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1、说着英语趣旅行5186集第051集:旅行天气全掌握本期对话:DENNY: I was told that Bali is known for having lovely weather all year round. Why is it always overcast these days?ERIK: Yeah, there has been a lot of rainfall this year. But the weather forecast said that the weather will be great the day after tomorrow.DENNY: I was c

2、ounting on surfing!ERIK: Come on! Its stifling today. Staying in the resort and enjoying the swimming pool would be a good choice.ERIK: Alright, lets go. Im sweating like crazy!中文翻译:丹尼:听说巴厘岛全年气候宜人,可最近怎么老是阴天呢?埃里克:是啊,今年雨水挺多的。不过天气预报说后天是个好天儿。丹尼:我还指望着去冲浪呢!埃里克:算了吧!这么闷热,还是呆在度假村吧,去游泳池玩玩儿也不错啊。丹尼:好吧,现在就去吧,我一直

3、在冒汗!本期单词:1. lovely 令人愉快的,这里形容好天气2. overcast 天阴的,多云的3. rainfall 降雨量4. counting on 指望5. stifling 闷热的6. sweating like crazy 一直冒汗实用例句:1. Whats the climate like in Bali? 巴厘岛的天气怎么样?2. Whats the weather forecast for tomorrow? 天气预告说明天的天气怎样?3. Whats the weather going to be like in the next few days? 接下来几天天气如

4、何?4. I hope the weather will stay this way. 我希望这种天气持续下去。5. Its extremely hot and muggy.天气非常炎热闷人。6. It cools down in the fall time. 到了秋天天气渐渐凉了。第052集:途中受伤别慌张本期对话:Conversation between an American and a Chinese person.ERIK: Ouch!DENNY: Huh what, how are you?ERIK: Im fine, thank you and you?DENNY: You fr

5、eaked me out when you yelled. Youre not fine.ERIK: Yeah, I just got stung by a bee.DENNY: Does it hurt?ERIK: Yeah, it really stings. And now its starting to throb.DENNY: Okay, Ill get a cold pack to put on your cheek.中文翻译:一个美国人和中国人的对话丹尼:哎哟!埃里克:怎么了?你还好吗?丹尼:还好,谢谢了,你呢?埃里克:你大叫的时候倒把我吓了一跳。你没事儿吧?!丹尼:是啊,我刚被

6、蜜蜂蛰了。埃里克:疼吗?丹尼:恩,挺痛的!现在开始一跳一跳的痛了。埃里克:好的,我去拿个冰袋敷你脸上。本期单词:1. stung 被叮咬的,被蛰的 sting的过去式2. sting 动词叮;刺痛3. freak out 吓坏了4. throb 抽痛5. cold pack 冰毛巾,冰袋实用例句:1. Im injured. 我受伤了。2. Are you allergic to any medication or penicillin? 您对什么药或者青霉素过敏吗?3. I have a throbbing pain.我觉得一跳一跳地疼。4. I have a piercing pain.

7、我感到巨痛。5. I have food poisoning. 我食物中毒了。6. I sprained my ankle. 我崴脚了。7. Should I be hospitalized? 我一定要住院吗?第053集:寄宿家庭新生活本期对话:DENNY: Where were you staying in the U.S. when you first went there?ERIK: I stayed with the Dorian family and hoped to experience the local life.DENNY: How was it? Any inconveni

8、ence?ERIK: It was a bumpy start. But they were warm hearted and always willing to help me out.DENNY: OK, was that all-inclusive?ERIK: No. Its just the lodging. I have to cook myself. I also participate in family lifeDENNY: Cool. It seems like the key to enjoying a homestay is to not be a renter who

9、lives in a spare room but a part of the house hold.中文翻译:丹尼:你刚去美国的时候,住哪儿啊?埃里克:我在多力安家里寄宿,也是希望可以感受当地人的生活。丹尼:怎么样?有不方便吗?埃里克:刚开始有点不顺,但他们一家都很热情,也很乐意帮助我。丹尼:这样啊,那什么都包括吗?埃里克:不是的,只是住宿的费用。我得自己做饭,我也会参与到他们的家庭生活中。丹尼:不错啊,看来享受寄宿家庭的秘诀就是,不要把自己当成租客,而是家庭的一份子。本期单词:1. host family / home stay寄宿家庭2. bumpy 困难重重的3. lodge 为.提供

10、住宿4. all-inclusive 包括一切的5. help out 帮助实用例句:1. Are there any rules I should know of? 有没有什么规矩我应该遵守的?2. Im looking forward to my stay.我很期待在这里的生活。3. Id like to help you do the housework. 我愿意帮助你做家务活。4. Could you show me how to do it? 请告诉我这个怎么用好吗?5. Thank you. Youve done so much for me.很感谢,你为我做了太多事情了!(或者:

11、很感谢这些日子你对我的照顾。)第054集:国外大学新生活本期对话:DENNY: Yeeeeeaaaaaah!ERIK: Please! Put a cork in it!DENNY: Im just so thrilled Im going to an American university.ERIK: Haha, I just hope your grades will be up to par.DENNY: Thats rude. I already picked out all of my classes for this Spring semester.ERIK: Thats neat

12、! But this school costs a fortune.中文翻译:丹尼:耶!埃里克:好了啦!请闭嘴!丹尼:我只是太兴奋啦,我要去美国念大学了!埃里克:哈哈,希望到时候能达标哦。丹尼:很没礼貌唉,我都已经选好春季学期的课程了。埃里克:不错!不过这所学校费用很高!本期单词:、 put a cork in it 闭嘴、 thrilled 非常兴奋的、 up to par达到标准、 picked out 挑选、 neat 好的,极好的、 cost a fortune 价格很高实用例句:1、How can I get a grant from the government? 怎样得到政府的资

13、助呢?2、Is it difficult to find a part-time job in America? 在美国找兼职难吗?3、What is the cost of living in that country? 在那个国家的生活费用是多少?4、What is the qualification for a masters degree? 读研究生入学需要哪些条件?5、It wont take me long to settle down. 用不了多久我就会适应的。第055集:理发店实用英语本期对话:ERIK: Hi, Id like to have a haircut.DENNY:

14、 How do you want it?ERIK: Just trim it a little. Dont cut it too short on the sides.DENNY: Ok, would you like a perm?ERIK: Not really,but I am thinking about getting highlights put in.DENNY: Good taste. That would suit you very well.ERIK: Thanks,Im ready for a new hairdo!中文翻译:埃里克:你好,我想理个发。丹尼:你想理成什么样

15、式的?埃里克:修一下就好了。两边不要剪得太短。丹尼:好的,你想烫个头发吗?埃里克:不啊,不过我倒是考虑挑染一下。丹尼:品味不错哦。这很适合你。埃里克:谢谢,我准备好换新造型啦!本期单词:、 haircut 理发、 trim 修剪、 Perm 烫发、 highlights 挑染、 dye 染发、 hairdo 发型实用例句:、 How would you like your haircut? 你喜欢什么发式?、 Id like a crew-cut.我想理平头。、 Leave the bangs as they are. 刘海别动。、 Id like to get a new perm.我想重新

16、烫一下。、 Please dye my hair red. 请给我染红色头发。第056集:图书馆里看看书本期对话:DENNY: Can I help you find what youre looking for?ERIK: No thanks, I know the Dewey Decimal System pretty good.DENNY: Okay, if you need help in the future, just look me up.ERIK: Thanks, but can you tell me if Dorian Grey is in the fiction or n

17、onfiction section?DENNY: Oh, thats in the literature corner, just over there.中文翻译:丹尼:需要我帮你找找吗?埃里克:不用了,谢谢。我很了解杜威图书十进分类法。丹尼:好的,如果你需要什么帮助,找我就好了。埃里克:谢谢,可以问下道林格雷这本书是小说类还是写实文学类?丹尼:哦,在文学作品区域,就在那边。本期单词:1. Dewey Decimal system杜威十进分类法2. pretty good 相当好3. look me up 来找我,来看我4. fiction 小说5. nonfiction非小说的散文文学;写实

18、文学6. literature 文学7. poetry 诗歌实用例句:1. How long can I keep the books? 这书我能借多长时间?2. Where can I check out the books? 我可以在哪里办借阅手续?3. Id like to renew it for two more weeks. 我想再续借两个星期。4. I couldnt find this book in the stacks. Would you help me find it? 我在书架上找不到这本书,你能帮我下吗?5. Are there any activities or

19、exhibitions in the library recently? 请问图书馆最近有没有什么活动或展览?第057集:看场当地的比赛本期对话:DENNY: Finally, its Super Bowl Sunday!ERIK: Yeah, Im gonna order in some pizza.DENNY: Cool dude, Ill buy some chips and dip in town for tonight.ERIK: Great, the Beavers are gonna kick some butt today! By the way, dont forget to

20、 buy a twelve pack and two liters of pop.中文翻译:丹尼:终于到超级碗星期天啦!埃里克:是啊,我来叫披萨。丹尼:帅!我去城里买点薯片和蘸酱,晚上吃。埃里克:好啊,海狸队今天可得露两手了!对了,别忘记了买打啤酒和两升汽水。本期单词:1、Super Bowl Sunday超级碗星期天/ 也叫Super Sunday超级碗(Super Bowl)是国家美式足球联盟(也称为国家橄榄球联盟)的年度冠军赛,胜者被称为“世界冠军”。超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。3、order in 订

21、购4、kick some butt 露两手,打败某人等意思,可以形容比赛中、或其他场合中一边倒的局势,赢得很轻松,还可以翻译为让某某吃吃苦头了。5、twelve pack 一打,主要说啤酒6、pop/ soda/coke 这三个词都表示“汽水”实用例句:1、How good are you at football?你打橄榄球的水平怎么样?2、They game is set比赛快开始了。3、He choked in the second part of the match他后半场比赛发挥失常了。4、They have a 100:78 mark in the competition他们在比赛中

22、的成绩是100比78。5、Todays game was pretty lousy.今天这场比赛看得真憋气。6、Whats the score? 比分是多少?第058集:滑雪旅行好疯狂本期对话:DENNY: Its my first time to try skiing. Im kind of nervous.ERIK: It will be alright. The instructor will give a ski course and teach you the basics.DENNY: Thats easy for you to say. Did you see those ste

23、ep slopes?ERIK: Those are for advanced skiers, while you will go on the bunny hill. Its the easiest run on the mountain.DENNY: Okay,I hope I wont fall too much.ERIK: Its okay. Itll be fun just to enjoy it and you will love it!中文翻译:丹尼:这是我第一滑雪,感觉有点紧张啊!埃里克:没事的,一会儿会有教练给你上滑雪课,他会教你滑雪的基本方法。丹尼:你说得倒轻松啊。你看这些坡

24、道也太陡了吧!埃里克:那是给高级滑雪者的,你去初学者滑雪道就好了。那是山里最容易的滑雪道。丹尼:好吧,希望我不要摔得太惨!埃里克:不会的,很好玩儿,你就好好享受吧!你会爱上滑雪的。本期单词:、 skiing 滑雪、 skier 滑雪者、 instructor 教练、 slope 坡道、 steep 陡峭的、 bunny hill 初学者滑雪道、 snowboard 滑雪板实用例句:1. Where can I rent the ski equipment? 我在哪儿可以借到滑雪装备吗?2. Lets go back to the lodge and rest. 我们回小屋休息下吧。3. Ill

25、 just wear my own snow suit. 我穿我自己的滑雪服就好了.4. I want to buy a ski hat and goggles. 我想要顶滑雪帽和护目镜。5. Lets get on the ski lift. 我们去坐滑雪缆车吧。第059集:海上运动好好玩本期对话:ERIK: Did you see the coral reefs under the sea? Its marvelous, I wish I were a fish!DENNY: Not bad. I prefer sea walker instead of snorkeling. Its c

26、loser to the fish.ERIK: Thats right. But its too short. Look over there!DENNY: Thats parasailing, you can enjoy the horizon from the sky.ERIK: Wow, lets go and play! That must be exciting!DENNY: Okay, I cant wait.中文翻译:埃里克:你看到海底那些珊瑚礁了吗?好美啊,我真想变成一条鱼!丹尼:还好吧,和浮潜相比,我更喜欢海底漫步,因为可以更亲近鱼儿。埃里克:那倒是,不过时间太短了。你看那边

27、!丹尼:那是水上滑翔伞,从空中你可以看到海洋的全景哦!埃里克:哇,过去玩儿下吧,一定很刺激。丹尼:好啊,我实在等不及了。本期单词:1. coral reef 珊瑚礁2. marvelous 令人惊异的3. sea walker 海底漫步4. snorkeling 浮潜5. parasailing 水上滑翔伞实用例句:1. Would you like to go scuba diving this afternoon? 你想下午去进行潜水运动吗?2. I want to rent a jet ski. 我想租一部水上摩托车。3. I get a big kick out of windsurf

28、ing. 我觉得帆板冲浪好刺激。4. Lets go whale watching on the sail boat today. 今天我们坐帆船去观看鲸鱼吧。第060集:美式早餐吃什么本期对话:ERIK: Im glad were able to make an American breakfast!DENNY:I know. Put the bread in the toaster please.ERIK: no problem, Im gonna go outside and get some maple syrup from the trees.DENNY: Great, the pa

29、ncakes are almost ready and the coffee is brewing.ERIK: Okay, Im getting some hot chocolate and cereal ready for the kids. 中文翻译:埃里克:真开心,我们要做一顿美式早餐咯!丹尼:是啊。麻烦把面包放到面包机里面去。埃里克:没问题。我去外面,从树上弄点枫蜜来。丹尼:太好啦,煎饼快好咯,咖啡正在煮。埃里克:好,我给孩子拿点热巧克力和麦片去。本期单词:1. toaster 烤面包机2. maple syrup/syrup 枫蜜/甜酱3. pancake 薄煎饼4. brew泡(茶

30、),调制(饮料),煮(咖啡等)5. cereal 麦片(粥)实用例句:1、How do I make scrambled eggs? 要怎么做摊鸡蛋?2、Id like to butter my toast. 我要在面包上涂点黄油。3、I couldnt eat another bite. 我一口也吃不下了。4、What is a typical American breakfast? 典型美式早餐是什么样的?第061集:如何请假去旅行本期对话:ERIK: Hey, are you off work now? DENNY: Yeah, Im scanning out now. It was hectic at my job today! ERIK: At least you have vacation time soon. DENNY: Yeah, Im looking forward to it. ERIK: Alright, see you in a couple. 中文翻译:电话中埃里克:嗨,你现在下班了吗?丹尼:是的,我正在打卡下班。今天真是太忙了。埃里克:不过你马上就要休假咯。丹尼:是啊,我好期待。埃里克:好的,过几天见。本期单词:1、off work/ finish work 下班2、scan out/ sign out/ clock out 下班打卡3、hect

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