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1、高考英语抢分题型专练及答案3doc2019 年高考英语抢分题型专练及答案 (3)阅读填空专项练习Just because you re the boss doesn t mean you are right every time. Learn to back up your ideas or decisionswith reason. Use logic to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite criticism, but you will also get an opportuni

2、ty to improve.2.They are generous with praise. Remember the time when you worked really hard but got nothing in return. 2 So every chance you get to praise someone, do it.3.They are helpful. Never hesitate to help someone. 3Be specific : “I had t he same problem with this coffee machine in the morni

3、ng. I think I have figured a way to make it work. ”4. They apologize when needed.We all make mistakes, but what makes a person big isthat he is ready to apologize. 4 Don t try to shift theblame. Just come out and say you re sorry.5. Theyre in charge of their emotions.Sometimes it is very important t

4、o stay silent,especially when you re angry. You don t want to end upsaying things you didn t really mean to. 5 Never be rash (轻率的 ) with words or actions.A. They are open to criticism.B. Don t try to hide behind excuses.C. It hurts when your efforts are not recognized.D. Before you say anything, con

5、sider others feelings.E. Give the person in front of you a smile and thank him or her.F. When you don t understand how something works, let an expert show you.G. Dont say something not clear like,you?” because they might say, “No, I“Can I help m good. ”( 二)Do you have a habit of starting projects, b

6、ut not finishing them? If so, you are not alone. 1 How to finish the projects you start? Here is my best tips.1. Be selective in what you engage in.When you start on a project, make sure it is something you are enthusiastic about. I took up things which I was half interested in in the past. Eventual

7、ly I stopped them mid-way.2 Because of that, I 抦 more conscious of how I use my time and energy today.2. Track your progress.Tracking your progress helps you understand how you抮edoing and gives you a target to reach. Thisus makes it easierto keep up with your momentum ( 势头 ). 3 Specify your KPIs(Key

8、 Performance Indicators) that you want to achieve.3. Celebrate what you ve done so far.Sometimes you get discouraged. It seems like no matter how much time y ou spend, it s impossible to finish it. 4 Give yourself a big hug. Celebrate the process, the completion, everything.4. Don 抰 force it if it 抯

9、 really not working out.Sometimes, init just happens that you lose interest in the goal. You change; your interests change, and you get new ideas. 5 Because it just prevents more goodness from coming your way.A. Don抰try to hold on to what you抳e done.heB. Actually everything youve done so far is anac

10、complishment!C. Create a project sheet that records your targets and your current status.D. That means doing a plan on how much time and effort this idea will take.E. The easiest way to complete the projects is to be flexible in your project management.F. This resulted in a waste of time and resourc

11、es which could have been better used elsewhere.G. Many people have a habit of starting projects but not finishing them, which is a very bad practice.( 三)We often close ourselves off when unfortunate events happen in our lives. We try to forget the pain by pretendingit doesn t exist, but although we

12、can try all this we want,in the end, we can t hide from ourselves. 1 Here are some ways you can open your heart more fully.1. Breathe into painWhenever a painful situation arises, try to accept it instead of running away. 2 By using our breath we soften our experiences.2. Embrace the uncomfortable3

13、We know how fear feels in our bodies : the tension inour necks, the tightness in our stomachs, etc. We can face these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.3. Spend time aloneFor most of our lives we 抮 e surrounded by people : ourfriends, colleagues, peers, family members,

14、loved ones, andstrangers. How often do we really spend time alone? 4 Yolucan truly open yourself and explore whatever you 抎 like. Thegolden ticket here is not to let yourself become distracted;just see what it 抯 like to be alone.4. Get outside of yourselfThis may seem a little contradictory to the l

15、ast tip. 5After Yyou 抳 e explored the depths of yourself, you come awaywith a new understanding. Now, it 抯 time to share that ?not through telling others, but through being with others. ouA. We all know what anxiety feels like.B. However, in reality they work hand in hand.C. We need to learn to open

16、 our hearts to the potential of life.D. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and face up to it.E. You 抣 l add a new layer of depth and understanding into your life.DF. Lose yourself in the beauty of others; see what they can teach you about yourself.G. When you spend time in solitude (独自 ) y

17、oure freefrom the influences of other people.( 四)If you think about your circle of friends and familymembers, you can certainly pick out one or more people whoare not good listeners. 1 If you re fortunate, that person is a good friend, a loved one or a teacher.All too often, we associate the benefit

18、s of good listening skills with achieving very specific outcomes, like following the boss 抯 orders (aimed at getting a job promotion).2 We think of them as something basic, which we mastered in our formal schooling, along with dictation and obeying instructions, etc. This is aw shame. We should know

19、 listening skills are the focus of lifetime learning and development, related to our communication skills.3 All of these occur because two people or groups don listen to each other. We don 抰 analyze the root problem, or work a on improvement steps.抰We still tend to treat listening skills the way we

20、treatlearning to walk : we think that once we 抳 e acquired them, we抳 e got them. We are ready to move on to the next thing. Wrong. 4Poor listening skills often damage effectivk e dialogue between people. 5 If we were able to reduce misunderstandings in our conversations by 20-30%, there would be ben

21、efits inefficiency and the elimination ( 消除 ) of tiresome repetition.A. However, think about the upside potential.B. Were surrounded by this kind of outcome.C. We tend to undervalue the importance of our listeningskills.D. Think about the number of failures, misunderstandings and arguments.E. Equall

22、y you can think of someone you know who is a very good listener.F. The challenge of listening is determining when the speaker wants a response or advice.G. The problem is that people and language are far more complex than the roads we travel on.( 五)Travelling is a very enjoyable experience as it pro

23、vides an opportunity to see new things. 1 The following article discusses the advantages of traveling.Traveling gives you the opportunity to disconnect from your regular life. People all have crazy schedules, work and a family to take care of, and traveling alone or with some friends can give you di

24、stance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are to you. 2Another great benefit is the relaxation you get. 3 When you come back you feel energetic and you are happy to be back to your daily routine.4 They will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens to the

25、friendship/relationship. You cancreate photo albums and when you feel nostalgic ( 对往事怀恋的 ) you can experience the trips again by looking at yourpictures.It s never been this cheap to travel. Wit h increasingoil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end. 5 With the Internet and all the ne

26、w technology, you can plan your trip exactly the way you want it. You can choose your budget, the duration of the trip and what you want to do.A. It s nice to enjoy a stress -free time.B. As the saying goes, you never know what you have until you lose it.C. When traveling with friends or family it c

27、reates memories of a lifetime.D. Discovering different values and ways to get by in life is really interesting.E. Going on a trip means that you are most likely going to spend time outside.F. However, there are still many budget airlines fighting for your dollar right now.G. There are many benefits

28、other than enjoying yourself that can be realized when you travel.( 六)Experiencing moments of jealousy at some time or otherin your life is a very routine thing. 1 Maybe your peers are doing better than you. Or sometimes your sister probably has just achieved what you never could but always wanted t

29、o. Tryout the following to deal with jealousy :Try to list the reasons for your jealous feeling. Are you jealous because a colleague got a promotion that you thought you deserved and wanted? Or is it something else? Whatever the reason, take a few days off to stay away from the situation to calm you

30、r mind. Ask yourself why you get jealous and what you can do to win what the other person won. 2Try to change the way you think. Jealous people tend to compare themselves to others too much. Learn to accept the fact that everyone is different and everyone eventually has their day. 34 Jealousy is a n

31、egative emotion and feeling. If you feel it boiling within you, calm your mind and think ofpositive, happy things instead. Once your mind is full ofjealous thoughts, you will get so deep into it that you won 抰 even realize how bitter you have become as a person.Learn to appreciate others for who they are and what they have done. Jealous people sometimes like people who do not perform as well as expected. 5 o It is better to respect everyone and to get along with people who have ear

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