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1、英语腹有诗书气自华。苏轼粗缯大布裹生涯,密封线_名姓_级班_校学(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)泰州市高三英语试卷第页(共8页)(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)江苏省泰州市2019届高三第一次模拟考试英语注意事项:1. 本试卷共8页,共五部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2. 答题前,考生务必将学校、班级、姓名写在密封线内。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。()1

2、. What does the woman mean?A. The man always loses his car keys.B. The man should study harder for his lessons.C. The man should let the woman keep the car keys.()2. What does the girl imply?A. She will be out of town that day.B. She will definitely go to the party.C. She wont come because its Frida

3、y.()3. Why doesnt the woman want to drink the water?A. She isnt thirsty. B. It has dark stuff. C. It tastes bad.()4. What does the man mean?A. The woman got a good deal.B. The woman probably paid too much.C. The womans hair looks better than normal.()5. What will the man do at noon?A. Play football.

4、 B. Ride a bike. C. Stay at home.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。()6. Where is the womans new house?A. By the beach. B. In the city. C. In the country.()7. How does the man soun

5、d in the end?A. Satisfied. B. Unhappy. C. Humorous.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。()8. What does the man recommend to begin with?A. Sharing a flat. B. Staying in a hotel. C. Staying with a family.()9. According to the man, who can help the woman find the right place to stay?A. Her teacher. B. People at the Students

6、 Union. C. Her friends.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。()10. Why is the woman a bit nervous?A. She is afraid of getting up late.B. She is a newcomer at the school.C. She isnt ready for the coming exam.()11. What must the students do before morning reading?A. Hand in their homework. B. Go to the teachers office. C.

7、 Do some morning exercise.()12. What can students do if they feel hungry?A. Eat something during a break.B. Ask the teacher for some food.C. Having cookies and food for free.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。()13. Where might the woman come from?A. China. B. America. C. The UK.()14. Where will the speakers go first?

8、A. Chinatown. B. National History Museum. C. Central Park.()15. When is the best time to go to Broadway?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.()16. Where will the speakers have dinner probably?A. In Harlem. B. At the womans home. C. In Chinatown.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。()17. What is th

9、e website called?A. GlobalC. B. MobileC. C. MobileC()18. What type of food does the speaker mention?A. American barbecue. B. Chinese noodles. C. Italian rice dishes.()19. How can people find dishes to cook?A. By pressing the “Shop” button. B. By typing words in the search bar.C. By first paying a fe

10、e to use the site.()20. What can we learn about the sites users?A. They mainly come from America. B. They sometimes make money from their posts.C. They always post videos of themselves cooking.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。()21. To ensure a corr

11、ect understanding of the new regulations, we need to clarify some _ points of view and put the system into practice.A. artificial B. arbitrary C ambiguous D. absolute()22. A new monetary policy will take effect next month.Really good news, especially for those companies that _ with money.A. have str

12、uggled B. struggledC. have been struggling D. had struggled()23. Japan has recently announced that it will restart commercial whaling, _ great concern and controversy throughout the world.A. to cause B. causing C. having caused D. to have caused()24. Stan Lee, an outstanding comicbook writer, create

13、d plenty of superheroes in his work, _ the Spiderman and the Xmen are the most famous.A. for them B. for which C. of them D. of which()25. The relevant authorities have recently _ some companies and individuals for their illegal emission that is harmful to the environment.A. cut back on B. cracked d

14、own on C. followed up on D. held out on()26. Nowadays, some people tend to drink and gamble for the sake of _ they call the circles, which is definitely stupid.A. why B. how C. where D. what()27. According to the new regulation, every employee shall be paid _ their work so that productivity can be i

15、ncreased.A. in regard to B. in reference to C. in proportion to D. in contrast to()28. The news said that the death toll in the tsunami in Indonesia had climbed over 400, with a lot more reported _A. to miss B. to have been missing C. having missed D. missing()29. The girl was then hit a second time

16、 by another van _ an elderly trash collector came to her aid, according to some witnesses.A. before B. where C. until D. when()30. The autobiography Becoming by Michelle Obama, _ about her life in the White House, sold well once on the market.A. definitely B. essentially C. initially D. accurately()

17、31. Whenever I feel lonely or upset, I always do some reading, which _ me well.A. serves B. suits C. favours D. motivates()32. With the application of 5G technology _ profound changes in almost all fields throughout the world.A. will come B. are coming C. comes D. come()33. As an American living in

18、Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a _ to be a witness to Chinas great progress.A. privilege B. preference C. priority D. principle()34. Hope there will be an end to the trade war between China and the US.Indeed, otherwise both sides _ a lot.A. must suffer B. were to suffer C. s

19、uffered D. would suffer()35. Kelly, what do you think of the guy who has a sweet voice?To be frank, he is _A. not the salt of the earth B. not my cup of teaC. a person of interest D. a man in the street第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Julie was one of my favourite st

20、udents at the University of Nebraska. I remember her coming to me after class one day. While most students hurriedly left, Julie _36_ to ask questions about the next weeks exam.Julie never _37_ it to the exam, though. The day after our conversation, she was tragically struck by a truck.In Julies war

21、d, her parents stood in quiet _38_. The physician entered, cleared his _39_, and said, “Your Julie has only a few _40_ to live.” He felt the _41_ to ask, “Would you consider donating some of her organs?”_42_, in a neighbouring state, Mary leaned forward, her eyes following every movement of her chil

22、d. She was _43_ memories to enjoy when she could no longer _44_ him.Several states away, John, 26, was reading to his sons, his body connected to a lifegiving “artificial kidney”. Doctors had given him a _45_ of only weeks to live. His only hope was a kidney transplant.Julies griefstricken parents _

23、46_ the physicians question in their mind. Julie had once said she wanted to be an organ donor _47_ her death. _48_ as they were, they turned to the physician, responding, “Yes. Julie always gave to others while living. She would want to give in death.”Within 24 hours, Mary was informed she would re

24、ceive one of Julies eyes, and John was told to prepare for a kidney transplant. Julies other organs would give life and _49_ to other waiting recipients.“Julie died right after her twentieth birthday. My heart breaks again and again, at each birthday, at each _50_: when she might have graduated; whe

25、n she might have married.” says Julies mother. “But Julies life was a _51_ to us. Knowing that in her death, she gave life and sight to others is _52_ to us, and remembering that we carried out her _53_ has helped us _54_ the loss of her.”I may have had a small part in teaching Julie how to live. Bu

26、t she, and her family, are still teaching me an even greater lessonhow to _55_()36. A. continued B. offered C. remained D. came()37. A. got B. made C. took D. deserved()38. A. embarrassment B. shock C. disbelief D. desperation()39. A. hand B. mind C. throat D. pocket()40. A. months B. hours C. minut

27、es D. weeks()41. A. urge B. pressure C. freedom D. pride()42. A. However B. Meanwhile C. Anyhow D. Somewhat()43. A. calling up B. picking up C. setting up D. storing up()44. A. see B. touch C. hug D. feel()45. A. prescription B. notice C. diagnosis D. prediction()46. A. turned over B. figured out C.

28、 thought up D. took in()47. A. by virtue of B. in the event of C. on account of D. for fear of()48. A. Miserable B. Hesitant C. Passionate D. Motivated()49. A. happiness B. sight C. encouragement D. promise()50. A. ceremony B. crossroads C. milestone D. junction()51. A. lesson B. bless C. gift D. ch

29、ance()52. A. comforting B. heartbreaking C. rewarding D. demanding()53. A. arrangements B. expectations C. wishes D. values()54. A. over B. through C. beyond D. with()55. A. give B. sacrifice C. help D. die第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIncredible experiences i

30、n BucharestAdmire one of the worlds largest buildingsThe worlds biggest parliamentary building, Palace of Parliament, happens to be in Bucharest. Hourlong guided tours manage to take in just a fraction of the buildings threemillionplus square feet(there are more than a thousand rooms) and focus on the tons of marble, hardwood, and gold used in the buildings construction in the 1980s, a time when Romania was trying to feed its own people. Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, both played a direct role in the construction. It was originally intended to hou

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