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本文(实践报告讲好中国好故事之《长生》Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Keywords: Chinese stories; Newmarks translation theory; The Story of Peng Zu摘 要当今中国正崛起于世界,一个良好的国际环境十分重要,讲好中国故事是提高我国文化软实力的重中之重,并且已成为当今社会与外国交流的重要途径之一。传播好中国的故事,需要政府、媒体人和每位民众的共同努力,用海外读者乐于接受的方式撬动他们的心,能让外国读者更加深刻的了解中国的文化,学习古中国的优秀思想,提高他们对古文化的认识,让中国理念赢得世界人民的认同。本文是一篇尊崇以上精神的翻译实践报告,并且在此基础上,使用了纽马克的翻译理论指导,对彭祖的故事进

2、行了翻译,该故事目前还没有英文版本,且外国人对中国的长生之道的知识还比较空白,通过翻译可以更好的宣传中国传统文化,使外国读者了解中国的养生之道。关键词:中国故事;纽马克翻译理论;彭祖的故事Table of Contents1. Introduction1.1 The requirements of the taskThe story of Peng Zu introduces a long-lived old man in ancient China, Peng Zu. The story reflects a part of ancient Chinese traditional cultu

3、re and the political system background of that time. It also introduces some traditional culture about longevity. Its author is unknown, which is a story handed down. Its specific content can be seen in Appendix 1At present, there is no foreign translation version of Peng Zus story, so there are few

4、 references. However, it is urgent for the academic circles to analyze it. This paper also aims to fill in the gap.1.2 The significance of the practiceChina is experiencing great development and changes. Extensive and profound changes have taken place in the social structure, interest pattern and pe

5、oples ideology and culture. The outside world may not understand it so thoroughly, but telling Chinese stories provides us with a good way of propaganda. Chinas good stories are bridge ties to communicate the Internet users in the world. As the worlds second largest economy, Chinas ability to partic

6、ipate in international affairs has been significantly improved. China is moving to the center of the world stage and attracting more and more international attention. However, looking at the international public opinion field, the pattern of public opinion in which the west is strong and the country

7、 is weak has not changed. The influence of Chinas mainstream media, government agencies and social organizations in the international arena needs to be improved. The attention paid to international hot topics and emergency reports is not high, and there are still aphasia and aphasia, especially when

8、 it comes to Chinas economic trend, ideology, climate change, national religion, etc On such hot issues as territorial disputes, which are generally concerned by the west, their own voice is weak, which is more likely to breed negative information and bad comments. In the face of the complex interna

9、tional public opinion situation, China urgently needs the international communication ability matching with the national comprehensive strength to guide the international community to comprehensively, objectively and deeply understand China. By the reason above, it is of great importance to use Chin

10、ese stories to inform everyone of the traditional Chinese culture.2. The Practice and Reflection2.1 Pre-task preparationNewmarks translation theory includes three parts, which is “Purpose principle”, “Consistency principle” and “Fidelity principle”. Purpose principle holds that the first principle f

11、ollowed by all translation activities is the principle of purpose, that is, translation should function in the context and culture of the target language in the way expected by the recipient. The whole process of translation behavior is determined by the purpose to be achieved, that is, the result d

12、etermines the method.Coherence rule refers to that the text must conform to the standard of coherence, that is, the text is readable and acceptable so that the recipient can understand and make sense in the culture of the target language and the communicative context in which the text is used. The f

13、idelity rule means that there should be inter-textual coherence between the original text and the translation. This is equivalent to the so-called fidelity to the source text in other translation theories, but the degree and form of fidelity to the source text depend on the purpose of the translatio

14、n and the translators understanding of the source text.Besides, OALD8th version is also used in this practice.2.2 The translation process2.2.1 Example 1黄帝的第七代子孙中,有一个人叫陆终。陆终娶了鬼方国的一个女子为妻。当她怀孕的时候,怀了整整三年,还是没法把孩子生下来。陆终看着妻子越长越大的肚子很着急,就用刀剖开她的左右两肋,从肋下取出了六个小小的婴儿。这六个婴儿中的一个,取名叫篯铿。Among the seventh generation d

15、escendants of the Yellow Emperor, there was a man named Lu Zhong. Lu Zhong married a woman from Gui Fang state. When she was pregnant, she had been pregnant for three years and still couldnt give birth to the baby. Looking at his wifes growing stomach, Lu Zhong was very worried. He cut open her left

16、 and right ribs with a knife and took out six small babies from under the ribs. One of the six babies was named Keng.This part applied the purpose theory to translate. In actual reading, it is hard for foreign readers to figure out the meaning of “Yellow Emperor”, if we translate it in to “Huang Di”

17、 it may give readers the wrong message that it is a name. And “Yellow Emperor” is not an important information in this story. So by the purpose of telling Chinese story to the world, this translation choose to directly translate 黄帝 into Yellow Emperor.2.2.2 Example 2果然,还没等野鸡汤端到房里,病中的尧立即闻到了香味,竟然翻身跃起,

18、胃口大开,随后一饮而尽,次日容光焕发。此后尧每日必食此鸡汤,虽日理万机,却百病不生。一时传为美谈并流传下来。雉鸡当时并不罕见,配料也无玄机,“疑点”便集中在彭祖的另一秘方员木果籽上,彭祖正是知道员木果籽(茶籽)的养生功效,才会一招中的。The next day, Yaos body was full of disease, and his stomach was still full. Since then, Yao had to eat this chicken soup every day. Although he was able to manage every day, he did

19、not suffer from all kinds of diseases. For a while, it was a beautiful talk and passed down. Pheasants were not rare at that time, and there was no mystery in the ingredients. The doubtful points were concentrated on another secret recipe of Pengzu, namely, the seeds of mangosteen (tea seeds), which

20、 Peng Zu knew about the health-care effect of the seeds.The translation of purpose principle should not only be faithful to the original but also express the connotation of the original. For example, the translation of this sentence has followed the purpose theory.2.2.3 Example 3后来,这两兄弟居住到了今天的福建武夷山一

21、带,那时候武夷山还没有名字,因为他们叫彭武和彭夷,大家就把他们居住的那座山称作武夷山。彭武和彭夷最早把种茶的技术从中原带到了福建,后来武夷山成了全世界有名的产茶区之一。Later, the two brothers lived in todays Wuyishan area of Fujian Province. At that time, Wuyishan had no name. Because their names were pengwu and Pengyi, the mountain they lived in was called Wuyishan. Pengwu and Pen

22、gyi first brought tea planting technology from the Central Plains to Fujian. Later, Wuyishan became one of the famous tea producing areas in the world.Sometimes we have to add a subject to complete a sentence in order to make it coherent and readable. This sentence, for example, skillfully uses a ba

23、rbed subject to maintain the fluency and coherence of the translation to the best of its ability. 2.2.4 Example 4传说彭祖活了八百多岁仍然身手矫健,红光满面。到了商朝末年,商王请他做大夫,他推辞不掉,只好接受了,但经常请假不上朝,而是醉心于养生与长寿之道。It is said that Peng Zu lived more than 800 years old, still vigorous and full of red. At the end of the Shang Dynas

24、ty, the king of Shang asked him to be a doctor. He refused and had to accept it. However, he often asked for leave and did not go to the court. Instead, he was obsessed with health and longevity.In order to observe the principle of loyalty, we need to fully understand the two cultures(Chinese and We

25、stern), in the translation of this sentence is to fully understand the cultures of the countries in the translation, so that readers can more easily understand the meaning of the sentence.2.3 Reflection of the practiceIn terms of language translation skills, the mainstream traditional media in China

26、 have formed a mature and stable language style in the long-term news practice, especially in the current political reports. However, the users of new media, especially social media, are mainly young people. In the west, which advocates individuality and freedom, the language style with strong propa

27、ganda color is often difficult to gain the favor of users. Therefore, when translating Chinese stories, we should change the official discourse system, reject the official language and conventional expressions, abandon the serious and rigid expression; pay attention to be less propaganda and less co

28、nceptualization, and emphasize storytelling to reason; adjust measures to local conditions, follow the local logical thinking mode, break through the gap between Chinese and foreign cultures; use more personalized and localized network language to reflect the features of humanity.3. ConclusionNewmar

29、ks translation theory application in the english-chinese translation studies is relatively small scale, the translation practice, the author personally involved in all the way, to some extent, improved the specific translation theory under the guidance of the specified text translation ability, deep understanding and study the translation Newmarks theory, the difficulties of exper

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