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1、铜陵学院毕业前期材料DOC学 号 _1010111028_ 毕 业 设 计 (前期材料) 课 题 C618普通车床数控化改造 学生姓名 系 别 机械工程学院 专业班级 2010级机械设计及其自动化2班 指导教师 二 0 一 四 年 五 月实习报告.1原文.4译文.7实习报告一 、实习单位简介 安徽铜都流体科技股份有限公司(原安徽铜都阀门股份有限公司)座落在我国青铜文化发祥地、素有“中国古铜都”之誉的安徽省铜陵市,毗邻风景秀丽的黄山、佛教圣地九华山,及碧波荡漾的太平湖。公司现占地面积248亩,建筑面积5300多平方米,拥有各类大中型机械设备300多台套,其中5M数控立车、高精度数控双向镗床四轴金

2、属模具加工中心、自动化喷涂生产线、光谱理化密封件性能测试设备,均居国内领先水平。公司下设铜都阀门分公司、铜都水控科技公司、佳诚机械公司。 公司拥有年产50万台套阀门及环保水工设备的制造能力,是国内能同时生产公称口径DN2200的闸阀、刀闸阀、DN2000偏心半球阀、DN3600蝶阀和60006000铸铁闸门的厂家。公司专业研发、生产、销售各类高中低压闸阀、蝶阀、止回阀、截止阀、球阀、调流阀、水力控制阀、伸缩器及环保水工设备(闸门、启闭机、堰门、格栅除污机等)十六大类,一百六十多个系列,近三千个规格品种,能够充分满足客户“一站式”采购要求。产品广泛应用于给排水、石油、化工、海洋工程、冶金、电力、


4、2008年-2012年均被中国水网评定为“中国水业阀门设备十大用户满意品牌”,公司连续被授予“中国工业创新型先进企业”、“安徽省环保产业基地骨干企业”、 “安徽省优秀民营企业”、“安徽省民营百强企业”、“安徽省重合同守信用企业”、“安徽省国税局、地税局A级纳税信誉企业”等荣誉称号。二 、实习内容 时间过的很快,转眼间已经四个月了,四个月的实习有苦也有乐,学到了许多在学校学不到的东西,在实习的过程中,我们是忙碌的,充实的,快乐的,幸福的。在实习的过程中,我们付出了很多同时也收获了很多,这次实习对于我来说有着非同一般的价值,它给我的人生开启了一盏明灯。刚开始我被分到了车间装配组实习,跟着师傅后面学

5、习怎么装配阀门,怎么去领料,搬运产品,师傅们对我很好,才开始的时候,我好多都不会,做事也比较慢,师傅们耐心的给我讲解怎么装配阀门,慢慢的我也熟练了.刚进车间的时候,车间主任和班长找我谈了谈,让我在车间里好好学习,不过也要注意自身安全,因为这是机械厂,到处都是机器,阀门产品也是铁的或钢的,也跟我讲了车间的生产管理制度,我认真的听讲,做好自己事.在整个实习过程中,我学到了很多知识.我了解学习到了软密封闸阀.软密封闸阀是工业用阀,软密封闸阀的启闭件是闸板,闸板的运动方向与流体方向相垂直,闸阀只能作全开和全关 , 不能作调节和节流。闸板有两个密封面 , 最常用的模式闸板阀的两个密封面形成楔形、楔形角随

6、阀门参数而异 , 通常为 50, 介质温度不高时为 252 。工作原理是楔式闸阀的闸板可以做成一个整体,叫做钢性闸板;也可以做成能产生微量变形的闸板 , 以改善其工艺性 , 弥补密封面角度在加工过程中产生的偏差 , 这种闸板叫做弹性闸板。软密封闸阀分为明杆软密封闸阀和暗杆软密封闸阀两种。通常在升降杆上有梯形螺纹,通过闸板中间的螺母以及阀体上的导槽,将旋转运动变为直线运动,也就是将操作转矩变为操作推力。开启阀门时,当闸板提升高度等于阀门通径的1:1倍时,流体的通道完全畅通,但在运行时,此位置是无法监视的。实际使用时,是以阀杆的顶点作为标志,即开不动的位置,作为它的全开位置。为考虑温度变化出现锁死

7、现象, 通常在开到顶点位置上,再倒回 1/21圈,作为全开阀门的位置。因此,阀门的全开位置,按闸板的位置(即行程来确定。本类阀门在管道中一般应当水平安装。 还了解学习到了止回阀,.止回阀又称止逆阀、单流阀、单向阀或逆止阀,其作用是保证管路中的介质定向流动而不致倒流的功能。压力 1.625MPa/Class150-2500/2.0-42.0MPa 工作温度 -29+550 ,材质通常有:铸钢WCB,.铸铁HT200,HT250,QT350,QT450,合金钢WC6,WC9,CN7M不锈钢有CF8(M),CF3(M).锻钢有A105,F304(L),F316L等.的石油、化工、制药、化肥、电力行业

8、等各种工况的管路上,适用介质为水、油品、蒸汽、酸性介质等。是控制管道内介质单向流向的阀门,用来防止管路中的介质倒流。工作原理:止回阀是指依靠介质本身流动而自动开、闭阀瓣,用来防止介质倒流的阀门,又称逆止阀、单向阀、逆流阀和背压阀。止回阀属于一种自动阀门,其主要作用是防止介质倒流、防止泵及驱动电动机反转,以及容器介质的泄放。止回阀还可用于给其中的压力可能升至超过系统压的辅助系统提供补给的管路上。止回阀主要可分为旋启式止回阀(依重心旋转)与升降式止回阀(沿轴线移动)。 最后还学习了解到了蝶阀.蝶阀又叫翻板阀,是一种结构简单的调节阀,同时也可用于低压管道介质的开关控制的方工阀门蝶阀是指关闭件(阀瓣或

9、蝶板)为圆盘,围绕阀轴旋转来达到开启与关闭的一种阀,阀门可用于控制空气、水、蒸汽、各种腐蚀性介质、泥浆、油品、液态金属和放射性介质等各种类型流体的流动。在管道上主要起切断和节流作用。蝶阀启闭件是一个圆盘形的蝶板,在阀体内绕其自身的轴线旋转,从而达到启闭或调节的目的。工作原理: 蝶阀是用圆盘式启闭件往复回转90左右来开启、关闭或调节介质流量的一种阀门。蝶阀不仅结构简单、体积小、重量轻、材料耗用省、安装尺寸小、驱动力矩小、操作简便、迅速,并且还可以同时具有良好的流量调节功能和关闭密封特性,是近十几年来发展最快的阀门品种之一。蝶阀的使用非常广泛。其使用的品种和数量仍在继续扩大,并向高温、高压、大口径

10、、高密封性、长寿命、优良的调节特性,以及一阀多功能发展。其可靠性及其他性能指标均达到较高水平。三 、实习体会 实习,就是把我们在学校所学的理论知识,运用到客观实际中去,使自己所学的理论知识有用武之地。只学不实践,那么所学的就等于零。理论应该与实践相结合。另一方面,实践可为以后找工作打基础。通过这段时间的实习,学到一些在学校里学不到的东西。因为环境的不同,接触的人与事不同,从中所学的东西自然就不一样了。要学会从实践中学习,从学习中实践。而且在中国的经济飞速发展,又加入了世贸,国内外经济日趋变化,每天都不断有新的东西涌现,在拥有了越来越多的机会的同时,也有了更多的挑战,前天才刚学到的知识可能在今天


12、高手低现象 。向他人虚心求教,遵守组织纪律和单位规章制度,与人文明交往等一些做人处世的基本原则都要在实际生活中认真的贯彻,好的习惯也要在实际生活中不断培养。这一段时间所学到的经验和知识大多来自老板和同事们的教导,这是我一生中的一笔宝贵财富。这次实习也让我深刻了解到,在工作中和同事保持良好的关系是很重要的。做事首先要学做人,要明白做人的道理,如何与人相处是现代社会的做人的一个最基本的问题。对于自己这样一个即将走向社会的大学生来说,需要学习的东西很多、很多。 实习是每个大学生必须拥有的一段经历,他使我在实践中了解社会,让我学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,也开阔了视野,增长了见识,为我以后进一

13、步走向社会打下坚实的基础。最后衷心的感谢学校给我们提供了这次宝贵的实习机会。Numerical controlAbstract:Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and work process with digital information. Its a very rapidly developing technology in modern industrial production. Numerical control equipment is the new

14、 technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry, namely the so-called digital equipment. This paper analyzes the development trend of numerical control machine tools of high-speed

15、, high-accuracy, reliability, process complex and multi-axis, and presents some of the problems existing in the development of Chinas numerical control machine tools.Keywords: accuracy material market competitive Numerical control (NC) is a form of programmable automation in which the processing equ

16、ipment is controlled by means of numbers, letters, and other symbols The numbers, letters,and symbols are coded in an appropriate format to define a program of instructions for a particular work-part or job. The instructions are provided by either of the two binary coded decimal systems: the Electro

17、nic Industries Association (EIA) code, or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). ASCII-coded machine control units will not accept EIA coded instructions and vice verse. Increasingly, however, control units are being made to accept instructions in either code. Automation ope

18、ration by NC is readily adaptable to the operation of all metalworking machines. Lathes, milling machines, drill presses, boring machines, grinding machines, turret punches, flame or wire-cutting and welding machines, and even pipe benders are available with numerical controls. Basic Components of N

19、C A numerical control system consists of the following three basic components: (1) Program instructions (2) Machine control unit (3) Processing equipment The program instructions are the detailed step by step commands that direct the processing equipment.In its most common form,the commands refer to

20、 positions of a machine tool spindle with respect to the worktable on which the part is fixedMore advanced instructions include selection of spindle speeds,cutting tools,and other functions. The machine control unit (MCU) consists of the electronics and control hardware that reads and interprets the

21、 program of instructions and convert it into mechanical actions of the machine tool or other processing equipment.The processing equipment is the component that performs metal processIn the most common example of numerical control,it is used to perform machining operations. The processing equipment

22、consists of the worktable and spindle as well as the motors and controls needed to drive them DNC and CNC The development of numerical control was a significant achievement in batch and job shop manufacturing,from both a technological and a commercial viewpointThere have been two enhancements and ex

23、tensions of NC technology,including: (1) Direct numerical control (2) Computer numerical control Direct numerical control can be defined as a manufacturing system in which a number of machines are controlled by a computer through direct connection and in real timeThe tape reader is omitted in DNC,th

24、us relieving the system of its least reliable componentInstead of using the tape reader,the part program is transmitted to the machine tool directly from the computer memoryIn principle,one computer can be used to control more than 100 separate machines(One commercial DNC system during the l970s boa

25、sted a control capability of up to 256 machine tools.) The DNC computer is designed to provide instructions to each machine tool on demandWhen the machine needs control commands,they are communicated to it immediately Since the introduction of DNC,there have been dramatic advances in computer techno

26、logyThe physical size and cost of a digital computer has been significantly reduced at the same time that its computational capabilities have been substantially increasedIn numerical control,the result of these advances has been that the large hard-wired MCUs of conventional NC have been replaced by

27、 control units based on the digital computerInitially,minicomputers were utilized in the early 1970sAs further miniaturization occurred in computers,minicomputers were replaced by todays microcomputers Computer numerical control is an NC system using dedicated microcomputer as the machine control un

28、it Because a digital computer is used in both CNC and DNC, it is appropriate to distinguish between the two types of systemThere are three principal differences: (1) DNC computers distribute instructional data to, and collect data from, a large number of machinesCNC computers control only one machin

29、e,or a small number of machines (2) DNC computers occupy a location that is typically remote from the machines under their control. CNC computer are located very near their machine tools. (3) DNC software is developed not only to control individual pieces of production equipment, but also to serve a

30、s part of a management information system in the manufacturing sector of the firm. CNC software is developed to augment the capabilities of a particular machine tool. The computer is a tool helpful to mechanical designers to lighten tedious calculations, and provide extended analysis of available da

31、ta. Interactive systems, based on computer capabilities, have made possible the concepts of computer aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). How does the psychologist frequently discuss causes the machine which the people adapts them to operate. Designs personnels basic responsibi

32、lity is diligently causes the machine to adapt the people. This certainly is not an easy work, because certainly does not have to all people to say in fact all is the most superior operating area and the operating process. Another important question, project engineer must be able to carry on the exchan

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