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1、届湖南师大附中高三高考模拟卷一英语word版1 2018届湖南师大附中高三高考模拟卷(一)英语(word版)本试题卷分为听力、阅读理解、英语知识运用和写作四个部分,共14页。时量120分钟。满分150分。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is

2、the shirt?A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15答案是C.1. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Wait for some time B. Telephone the seller C. Change the order2. Which platform should the woman go to? A. Platform 5 B. Platform 4 C. Platform 33. Where does the conversation take place? A. At the bank B. At the

3、travel agency C. At the police station4. What does the woman mean? A. The air is fresh enough B. It is noisy outside C. The window is open5. Whats the real problem of the soup? A. The man did it without any guidance B. The man missed several steps C. The soup was not salty enough第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满

4、分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What size is probably right for the woman? A. Size seven B. Size eight C. Size seven and a half7. What color does the woman like? A. Pink B. White C. Black听

5、第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where does the running group meet? A. At the river side B. At the university C. At the park9. How far does the woman normally run? A. One mile B. Two miles C. Three miles听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Which class if Prof. Andersons? A. Chemistry 302B B. Chemistry 302A C. Chemistry 375A11. How

6、 does the woman feel in the beginning? A. Excited B. Confused C. Indifferent12. What is the man? A. A student B. A professor C. A registration clerk听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What did Eva do last night? A. She watched a basketball game B. She saw a Christmas play C. She went to a concert14. How is Rebecca

7、 related to Eva? A. Evas classmate B. Evas teacher C. Evas sister15. What does Evas mother probably do for a living? A. Shes a violinist B. Shes nurse C. Shes a babysitter 16. Why is Derek having trouble with his studies? A. He is busy with his music B. He has to work in the city orchestra C. He has

8、 lots of responsibilities at home听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When will the lunch break start? A. At 11:40 B. At 11:50 C. At 12:0018. Whats the speaker mainly talking about? A. A new product B. Office hours C. A recycling program19. When will the changes take place? A. Next Wednesday B. Next Thursday C. Ne

9、xt Friday20. What are the listeners asked to do when they leave? A. Take a page of information B. Visit the speakers office C. Select food to order第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHere are four wonderful hotels and campsites in Europe.Ekies All

10、Senses Resort, Chalkidiki, GreeceThis could be the perfect retreat for stressed parents who need spoiling. For a start, its in lovely Greece, but theres no need to take a ferry, as its on the mainland. With a juice bar beside the(heated)pool, open-air spa, calm beach, restaurants or meals on demand,

11、 and secret bays to explore by boat, it makes for a super-relaxed break.Doubles from 88, junior suite(sleeps 4)from 138 a night, family suite(sleeps6) from272 B&B, open lateApril-October, i-Casa Vicentina, Algarve, PortugalFor a back-to-nature feel, family-run Casa Vicentina in the Algarve is perfec

12、t. Built with ecological materials, its in a protected park area on a natural lake. Breakfast is a plentiful buffet-and bikes are supplied free of charge so you can go to the beach or cafes and restaurants. Accommodation is in brightly decorated rooms or larger suites complete with small kitchens.Ro

13、oms from 75 B&B, wonderfulland. ComFairy Chimney Inn, Cappadocia, TurkeyOlder kids will love the fairytale landscape of Cappadocia and the excitement of staying in a cave hotel. The Fairy Chimney Inn used to be part of a cave monastery(修道院). Its rooms are beautiful and homely, with traditional decor

14、ations and the occasional reminder of the modern world. All rooms have courtyards overlooking the extraordinary landscape.Rooms from 55 B&B, plus 11 per child, fairychimney. ComCasa San Gabriel, Umbria, ItalyCasa San Gabriel is a small hilltop farm where three self-catering cottages share a swimming

15、 pool, playground and barbecue. Theres added excitement for young guests in the family of alpacas(羊驼)kept on site. There are several water, wildlife and activity parks nearby, and slightly further afield a Pinocchio theme park.A week at II Fienile cottage (sleeps 4-6)costs from 650, B&B (low season

16、only) from 95, casasangabriel. com21. In the Ekies All Senses Resort, you can enjoy_. A. a ferry journey B. an open-air spa C. living in tree houses D. dancing in the playground22. Which of the following will you choose if you want to enjoy a breakfast buffet? A. The Ekies All Senses Resort. B. Casa

17、 Vicentina C. The Fairy Chimney Inn D. Casa San Gabriel23. If you want to see some wildlife on holiday, which website should you click? A. i- B. C. D. BMy wife and I owned two doge that we had owned before we met and brought into the marriage. Her dog was a pit bull(斗牛犬) named Zack, and he hated me.

18、 When our daughter was born, I was worried that the family pit bull would be dangerous to have around our young daughter. I warned my wife that the dog would have to go at the first sign of trouble. I said, “If he nips(啃咬) at the baby, hes gone.” We brought our daughter home in a car seat, and both

19、dogs sniffed(嗅)and licked her, tails wagging. I had to pull Zack away from her because he wouldnt stop licking her. Zack immediately became my daughters protector, and when she was lying on a blanket on the floor, he always had one foot on the blanket. Zack loved my daughter extremely, and when she

20、became a little older always walked her to bed, and then slept on the bed with her. He somehow knew whenever it was time to go upstairs, and he would wait at the bottom of the stairs for her, and then follow her up to bed. Zack was poisoned by some neighbor kids, and we had one of the worst days of

21、our lives. Watching my daughter say goodbye to him as he lay still on the kitchen floor, my wife and I were both sobbing. At 8:00 that night, my daughter walked to the stairs to go to bed. At that moment, all three of us realized what was about to happen. My daughter looked at her mother and me with

22、 a look of horror and panic.It was at that moment that my dog, Sam who loved my daughter dearly, stood up, walked over to her, and nudged her with his head. He put his foot on the stairs, and looked up at her. They walked up to bed, with my daughter holding his neck tightly. For the next six years,

23、until he died, Sam waited for her by the stairs each night.24. Why did the author pull Zack away from his daughter? A. Because Zack kept licking his daughter. B. Because Zack hated his daughter. C. Because his daughter was sensitive to dogs. D. Because his daughter was afraid of dogs.25. After the d

24、eath of the dog Zack, the daughter_. A. felt very horrified and sad B. wanted to buy another dog C. asked her parents to sleep with her D. asked to stay with the other dog26. The underlined word “nudged” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_” A. lifted B. licked C. pushed D. pulled27. What is the mai

25、n idea of the passage? A. Dogs can be mans best friend B. Its a natural thing that children like dogs C. Parents should protect their children from dogs D. Dogs sometimes may cause trouble for their owners.CHalf an hour into a cooking competition at Green Street Academy, Tyana Givens, 15, dipped a p

26、lastic spoon into a pot with tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, garlic and mushrooms over a burner in a science classroom. She and the two other students, Kalimah Ball and Maya Smith, were making meat sauce.The girls had spent the past five weeks learning how to grow their own produce using food comput

27、ers-tabletop greenhouses controlled by computer programs-at Green Street Academy, a charter school in Baltimore. The course, which weaved together lessons on programming, food systems and agriculture, ended with an “Iron Chef”-style cooking contest.With the help of instructor Melanie Shimano, the gi

28、rls finished their contest successfully using the food they planted in tabletop greenhouses. The tabletop greenhouses can control temperature, light and water inside using the computer code that the students wrote by themselves. Shimano, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, piloted(试行)the course as part of G

29、reen Street Academys junior biotechnology class in the spring and will expand the program to other schools in the fall.“Technology is not something that a lot of teachers have a lot of resources for all the time, but its something thats not difficult to do with a relatively low amount of funding,” S

30、himano said. “Baltimore is a center for startups and food, so kind of fostering that culture of being into technology and into design and seeing all the pieces fit together is really cool.”While her course is unique to Baltimore, its part of a broader program born at the Massachusetts Institute of T

31、echnologys Media Lab called the Open Agriculture Initiative, or OpenAg, which aims to create inventive, sustainable food systems through open-source technology. In addition to 10 full-time staff and researchers, OpenAg is primarily an online community of about 1,400 educators, growers, chefs and retailers in 47 countries, according to Hildreth England, OpenAgs assistant director.“The interest level across the board generally comes from folks who are concerned about food systems and concerned about the environment, and its usually a combination of the two,” England said.28. Whats spe

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