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1、学年度聊城市临清第一学期初二期中考试初中英语20192020学年度聊城市临清第一学期初二期中考试初中英语英语试卷总分值 120 分,时刻 100 分钟第一卷选择题 共 88 分一、卷面书写。 3 分二、听力部分共 20小题;每题 15 分,总分值 30分一听下面五个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 能作出恰当的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个句子后,你都有 10 秒钟的时刻来回 答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子只读一遍。1ASize 8.B They re white.C They re cheap.2AI don t agree with you.B

2、 Yes, I d love to.C Its nice of him.3AIts October 1st.B Its Monday.C Its a quarter to eight4AGoodbye!B That s true.C Have a good time.5AIt s green.B It s very nice.C Here it is.二听下面五个小对话。每个对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时刻来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话读两遍。6 How long does the li

3、brary open?A Eight hours. B Nine hours. C Ten hours.7 How will they go to the concert?A By taxi. B By bus. C By train.8 How much does the coat cost?A Three hundred and sixty yuan.B Ninety yuan.C Three hundred and ninety yuan.9 Whats the weather like in the womans city?10. What does the girl sometime

4、s do in the evening?确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听对话前,你有时刻阅读各个小题, 每题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时刻。该段对话读两遍。听短文前,你有时刻阅读各个小题, 每题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时刻。短文读两遍。16. When did Ci ndy come to Chi na?A . This year. B . Last mon th. C . Last year.17. How many stude nts are there in Cin dys class?A . Forty - five. B . Forty. C . F

5、ifty.18. What is Li Ying weari ng?1920 What colour is his friends skirt?三、单项填空共 15小题;每题I分,总分值15分从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 中,选出一个能够填入空白处的最正确选项。24 The teacher is coming! PIease stop . says Tom.25We shouId in the reading room.26 JiII Iooks at her , and she knows that she wiII have an art cIass tomorrow morning

6、.AdeskB cIassroomCtimetabIeDwatch27 Its getting dark, _ they are stiII working.AandBbutCsoDor28 Yesterday was Linda s birthday.AtweIveB the tweIfthCtweIfthDthe tweIve29 I aIways get Iost in the city. I need AmoneyBa bookC a mapDa picture30Her chocoIate 巧克力_about 3 doIIars.A takesBcostsCspendsDuses31

7、 He was happy your e- maiI.A receiveBto receiveC to receivingDreceivedA. Not at all B . Thats all fight C . The same to you D . And the same35 . The old man walks an old buildi ng n ear a restaura nt.A . pass B. passed C. past D . on四、完形填空共10小题;每题l分,总分值10分阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空白处的最正确选项

8、。Marti n is an America n. It is the 36 time that Marti n has come to Beiji ng. He does nt know Beiji ng a 37 a nd his Chin ese is not good. He wants to go to the church by bus, but heloses his 38Don t 39 about him. He can speak 40 Ch in ese. He has a map of Beiji ng. He can _41 it. Its not very diff

9、icult 困难 for him to find his way.When he comes out of the stati on, he 42 left and walks un til he reaches the traffic lights.He turns left 43 and he is in Xinhua Street. Martin walks along that street until he comes to the cinema. Just behind the cinema, there is a street 44 the left. That is Peopl

10、es Street. A school is about three 45 metres dow n the street on the right. The church is beside it. He is happy because he has found the right place.36 .A .oneB .firstC .on lyD .last37 . A .muchB .bigC .lotD .many38 . A .ideaB .wayC .madD .place39 . A .worryB .talkC .lear nD .know40 .A .littleB .fe

11、wC .a fewD .a little41.A .readB .lookC .seeD .find42 .A .stopsB .turnsC .keepsD .comes43 .A .aga inB .tooC .alsoD .either44 .A .toB .byC .onD .for五、阅读明白得第一节共 l5 小题;每题 2分,总分值 30 分 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、 C、D 四个选项中选出一个能回答所提咨询题或 完成所给句子的最正确选项。ATom was a good boy. He was seven years old, and he was going to s

12、chool soon.But Tom had a shortcoming 缺点 . He couldnt get up early. He often slept until nine or ten o clock in the morning.His mother didnt want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to him, You must get up when you hear the clock ring.Yes, Mum. Tom said, and from the

13、n on, Tom got up when he heard the clock ring at six in the morning One day, his mother forgot to wind up the clock. And the next morning Tom didnt get up at six thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to wake him up. Tom was in bed and his eyes were open. He said to his mother, I woke up ver

14、y early.Then why didnt you get up? Mother asked. You told me to get up when I heard the dock ring. So I am now waiting for the clock ring.46 Tom couldnt get up early in the morning, .A but he was still a good boy B but he went to school on timeCso he was a bad boy D so he was often late for school47

15、 Before Toms mother bought a clock for him, he always .A got up late B went to bed earlyC got up early D went to bed late48 Tom usually got up after he had a clock.Aat six thirty B at nine C late D early49 One day, the clock didnt ring, .A so Tom didnt wake up early B. but Tom still woke up earlyC b

16、ut Tom still got up early D so Tom slept lateA he went to bed too late50 Tom didnt get up early one day, because .B he didnt want to go to schoolC. the dock did nt ringD . his mother did nt go to wake him upAn Advertiseme nt 那么广告Wekome to the ZooTry out Tmin Ki血 feu* S 2*00 ctw person!51.One Sun day

17、, the zoo ope ns at 52.The zoo opens days a week.53. If you are 13 years old, you want to go to the zoo, you should pay A . $3.00 B . $6.00 C . $8.00 D . no money54. Kate is 12, and her little sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they should pay A . $9.00 B . $11.00 C . $ 6.00 D . $ 3.0055. If you ar

18、e 14 and your brother is 7. How much should you pay for the Train Ride?A . $2.00. B . $4.00. C . $6.00. D . $7.00.COne after noon whe n the less ons were over, Peter and Paul did n ot go home. They stayed at school to help their teacher. They worked for an hour.When the boys reached home, it was sev

19、e n o clock. It was dark outside but there was light in side their home and the door was ope n. They could see a man in side.Who can it be? said Peter, Mother and Father have gone to do some shopp ing. They wont be home un til eight oclock.Whe n the man saw Peter, he smiled and said, Come in! You do

20、nt know me but rm your fathers friend. He asked me to fetch some money for him. The man did not see Paul.Peter went inside and began talking to the man, but Paul did not. He quickly but quietly ran off to fetch a policeman. When Paul and the policeman came, the man tried to run off. The policeman st

21、opped him and held his arm.56 Peter and Paul stayed behind after schoolA until the school was overA the policeman knew the man inside Pauls homeB Paul called the policemanC Peter and Pauls teacher was in troubleD their parents went shopping but they didnt take enough money with them第二卷非选择题 共 32 分阅读明

22、白得 第二节共 5小题;每题 2 分,总分值 10分 阅读下面短文,依照其内容完成后面各项任务。O Neal and Ayum奥尼尔和滨崎步1.What is Fav. short for的缩写形式/简称2.Where is ONeal from?3.What does Ayumi do?4.Does Ayumi like draw ing?5.When was ONeal born?六、补全对话共 5小题;每题2分,总分值10分依照下面所提供的对话情形和内容, 从AG中选出适当的句子, 填入标有题号的空白处,使对话意义连贯、完整。M: 6W: Certa inly. Where do you

23、 want to go?W: Go dow n this wad. 8 The n go ahead and soon youll find a stop.M: Is it far from here?W: No. 9M: 10W: The No. 223 Bus. Itll take you right there.M: Thank you very much.W: Not at all.A . Which bus shall I take to the Summer Palace?B . Turn left at the second crossing .C. It quite a lon

24、g way .D . I want to go to the Summer Palace .E . It only five minutes walk .f . Can I help you?G . Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to the n earest bus stop?七、书面表达。12分你的笔友Tony下个周末要来济南,你为他安排了一系列的活动。请依照日程表及词语提示写一篇70词左右的英语短文,介绍一下你为他安排的打算。开头已给出。时刻11月15日11月16日活动上午下午晚上登泰山游玩大明湖、千佛山公园游玩济南野生动物世界购物提示:大明湖 Daming Lake ;千佛山公园:Qia nfoshan Park ;济南野生动物世界: Ji nan Wild An imal WorldMy pen pal Tony is visit ing me n ext weeke nd. Im show ing him around our city.

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