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1、高一英语下unit22单元测试2docUnit 22 A world of fun目标导引.单词及短语 besides,risk,scream ones way to,lead to,allow,divide.本单元语法分词作状语内容精讲.单词及短语精讲1.experience n.&v. 经验; 经历; 形容词为:experienced 有丰富经验的e.g.Dont correct him all the timehell learn by experience. 别总纠正他的错误他自己会通过经验学会的。Our journey by came1 was quite an exper ienc

2、e. 骑骆驼旅行真是一次难忘的经历。e.g.I experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。e.g.Shes very experienced at /in repairing cars.2.step v.(行)走;踩,踏 n.脚步(声);步骤;台阶e.g.I stepped forward to receive the prize.我走上前去领奖。 I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet. 我踩进了一个小水坑,把脚弄湿了。e.

3、g.Take 2 steps forward.向前跨两步。Mind the steps outside the door.小心门外的台阶。 step 作为名词构成的短语有:step by step 逐渐地,一步一步地take steps (to do sth.)采取措施(做)watch ones step 小心3.achievement n.完成,达到,成就,成绩 动词为:achieve 完成,达到,获得e.g.He felt a great sense of achievement when he reached the top of the mountain.当到达山顶的时候,他有一种巨大

4、的成就感。He has broken 2 world records in one day,which is quite an achievement.他一天打破两项世界纪录,这真是了不起的成绩。e.g.He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work hard.如果不努力,他会一事无成。The company has achieved a 100% increase in profitability.这家公司的利润增加了一倍。4.risk n.&v. 风险,危险;冒的危险,冒失去危险e.g.Theres a risk that the fire

5、 would break out again.大火再烧起的危险仍然存在。By criticizing the boss he risked losing his job.他冒了失去饭碗的危险去批评老板。She risked her life trying to save the drowning child.她冒着生命危险去救那个溺水儿童。 risk 作名词构成的词组有:at risk 处于危险之中at the risk of 冒的危险take /run a risk 冒险take/run the risk of 冒的危险e.g.He saved my life at the risk of

6、losing his own.他冒着失去生命的危险救了我。I dont want to take the risk of meeting George,so Ill stay here.我不想碰上乔治,所以我要呆在这儿。.句子精讲5.The parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger of risking injury. 公园变得越来越先进,新技术使我们不用身处危险,也不会受伤就可以有各种经

7、历。 in danger 处于危险 in 与其他抽象名词构成的短语还有: in debt 负债;in need (of) 需要 in doubt 怀疑;in search of 寻找 in peace 平静地; in praise of 表扬 in silence 沉默;in support /favor of 支持,赞成 in power 当权; in honour /memory of 为了纪念in return 作为回报;in charge of 负责 in trouble 处境困难; in the charge of 由负责 in detail 详细地;in possession of

8、 拥有,持有 in advance 提前; in the possession of 由拥有/持有,在手中 in common (有)共同之处 in public 公开地 in society 在社会上 in space 在太空e.g.He is in charge of the class.他负责这个班。 =The class is in his charge./in the charge of him.6. So if you want to know what it feels like to fall through the air,take off in a rocket,fly a

9、 helicopter,walk next a lion,or fight alien creatures in outer space,visit one of the theme parks in your area.如果你想知道从高空落下,坐火箭升空,开直升飞机,在狮子身旁散步,或同外星生物搏斗的感觉是怎样的,那就去你们那儿的主题公园吧。take off 升空 ,起飞;脱下(衣服);休(天)假e.g.Im taking Thursday off because Im moving house.因为搬家,我星期四休假。take 构成的短语还有:(1)take back 收回 e.g.Im

10、sorry I was rude ;I take back everything I said.对不起我失礼了,我承认我所说的全错了。(2)take down 拿下来,记下来e.g.Take down his address.把他的地址记下来。(3)take on 雇用,呈现,露出e.g.His face took on a worried look.他脸上露出担忧的神情。We decided to take on a new clerk.我们决定雇用一个新职员。(4)take out 取出,带sb. 出去,洗去(污迹)e.g.Petrol will take out that stain.汽

11、油可以去掉那块污迹。(5)take over 接管e.g.He is taking over my job while I am on holiday.我度假期间,他将接手我的工作。(6)take up 开始做;占用(时间)e.g.John took up acting while he was at college.约翰在上大学时开始演戏。 The job took up most of Sunday.这工作占用了大半个星期天。(7)take surprise 使某人大吃一惊 take turns 轮流; take pride in 以为骄傲; take steps /measu

12、res /action 采取措施; take up arms 拿起武器; takefor granted 认为理所当然,想当然地认为7.Like roller coasters,thrill rides use cars that ride on tracks,but instead of rolling,twisting,and looping like the roller coasters,thrillrides use speed,motion,and special effects to give you a thrill.和摩天轮一样,过山车采用沿轨道行驶的车。但它靠高速、位移,和

13、特殊效果来给人以兴奋、震颤感,而不是像摩天轮一样滚动、翻转、环绕。instead of 而不,代替(可以接名词,代词,动名词,介词短语等)e.g.We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.我们走楼梯而不是坐电梯下去的。He studies in the evening instead of during the day.他晚上学,而不是白天学。比较:instead 作为替代(没不而)e.g.I dont like this one ;give me that instead.我不喜欢这个,给我那一个吧。比较:rather

14、than 而不是e.g.The color seems green rather than /instead of blue.这个颜色看起来像绿色而不是蓝色。 rather than 还可以表示,与其宁愿,有时可以接动词原形。e.g.Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad,he sold them at half price.与其让蔬菜腐坏,他选择半价把它们卖掉了。He would rather die than give in.他宁死不屈。8.You sit in a car that “falls” from tall towers and y

15、ou scream your way down to a safe landing.你坐在车里,车从高塔上“掉”下来,你一路尖叫,直到安全着陆。scream ones way (to)一路尖叫,尖叫着前行 还有些动词可与ones way 搭配,表示以方式前行走:()make ones way (排除困难)去前行 e.g.I made my way home.我回家去。()feel ones way 摸索着前行fight /push ones way 推挤着前行e.g.He pushed his way through the crowd.他从人群中挤出一条路来。()wind ones way

16、蜿蜒向前e.g.The Great Wall winds its way from west to east.长城从西向东蜿蜒向前。9.Your task is to design a new theme park that will attract as many visitors as possible.你的任务是设计出一个新的主题公园,让它尽可能多地吸引游客。 asas 像一样,这一比较结构用法如下:(1)as +形容词或副词原级+ase.g.He is as clever as his brother.他和他哥哥一样聪明。(2)as +形容词原级+a +可数名词单数+as as +形容

17、词原级+可数名词复数+asas +形容词原级+不可数名词+ase.g.He is as clever a boy as his brother.他和他哥哥一样是个聪明的男孩。They have produced as many cars as they did last year.他们生产了和去年一样多的车。I have spent as much money as him.我和他花的钱一样多。(3)asas 前还可加一个表示倍数或分数的状语e.g.The population of that country was eight times as large as that of Scotla

18、nd.那个国家的人口数是苏格兰人口数的八倍。含有倍数(或分数)的比较结构总结如下:1)A is 倍数+as big (high,long,wide)as B2)A is 倍数+bigger (higher,longer,wider)than B3)A is 倍数+the size (height,length,width)of Be.g.This room is four times as big as that one.这间房是那间房的四倍大。=This room is three times bigger than that one.=This room is four times the

19、 size of that one.注意:比较的双方A与B应属同类可比事物,所以不能说:The size of this room is 4 times as big as that one.10.Does this road lead to ?这条路通向吗?lead to 通向;导致,引起e.g.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.过多的工作,太少的休息会引起疾病。This will lead to trouble in the future.这将导致以

20、后的麻烦。表示“导致、造成”的词语还有:cause, result in 反义词为:result from 由造成近义词为:lie in 在于(方面)oweto把归因于e.g.His failure resulted from not working hard enough.他的失败是由于不够努力。=His not working hard enough resulted in failure.他的不够努力导致了失败。The reason for his failure lies in his not working hard enough.他失败的原因就在于他不够努力。He owed his

21、 success to working hard.他把成功归功于努力工作。.语法精讲11.分词作状语(1)分词短语在句中作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步等,其结构相当于一个状语从句。e.g.They sat in front of their house laughing and chatting.(表伴随) 他们坐在房前又说又笑。 Being so poor in those days,we couldnt afford to send the boy to hospital.(= As we were so poor )(表原因)那时我们那么穷,没钱送那孩子上医院。Compared w

22、ith you,we still have a long way to go.(表条件)和你比起来我们还有很大差距。Enemies,once discovered,were completely wiped out.(表让步)一旦发现敌人,就把他们彻底歼灭了。Picked 20 times a year,it grows tired only in 40 or 50 years.(=Though it is picked)(表让步)尽管一年要摘20次,它(茶树)要四五十年之后才会衰老。(2)分词作状语时,分词表示的必须是主语的一个动作或状态,即分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语。用现在分词还是用过去

23、分词作状语,需由主语来决定。e.g.Walking through the park,we saw a lot of birds.(正确)Walking through the park,the birds looked very beautiful.(错误)走过公园时,我们看到了很多鸟儿。Standing on the tower,we could see the whole city.(正确)Standing on the tower,the whole city could be seen.(错误)站在塔上我们能俯瞰全城。Seen from the hill,the town looks

24、 beautiful.=Seeing from the hill,we find the town beautiful.从山上看这座城镇很漂亮。(3)分词作状语时,如果分词动作在主句谓语所表示的动作之前发生,分词应用现在分词的完成形式。e.g.Having been there many times,he offered to be our guide.那地方他去过多次,因此他主动提出要给我们作向导。Having eaten their fill,the children were allowed to leave the table.孩子们都吃好之后,就让他们离开了。有时还用完成被动形式:e

25、.g.Having been told again and again,he still cant remember it.给他讲了一遍又一遍,可他还是记不住。Having been given such a good chance,how could she let it slip away?人家给了她这样一个好机会,她怎么能轻易放过?()分词作状语时,否定副词not 放在分词之前。e.g.Not knowing her address,we couldnt get in touch with her.由于不知道她的地址,我们无法和她联系。Not having received an ans

26、wer,he decided to write another letter to them.由于没接到回信,他决定给他们再写一封信。迁移发散12.expect v.期待;料想 名词为:expectatione.g.I expect (him)to fail the exam.我预料(他)无法通过考试。You cant expect children to be quiet all the time.你不能指望孩子们一直保持安静。expect 只能接 to do 不定式作宾语。 类似动词还有:afford (抽得出时间;买得起),decide (决定),determine (下决心),fail

27、(没能做成),long (渴望),appear (似乎),seem(好像),choose(选择), prepare(准备),arrange (安排;准备),promise(答应),pretend(假装),plan(计划),manage(设法做成),offer(主动提出),attempt(试图,努力),hesitate(犹豫)e.g.He pretended not to see me when I passed by.当我路过时他假装没看见我。They seek to reduce waste.他们设法减少废物。 We arrange to meet him at the hotel.我们安排

28、在旅馆同他见面。He offered to drive us the station.他提出要开车送我们去车站。过关题Can you_here a little longer?No,my parents expect_home early.A.remain;my coming B.remain; me to come C.stay; my coming D.stay; me to come 答案:D过关题Where is George? He said he would meet me at 3 oclock.He seems_with Mr.Brown in the

29、talk be have talked D.talking答案:B13.divide v.分,把分成;分配;除e.g.The country is divided into 12 provinces. 这个国家分为个省。He divides his spare time between working and looking after the children.他把业余时间分别用在工作和照看孩子上。Divide 15 by 3,and youll get 5. 15除以3得5.比较:()separate v.分开,把和分开divide 强调把一个整体分成若干

30、部分,通常与into搭配;separate 表示把不同的事物分开,通常与from搭配。e.g.A fence separates the garden from the sidewalk.篱笆把花园和人行道分开了。separate 还可以表示分手,作为形容词表示单独的,不同的。e.g.We talked until midnight and then separated.我们一直谈到午夜才分开。The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们各睡各的床。(2)divide 表示“除”,反义词为:multiply 乘;add表示“加”;subtract 表示“减”,

31、这四个词都是动词,它们与它们相应的介词的用法如下:e.g.How much is 5 multiplied by 3?5乘是多少?=How much is 5 times 3? e.g.How much is 5 added to 3?5加3得多少?=How much is 5 plus 3? e.g.How much is 3 subtracted from 5?减得多少?=How much is 5 minus 3?过关题A narrow strait_Europe from Africa.A.separates B.dividesC.makes D.takes答案:A14.think 动词类thin

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