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1、定语从句教案设计定语从句教案设计为了让学生更好地掌握定语从句,作为英语老师的各位把教学教案设计好是很重要的!1. 初步掌握及运用定语从句,如让学生用定语从句来完成对人物喜欢的人物进行描述,如I like music that I can dance to. She is the only one whos studying French.等。2. 本课的学习任务就是能初步掌握及运用定语从句,为了使学生顺利地完成教学任务,教师以学生为主体,为学生设计了几个以他们的认知水平出发的符合生活实际的他们感兴趣的一环扣一环的子任务,每个子任务紧紧围绕总任务展开,再深入,在一个一个完成任务的活动中培养学生的

2、能力。(1)语言目标:能用定语从句较自如地描述及谈论人和物。在活动中训练学生的听力,口头表达能力,培养学生的观察,想象和创造力。(2)情感目标:促进同学间积极合作交流,发展同学间的友谊 。2.教学方法 :多媒体的运用能创设真实的语言情景,学生也很感兴趣,极大地鼓动了学生学习英语的积极性,而且呈现在课堂上能使教学更生活化,也更直观和具体。以学生为主体,用多媒体辅助教学,通过帮助学生理解、归纳、总结、讨论等方式学习定语从句,由于本节课是学生第一次系统学习定语从句,要达到让学生初步掌握定语从句这一目的。第一环节: 观察以下例句:1. The red pen is broken.2. The pen

3、on the desk is broken.3. The pen that I bought yesterday is broken.导入:通过对定语的理解,导入定语、定语从句的概念,定语:用来修饰名词或代词的词、短语或句子,当修饰词是一个句子时被称为定语从句。通常置于它所修饰的词之后,这种被修饰的词叫做先行词,引导定语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词,关系代词在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等,关系副词在定语从句中只用作状语。例句分析:I like to have friends who are like me.I like to have friends who are differen

4、t from me.He is the only one who is studying French.Be careful of the person who doesnt speak and the dog that doesnt bark.You cant wake up a person who pretends to sleep.He who cant get to the Great Wall is not a true man.I like musicians who play different kinds of music.Another that he found very

5、 difficult is grammar.The other day, my friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school.Being a professional athlete is the only thing that I have ever wanted to do.I like music that I can sing along with.I like music that has great lyrics.I like music that I can dance to.得出结论1)当先行词是物时a.

6、 关系代词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语时,用which/that引导,且不能省略.b. 关系代词代替先行词在定语从句中作宾语时,用which/that引导,且可以省略.2)当先行词是人时a. 关系代词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语时,用who/that引导,且不能省略.b. 关系代词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语时,用who/that/whom引导,且可以省略.第二环节:在学生对定语从句有了初步的了解后,创设情境,学以致用,让学生分组活动,根据多媒体呈现的情境,有创造性地造句:This is a singer who/that who is a boy.who is very shy.who wr

7、ites his own songs.who has a song called Qinghuaci.Who I like best.Its an animal that/which is very strong.Its an animal that/which has long nose and big ears.Its an animal that/which I like very much.第三环节: 在学生对一般的规律都把握好以后,把学生的易错点和定语从句的考点呈现在屏幕上,让学生仔细观察并作出总结,该环节设计得很好,很好地训练了学生的观察能力和主动探究的能力,效果较好。仔细观察:你

8、会发现什么?1) I prefer shoes that are cool.2) I like a pizza that is really delicious.3) I love singers who are beautiful.4) I have a friend who plays sports.学生观察后得出的结论为:who/that在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致。第四环节:小节本堂课的内容什么是定语 ?什么是定语从句?定语从句的结构是什么?关系词有几重作用?此环节让学生对所学的知识加以升华,并在大脑里形成知识框架,把知识系统化。第五五环节:巩固练习-以检查



11、常用来修饰名词或代词。被修饰的词称为先行词,引导定语从句的词称为关系词, 关系词的作用一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起引导作用;二是在意义上代替先行词,并在从句中充当一个成分。其中关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that, as;关系副词:when, where, why。eg. She is the girl who sings best of all.The pen which my uncle gave me is missing.He lives in a house whose windows face south.The factory where my

12、father works is in the east of the city.Perhaps the day will xxe when people will be able to breathe clean air in cities.1. 先行词是人,作主语,关系代词用who, thateg. He is a man( ) never leaves todays work till tomorrow.The boy ( ) is standing there is my cousin.2. 先行词是人,作宾语,关系代词用 whom, who, that,eg. Here is the

13、man ( ) youve been expecting to meet.The man ( ) you met yesterday is Mr. Smith.3. 先行词是物,作主语,关系代词用which, thateg . The train ( ) has just left is for Guangzhou.Children like to read books ( ) have wonderful pictures.4. 先行词是物,作宾语,关系代词用which, that,或省略eg. The book ( ) you borrowed yesterday is really in

14、teresting.The pen ( ) my uncle gave me is missing.5. 先行词是人、物,作定语,关系代词用whoseeg. He is the professor ( ) name was Jackson.China, ( ) population is the largest in the world, is developing very fast.1. 先行词是表示时间的名词,在定从中作时间状语,关系代词用wheneg. I cant remember the date ( ) he went abroad.Ill never forget the da

15、y ( ) I joined the army.2. 先行词是表示地点的名词,在定从中作地点状语,关系代词用where; 其中注意表示抽象概念的地点名词,如,situation、stage、degree、point等表示方面或程度时,也需用whereeg. This is the village ( ) Uncle Wang once lived.They have reached the point ( ) they have to separate with each other.Hes got himself into a dangerous situation ( ) he is li

16、kely to lose control over the plane.3. 先行词是reason,在定从中作原因状语,关系代词用whyeg. I dont know the reason ( ) he was late.None of us know the reason ( ) Tom was absent from the meeting.4.引导定语从句的关系副词也可以用“适当介词 + which”来代替。eg. October 1, 1949 was the day when ( = ) the Peoples Republic of China was founded.This i

17、s the factory where(= ) we worked a year ago.I dont believe the reason why (= ) he was late for school. 只用that的情况 先行词为all, everything, anything, nothing, little, much等不定代词时。eg. There is nothing ( ) can prevent him from doing it. 先行词被any, only, few, no, very, little 等修饰时。eg. This is the very book ( )

18、 Im looking for. 先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时。eg. The first place ( ) they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill.This is the best film ( ) I have ever seen. 先行词既有人又有物时。eg. He talked about things and persons ( ) they remembered in the school. 先行词被the only, the very修饰时。eg. Mr. Smith is the only foreigner ( )

19、 he knows. 句中已有who或which,为了避免重复时。eg. Who is the man ( ) is standing beside Tom? 不能用 that的情况: 引导非限制性定语从句;eg. He had failed in the maths exam , ( ) made his father very angry. 介词 + 关系代词。eg. This is the room in( ) my father lived last year. as引导限制性定语从句通常用于the same as, such as结构中。eg. This is the same bo

20、ok ( ) I lent you.Such machines ( ) are used in our workshop are made in China. as引导非限制性定语从句既可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,位置灵活,用来修饰整个句子。通常用下列句型:as is known to all, as is said, as is reported, as is announced, as we all know, as I expect 等。eg. ( ) I expected, he got the first place again in this mid-term examina

21、tion.Taiwan, ( ) we all know, belongs to China. 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的主要区别:限制性定语从句: 一般紧跟在先行词后面,不用逗号把从句与先行词分隔开来。使先行词的意思十分明确,成为特定的人或物,是句子中不可缺少的成分,少了它句子就会失去意义不能成立,或意思不清楚,不能说明问题。通常译为定语。非限制性定语从句: 通常由逗号与句子其他成分隔开。只是对先行词作进一步的说明,没有它句子仍能成立,意思仍很清楚。通常译为并列的句子。eg. I was the only person in our office ( ) was invited.(去

22、掉定语从句,意思就不完整)Toms father, ( ) is over sixty, still works hard day and night.(整个句子可分成两句来翻译)即先行词与关系代词、副词之间被介词短语,同位语,谓语等分隔开来。此种定语从句,在选择关系词时,要注意找准先行词。eg. There is an expression in his eyes ( )I cant understand.I was the only person in my office ( ) was invited to the important ball.I suggest you choose

23、someone I think ( ) is very kind and friendly.选择填空:1. It was April 29,20XX Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.A. thatB. when C. since D. before2.)Gutter oil is illegally recycled cooking oil,contains chemicals that are harmful to the human body and

24、can even cause cancer.A. it B. which C. where D. that3. Between the two parts of the concert is an interval,the audience can buy ice-cream.A. when B. where C. that D. which4. The old town has narrow streets and small houses are built close to each other.A. they B. where C. what D. that5. Whatever is

25、 left over may be put into the refrigerator,it will keep for two or three weeks.A. when B. which C. where D. while6. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of - uses it somewhat differently.A. which B. what C. them D. those7. A bank is the place they lend you an umbrella in f

26、air weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.A. when B. that C. where D. there8. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students - allows them to xxmunicate freely with each other.A. which B. where C. what D. who9 Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt,-

27、 is a stupid thing to do in such weather.A. this B. that C. what D. which10. She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction -had taken more than three years.A. for which B. with which C. of which D. to which11. The school shop,customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays.A.

28、 which B. whose C. when D. wherewas so pleased with all we had done for him he wrote us a letter to praise for it.A. what; what B. what; that C. that; what D. that; thatmoon travels round the earth once every month,is known to everybody.A. it B. as C. that D. often the case with elder peop

29、le, my grandma, talked about my new hairstyle for at least 50 minutes nonstop.A. That B. Which C. As D. Itgraduating from high school, you will reach a point in your life - you need to decide what to do.A. that B. what C. which D. wherenovel was xxpleted in 1978,the economic system has seen great ch

30、anges.A. when B. during which C. since then D. since whenbring us into the presence of the greatest minds have ever lived.A. which B. who C.不填 D. thatworld is made up of matter.A. in that we live B. on which we liveC. where we live in D. we live inis such a good boy all the teachers like.A. that B. who C. as D. whomthis the reason at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A. he explained B. what he explainedC. how he explained D. why he expl

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