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1、英汉委婉语文化内涵比较 IntroductionEuphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in different cultures. From the moment it is created, it plays an important role in peoples daily communication. They are embedded so deeply in our language that most of us, even those who pride themselves on being plainspoken, neve

2、r get through a day without using them. Like a kind of lubrication, it enables people to express what cant be uttered directly. As Robert Burchfield wrote in his book Fair of Speech: The Uses of Euphemism, a language without euphemisms would be a defective instrument of communication . Rawson has al

3、so points out that To some extent, actually, euphemisms are societys basic common language. However, this language phenomenon is often neglected by us. Until today the euphemism studies are very few and most of these studies are confined to individual language, and there is a shortage of contrastive

4、 research between languages. To unveil the universal and peculiar features of euphemisms and to better understand euphemism in a particular language, a contrastive study is a must. This thesis makes a contrastive study of English and Chinese euphemism with an attempt to explore and demonstrate the d

5、ifferences and similarities between the two linguistic phenomenon in the hope of enlightening and guiding English learners a bit in their language learning, translation studies, cross-cultural communication, etc. 1. 1 The origin of euphemismWhen talking about euphemisms, we cant neglect taboo. In an

6、cient times, productivity was in a very low level, the primitives were often confronted with baffling and threatening situations and phenomena, such as death, and they failed to understand the essence of them. To find a way out, they became superstitious about supernatural power, or the existence of

7、 devils and gods. In their mind, everything was alive with spirit, capable of bringing down blessings and misfortunes, and thus language took upon a kind of supernatural sense. This led to the forbidden use of certain language that gradually became taboo. When people are unwilling to or dare not spe

8、ak out something regarded as taboo, they have to shun them by using mild substitutes, to imply those things which people are reluctant to mention and to prompt something both speaker and listener know but refuse to say out by direct expressions. To the things that have to be mentioned people work ou

9、t indirect terms to replace them. Thus euphemisms come into being. 1. 2 The definition of euphemismThe word euphemism comes from the Greek eu, meaning good and pheme, meaning speech or saying, and thus it means literally to speak with good words. Later on, euphemism is defined differently and more p

10、recisely. In the Concise Dictionary, it is described as substitution of mild or vague or round about expression for harsh or direct one. It is taken as substitution, softened expression, mock modesty, metaphorical speech, verbal extenuation word in verbal good taste, over delicacy of speech, affecte

11、d refinement of language in Websters Word History. In China Chen Wangdao was the first person who gave euphemism a definition, in his Introduction to Rhetoric, the definition reads, one kind of figures of speech, saying something indirectly, but connoting and substituting with roundabout and implici

12、t words or even metaphorical expression. Euphemism is roundabout and mild word, so it can execute the speakers psychological necessity to soften the shock of reality. But many linguists think that the definition of euphemism needs to be determined in a narrow and broad sense. Traditional western lin

13、guistics restricts euphemism study to the lexicon. Euphemisms are therefore words or phrases in place of things considered to be rude or unpleasant. Euphemisms of such kind are called euphemisms in the narrow sense. They are the conventionally established one, which are widely met in our daily life.

14、 For example, we constantly say passed way for died and lady of the night for prostitute, etc. The limitation of the definition of euphemism is broken down by a famous American linguist D. Bolinge who points out that Euphemism is not restricted to the lexicon. There are grammatical ways of toning so

15、mething down without actually changing the content of the message . Afterwards, the grammatical ways to form euphemism such as negation, tense, mood and so on have been paid attention to. In China, euphemisms are mainly expressed by using indirect words, phrases, sentences and even discourses that a

16、re applied mostly in literature writings to achieve some vivid and aesthetic effect. It can be found very often from ancient times till nowadays. This phenomenon has close relationship with Chinese traditional cultural psychology. Chinese scholars have long been advocating the literature norm that p

17、eople write articles that are full of rich and bright colors, but they should create implicitly. Through defining euphemism in narrow and broad sense, we can have a better understanding of euphemism and can easily understand the indeed intention of the expressions. The Classification of EuphemismEup

18、hemisms can be classified into many types from different angles. Here, some representative classifications of English euphemisms will be introduced. 2. 1 The positive euphemism and the negative euphemismAccording to Hugh Rawson, euphemism can be divided into two the positive and the negative from th

19、e angle of semantics. The positive euphemisms also can be called stylistic ones, which inflate and magnify the word meaning, making the euphemized seem altogether gander and more important than really are. The positive euphemisms include the many occupational titles, which save the egos of workers b

20、y elevating their job status. For example, sanitation engineer is the euphemism for garbage collector, and custodian is the euphemism for janitor. They also include many institutional euphemisms, which convert madhouse into mental hospital, college into universities. This kind of euphemism is usuall

21、y used widely in the official language and some other formal styles. The negative euphemisms are extremely ancient, and closely connected with the taboos. They are also called traditional euphemisms. They deflate and diminish. They are defensive in nature, offsetting the power of tabooed terms and o

22、therwise eradicating from the language everything that people prefer not to deal with directly. In many cultures, it is forbidden to pronounce the name of God, so Jesus Christ, Christ, goodness is for God and My Gum for My God. Many tabooed subjects such as sex, disease, death, excretion, bodily fun

23、ction, etc. should be euphemized in this way. 2. 2 The unconscious euphemism and conscious euphemismAll euphemisms, whether positive or negative, may be used unconsciously or consciously. So euphemisms also can be divided into unconscious euphemisms and conscious euphemisms. The unconscious euphemis

24、ms refer to those of which original denotations have been forgotten by people for a long time. For example, the word cemetery (from the Greek word for sleeping place or dormitory) serves as a euphemism for graveyard. The word indisposition is a euphemistic expression for disease. These mentioned abo

25、ve, because of their long-time use, users are not conscious of their original meanings. Conscious euphemisms are different. When employing this kind of euphemisms, people not only know their original meanings, but also understand the referred meanings. For example, in a dinner party, a lady stood up

26、 and said that she wanted to powder her nose. In a word, euphemisms like this stand for something else but everyone pretends that something else doesnt exist. It is essentially duplicitous nature of euphemisms that makes them attractive to those people who have to hide and find it convenient to lie

27、about what they are doing. 2. 3 Other classification of euphemismBesides the divisions mentioned above, euphemisms, according to their contents, can be classified as euphemisms of disease, euphemisms of death, euphemisms of sex euphemisms of occupation, euphemisms of politics, and euphemisms of war

28、. From the angle of users, euphemisms can be divided into policeman euphemisms, criminal euphemisms, teacher euphemisms, student euphemisms, and soldier euphemisms. From the length of time they are used, euphemisms can fall into instantaneous euphemisms and continuous euphemisms. Instantaneous euphe

29、misms refer to those only used for a short period of time, such as the euphemisms about the Watergate scandal. Continuous euphemisms live longer. Some can even be used from generation to generation, and become one part of English idioms. Obviously, euphemisms can be classified into many types. These

30、 classifications provide a good way for us to discover every feature of euphemisms, and help us to understand and use them in a more effective way. Language, Culture, Taboo and EuphemismEuphemisms are societys basic lingua franca. As such, they are outward and visible signs of our inward anxieties,

31、conflicts, fears, and shames. They are like radioactive isotopes. By tracing them, it is possible to see what has been and is going on in our language, our minds, and our culture. 3. 1 Language and euphemismRawson Hugh pointed out the close relation between language and euphemism, “Euphemisms are em

32、bedded so deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plain-spoken, ever get through a day without using them. “ The relation between language and euphemism is so intrinsically close that it is impossible to study one without an analysis of the other. First of all, language is the vehicle of euphemism. Ronald Wardhaugh said, “Language is used to avoid saying certain things as well as to express them. “ To some extent,

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