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1、新编仁爱版英语八年级上册教材同步详解仁爱版英语八年级上册教材同步详解Unit 1 topic 1 Section A1. I saw you play basketball almost every day during the Summer holidays.常见的感官动词有:see, watch, hear, smell(嗅觉), feel 等。后可接动词ing形式,表此动作正在发生。动词原形,不表此动作正在发生, 表此动作已完成或存在的事实。Do you smell something ? (burn) 答案:burningI often see him basketball after

2、 class. ( play ) 答案:play 2. There is going to be a basketball game between Class Three and our class this Sunday. There be 句型:表某地有某物. 而have 表示某人有 (1)There is/ are.表现在某地有某物,is/are取决于后面的名词是单数还是复数,单数用is复数用are,如There is a pen and two rulers on the desk.There are two rulers and a pen (2) There was/were表过

3、去某地有某物。was/were的用法也遵循就近原则。(3)There will be 或 There is/are going to be 表某地将有某事物。不能说成 There will have(题) a match in our school between Class Three and Class Four next week.3. Would you like to come and cheer us on? - Sure, Id love to.(1)Would you like + 不定式? 表建议或邀请。常用Id love to 来回答,不同意也常用 “Id love to,

4、 but ”来拒绝别人。如:Would you like to play basketball with me ?- Id love to, but I have a lot of homework to do. (2)在肯定句中 would like= want 如: Id like to have a rest. = I want to have a rest. 4. I hope our team will win.- Me , too.(= So do I.)hope + that从句,that 可省去。I hope that I can see you soon. hope to d

5、o sth. I hope to see you soon.注意: (1)wish(愿)与hope的用法一样,后既可以接从句也可以接不定式,但不能说hope sb. to do sth. (hope 后不接双宾语, 但 wish 可以),如:I hope you to help me (错) I hope that you can help me.(对)(2)hope 后接的从句常用将来时态表可以实现的愿望,而wish 后接的宾语从句常用过去时态表难以实现的愿望,如:I hope you will come. I wish I could fly to the moon.5. I prefer

6、 rowing. (1)prefer(过去式过去分词需双写 preferred) 后可直接接动词ing形式或动词不定式, 表更喜欢, 用法同like/ love:I prefer swimming (更喜欢经常游泳) I prefer to swim.(更喜欢这一次去游泳)(2)prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 相当于:like better than I prefer swimming to skating. =I like swimming better than skating. (3) 后接不定式时与rather(在一定能够程度上,颇) than 或inste

7、ad of连用,如:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He preferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷窃。6. -Do you row much ?你经常划船吗?- Yes , quite a bit / a lot. 是的,经常。 quite a bit/ a lot 经常/许多,大量. quite a bit of 后接不可数名词,如:quite a bit of money。quite a lot of 后既可接可数名词复数也可以接不可数名词,如:quite a lot of boo

8、ks/ information。而quite a few=many 表“相当多”后接可数名词复数,如:quite a few studentsquite a little =much表许多,后接不可数名词,如; quite a little money very few / little 很少很少。 7. Are you going to join the school rowing club?join 加入(人群,组织)take part in 参加(活动,比赛)注意:(1)join可与in连用,后接活动,即 take part in=join in = be in后都接活动。如:He jo

9、ined in the game ;He joined in helping the old man. Ill be in the relay race. (2) Join sb. in doing sth. 表加入某人的活动。 如:Will you join us in playing basketball ? Section B 1. How tall is he, do you know?- Yes. He is 2.26 meters tall.与how构成的疑问词有:How tall(身高)多高; how high(山)多高;how heavy多重;how long 多长;How w

10、ide 多宽;how deep 多深;how old 多大. 对应的回答常用“数词+量词+形容词”,如:1.70 meters tall; 2 kilometers high; 3 kilos heavy; 20 years old2. They both play for the Houston Rockets in the for 为某个队效力;play against 与某个队比赛;play with 玩某物/与某人玩 (比较:play basketball 打篮球;Look, the baby is playing with a basketball (玩弄一个篮球)

11、 3. what are you going to be when you grow up ?= what do you want to be ?你长大想干什么?5. David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his team yesterday.表到达的有: arrive at + (小地名);arrive in +(大地名)get to reach 6. The fans are very excited.(1)excited 表“感到激动的、兴奋的”,常只作表语,主语常为人。如:We are excited.

12、 类似的有:interested有趣的; tired感到疲劳的; bored感到厌烦的 (2)exciting 表“令人激动兴奋的”既可作定语,也可作表语;作表语时,主语常为事物,如:an interesting book; The book is interesting. 类似的有:interesting令人有趣的; tiring令人感到疲劳的; boring令人感到厌烦的7. Its too bad that they arent going to stay in Beijing for long.主语是斜体that从句部分,前用it 来代替它。因此这是一个含主语从句的复合句。Its to

13、o bad that= Its a pity that= Its a shame that.很遗憾.8. 在英语中有一些表示位置移动的词,如:go,come,leave, arrive, fly 可用现在进行时态表将来。如:They are flying to Wuhan tomorrow. (表将飞往武汉而不是正去武汉) They are leaving for Japan.= They will leave for Japan.9. Zhang Yining, one of the worlds best women table tennis players, won two gold m

14、edals for China.(1)one of 表 中的一个,后接可数名词的复数,如:one of my friends(2)名词作定语修饰名词时,一般用单数形式,如:two book shops, two shoe shops, 但man,woman,sports修饰可数名词复数时,常用复数形式,如:two men teachers; sports meet (3)win a gold medal赢得一枚金牌; win a prize 赢得奖品; win the first place 赢得第一名10. What a shame != What a pity 多么遗憾! 类似的有:Wha

15、t fun ! 多么有趣!11. break the record 打破纪录;keep the record 保持纪录12. Please write back soon. write back 回信Section C1. once a week, 一周一次twice a week一周两次, 三次或三次以上用“数字+times”如:three times a year, four times a day, five times a week,. 2. go + v-ing形式的短语表“去做某事”如:go hiking 去徒步旅行,go shopping去购物, go skating 去滑冰,g

16、o skiing 去滑雪;go fishing 去钓鱼。3. she spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day.当exercise指“体操、练习”时,是可数名词,如:do morning exercises 做早操;do English exercises 做英语练习题;但exercise指“锻炼,运动”时,是不可数名词。如:do exercise 做运动。exercise 还可作动词,指“锻炼,运动”如:She exercises every morning. 4. She plays it pretty well.pre

17、tty well= very well相当好5. She is also good at good at= do well in擅长 如:I am good at English.= I do well in good for 对有好处,Running is good for your health.反义词为:be bad at= do badly in 不擅长. be bad for 对 有害类似短语:be good/bad to sb. 对某人好/不好 6. They are sure that she will sure +(th

18、at)从句,表“确信” 如:Im sure (that) eating too much is bad for sure to do sth.确信做某事We are sure to win next time. be sure of/about (doing)sth. 表确信(做)某事 Im sure of that.7. How often does she go cycling ?(1) go +动词ing形式,表进行某种户外活动,如:go swimming, go fishing, go climbing.(2) How often问多久一次,频率。常用sometimes,

19、 seldom, twice a year等回答。How long 问多久。常用“(For)一段时间”来回答How soon 问多快(时间),用于将来时态。常用“In an hour 在一小时内等”来回答。如:How soon will you come back? -In a week. 与how搭配的疑问词有:How many 多少(接可数名词复数形式)How much 多少(接不可数名词)How old 问年龄How tall 多高(人、树)How high 多高(山、楼)How far 问距离 How long 还可以问物体的长度(1) is it from your home to

20、your school?-Its two kilometers away. (2) is the room?- Its two meters wide. (3) is the tree? -Its three meters high.8. Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.因为它使我强壮并且它流行make, let , have 当表“使,让”时是使令动词,后接动词原形。如:make me crymake 后还可以接形容词,名词,如: make me strong, make him our moni

21、tor , 10. keep healthy = keep fit 保持健康(healthy=fit都是形容词,health 是名词)Section D1 Have a good day! 祝你今天玩得高兴 Have a good journey! 旅途愉快 Have a good time! 祝你过得愉快 Have a good weekend! 周末愉快八年级上册Unit 1 topic 2Section A1. Michael, could you please do me a favor?(1) Could you please = Would you please? 意为“请你好吗?

22、”后接动词原形(2) do sb. a favor= help sb.= give sb. a hand 帮某人的忙。2. But one of my teammates fell ill。但是我们队友中的一员病了。(1)One of +可数名词复数,表“. 中之一”当它作主语时,是单数第三人称。如:One of my friends likes playing computer games 类似的短语有:Some of ;中的一些 most of中的大多数; (2) fall ill 生病(强调动作)be ill 病了(强调状态)如:He fell ill yesterday, and no

23、w he is ill in bed.3. -Would you mind teaching me ?- Not at all. 你介意教教我吗?- 不介意。 (1) Would you mind (not)doing sth. 你介意(别)做某事吗?(礼貌地请求某人做或别做某事)回答去做的有:Not at all 或 Of course not或 Certainly not 回答不去做的有:Sorry,I wont ./Yes, please dont./ Youd better not. (2) Would you mind my/me smoking here?(常用物主代词 my, h

24、er, his, our 等,少用代词宾格me, he, us 等)4. Lets go and practice. 让我们去练习practice+名词/动词ing,表练习什么/做什么,如:We often practice spoken English.(英语口语)Lets practice dancing.5. Sorry, Ill put it somewhere else.somewhere else 别的某个地方 somewhere 是不定副词,else 是形容词。形容词修饰不定副词、不定代词时,常放在其后。 如:something sweet甜食;Anything else ?还有

25、别的吗?Nothing serious 不严重6. Dont be late next time. - Sorry, I wont.(对不起,我将再也不会了) be late 迟到,如:You are late again. be late for做迟到 如:He was late for school. (3) 回答否定祈使句常用:Sorry,I wont. 如:Dont shout at me ! - Sorry, I wont. 回答肯定祈使句常用:OK,I will. 如:Please study hard. - OK, I will.7Would you please say it

26、in English. 你能用英语说一下它吗? Would you please (not) do sth (请求某人做某事) Would you like to do sth. (提建议) Would you mind (not) doing sth ( 请求)8. Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.太感谢你了,但我会自己处理的。manage 作“管理,处理”时,结构为:manage sb./sth. 如:She managed the hotel well.manage 作“设法做成某事”时,结构为:manage to d

27、o sth. 如:its too noisy here, Ill manage to leave here. 注意比较try to do sth. 努力去做某事 It is形容词of do sth.和It is形容词for do sth.这两个句型容易混淆。什么情况下用of 或for 是一个考点。实际上前者的形容词用来描述某人的,因此可以转换成: Sb.be形容词to do sth. 后者的形容词用来描述做某事的,可以转换成:To do sth.is形容词。如: It is right of you to do more reading.= You are right

28、to do more reading. (right 用来描述you ) It is easy for you to finish the work. = To finish the work is easy for you. Section B1. You are always so careless !always 除了用于一般现在时态中,也可用于进行时态中,be always doing sth. 总是. 常用来赞扬某人,如:She is always helping others. 2. You missed a good chance.(错过一个好机会)miss意为”思念,错过” 如

29、:I miss my mother very much. She missed the early bus.3. He did his best .他尽力了。 a) do ones best=try ones best 尽某人最大努力 Do ones best to do sth.=try ones best to do sth. 某人尽力去干某事 We will do/try our best to study English well. 4. Kangkang, would you mind saying sorry to Michael? 你介意向Michael 道歉吗?1 Say so

30、rry to sb 向某人道歉 say hello to sb. 向某人打招呼/问候。say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别。5. I am sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的道歉。for 后面的what I said(我所说的) 是一个宾语从句。类似的还有:what I saw (我所见的),what I thought about(我所考虑的)a) Be sorry for 表为. 道歉,后面接名词、代词、从句或动名词。Be sorry to do sth. 抱歉去做某事。 有时可互换如:Im sorry for troubling you.= Im so

31、rry to trouble you.6. Keep trying ! We are sure to win next time.(1)Keep doing sth. 坚持做某事;keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直干某事; keep on doing sth. = go on doing sth. 继续做某事(2) be sure to do sth. 确信要做某事(表将来)如:Its sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。 be sure +(that)从句, 如: We are sure that we will win next time. be sure about sth. 对某事确信,如:Im sure about the answer. 7 Kangkang was angry with Micheal. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at sth. 因某事而生气, 如:He was angry at what he had said.

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