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1、仁爱版八年级上册英语unit1知识点总结06528Unit 1 Playing sportsTopic1 Im going to play basketball.Section A1、what are you gonging to do? 你要做什么?2、Im going to play basketball.我要打篮球。3、I often saw you play basketball during the summer holldays.暑假期间我经常看到你打篮球。4、We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on

2、 Sunday.星期天我们要和三班进行一次篮球比赛。 have a game against Class Three和三班打比赛5、Would you like to come and cheer us on?你会来为我们加油吗? cheer sb on 为某人加油6、win-lose赢-败7、Which sport do you prefer ,swimming or rowing? I prefer rowing.游泳和划船你更喜欢那一项?我更喜欢划船。 prefer doing sth更喜欢做某事8、Do you row much? Yes ,quite a lot / No, seld

3、om.你常划船吗?是的,常划/不,很少quite a lot表示经常9、Are you going to join the school rowing team?你要参加学校的划船队吗?Section B 10、 whats your favorite sports ,Marla? Basketball, of course.玛利亚,你喜欢什么运动?当然是篮球。11、 whos your favorite player?你最喜欢的运动员是谁?12、I like Yao Ming best.我最喜欢姚明。13、 Hes 2.26 meters tall.他2.26米高。14、 He played

4、 for the Houston Rockrts in the NBA.他效力于休斯顿火箭队。play for效力于15、 Im going to be a basketball player like him.我要像他一样成为一名篮球运动员。16、 What are you going to be when you grow up ?你长大了要做什么? grow up长大17、 I am going to be a scientist.我要当一名科学家。18、 Its his dream.这是他的梦想19、 in the future 在将来Section C20、She goes cycl

5、ing twice a week and often goes mountain climbing on Sunday.她一周骑车两次,而且经常在星期天的时候去爬山。 go cycling 去骑车 twice a week 一周两次 go mountain climbing 去爬山on Sunday 在周日21、She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day.她每天花费半个小时在体育馆做锻炼spend on sth在某事上话费时间或金钱spenddoing sth话费时间或金钱做某事 half an hour 半小时 every

6、day 每天22、she plays it very well.她打得很好。23、She is also good at jumping.她也很擅长跳。 be good at / do well in 擅长,在某方面做的好24、There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.下周即将有一场校运会。 there is going to be 将要 a school sports meet 学校运动会 next weekend 下周末25、She is going to take part in the high jump and lo

7、ng jump.她将要去参加跳高和跳远。 take part in 参加 the high jump 跳高 the long jump 跳远26、which sport do you like best?你最喜欢什么运动?27、when and where do you usually do it?你经常在什么时候,什么地点做它?28、How often do you do it?你多久锻炼一次?29、How long do you do it each time?你每次锻炼多长时间?30、Is it good for your health?它对身体有好处吗?31、It makes him

8、strong and its popular all over the world.它让他变得很强壮,并且它在全世界都很流行。make sb. strong 是某人强壮 all over the world 遍及全世界32、Its goof for your health.这对你的健康有益。be good for 对有好处33、 the day after tomorrow 后天34、 keep fit = keep healthy 保持健康35、 a good way 一种很好方法36、 a good way to keep healthy 保持健康的好方法37、what is he goi

9、ng to do this afternoon?今天下午他要做什么?Section D38、He arrive in Beijing with his teammates yesterday.arrive in /at 到达 (in 接大地点,at接小地点)39、They are going to play against Chinas national team tomorrow.他们明天将会和中国队打比赛。play against 与对抗,与打对抗赛Chinas national team 中国国家队40、But its too bad that the team isnt going t

10、o stay for long.但是糟糕的是这个队不会待太久。Its too bad that 糟糕的是41、They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow for a game with Japans national team.他们在后天将会为了和日本国家队打比赛而离开去日本 the day after tomorrow.后天leave for 前往。(后接某地)Japans national team 日本国家队42、its a pity.真可惜。43、prepare for 为。做准备44、climb a mountain 爬山45、

11、row a boat 划船46、play table tennis 打乒乓球47、play with .与(和)。玩48、 he is going to play with his brother.他要和弟弟一起玩。Topic 2 We should learn teamwork.Section A1、 Could you help me, please?你能帮助我吗?=Could you please give me a hand?give sb. a hand .帮某人一个忙2、We are going to have a soccer game against Class Five on

12、 Saturday.在星期六,我们将会和五班有一场足球比赛。have a soccer game 进行一次足球比赛3、But one of my teammates fell ill.但是我们队有一个队友生病了one of my teammates 我的一个队友 fall ill 病倒=be ill4、will you join us ?你加入我们好吗?Will you do sth.?你做。好吗?5、I am not very good at it.我不是很擅长它be good at / do well in 擅长6、Would you mind teaching me?你介意教我嘛?=Co

13、uld you please teach me?could you please + v.原型?委婉的表示请求,你能。? Could you please do sth.? 请你做某事,好吗?Could you mind +doing sth?7、Not at all.一点也不介意。8、I kick the ball to you.我把球踢给你。kick the ball .踢球9、And you pass me the ball like this.你像这样把球传给我。10、Never mind.不要介意。 It doesnt metter.没关系11、Keep trying. 继续努力。k

14、eep doing sth. 一直做某事keep sb. doing sth.让某人坚持做某事12、 have a try .试一试13、 Would you mind passing me the ball? Of course not .Ill do it right away.你介意把球穿给我吗?当然不介意了 我马上递给你! of course not .当然不 right away=right now= at once 马上立刻14、 Do you mind not putting your bike here ? Sorry, Ill put it somewhere else.别把

15、自行车放在这你介意吗?抱歉,我马上把他放在别的地方去。15、 Would you mind if I try it again? Certainly not. Please do .16、 Would you mind not throwing bottles around? Im sorry about that. I wont do it again.不要到处乱扔瓶子你介意吗?很抱歉,我不会再扔了。17、 play the piano 弹钢琴18、 open the window 打开窗19、 Dont be late next time.下次别迟到了20、 make ones bed 整

16、理床铺21、 take Bus NO.2 乘2路车Section B 22、we lost because you wouldnt pass the ball.因为你不传球我们有输了比赛。23、What do you mean?你是什么意思?What do you mean by saying that ?你说的那个是什么意思?24、Dont shout at me like that.不要想那样对我大喊大叫。shout at sb.对某人喊25、Michael doesnt do well in soccer but he did his best.Michael不擅长踢足球,但是他尽力了。

17、do ones best 尽某人最大努力26、You know, one player doesnt make a team.你要知道,一个运动员是不能组成一个队的。27、Dont be angry with each other.不要相互生气。be angry with sb. 对某人生气28、You two should talk more about the game before you play.在比赛前,你们两个应该多交流一下。29、What about saying sorry to Michael?和麦克说句对不起怎么样?say sorry to sb. 对某人道歉30、I a

18、m sorry for what I said.我为我所说过的话表示抱歉。be sorry for doing sth. 对做某事感到歉意be sorry for/about sth.对。感到抱歉be sorry for doing sth.对做某事感到难过31、Its nothing.没关系32、Practice more and you will do better next time.多锻炼,下次你会做的更好。do better next time .下次做的更好。33、You are sure to have more fun.你一定会有更多的乐趣的。We are sure to wi

19、n next time .我们相信下次会赢Be sure to do sth. 确信做某事be sure that + 从句have more fan.更多乐趣34、With the help of Maria and Jane, Kangkang said sorry to Michael. 在maria和Jane的帮助下,康康对Michael说了抱歉。with help of sb.=with ones help 在某人的帮助下35、on the phone 在电话上 36、My dad bought a basketball for my brother. give sb. sth. =

20、 give sth. to sb. 给某人某物buy sb.sth. = buy sth. to sb. 给某人买某物pass sb.sth. = pass sth. to sb.37、 take a seat 就坐38、 be busy / be busy doing / be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 Section C39、 Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world .篮球是美国和世界上其他部分国家最流行的运动之一。One o

21、f .之一 all over the world = around the world 遍及全世界the most popular sport 最受欢迎的运动 the United States美国40、It has a history of over a century.他拥有一个多世纪的历史。Basketball has a history of over one hundred years.have a history of .拥有。的历史over a century = more than a hundred years 一个多世纪41、At first, it was an indo

22、or game so that students could play in bad weather. 首先,他是一个室内游戏,因此,学生们可以在天气不好时玩它。at first 起初 首先in bad weather 在不好的天气里42、Basketball soon became very popular.篮球很快变得很流行。Soon表示很快43、 come into being.形成=be born 形成 产生44、Basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game.篮球既是户内运动,也是户外运动Both.and.(两者)都45、 come fro

23、m = be from 来自46、 for example 举例 例如47、The goal is to throw the ball through the other sides basket, and to stop the other team from dong so.目标是把球仍进另外一方的球篮里,并且阻止对方把球扔进自己的篮子里了。48、But you must follow the rules. follow the rules 遵守规则49、But it is more important for you and the other players to play as a

24、team.但是,作为一个团队对于你和你的队友是很重要的。50、You are sure to enjoy playing this popular sport.你一定会喜欢上这个流行的运动的。enjoy sth. 喜欢做某事51、A large number of people enjoyed basketball.许多的人喜欢上篮球。52、Basketball is becoming more and more popular around the word.篮球在全世界变得越来越流行。Section D53、lots of people play football in pa

25、rks or playground just for fun.许多的人在公园或者操场踢足球,只是为了开心。Lots of =a lot of =plenty of=a large number of 许多Just for fun 只是为了开心。54、With hundreds of years history, it is one of the most popular sports in England.它有一百多年的历史并且它是英格兰最流行的运动之一。With结构,表示伴随着55、They turned most of their main plays into famous person

26、s.他们他主力运动员变成了名人。Turn into把变成Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming .Section A1、The school sports meet is coming. will you take part in it?学校的运动会马上就要来了,你准备参加吗?2、Which sport will you take part in?你将要参加哪一项运动?3、The boys 800-meter race男子800米赛跑。4、Ill be in the long jump and the high jump.我将会参加跳远和跳高。be i

27、n / take part in / join in 参加5、I believe you will win.我相信你会赢的。6、I hope so. 我希望如此。7、Steve, my best friend, will come to cheer me on.我最好的朋友Steve将会来为我加油。cheer sb. on 为。加油8、It s my first time to take part in the high jump.这是我第一次参加跳高。Its the / my first time to do sth.这是我第一次做某事9、Im preparing for the long

28、jump.我正在为跳远做准备。be preparing for=be ready for 为。做准备10、Ill make many friends during the sports meet.我会在运动会上交许多朋友。make friends 交朋友11、a pair of running shoes 一双跑鞋12、Ill run in the teachers relay race.我将参加教师接力赛。join in the teachersrelay race 参加教师接力赛13、 do ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事14、 have fun = hav

29、e a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 过得愉快Section B 15、 Is Michael in ?Speaking.马克尔在家吗?请讲16、 What shall we take ?我们要带些什么吗?17、Shall I take our camera?我需要带上我的照相机吗?18、When shall we meet?我们应该什么时候见面?19、 Lets make it half past six.咱们定在六点半吧20、 Where shall we meet ?我们在哪里见面?21、 see you then .see you .到时候见!再见!22

30、、At the school gate.在学校的大门口。23、 at the theater 在剧院24、 at the bus stop 在公交车站25、 do ones best = try ones best 尽某人最大努力26、 each other 彼此27、 go to the movies 去看电影28、 climb a mountain 去爬山29、 at the train station 在火车站30、 pass sb. 递给某人某物31、 there is going to be / there will be 将要有 。32、 take some phot

31、os 拍照33、Kangkang is trying to his best to catch up with them.康康尽他最大的努力跟上他们。34、All the four boys are neck and neck.四个男孩不分上下。35、Two boys run into each other.两个男孩撞到对方。36、Michael is running past them and coursing the line.麦克超过了他们,并且冲过了终点线。Section C37、The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic games .奥运五环是奥运会的象征。38、 the colors of the rings are blue ,yellow,black, green and red.环的颜色是蓝黄黑绿红a symbol of 的象征39、They stand for the five

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