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1、U1六上英语教案doc六年级上册英语教案Unit1 How can I get there?课题Unit1 How can I get there? A Lets try/ Lets talk第一课时教学目标(1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital.” (2)能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the ? Turn left at the , then go straight. Its on the left.(3)能够掌握四会单词hospi

2、tal,cinema,post office,bookstore ,Turn ,left, go straight.(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。重点难点1、学习句型:“Where is the museum shop? Its near the door”2、正确使用方位介词。课前准备单词卡、录音机、录音带。课时目标1.复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum2能够听、说、读、写句型:“Where is the museum shop? Its near the doo

3、r”3. 能够听、说、认读单词:ask,sir,interesting和句子:Is there a.? I want to. What a great museum!教学过程教学过程预学Step 1 Warm up and Lets doGo to the bookstore. Buy some books.Go to the post office. Send a letter.Go to the hospital. See the doctor.Go to the cinema. See a film.Go to the museum. See some robots.2.Revision

4、复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,postoffice ,bookstore,science museum.Step 2 PresentationLets try打开课本读一读Lets try中呈现的问题和选项。播放录音,学生听完后勾出正确的选项。全班校对答案。互学Step 3 PracticeLets talk(1)播放Lets talk录音,学生带着问题听录音,where is the museum shop?where is the post office?听完录音后让学生回答这两个问题,教师板书:Its near the door. Its next to the mus

5、eum.教师讲解:“near”表示在附近,“next to”表示与相邻,它的范围比near小。最后让学生用“near”和“next to”来讲述学校周围的建筑物。(2)讲解“A talking robot!What a great museum!”,让学生说说这两个感叹句的意思。(3)跟读、领读Lets talk.(4)分角色朗读课文。评学Step 4 Consolidation分角色扮演Lets talk的内容,三人一组表演对话,然后请一些同学到台前表演。Talk about the places in your city/town/village.活动方式:教师引导学生共同回忆学过的公共场

6、所名称,并将其板书在黑板上,如:park,library,zoo,school,museum等,先与一名学生示范问答:T: Is there a zoo in our city?S:Yes, there is.T: Where is it?S: Its near the park.然后学生两人一组进行问答练习。Step 5 Homework(1)听录音跟读对话。(2)完成活动手册配套练习。板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there ? science museum Wheres the cinema ? post office Its near/next to/behind

7、 bookstore hospital cinema教学反思 课题Unit1 How can I get there? A Lets learn 第二课时教学目标(1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital.”等。(2)能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the ? Turn left at the , then go straight. Its on the left.(3)能够掌握四会单词hospital,cinema,post office

8、,bookstore ,Turn ,left, go straight.(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。重点难点本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Lets learn部分中运用方位借此表述位置。课前准备A Lets learn部分的录音,四会单词和短语的卡片等。课时目标1能够听、说、读、写单词:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital.2能用句子“Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. ”来替换有关询问和回答位置的表达

9、。教学过程教学过程预学Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings2.利用图片引导学生复习:bank, school,library等表示单位的名称。互学Step 2 Presentation(1)教师出示Robin, 并说:Robin is a robot. Where can we find Robin? 引导学生说出单词 science museum. (2)教师出示地图,并说:Robin wants to sent a post card, its near the museum. Where is it? 引出单词post office. (3)教师根据地图继续引导学生:R

10、obin wants to buy some books, the place is next to the post office. Can you find where Robin want to go?(4)以同样的方法教单词cinema和hospital互学Step 3 Practice1. 出示卡片,齐读。2. 学生听录音,跟读Letslearn部分的内容。教师注意纠正学生的语音、语调。3. 教师利用地图,请学生描述每个地方的位置。4. 学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演评学Step 4 Consolidation1. 生生对话。利用所学单词和句型,进行对话。2. 请学生拿出事先

11、画好的地图两人或四人为一组,以一问一答的形式描述地图上的位置。教师请个别小组展示对话。3. Sum-up(总结)Step 5 Homework1、抄写新单词。2、画一张心中理想城市的地图,并描述。板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there ? Where is the cinema? science museum Its next to/near/behind the post office bookstore hospital cinema教学反思 课题Unit1 How can I get there? B Lets try ,Lets talk. 第三课时教学目标1.

12、能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital.”等。2.能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the ? Turn left at the , then go straight. Its on the left.3.能够掌握四会单词hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore ,Turn ,left, go straight.4.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。重点难点1.重点:能听说,读

13、,写单词和词组: I like How can I get to the? Turn right at并能在实际情景中正确使用。2.难点:正确选用介词at 和on 。课前准备课文录音,单词卡片课时目标1. 能听说,读,写单词和词组:pizza, street. get.2能听说,读,写句子:I like How can I get to the? Turn right at并能在实际情景中正确使用。教学过程教学过程教学过程预学互学一热身(warm-up)1师生问候。2.sing a song:Where is the hospital?二复习(Revision)1.全班抽读单词或词组:scie

14、nce, museum, post office,bookstore, crossing, cimema, hospital, turn ,right , left , straight,并选择一些单词让学生拼读。2. 游戏:贴鼻子活动方式:每组派上一名同学,根据同组其他同学发出的指令:go straight ,turn right ,turn left ,stop将鼻子插到指定的位置,用时最少的组获胜。三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1.教学单词pizza, street 教师出示pizza的图片介绍说:This is pizza. Its a kind of Italian fo

15、od and is very popular in the world now. 板书:pizza, 带领学生用升、降调度单词,然后采用“大小声”的游戏操练单词。 教师出示street 的图片介绍说:This is a street. Our school is onStreet. 板书:street,带领学生用升、降调度单词。教学句子How can I get to the? Turn right at教师出示自己绘制的学校周边示意图,与学生进行对话:T:Im hungry now. Is there a restaurant near our school?S:Yes, there is.

16、T:Please tell me how I can get to the restaurant.S:Turn right. Go straight . Turn left at the crossing.T:Thanks. S:Youre welcome.板书:How I can get to the?Turn right /left at并带读。互学一、活动:“红领巾指路小分队” 活动方式:学生两人一组,一人扮演问路的行人,一人扮演热心指路的“红领巾”,根据黑板上张贴的学校周边示意图展开对话,如: S1: Excuse me. Is there a pet hospital near he

17、re?S2:Yes, there is.S1: How can I get there? S2:Go straight and turn right at the post office. Youll see a shop. The pet hospital is next the shop.S1:Thanks. S2:Youre welcome.两两对话后,教师请一些学生到台前表演对话。二、教学B. Lets talk(1) 教师播放B Lets talk的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:Where is the restaurant? How can they get there?视频播放完

18、后,让学生来回答这两个问题。(2) 教师播放A Lets talk的视频,在 What an interesting film! Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.处暂停,让学生说说这两个句子的意思并带读。(3)播放B Lets talk的视频,每句后暂停,全班跟读。评学活动:1. 两人一组,分角色扮演B.Lets talk部分的内容,然后请一些学生到台前表演。2. Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there?活动方式:告诉对方你喜欢的影院或餐馆,并说说该怎么走

19、。教师先与一位 学生示范回答:T:I like Jinyi Cinema.S:How can you I there?T: Turn left an Jiang bin park. Then turn right at Dongfang Restaurant. Go straight . Youll see a museum. Jinyi Cinema is next to the museum.S:Thanks. 然后学生两人一组进行问答练习。活动: Im GPS. 活动方式:教师将班级的桌椅重新摆放,模拟出一些街道,在街道两旁摆放一些单词卡,如:公园、动物园、博物馆、商店、医院等代表路旁的

20、一些公共场所。学生两人一组,一人模拟开车司机,一人模拟GPS为其导航。如: How can get to the zoo? Go straight . Turn left at the school. Then go straight and Turn left at the park. The zoo is next to the park. Homework1. 听录音,跟读对话和单词。2. 用英语为家长描述如何从学校走回家里。板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there ? pizza What an interesting film!streetget 教学反思课题U

21、nit1 How can I get there? B Lets learn第四课时教学目标(1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital.”等。(2)能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the ? Turn left at the , then go straight. Its on the left.(3)能够掌握四会单词hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore ,Turn ,left, go straight

22、.(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。重点难点1. 重点:能听说,读,写单词和词组: crossing,turn left,go straight,turn right.2. 难点:go straight的发音和拼写。课前准备1 配套的教学课件。2 图片和单词卡片。3 录音机和磁带。课时目标1. 能听说,读,写单词和词组:crossing,turn left,go straight,turn right.2. 能听说,读,写单词:Italian,restaurant.3. 能听说,读,写句子:Where is the Italian restaurant?

23、Turn right here?No,turn left.并能在实际情景中正确使用。教学过程教学过程教学过程教学过程预学一热身(Warm-up)1师生问候。2.sing a song.二复习(Revision) missing?活动方式:全班先抽读单词卡片:science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,然后教师藏起其中一张单词卡片,问学生:Whats missing?为最快说出答案的学生所在的组加分。句子接龙活动方式:教师先说一个公共场所的名称,接着让一个学生在重复教师所说场所名称的基础上再加一个场所的名

24、称。以此类推,如果说不出行的场所,获场所的顺序有误的话则被判出局。如:T:I can see a hospital.S1: I can see a hospital and a post office.S2: I can see a hospital ,a post office and a cinema.互学互学新课呈现(presentation)1. 教学词组:turn left turn right(1)学生排成一列纵队,后面的学生手搭在前面的学生的肩上,教师放“兔子舞”音乐,和学生一起跳“兔子舞”。跳的时候教师要注意示范left和right,如左右脚、左右手的动作。(2)跳完后教师再一

25、次举起左右手和左右脚并重复单词right和 left,板书:right 和left,带读right 和left。(3)活动:听听做做活动方式:教师发指令:show me your right/left hand/leg/ear/foot.全班同学根据指令动作,边做边说:My right/left hand/leg/ear/foot.然后改由一个学生发指令,其他同学边说边做动作。(4)出示左转的图片说:turn left,补充板书成:turn right,让学生与教师一起边做左转的手势边说turn left。同步骤教学turn right。(5)队列训练活动方式:每组请上两位学生在讲台前一字排开

26、,教师发出指令:turn right,turn left,则学生边右转、左转边重复:turn right, turn left。说错或转错则被判出局,留下的学生为胜者。接着可以改由学生发指令继续活动。2.教学词组: go straight(1) 教师再黑板上用尺子画一条直线,指着直线说:This line is straight.板书:straight,带读straight。然后采用“大小声”的游戏操练单词:即教师大声说单词,学生则小声说。教师如果小声说,学生则大声说。(2)教师出示“直走”图标说:go straight。板书补充go straight。带读go straight。3. 教学单

27、词:crossing 出示十字路口的图片介绍:This is a crossing.板书crossing,带读crossing。然后采用“大小声”的游戏操练单词。插红旗活动方式:每组派上一名同学,用眼罩蒙住眼睛。根据同组其他同学发出的指令:go straight ,turn right ,turn left ,stop将红旗插到指定的位置,用时最少的组获胜。5.教学B.Lets learn(1) 教师出示课文挂图,播放课文录音,全班静听,理解课文。(2) 板书:Italian restaurant ,告诉学生词组的意思并带读。(3) 学生打开书,教师播放B,Lets learn的录音

28、,学生逐句跟读。评学评学1教学be a tour guide(1)教师将课本上的地图贴在黑板上,对学生介绍说:Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Can you help her? For example, now we are in front or Tiananmen. Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.(2) 学生两人一组进行活动。2 .活动:老外与警察活动方式:先由教师扮演老外,学生扮演警察,让警察为老外指路。在师生示范的基础上,学生两人一组,

29、分别扮演警察与老外进行对话。如:T:Excuse me, sir. I want to send some postcards. Is there a post office near here?S:yes, there is.T:Where is it?S:Its near the school.T:How can I get to the post office?S:Go straight . You will see a crossing. Then turn right. You will see it.T:Thank you.S:Youre welcome.Homework1. 听录音,跟读对话和单词。2. 完成活动手册配套练习。3. 用英语为家长作导游。板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there ?crossing Turn left at the park.turn left Turn right at the museum.turn right go straight教学反思课题Unit1 How can I get there? B Read and write第五课时教学目标1.能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the

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