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1、甘肃省敦煌市七年级英语下学期期末考试试题第二学期期末检测试卷七年级英语(满分:110分)题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、听力(共20小题;共20分) I. 听辨单词:听句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出你听到的句子中所包含的单词。( )1. A. great B. grade C. greet( )2 A. one B. win C. once( )3 A. song B. sing C. wrong( )4 A. mouse B. month C. mouth( )5 A. result B. salt C. out II. 情景反应:从下面每小题给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到

2、的情景句子相呼应的选项。( ) 1 A. Yes, please B. For 2 hours. C. Three times a week.( ) 2 A. Yes, she is B. No, she doesnt. C. No, she isnt.( ) 3 A. Yes, it can B. No, it isnt. C. No, it didnt.( ) 4 A. English B. Yellow. C. Animal World.( ) 5 A. Class Four B. China. C. Grade Eight. III. 听短文,选择正确答案。( )1. Most stu

3、dents exercise . A. one or two times B. three or four times a week C. four or five times a week( ) 2. Some students are very active and exercise . A. everyday B. every week C. every day( ) 3. As for homework, students do homework every day. A. more B. most C. all( ) 4. students do homework one or tw

4、o times. A. Many B. Some C. No( ) 5. Most students every day. A. watch TV B. do homework C. watch TV and do homework IV. 听短文,根据短文内容,写出适合的单词。 Eric is a little strange. He often does things differently from others. This is dinner time. Eric is having a big . First, he eats some ice cream. He it very m

5、uch. Then, he drinks some hot soup. He likes both things and hot things. What does he have next? A large bowl of noodles with carrot and mutton. Does he have or tea? No, his favorite is beer. He drinks two bottles of beer at .6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二. 单项选择(25分)( )1.Michael likes playing tennis, but he does

6、nt like playing piano. A/; / Bthe; / Cthe; the D/; the( )2. I a film with my friends next weekend.Asee Bsaw Cam going to see D .seeing( )3.- Bob, my phone doesnt work. you help me?- Sure. ACan BMay CMust D. Should( )4.- nice day! Lets take a walk.- Good idea.AWhat BHow C What a D. How a( )5.- When i

7、s Helen going to visit her grandma?- .ALast year BNext Sunday CFor two months DTen days ago( )6.The show wasnt . I wasnt in it at all.Ainteresting; interesting Binteresting; interested Cinterested; interested D. interested; interesting( )7.- How is the weather?- Its . A.suny Brains Ccloudy Dwind( )8

8、.- Would you like some milk?- .AYes, please BNo, I dont CYes, I do D.No, I do ( )9.- Can I go fishing with you, Dad?- Im sorry you . You must stay at home and do your homework.Awont Bcant Cdont Darent( )10. Sunday morning, I went to the library with my friends .AIn BOn CAt DTo( )11.- Lets meet at ha

9、lf past six.- OK. .ASee you then B. Youre welcome CNice to meet you DThank you( )12.- Could I use your bike, Tom?- . Here is the key.AThanks a lot BOf course CId love to DGreat( )13.The shirt is nice, its not big enough.Aso Bor Cand Dbut( )14. - ?- Its June 1st. AWhats the time now BWhats the date t

10、oday CWhat day is it today D. How are you ( )15. you have a good time last Sunday? AAre BDo CDoes DDid( )16.- Why do you like pandas?- they are very cute.AIf BBecause CSo D.But( )17.What fine weather it was! We decided .Ato go out Bgoing out Cgo out Dnot to go out( )18.- - do you play computer games

11、?- Twice a month.AHow long BHow many CHow often D. How soon( )19.- I have few . Would you go and buy some carrots and cabbages for me - Sure. No problem.Avegetables Bfruit Cmeat Deggs( )20- Do you often go to the gym?- No, . I dont like sports at all.Aalways Bnever Csometimes Dusually( )21.- My moth

12、er buys two skirts. One is for me, and is for my cousin.- Lucky you.Aother B the other Cothers Danother( )22.Bob often two hours his homework.Aspend; to do Bspends; to do Cspends; doing Dspent; doing( )23. Look! There are people in the supermarket.Atwo thousands of Bthousands of Ctwo thousand of Dth

13、ousand of( )24.- Could I have apples?- Sorry, we dont have apples.Asome; some Bsome; any Cany; any D. any ; some( )25.- Nice to meet you, Mike. ?- Everything is OK. Thanks.AHow is it going BWhat are you doing CHow are you doing D. Whats up 三.完形填空(共10分)Hi, everyone! 26 do you usually finish your home

14、work every night?I used to (过去常常) finish my homework after 11 p.m. My mother didnt like 27. Your friend Scott can finish on time, so why28 you? she asked.Scott 29 does his homework right after he gets home from school. He also goes to 30 on time. What about me? I used to 31 most of my time playing c

15、omputer games. Then I finished my homework quickly. My homework was not very 32 .I decided to 33 playing games. I asked my mother to take my computer away. I began to do homework when I 34.Now I can finish my homework on time and it is very good, too. I am very 35 . Next I want to do it without my m

16、others help. ( ) 26. AWhere BWhat CWhen( ) 27. Aone Bit Chomework( ) 28 Acant Bdont Carent( ) 29. Asometimes Boften Cnever( ) 30. Abed Bsleep Chome( ) 31 Atake Bpay Cspend( ) 32. Abad Bgood Cinteresting( ) 33. Aenjoy Bmind Cstop( ) 34. Agot to school Bgot home C .had dinner( ) 35. Aawful Bbored Chap

17、py四.阅读理解(20分)A Bill had a great time last weekend. He visited his uncle in Beijing with his parents. On Saturday morning, they took a bus there. His aunt and cousin Nancy were happy to see them. After lunch in a restaurant, his aunt took them to the Palace Museum. In the evening, they saw a movie. B

18、ills parents said it was great. On Sunday morning, they went to Tianan Men Square. They took many photos there. It was rainy in the afternoon. So they went shopping. After dinner they went home by bus.( ) 36. Bill visited his last weekend.A.friend Bparents Cuncle( ) 37. Bills aunt and cousin were ha

19、ppy to see .A. Bill and his family Btheir friends CBills uncle( ) 38. On Saturday evening, they .A.saw a movie Btook a bus Cwent to the Palace Museum( ) 39. Bill and his parents took many photos in .A.the Palace Museum BTianan Men Square Cthe restaurant( ) 40. Bill and his parents went to shopping .

20、Aon Saturday afternoon Bon Sunday morning Con Sunday afternoonBHi, Im a middle school student. Im Judy. In my class there are thirty-eight students. How do they go to school every day? Seventeen of them take buses because they live far from the school. Six students walk. They think walking is good e

21、xercise. Fifteen students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes arent far from the school. No one goes to school by car. How do I go to school? Ha, Im one of the fifteen.( ) 41.There are students in Judys class.A29 B30 C38 D45( ) 42. Six students think i

22、s good exercise.A. running Bwalking Cswimming Driding( ) 43 students ride their bikes to school.A. 17 B6 C10 D15( ) 44. Judy goes to school .A. on foot Bby bike Cby bus Dby car( )45. No one gets to school .Aby car Bby bike Con foot Dby bus五.补全对话(选择)(共5分)A: Hello, Mike! You had a great weekend, huh?B

23、: Yes, it was great.A:46. B: I went to the mountains.A: 47 B: They were beautiful. But there were lots of people.A: 48 B: Yes, I did. I met a few Englishmen. I talked to them.A: Sounds interesting. 49B: We had some noodles in the restaurant.A: 50B: Tomato and egg noodles.ADid you meet any new friend

24、s?BHow was your weekend?CWhat kind of noodles did you have?DWhen did you do?EHow were the mountains?FWhere did you go?GWhat did you have for lunch?六.词汇(10分)根据所给词的正确形式填空(56-60为动词填空)51.Please brush your _ ( tooth ) every day !52. What an _ ( excite ) game it is !53. Lask week , I made a model plane al

25、l by _ ( my ) .54. This book is very expensive , but it is _ ( help) .55. The children are playing _ ( happy ) .56. My teacher enjoys _ ( think ) about strange problems .57. Jennys father _ ( buy ) her a new bike last week .58. Danny is looking forward to _ ( see) LiMing again .59. There _ _ (be ) a

26、 meeting tomorrow afternoon .60. I cant wait _ _ ( play ) music for all my friends .七. 根据汉语意思和英语提示完成句子。(每空一词,10分)61. 当你学习时别怕犯错误。Dont be afraid to _ _ when you are studying .62. 我不知道如何才能保持健康。I dont know how to _ _ .63. 现在轮到你值日了。Its your _ _ be on duty .64. 他过去住在乡下。He _ _ live in the countryside .65.

27、她将和我分享她的故事。She will _ her story _ me .八写作(10分)你最喜欢哪个季节?为什么?请写一段60词左右的英语小短文。题目:My favourite season 七年级英语参考答案一、听力BCABA;CBAAC;BCBCC 6. meal 7. Enjoys 8. Cold 9. Coffee 10. least二. 单项选择DCACB; BCABB; ABDBD ; BACAB ; BCBBA 三.完形填空 26-30 CBABA ; 31-35 CBCBC四.阅读理解 36-40 CAABC 41-45 CBDBA五.补全对话 46-50 FEACG六.词

28、汇 51teeth;52exciting ;53 myself ; 54 helpful ; 55 happily 56 thinking ; 57 bought ; 58 seeing 59. Will be ;60 to play七. 根据汉语意思和英语提示完成句子。61 make mistakes ; 62 keep healthy ; 63 turn to ; 64 used to ; 65 share with 七年级英语听力材料I. 听辨单词:听句子,从A、B、C三个选出你听到的句子中包含的单词。1.Tina is in Grade Eight.2. I go shopping o

29、nce a week.3. Do you often listen to the English song?4.Which is your favorite month?5.Can you tell me the result of my math test?II. 情景反应:从下面每小题给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的情景句子相呼应的选项。6. How often do you watch TV?7. Does Maria have a good eating habit?8. Can this dog dance to music?9. Whats your favorite subject, Lucy?10. What grade are you in this term?III. 听短文,选择正确答案。Here are the results of students activity survey at Green High School. Most students exercise three or four times a week. Some student exercise one or two times a week. Some students are very active and exercise eve

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