a hurry“为什么他们匆忙离开”作真正主语。5. _the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.答案:When句意

8、:延迟的航班什么时间起飞主要取决于天气状况。通过分析句子结构可知,本句是含主语从句的复合句。根据句意填When。6. It remains to be seen _the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice.答案:whether句意:“新组建的委员会的政策是否会付诸实施还有待观察。”该句包含一个由whether引导的主语从句“whether the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice”,该主语从句不缺成分;由语境中的remains to be

9、seen可知,“是否实施新政策”还有待观察,所以此处要用whether。7. Im a bit sleepy; its _ I was up all night.答案:becausebecause引导表语从句,“因为”。8. What I want to know is _ road we should take.答案:which句意:我想知道的是我们应该走哪条路。which引导表语从句。9. _ he finished doing the homework in such a short time surprised us all.答案:That that引导主语从句,不作成分,陈述一个事实

10、。10. _ made me angry was _he didnt keep his promise.答案:What;thatWhat引导主语从句,在从句中作主语;that引导表语从句,that不作成分。提升实战能力. 完形填空I had gone into a managers office. And I wanted to _1_ a couple of issues that needed to be dealt with. She, like all of the men and women in her _2_ , had been through the wellknown wo

11、rd “ringer” . The _3_ was so strong that one could almost taste it.I had been _4_ the department during a crunch period of being very shorthanded, and was watching everyone get _5_ to burnout. When I asked about her state of mind, she _6_ that her home life was almost nonexistent, because she was _7

12、_ busy with the endless work. The next _8_ out of her mouth expressed an upset of my own:“This work is not my gift from God. My _9_ is!”I had heard of _10_ all of ones problems from the office on a “Trouble Tree” while driving home, to be picked up on the way back to the office in the _11_ , and for

13、 a brief second thought about _12_ that scenario to her.But what came out was, “Why dont we do something _13_ ? Lets have a “Blessing Tree”. On the way home in the evening, we could _14_ a blessing to talk about a character we adore in our spouses, a particular _15_ we love them, the love they or ou

14、r children have for us. The list could be _16_ . ”When I tried it on the way home that night, the stress seemed to _17_ . There was a “spring in my step” and _18_ I arrived, a smile of joy and satisfaction was bubbling up from within! For the first time in two weeks, I was overjoyed to _19_ my wife

15、and children!The “Blessing Tree” could make a major difference in your evenings, _20_ after those really tough days.工作的压力常常使我们喘不过来气,如果一味为此而焦虑,势必会影响我们的生活。本文作者独辟蹊径,讲述了如何排解工作压力的故事。1. A. stick to B. agree on C. talk about D. find out答案:C根据语境可知,此处指作者想谈论(talk about)一些要解决的问题。2. A. group B. department C. ci

16、ty D. class答案:B由第4空后的the department可知,这里指她部门(department)里的所有男男女女。3. A. feeling B. smell C. atmosphere D. stress答案:D根据下文所描述的忙碌的景象可知,他们压力(stress)很大。第五段第一句中的the stress也是提示。4. A. assisting B. building C. supporting D. doubting答案:A联系空后的“during a crunch period of being very shorthanded”可知,作者在缺人手的时候在这里帮忙(a

17、ssist)。5. A. far B. close C. deep D. down答案:B作者看到每个人都接近(get close to)崩溃的边缘。6. A. explained B. promised C. admitted D. denied答案:C大家都很忙碌,故此处指她承认(admit)她的家庭生活几乎不存在。7. A. never B. hardly C. seldom D. always答案:D结合上文中的“.she admitted that her home life was almost nonexistent.”可知,她总是(always)忙于工作。8. A. words

18、 B. questions C. orders D. letters答案:A联系下文她说的话可知,此处指她说的话语(word)。9. A. friend B. colleague C. family D. company答案:C上文提到她的家庭生活,再结合下文中的情节可知,这里指她认为家庭(family)才是上帝赐予她的礼物。10. A. removing B. hanging C. solving D. settling答案:B根据常识,再结合下文描写的针对压力的做法可知,这里指把问题挂(hang)在“Trouble Tree”上。11. A. afternoon B. day C. eve

19、ning D. morning答案:D根据空前的“back to the office”可知,此处指早晨上班的时候。12. A. suggesting B. passing C. lending D. turning答案:A此处指作者打算把上文中提到的对待压力的方法向她建议(suggest)一下。13. A. important B. different C. interesting D. necessary答案:B下文提到了a“Blessing Tree”,这与上文提到的“Trouble Tree”不同,所以此处指做不同的(different)事情。14. A. throw away B.

20、give up C. make out D. pull down答案:D此处指从“Blessing Tree”上取下一个幸事。pull down是“取下”的意思。15. A. reason B. gift C. chance D. choice答案:A这里指我们爱他们的特别理由(reason)。16. A. funny B. enough C. endless D. short答案:C此处指这个单子没有结束,故选endless。这与上文中列举的意思一致。17. A. get across B. melt away C. come out D. rise up答案:B之后当晚上回家的时候,作者这

21、么做了,感觉压力好像融化(melt away)了。18. A. before B. after C. until D. when答案:D当作者到家的时候,满足和高兴的笑意从内心涌出。19. A. greet B. protect C. introduce D. encourage答案:A作者很高兴,所以会问候(greet)妻子和孩子们。20. A. gradually B. normally C. especially D. specially答案:C“Blessing Tree”能带来很大的改变,尤其是在经过特别困难的日子之后,感觉格外明显。. 阅读理解In the mid1950s, I

22、was a somewhat bored earlyadolescent male student who believed that doing_any_more_than_necessary_was_wasted_effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment . In Mrs. Tottens eighthgrade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimal

23、s (小数)Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions.Mrs. Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order th

24、e questions had appeared on our homework sheets. She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had compl

25、eted my usual two or three problems according to my calculations .What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs. Totten made her way from the beginning of the class, I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work

26、it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldnt function.When Mrs. Totten reached my desk, she asked what answer Id got for problem No. 14. “I.I didnt get anything,” I answered, and my face felt warm.“Correct,” she said.It turned out that the correct answer was zero.What did I learn

27、that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isnt always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third, I would never make it as a mathematician.If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.本文为记叙文,题材为学校生活。“我”曾经自以为是地认为做自己认为必要的事情就够了,然而在八

28、年级的一节数学课上,“我”所遇到的尴尬让“我”明白了“我”所付出的努力还不够。1. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?A. It is wise to value ones time.B. It is important to make an effort.C. It is right to stick to ones belief.D. It is enough to do the necessary.答案:D词义猜测题。此句话可直译为“做任何超出必要的事都是浪费精力”,通过阅读下文能够知道作者刚开始只做自己认为有必要

29、做的事情,因此D项符合题意。2. Usually, Mrs. Totten asked her students to _.A. recite their homework togetherB. grade their homework themselvesC. answer their homework questions orallyD. check the answers to their homework questions答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知本题应选择C项。3. The author could work out which questions to ans

30、wer since the teacher always _.A. asked questions in a regular wayB. walked up and down when asking questionsC. chose two or three questions for the studentsD. requested her students to finish their usual questions答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知老师通常提问的方式是有规律的,故选择A项。4. The author failed to get the questions he had expected because _.A. the class didnt begin as usualB. several studen

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