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本文(观念建构为本的化学教学设计的理论与实验研究Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(wj)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、采用观念建构为本的教学,不会影响学生对具体知识的掌握,还会 对学生成绩的提高略有帮助;可以帮助学生建构和发展基本化学观念;能提高学生的 综合思维能力和问题解决能力.论文最后针对本研究提出了若干研究展望,可供研究者进一步思考。关罐词:观念,观念建构为本的教学设计模型,教学分析,教学策略设计THEORY AND EXPERIMENT RESEARCH ONCHEMICAL TEACHING DESIGN BASED ONCONCEPTIONAL CONSTRUCTIONAbstractThis subject was brouit forward due to the innovation of

2、21 Century Basic Education Courses. It is one of important issues on innovation of modem scientific education to make students advance scientific making as citizaL However, from the trmd of the innovations on scientific education in china and other countries, it has shown that advancing scientific m

3、aking is not to pursue to know more scientific facts and informational quantity, but to digest their core conceptions and scientific thinking deeply. Unfortunately the main object of traditional classroom teaching in dionistry is to let students memorize a great deal of specific knowledge or underst

4、and concepts and contents of theories superficially. In view of above mentioned, this paper proposed the teaching design and its implement based on concq)tional construction.The second section in this paper reviewed the achievements related to “Concqrtion” on education and teaching in domestic and f

5、oreign research Prof. Erickson suggested the courses and teaching theory based on conception, which enlightened us importantly. Howeva; this theory mainly refers to integrative and cross-subject courses units. In addition, its teaching practice also focuses on general fields such as language, cultur

6、e and history, and th-e is less teaching practice in the field of scientific education. Therefore, we should consider the practice based on separated subjects in our country and reconstruct this theory properly. Prof Wang Lei and Fan Xiao Qiong, her studst, in Beijing Normal University proposed teac

7、hing theory based on conceptional construction, and reclassified the sort systn of knowledge creatively. Specifically, they classified knowledge into conceptive knowledge and material knowledge from the perspective of the knowledge lever and transplantable value. Furthermore, they built the teaching

8、 model based on conceptional construction, which discussed how to analyze teaching material and design teaching problem and activity by applying core conception, and supplemented concerned cases. This theory provides the important theory guidance for teaching practice based on concq)tional construct

9、ion. However, the author in this paper found some deficiency on this theory and its relative research. First, this theory didn,t advanced specific teaching strategies and the process of teaching design. Second, the selected cases themselvespresented the teaching thoumt based on concqitional construc

10、tion on the design of teaching materials, and there were few cases for general teaching materials. Third, their work didnt exam the effects of the teaching based on conceptional construction on the mastery of specific chemical knowledge for students. Thwefore, both of the theory and practice should

11、be explored further to imply the teaching thoughts based on conceptional construction to teaching practice.Theory construction was discussed in the fourth section, where three tasks wwe made focused on conceptional construction. In the first place, we indicated three basic conceptions. Then, the mod

12、el of teaching design based on conceptional construction was developed, and each part of the model and the relationship among these parts were discussed in detail. Finally, the teaching design based on conceptional construction and traditional teaching design wore compared.The specific cases were pr

13、esorted in the fifth and the sixth section of this pq)er. In the fifth section, according to three basic conceptions (Le. particulate, equilibrium, functional), the teaching design was made and implemented by taking “Ionization equation“,“Benzene-spicery hydrocaibon, Ethanol”, “Phoiol in the teachin

14、g matoials fbr Grade Two in soiior high sdiool as teaching content Additionally, the teaching processes for some typical class examples wwe recorded and analyzed at loigth in the classroom. These work made the cases more substantial for the teaching design and implement based on conceptional cmistni

15、ction. In the sixth section, a series of expoiments were done according to tiie above specific cases. Two classes of Gradein No.5 Higji School in Taiyuan were selected as subjects. And these students we tested by adopting uniform midterm and final examination questions and selfdesigned questions bef

16、ore and after the relative teadiing activities. The results of these examinations were statistical analyzed, and then relevant outcome of the research was obtained. The main object of the above case study is to apply specific teaching cases for the model of teaching design based on conceptional cons

17、truction, and explore the effects of the chemical teaching focused on this tiieory on the mastery of special chonical knowledge fbr studoits, building and improvanent of basic chemical conception, and cultivating of the abilities of comprehensive thinking and problem-solving. :一- -eAs a result, the

18、effects of the teaching based on conceptional construction were shown as follows. First, it wont influence the mastery of the special knowledge for students, on the contrary it can help students develop their grades. Second, it can help students construct and develop the basic chonical concqtion. Th

19、ird, it can improve the abilities of comprdiensive thinking and problem-solving.In the last part of this paper, new directions for future research are indicated to apply researchers fbr deep consideration.KEY WORDS: conception, model of teaching design based on concxptional snstruction, teaching ana

20、lysis* design of teaching strategy.6. 4. 2. 1实验前能试结果统计及分析 596. 4. 2. 2实险后测试结果统计及分析 59第7章 研究结论与展望 61参考文献63附录65致谢 77表目录表1:观念建构为本教学设计与常规教学设计的区别22表2,电离平衡教学前学生测查问卷结果统计 28表3:不同温度下水的离子积常数 32表4: 25匕时,水和不同溶液的pH 32表5:有关电离平衡具体性知识测试的统计结果 .53表6:有关微粒观测试的统计结果 54表7:有关平衡观测试的统计结果 表8: “电离平衡”教学后测试题各题得分原则 56表9: 2007. 2期

21、末考试成绩统计 59表10: 2007 . 4期中考试成绩统计59图目录图1:观念性知识、具体性知识与过程方法性知识、概念原理性知识、事实性知识之间的关系 9图2:观念建构为本教学的模型 10图3:以观念为核心的内容分析:10.图4:观念建构为本教学设计模型17图5:“电离平衡”的知识层级关系 25图6:水的电离和溶液的pH”的知识层级关系分析 26图7: ”盐类的水解”的知识层级关系 :.27图8:电离平衡单元教学的设计顺序 28.图9:用微粒的观点分析物质在水溶液中行为的一般程序 30图10: “水的电离和溶液的酸碱性”的教学设计 31图11,“弱甩解质的电离”的教学设计 33图12: “

22、筱类水解”的教学设计 34图13:泡沫灭火器示意图 : 34图14:林类水解的学习过程 39图15:紫、甲笨的知识层级关系 40图16:乙薛的知识层级关系 41图17“苯酚”知识层级关系 42图18:单元教学设计方案 :.43图19:“苯酚”的教学设计 45图20: 1998年全国高考25题 50图21:2006.11期中化学成绩统计 55图22:电离部分试题正确率统计 55图23:电离平衡自编试卷均分统计 57图24 :有机物自编试题均分统计 60京师范大学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行 研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文

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25、有意义 的?美国心理学家布鲁纳认为:“任何学习的首要目的,在于它将来能为我们服务.将来 为我们服务有两种形式:一是学习使我们获得对某种特定工作的特定适应性,心理学家叫 做“特殊迁移”;二是学习使我们掌握“基本观念”,这种基本观念可以用作以后所接触的 具体问题的基础,具体问题可以当作基本观念的特殊事例来处理,心理学上叫做“原理和 态度。这种类型的迁移应该是教育过程的核心我们过去都学过的物理、化学、数学、地理、生物中的许多事实材料和众多的公式、 定理,可经过时间的磨例1都渐渐地淡忘了.对于普通人,这种现实几乎可以认为是一种不 可抗拒的客观规律。可是学习中我们所留下的许多观念、观察、分析和处理事件的

26、视角和 方法,对我们的生活和工作却一直起着重要的作用,体现出一个人的基本素质和水平,这 己经是普遍公认的一种看法.因此,宋心琦教授认为,中学化学教学能够使学生终身受益 的,不是具体的化学专业知识,而是影响他们世界观、人生观和价值观的化学思想观念, 不是诸如分类、实验、计算等特殊的方法和技能,而是影响他们思维方式和问题解决能力 的具有化学特点的认识论和方法论.学生能否牢固地、准确地、哪怕只是定性地建立起基 本的化学观念应当是中学化学教学的第一目标.1. 2当代科学教育改革的趋势当代科学教育改革的一个核心就是以提高学生作为公民的科学素养为目标.美国的2061计划对科学素养的界定为:“己经普及了科学

27、基础知识的人了解科学、 数学和技术是互相依赖的人类事业,它们各有优势和局限性;懂得关键性的科学原理和概 念熟悉自然界,认识其多样性和同一性;在解决个人和社会问题时,能运用科学知识和 科学的思维方法”为此计划提出以下建议:“普及科技教育不是盲目地增加学校和教学内 容,中小学教学的重点应集中在最根本的科学基础知识上,例如科学的基本观念、基本方 法,并且更有效的把它教好”;“应重视通用概念的教学”和“不再强调事实、.特殊术语的 背诵和记忆,而是强调重要的原则、理论和技巧美国科学教育标准对科学素养的阐述如下:“科学素养是指了解和深谙进行个人决策、参与公民事务和文化事务、从事经济生产所需的科学概念和科学过程”.美国国家科 学教育标准中将科学内容标准分为八类,第一类就是关于统一的概念和过程的标准,如 体系、秩序和组织,政局、模型和解释,变化、恒定性和测量,演变和平衡,形势和功能. 标准把这些统一概念和过程称之为宽泛概念。这些宽泛概念把诸多的科学分支统一起来, 为学生提供了帮助其理解自然界的强有力思想武器,有助于学科内与学科之间思维的整 合.在加拿大安大略省的(科学课程标准)中,关于科学课程的目标第一条就是:理解科学和 技术的基

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