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初中英语 完型 第01讲B级.docx

1、初中英语 完型 第01讲B级完形填空(一)猪猪侠故事有一天猪猪侠遇到了一个和它长得一模一样的另一个“猪猪侠”,那我就把它们称为猪猪侠1和猪猪侠2吧,故事从有一天猪猪侠1在街上散步说起。猪猪侠1在街上边吃着棒棒糖,边走着,这时候它感觉到后面有人,它一回头就发现了另外的一个和它长得一模一样的猪猪侠2,猪猪侠1说你怎么和我长得一模一样呀,你是我的弟弟吗?猪猪侠2迅速地回应说:“我是变形金刚”,“什么变形金刚”猪猪侠不屑一顾地说,“你是从哪里来的?”猪猪侠2说:“我是从羊村来的,”猪猪侠1心想,“那个地方不就是自己最喜欢的所呆得地方吗?”“那你一定认识喜羊羊啦?”猪猪侠1问,“我其实的羊村村长研究出来

2、一只新羊,我叫做猪猪羊,”猪猪侠2 得意地回答,猪猪侠1说:“我叫猪猪侠,你叫猪猪羊,咱们俩个的名字好像是兄弟啊,那你作为我的弟弟,叫做猪猪侠2怎么样啊?猪猪侠2,他听到了这个名字感觉很帅,那好吧,猪猪侠就开始拥抱了这个弟弟,这时候猪猪侠2就不见啦,这时候猪猪侠1从睡梦中醒来,原来自己刚才是在做梦啊,是在太奇怪啦,早上起来来到了学校,学校的老师对猪猪侠说,今天我们学习一种新的题型,叫做完形填空,这时候,猪猪侠的兴奋劲就来了,我要学完形填空啦,下节课让我们和猪猪侠一起学习一下完形填空吧。 一完形填空题的特点及设空规律1一篇完形填空题是一个有机的整体。尽管看起来形式上有残缺(若干个空),但它的内容

3、、语言习惯,句与句之间的衔接点,句子与段落之间的联系,段落与段落之间的逻辑顺序仍或隐或现地存在于篇章之中。因此,在做完形填空题时,通读全文、明了大意、理清观点、分清层次是十分重要的一步。考生解题时必须自始至终依托语境,注意上下文之间、词与词之间,从语法到意义的合理搭配。尤其要注意短文中承上启下的过渡词等,如so, but, however, then, therefore, also等。 2完形填空题选材广泛,以人物故事为主,体裁以夹叙夹议为主。做完形填空题时,要快速通览全文,了解文章概貌与各段落的中心意思,把握文章主旨脉络,掌握文章作者的意图。在平时学习中,要注意从以下几个方面训练和提高。

4、捕捉信息点,弄清逻辑关系:完形填空题短文第一句话通常不设空,这给我们提供了一个语境,使我们能掌握短文的一些初始信息,例如:文章的大概内容,动作发生的基本时间,短文叙述的切入点等。这些基本信息给学生提供一个语境,使我们解题时能够依境而行。但这只是解答完形填空题的最基本的信息,我们还必须依据上下文提供的信息点(如时间、人物、地点、事件、背景等)对文章的脉络有针对性地理解和判断,弄清段落前后的逻辑关系,才能使短文内容沿着合乎逻辑的顺序发展,才能使局部和全局关系一致。 明确词义辨析,考虑固定搭配:不熟悉词语的用法和区别,尤其是同义词语的用法比较,对固定搭配不熟练或记忆不准,都会造成很大的阅读障碍和错误

5、选择,因而我们平时学习时要注重词义辨析,牢固掌握固定搭配。只有这样,考试时才能应付自如。3完形填空题的设空规律 上下文直接信息题:本类题的设置特点是,四个选项之间不存在词义区别和用法比较。考生应着眼于对上下文信息的捕捉和对上下文暗示的领会。 词、句、文三结合理解题:本类题的设置特点是:其中某一个或几个选项代入空白处会使句意不通或严重违背上下句意义的衔接或直接与短文内容不符,在做这类题时要对各选项的词义作准确的把握。 词义辨析题:本类题的设置特点是,各选项代入空中后该句的语法都是正确的,但是句子出现了几种不同的含义。在做这类题时,要认真比较各词之间的细微差别。 语法知识和固定短语考查题:在解答本

6、类题时要注意句子的语法结构要正确:如关系连词的用法等;对固定短语要注意其结构的完整性。 行文逻辑和全文中心把握题:本类题的设空特点是:把各选项中的对象代入空格中可导致上下文之间出现因果关系、递进关系、转折关系、条件关系等。做本类题时,考生要注意全文的主线或脉络,仔细分析上下文之间的逻辑关系,从而准确地选出正确答案。二解题基本方法1重视首段 完形填空中,第一句一般不设空。通过认真分析首段,可发现首段多向读者交代了事件发生的时间、地点、背景、人物、起因等,使读者在下面的阅读中有一个清晰的语境。 Once upon a time, some children were playing at seas

7、ide when they found a turtle(海龟). They began to beat the turtle. Just at that time, a young man came and said to them, “Stop!” The children ran 31 quickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your kindness.2重语境,确定表达意义;观整体,前瞻后顾。完形填空中,我们常会发现上一句的答案就隐藏在下一句中,或上一段为下一段作铺垫。因此当遇到自己拿不准的地方时,一定不能

8、心慌,应耐心地看下去。 To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine. “Im, erIm just wondering if you would consider coming to work on my team,” he said_38_. “You are really smart, and you would be a great manager.” “I dont think so,” I replied, feeling unsure. “Well, if you change your mind, we are meeting t

9、omorrow,” he said before moving to another table.38. A. proudly B. quickly C. nervously D. regretfully An eighth grader said, “Itll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.” Hearing these words made my heart filled with _46_. I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make

10、a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeffs team. He became the most popular candidate and I was large part of his _47_. The fact that it has made a difference in other peoples lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!46. A. pride B. surprise C. patience D. hope47. A.

11、 luck B. spirit C. life D. success3充分考虑词义辨析、固定搭配和语法在完形填空中的应用 The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea. When he 33 the palace, he was very surprised and said to the turtle, “What a nice palace!”33. A. left for B. arrived on C. arrived at D. got away J

12、ust before the race, Gilbert asked _6_ they could stop for a minute so that he could make a wish. 6.A. whether B. why C. when D. where4注意句子间的逻辑关系 一般所填空格的句子与上下文可构成指代、列举、因果、比较、对比、让步、补充、递进等逻辑关系。根据上下文的逻辑关系并结合所给选项的基本含义来确定。 It looked _37A_ like my family, but luckily that wasnt the way I heard it. The way

13、 my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really _38_.37. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something38. A. surprising B. boring C. sad D. funny5排除法在完形填空中的应用在完形填空中,经常遇到正面选择皆有道理的情况,此时只能换种思维,分析选项区别,逆向思考一一排除,从而选择最佳答案。The first night she brought out a story about a three-year-old boy who knew t

14、he capitals of all the states in our country and 37 B most of the European countries. A teacher also said the little boy could also pronounce the names of the foreign cities correctly.“Whats the capital of Finland?” my mother asked me, looking at the magazine story.All I knew was the capital of Cali

15、fornia. “Nairobi!” I guessed, saying the most 38 word I could think of.37. A. perhaps B. even C. almost D. still38. A. surprising B. foreign C. interesting D. special 6通读全文,把握文章主旨,洞察作者写作意图 通读全文是做完形填空之前必不可少的工作,在快速阅读的过程中,不要急于看选项,而要一口气读到底,以求综观全文,获得对文章内容的整体了解,从而确定作者的写作意图,判断自己的基本思路。7做好检查 填好空格后,应细读一遍,看文章是

16、否完整,用词是否达意,上下文是否连贯,有无前后矛盾、逻辑错误,特别是一些考查词语搭配的地方要仔细斟酌。若在情景、语法、词汇、逻辑等方面都顺理成章的话,这篇完形填空就比较成功了。 注意:在做题的过程中要“先易后难,逐个攻克”这是一条最基本的做题原则,它也同样适用于完形填空的解题中。与此同时,在做题的过程中,要做到“谨慎、沉着,不要急躁”由于完形填空是一种难度较高的障碍性阅读,所以大部分的情况之下,通读一遍文章后仍然有头脑模糊的感觉。这是很正常的,它要求我们在此种情况下,先稳定情绪,再读时进入状态。只有这样,问题就会迎刃而解。三、完形填空中考查的词类。完形填空中出现频率较高的词类题,依次为动词、介

17、词、代词、连词、形容词、副词。选择各类词时,要注意以下几个方面:a.名词的选择,应联系文章主题及空格前后出现的有关词,注意其数的一致。例如:As a young girl growing up in the 1930s, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that dream in 200l, when I rode in a hot air balloon on my birthday. I though

18、t it would be exciting, but the 36 turned out to be uninteresting.36. A. program B. progress C. exercise D. experienceb.动词的选用,要注意词义和惯用搭配,还要区分近义词之间的用法差异及所给词的形式。例如:light rain was falling as I ran by a gas station which was closed for Christmas. I noticed a family standing outside the locked door. I 1

19、why they were there but then forgot about them as I ran to keep up with Jill. 1. A. explained B. suggested C. checked D. wonderedc.选择介词,应注意其惯用法,特别是与动词或其他词组成的固定搭配。例如:Being up 46 the sky and looking at the view(景色)below was unlike anything I have ever felt, much better than the hot air balloon.46. A.

20、over B. in C. under D. besided.选择代词,要注意数是否准确。例如:I ran to my grandmothers house, for she always told the truth. Grandmother was at home. I told _1_everything. “No Father Christmas?”1.A. him B. her C. them D. youe.选择连词,要注意分析前后句或上下文的逻辑关系。例如:His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he ha

21、d a cough, _7 _we all knew that he didnt have a cough and he didnt have a coat. I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat that he would like. 7. A. so B. if C. but D. andf. 选择形容词和副词,要注意词义的区别,用于比较时,还要注意词形变化。例如:But unlike my father, I do not wait for my daughters 10 to take books from my bookshelf and s

22、cribble in them.10. A. quickly B. secretly C. carefully D. immediately Exercise 1 The train shook back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise. Outside the windows the freezing cold of winter ruled. The train was filled with cold, tired passengers. Suddenly a little boy 1 his way through the grown

23、-ups legs and sat down by the window. He was all alone among the unfriendly grown-ups. What a brave child, I thought. His father 2 to stay by the door behind us. The train began to move slowly into a tunnel(隧道). Then something very 3 happened suddenly. The serious little boy slid(滑) down from the se

24、at and leaned (斜靠) his hand on my knee. For a moment, I thought that he wanted to 4 me and returned to his father, so I helped him to stand up. But instead he leaned forward and held his head 5 towards mine. He wanted to say something to me, I thought. I lowered my head to receive the 6 .Wrong again

25、! What I received was a loud kiss on the face. The boy quietly returned to his seat, leaned back and continued looking out of the window. I was so surprised. What just happened? A child kissed an 7 grown-up on the train. How could anybody want to kiss such a man that had so much beard (胡子)?Nervous a

26、nd a little surprised, we smiled at the father. 8 he saw our questioning looks as he got ready for his stop, he offered a clue (some information). “Hes so happy to be alive,” the father said,” “He has been very sick.” Father and son 9 into the crowd moving toward the exit. Then doors closed and the

27、train went on. On my face I could still 10 the childs kiss- a kiss that has started some soulsearch (深思) inside me. How many grown-ups go around kissing each other 11 the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the special right of 12 ? The little kisser has taught us a sweet but seri

28、ous lesson - You dont let yourself die before your heart stops!1. A. lost B. moved C. fought D. pushed2. A. preferred B. chose C. agreed D. hoped3. A. interesting B. strange C. funny D. exciting 4. A. kiss B. beat C. pass D. ask5. A. up B. on C. back D. out6. A. news B. idea C. message D. thought7.

29、A. unsafe B. unimportant C. unfamiliar D. unfriendly8. A. Before B. When C. Unless D. Since9. A. disappeared B. ran C. looked D. came10. A. touch B. smell C. have D. feel 11. A. in B. about C. for D. after12. A. hope B. kiss C. death D. life1.高级词汇:passenger 乘客 Suddenly 突然 unfriendly 不友好 serious 严重的

30、receive 接收 forward 向前 disappear 消失 offer 提供2.高级短语:be filled with 充满 For a moment 一会 move toward 朝移动 be surprised 惊奇3.高级句型:I thought that 我认为 Help sb. to do/do sth. 帮助某人做某事 the joy of的快乐Exercise 2There have been many great inventions that change the way we live. The first great _1_ was one that is st

31、ill very important todaythe wheel. This made it easy for man _2_ heavy things and to travel long distances. For hundreds of years after that, there were _3_ inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800s the world started to change _4_. There was little unknown land left in the world. People did not have to explore much any more. In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. _5_ them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These have all become a big part of our life today. The first part of the 2

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