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1、高考英语二轮复习讲义11完形填空训练题配答案2013高考英语二轮复习讲义11:(完形填空训练题配答案) 热身训练-完形填空(天津十二区县联考一)Last Christmas while staying with my parents, I _1_ across some old love letters that my parents wrote to each other. These letters were all piled up in a basket, dirty and _2_ with dust. _3_ to read and sort them, I asked them

2、if I could take these letters back to my Illinois home. They agreed.As I carefully opened each letter, all of them _4_ with date, I discovered a new page _5_ unknown to me in this private chapter of my parents lives. My father used to _6_ in the army. So his letters were full of frontline _7_ of the

3、 things about the war. Each of my mothers letters was marked with her 1944 dark red lipstick kiss. I was _8_ to these letters like a magnet(磁铁)Just six weeks after our Christmas visit, Daddy became very _9_ and was hospitalized. This time, he was fighting a _10_ kind of war. As I sat by his bedside,

4、 we discussed the _11_. He told me how much receiving those lipstickkissed letters had _12_to him when he had been so far from home.It so happened that the next day would be February 14.From the _13_ letters I chose the card my father had sent mother in 1944 and brought it to my fathers bedside.At h

5、is bedside, I joked with him, saying _14_, “Today is Valentines Day. Dont you want to send mother a present?” He became more _15_ when I handed him the old _16_. He carefully opened it and took out the card, and when he _17_ it, his eyes were filled with tears.My father, in a voice tight with _18_ r

6、ead the loving _19_ hed sent to my mother fiftysix years earlier. And this time, he could read it to her _20_.尘封的信件,记载了父母当年的爱情。几十年后的今天,住院的父亲当面对母亲读起56年前的情人节写给母亲的卡片1A. came B. hitC. drew D. fell答案:A。上个圣诞节当我和父母待在一起时,我无意中发现了父母以前的情书。come across无意中发现,偶然见到。2A. hidden B. coveredC. buried D. filled答案:B。这些信件都

7、堆放在一个篮子里,脏兮兮的,覆满尘土。be covered with被覆盖。be filled with充满;be hidden和be buried都与in搭配,两者表示“藏在或埋在中”。显然根据常识B项符合语境和逻辑。3A. Pretending B. SuggestingC. Preferring D. Deciding答案:D。我“决定”阅读并把它们分类,征得他们同意后我把这些信带到了伊利诺伊的家里。4A. delicate B. tastyC. useful D. tender答案:A。当我小心地打开每一封信时,发现它们都很精美并标注着日期。delicate“精美的”,all of t

8、hem delicate with date为形容词的独立主格结构作定语。5A. recently B. usuallyC. previously D. occasionally答案:C。我发现了“先前”不为我所知的父母私人生活篇章中新的一页。previously先前,事先,以前,在此之前。6A. work B. studyC. serve D. report答案:C。父亲过去在军队服役。serve服役(vi),服务(vt.)。7A. accounts B. documentsC. introductions D. occupations答案:A。因此他的信中充满了关于战争前线事情的描述。ac

9、count记述,描述。8A. devoted B. abandonedC. thrown D. drawn 答案:D。我被这些像磁铁样的信深深地吸引住了。draw吸引。9A. depressed B. deadC. dangerous D. ill答案:D。就在圣诞节六周后,父亲病重住院。10A. typical B. traditionalC. different D. familiar答案:C。这次,他在打一场与以往不同的战争同疾病作战。11A. wars B. illnessesC. letters D. prescriptions答案:C。当我坐在他床边的时候,我们讨论了这些信。12A

10、. meant B. intendedC. planned D. said答案:A。他告诉我当他远离家乡时,收到那些带有唇印的母亲的信件对他来说有着多大的意义。 sb.对某人意味着。13A. divided B. sortedC. separated D. updated答案:B。碰巧第二天就是情人节,我从“分好类的(sorted)”信中选择了一张1944年父亲送给母亲的卡片并把它带到父亲的床边。14A. sadly B. angrilyC. softly D. loudly答案:C。在他的病床边我开玩笑地轻声说:“今天是情人节,难道你不愿意送给我母亲一份礼物?”由常识可知,和病

11、人说话语气应该温和。softly柔和地,温柔地,静静地。15A. curious B. enthusiasticC. fantastic D. positive答案:A。我说完话然后递给他那张旧卡片时,他变得更加好奇。curious“好奇的,渴望知道的”,符合语境和逻辑。enthusiastic热情的,热烈的,热心的;fantastic奇异的,难以置信的,幻想的;positive积极的,肯定的。16A. Christmas card B. envelopeC. basket D. lipstick答案:B。由下文He carefully opened it and took out the c

12、ard可知此处应为“信封(envelope)”。 17A. found B. wroteC. recognized D. missed答案:C。当父亲认出这张卡时,眼中已满是泪水。recognize认出(原来熟悉的人或物)。18A. astonishment B. sorrowC. sickness D. emotion答案:D。句意:父亲满怀深情地用发紧的嗓音读着。emotion情感,感情,情绪,激动;with emotion感动地,激动地。19A. story B. messageC. speech D. motto答案:B。此处考查动宾搭配。message消息,讯息,寓意;send me

13、ssage to sb.“传递讯息给某人”为固定搭配。20A. in person B. in privateC. in danger D. in peace答案:A。这一次,他能当着母亲的面亲自读给她听。in person亲自。*结束A(郑州质检)It was half an hour before midnight on December 24th last year. I was a ticketcounter supervisor for a major airline and was looking forward to the _1_ of my shift (轮班) at Sta

14、pleton International Airport in Denver. My wife was waiting up for me at home so that we could _2_ our gifts for Christmas.Just then, a very _3_ gentleman went up to me. He asked how he could get to Cheyenne, Wyoming. He had just arrived from Philadelphia and _4_ his connecting flight. I pointed him

15、 to the ground transportation area, where he could rent a _5_. And then I called my wife to let her know I would be home _6_.About fifteen minutes later, the gentleman _7_ and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars _8_. I told him that he had to stay for a night at the airpo

16、rt. Hearing that, he burst into _9_.I tried to make him calm down. He explained that his name was Tom, and that his only son was _10_ ill at home and was not expected to _11_ another year. He expected that this would likely be the _12_ Christmas with his son.I told Tom to _13_ his luggage and wait f

17、or me at the gate. I was driving to Cheyenne. I called my wife Kathy, telling her about it and not to wait up for me. I drove fast _14_ and we arrived in Cheyenne around 2:30 am.Kathy was still _15_ me when I got home in the early morning. We traded gifts and then our conversation _16_ Tom. For Kath

18、y and me, there was no _17_ that driving Tom to Cheyenne was the _18_ choice.A couple of days later, I _19_ a Christmas card with a picture of Tom and his family. In it, Tom thanked me for the special _20_ he had received that holiday season, but I knew the best gift was mine.语篇解读:“我”在平安夜驾车送一位陌生人回家,

19、帮助那位错过转接飞机的父亲圆了和患重病的儿子一起过圣诞节的愿望,妻子为“我”的善行表示理解和欣慰。1A.end BturnCrole Dchange解析:时间是平安夜的11:30,作者期待着下班回家。the end of my shift指“我上班的结束”。答案:A2A.expect BgetCexchange Dmake解析:因为是平安夜,作者的妻子等他回家互相交换圣诞节的礼物。第六段中的第二句“We traded gifts”是答案暗示。答案:C3A.kind Bhelpless Csad Dworried解析:由下文可知,这位先生错过了转接班机,他过来问作者怎样才能到达夏延,由此可推知他

20、应该很担心(worried)。答案:D4A.mistook BmissedCcaught Dcontinued解析:他来自费城,错过了(missed)转接班机。答案:B5A.bus BflightCroom Dcar解析:我给他指了指地上交通区域。在那里,他可以租一辆车(car)。答案:D6A.soon BlateCearly Dlately解析:然后,我给妻子打电话,告诉她我一会儿就回家。答案:A7A.left BmovedCcame Dreturned解析:大约15分钟后,那位先生又返回来了(returned)。答案:D8A.reliable BpresentCavailable Dacc

21、eptable解析:他告诉我,所有的公交车已满,而且也找不到可租用的(available)车。答案:C9A.laughter BtearsCanger Dsorrow解析:我告诉他,他只能在机场住宿一夜。听到这,他突然大哭起来(burst into tears)。答案:B10A.really BslightlyCseriously Dunluckily解析:他唯一的儿子得了重病。seriously“严重地”。答案:C11A.suffer BliveCshare Dgrow解析:估计孩子活(live)不了一年了。答案:B12A.last BbestChappiest Dhardest解析:他期待

22、能和孩子度过很可能是最后的一个圣诞节。答案:A13A.hand BfindCpack Dcollect解析:我告诉Tom去把他的行李取来。collect“领取;接走”。答案:D14A.for a while Ball aroundCall the way Dfrom time to time解析:我一路上(all the way)开得很快,凌晨2:30把Tom送到了夏延。答案:C15A.waiting for Bcaring forCthinking of Ddepending on解析:第二天早上当我赶回家时,Kathy 还在等(waiting for)我。答案:A16A.remembere

23、d BrecalledCconcerned Dcontained解析:我们交换了礼物,然后我们谈到了Tom。concern“涉及,与有关”。答案:C17A.idea BdoubtCpoint Dproblem解析:对于Kathy和我来说,毫无疑问,开车送Tom 去夏延是我唯一的选择。there is no doubt that表示“毫无疑问”。答案:B18A.main BonlyCnice Dgreat解析:解析见上题。答案:B19A.received BsentCsaved Ddiscovered解析:几天后,我收到(received)了Tom寄来的圣诞贺卡,附有他和家人的照片。答案:A20

24、 BhelpCdeal Dgift解析:文章最后的“the best gift”是答案提示。Tom感谢我并表示在圣诞前夕我给他的帮助是他收到的特殊礼物。答案:D长难句分析1About fifteen minutes later,the gentleman returned and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars available.大约15分钟后,那位先生返回来告诉我,所有的公交车已满,而且也找不到可租用的车。本句中that引导宾语从句,而且在宾语从句中包含两个and连接的并列句。2H

25、e explained that his name was Tom,and that his only son was seriously ill at home and was not expected to live another year.他解释说,他叫汤姆,他的独生子在家得了重病,估计活不了一年了。本句中explained后that引导宾语从句,而且在宾语从句中包含三个由and连接的并列句。B(潍坊质检)A farmer once owned an old mule (骡子). One day, the mule fell into a nearby well, and he beg

26、an to _21_ and made a lot of loud noise. After carefully assessing the _22_, the farmer felt sympathy for the mule, but _23_ that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving, then he called his _24_ together and told them what had happened and _25_ them to help shovel(铲) some dirt

27、to bury the old mule in the _26_ and put him out of his suffering.Hearing many people coming to help, the old mule initially was _27_ . But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his hack, a thought suddenly_28_ him. He was _29_ that every time a shovel load of dirt lan

28、ded on his _30_, he should shake it off and step up!So he did, blow after blow.He repeated “Shake it off and step up!” to _31_ himself. No matter how painful the blows were, or how disappointing the situation seemed, the old mule just _32_ on shaking it off and stepping up!As you might have guessed,

29、 it was not long _33_ the old mule finally stepped over the wall of the well, painful and tired. What would otherwise _34_ him, actually blessed him because of the manner in which he _35_ his adversity (逆境)_36_ is life! As long as we face our problems and respond to them _37_, and refuse to give in

30、to panic, bitterness, or selfpity, the adversities that come along to bury us _38_ have the potential to _39_ and bless us! Forgiveness, tolerance, hope and perseverance are _40_ in shaking it off and stepping up out of the well in which we find ourselves.21A.sink BstruggleCleave Dsigh解析:骡子挣扎,并弄出了很大的声音。sink沉下去;leave离开;struggle挣扎;sigh叹息。答案:B22A.location BgroundCpo

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