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本文(国内外建筑信息模型BIM理论与实践研究综述文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 第三章 BIM在我国的发展 . - 7 - 3.1 协同设计与BIM技术的融合 . - 8 - 3.2 从二维设计到三维BIM设计 . - 9 - 3.3 影响3D BIM普及的主要因素 . - 11 - 第四章 BIM在我们国家的状况. - 14 - 4.1 中国BIM软件现状 . - 14 - 4.2 BIM软件中国战略目标探讨 . - 16 - 4.2.1 BIM软件为整个工程建设行业产生最大价值的角度 . - 16 - 4.2.2 BIM软件本身这个市场的影响力和占有率角度 . - 16 - 4.3 BIM软件中国战略行动路线探讨 . - 18 - 小结 . - 20 - 1.1 建

2、筑信息模型BIM的概述 BIM 一般具有以下特征: 模型信息的完备性:除了对工程对象进行3D 几何信息和拓扑关系的描述,还包括完整的工程信息描述,如对象名称、结构类型、建筑材料、工程性能等 设计信息;施工工序、进度、成本、质量以及人力、机械、材料资源等施工信息;工程安全性能、材料耐久性能等维护信息;对象之间的工程逻辑关系等。 模型信息的关联性:信息模型中的对象是可识别且相互关联的,系统能够对模型的信息进行统计和分析,并生成相应的图形和文档。如果模型中的某个对象发生变化,与之关联的所有对象都会随之更新,以保持模型的完整性和健壮性。 模型信息的一致性:在建筑生命期的不同阶段模型信息是一致的,同一信

3、息无需重复输入,而且信息模型能够自动演化,模型对象在不同阶段可以简单地进行修改和扩展而无需重新创建,避免了信息不一致的错误。 1.2 BIM给我们带来的好处 其实,它是引领建筑业信息技术走向更高层次的一种新技术,它的全面应用,将为建筑业界的科技进步产生无可估量的影响,大大提高建筑工程的集成化程度。同时,也为建筑业的发展带来巨大的效益,使设计乃至整个工程的质量和效率显著提高,成本降低。 1、解决当前建筑领域信息化的瓶颈问题 建立单一工程数据源。工程项目各参与方使用的是单一信息源,确保信息的准确性和一致性。实现项目各参与方之间的信息交流和共享。从根本上解决项目各参与方基于纸介质方式进行信息交流形成

4、的“信息断层”和应用系统之间“信息孤岛”问题。 推动现代CAD 技术的应用。全面支持数字化的、采用不同设计方法的工程设计,尽可能采用自动化设计技术,实现设计的集成化、网络化和智能化。 促进建筑生命期管理,实现建筑生命期各阶段的工程性能、质量、安全、进度和成本的集成化管理,对建设项目生命期总成本、能源消耗、环境影响等进行分析、预测和控制。 2、基于BIM 的工程设计 实现三维设计。能够根据3D 模型自动生成各种图形和文档,而且始终与模型逻辑相关,当模型发生变化时,与之关联的图形和文档将自动更新;设计过程中所创建的对象存在着内建的逻辑关联关系,当某个对象发生变化时,与之关联的对象随之变化。 实现虚

5、拟设计和智能设计。实现设计碰撞检测、能耗分析、成本预测等。 3、基于BIM 的施工及管理 实现集成项目交付IPD(Integrated Project Delivery )管理。把项目主要参与方在设计阶段就集合在一起,着眼于项目的全生命期,利用BIM 技术进行虚拟设计、建造、维护及管理。 实现动态、集成和可视化的4D 施工管理。将建筑物及施工现场3D 模型与施工进度相链接,并与施工资源和场地布置信息集成一体,建立4D 施工信息模型。实现建设项目施工阶段工程进度、人力、材料、设备、成本和场地布置的动态集成管理及施工过程的可视化模拟。 实现项目各参与方协同工作。项目各参与方信息共享,基于网络实现文

6、档、图档和视档的提交、审核、审批及利用。项目各参与方通过网络协同工作,进行工程洽商、协调,实现施工质量、安全、成本和进度的管理和监控。 实现虚拟施工。在计算机上执行建造过程,虚拟模型可在实际建造之前对工程项目的功能及可建造性等潜在问题进行预测,包括施工方法实验、施工过程模拟及施工方案优化等。 1.3 关于BIM的案例 杭州奥体中心主体育场杭州奥体中心主体育场是由CCDI体育事业部和CCDI的BIM团队共同完成的设计。 1.31 BIM技术让“杭州奥体中心主体育场”项目的设计工作发生了变化 杭州奥体中心主体育场”位于钱塘江与七甲河交汇处南侧,规划建筑面积22.9万平方米,可举办洲际性、全国性综合

7、运动会及国际田径、足球比赛,拥有观众固定坐席80000个。以优雅又富有张力的花瓣外形为表现形式,正是建筑师将活力动感与华贵美丽完美结合的创意,它似花非花、如梦如幻,却又卓尔不群、傲然挺立在钱塘江畔。 1. 模型设计发生的变化 作为一名建筑师,首先要真实地再现他们脑海中或精致、或宏伟、或灵动或庄重的建筑造型,在使用BIM之前,CCDI体育事业部的建筑师们很多时候是通过泡沫、纸盒做的手工模型展示头脑中的创意,相应调整方案的工作也是在这样的情况下进行的,由创意到手工模型的工作需要较长的时间,而且设计师还会反复多次在创意和手工模型之间进行工作。 2.专业设计发生的变化 “杭州奥体中心主体育场”项目,由

8、于其兼具体育场和外观复杂的双重特性, 所以只有采用三维建模方式进行设计,才能避免许多二维设计后期才会发现的问题。因此,CCDI设计团队采用了基于BIM技术的Revit系列软件做支撑,以预先导入的三维外观造型做定位参考,在Revit中建立体育场内部建筑功能模型、结构网架模型、机电设备管线模型。 3.专业纠错的变化 “杭州奥体中心主体育场”项目建立了BIM模型,由于其真实的三维特性,它的可视化纠错能力直观、实际,对设计师很有帮助,这使施工过程中可能发生的问题,提前到设计阶段来处理,减少了施工阶段的反复,不仅节约了成本,更节省了建设周期。 4.模型后续利用的变化 体育场馆的设计对防火、疏散、声音、温

9、度等要求较高,这些都有非常专业的分析模拟软件,而BIM模型的建立有助于相关的分析研究。 “杭州奥体中心主体育场”项目利用完整的BIM模型信息,对体育场模型进行了声环境模拟分析,通过模拟预测体育场内的声环境,证明体育场坐席区域的声压级分布均匀,通过模拟体育场在83Hz、125Hz、250Hz各个频带观众坐席区声压级差分布分析,证明项目的设计无声场缺陷。该项目对体育场的风环境也做了分析,对平台行人活动区进行分析,结果是无严重的空气旋涡和流动死角;对主体育场与网球场之间区域进行分析,结果是两个建筑之间没有形成隧道风。该项目还对体育场的温度环境做了分析,直接将BIM模型导入到IES软件,分析无孔隙结构

10、与孔隙结构外壳两种方式的温度分布变化,以确定外壳是否开孔以及开孔率。 应用基于BIM技术的软件是有一定难度的,如何让设计师尽快用上BIM产品,CCDI人有自己的模式,他们收获的不止是BIM技术带来的快捷精准、信息积存,更收获了一支BIM团队,如今他们已经有很多成功的体育场馆工程项目是通过BIM完成的。 CCDI应用BIM技术,从草图到BIM模型,再到各专业分析,全过程设计以BIM模型为核心,实现了BIM模型信息在设计流程中的有效传递,使设计者的灵感在BIM技术的辅助 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译 外文文献: Changing roles of the clients,archite

11、cts and contractors through BIM Abstract Purpose This paper aims to present a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature and case studies. It seeks to address the necessity for applying BIM and re-organising the processes and roles in hos

12、pital building projects. This type of project is plex due to plicated functional and technical requirements, decision making involving a large number of stakeholders, and long-term development processes. Design/methodology/approach Through desk research and referring to the ongoing European research

13、 project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed. Through several real cases, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors through BIM application are investigated. Findings One of the main findings is the identification of the main factors for

14、 a suessful collaboration using BIM, which can be recognised as “POWER”: product information sharing (P),organisational roles synergy (O), work processes coordination (W), environment for teamwork (E), and reference data consolidation (R). Furthermore, it is also found that the implementation of BIM

15、 in hospital building projects is still limited due to certain mercial and legal barriers, as well as the fact that integrated collaboration has not yet been embedded in the real estate strategies of healthcare institutions. Originality/value This paper contributes to the actual discussion in scienc

16、e and practice on the changing roles and processes that are required to develop and operate sustainable buildings with the support of integrated ICT frameworks and tools. It presents the state-of-the-art of European research projects and some of the first real cases of BIM application in hospital bu

17、ilding projects. Keywords Europe, Hospitals, The Netherlands, Construction works, Response flexibility, Project planning Paper type General review 1. Introduction Hospital building projects, are of key importance, and involve significant investment, and usually take a long-term development period. H

18、ospital building projects are also very plex due to the plicated requirements regarding hygiene, safety, special equipments, and handling of a large amount of data. The building process is very dynamic and prises iterative phases and intermediate changes. Many actors with shifting agendas, roles and

19、 responsibilities are actively involved, such as: the healthcare institutions, national and local governments, project developers, financial institutions, architects, contractors, advisors, facility managers, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Such building projects are very much influenced,

20、 by the healthcare policy, which changes rapidly in response to the medical, societal and technological developments, and varies greatly between countries (World Health Organization, 2000). In The Netherlands, for example, the way a building project in the healthcare sector is organised is undergoin

21、g a major reform due to a fundamental change in the Dutch health policy that was introduced in xx. The rapidly changing context posts a need for a building with flexibility over its lifecycle. In order to incorporate life-cycle considerations in the building design, construction technique, and facil

22、ity management strategy, a multidisciplinary collaboration is required. Despite the attempt for establishing integrated collaboration, healthcare building projects still faces serious problems in practice, such as: budget overrun, delay, and sub-optimal quality in terms of flexibility, end-user?s di

23、ssatisfaction, and energy inefficiency. It is evident that the lack of munication and coordination between the actors involved in the different phases of a building project is among the most important reasons behind these problems. The munication between different stakeholders bees critical, as each

24、 stakeholder possesses different set of skills. As a result, the processes for extraction, interpretation, and munication of plex design information from drawings and documents are often time-consuming and difficult. Advanced visualisation technologies, like 4D planning have tremendous potential to

25、increase the munication efficiency and interpretation ability of the project team members. However, their use as an effective munication tool is still limited and not fully explored (Dawood and Sikka, xx). There are also other barriers in the information transfer and integration, for instance: many

26、existing ICT systems do not support the openness of the data and structure that is prerequisite for an effective collaboration between different building actors or disciplines. Building information modelling (BIM) offers an integrated solution to the previously mentioned problems. Therefore, BIM is increasingly used as an ICT support in plex building projects. An effective multidisciplinary collaboration supporte

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