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1、外贸单词和口语报关英语怎么说custom declaration报关相关英语词汇declare报关(v.)custom declarator 报关员customs declaration 报关单customs clearing fee 报关费import 进口export 出口gross weight 毛重net weight 净重报关相关英语句型He should declare at customs.他应该报关。Entry into the United States would require consular invoice in quadruplicate.在美国办理报关手续需要四份

2、领事发票。All imports must be declared to customs.所有过口货物必须报关。This is the Duty-Free Quota list. Please fill out this declaration form.这是一份免税限额单,请填写这份报关表。Customs declaration is a necessary procedure of Customs.报关是履行海关进出境手续的必要环节之一。Please fill out this customs Declaration Form.请填写这份报关表。在外贸英语学习中,报盘(offer)是卖方对

3、询盘(inquiry)的答复,是卖方根据买方的来信,向买方报盘。在用外贸英语报盘中,报盘内容可包括商品名称、规格、数量、包装条件、价格、付款方式和交货期限等。常用报盘词汇:offer 报盘to offer for 对.报价non-firm offers 虚盘firm offers 实盘offerer 发价人;报盘人offer letter 报价书offer sheet 出售货物单offer list/book 报价单offer price 售价offering date 报价有效期限concentration of offers 集中报盘常用报盘句型:Let me make you a spe

4、cial offer.好吧,我给你一个特别优惠价。We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。Well give you the preference of our offer.我们将优先向你们报盘。Our offers are for 3 days.我们的报盘三天有效。All prices in the price lists are subject to our confirmation.报价单中所有价格以我方确认为准。I appreciate your counter-o

5、ffer but find it too low.谢谢您的还价,可我觉得太低了。Now we look forward to replying to our offer in the form of counter-offer.现在我们希望你们能以还盘的形式对我方报盘予以答复。Were willing to make you a firm offer at this price.我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。长期合作英语怎么说long-term cooperationa long business relationship长期合作英语相关词汇:The long-term partner 长期合作

6、伙伴have a good cooperation 合作愉快long-term plan 长期计划long-term coexistence 长期共存长期合作英语相关句型:We welcome this development very much.我们非常欢迎此事有所发展。I believe we can have a good cooperation.我相信我们会合作得很愉快。I hope we can build a long business relationship.我希望我们能够长久合作。We hope to establish long and friendly cooperati

7、on relations with strong buyers.希望与有实力的买家共建长期合作伙伴关系。Hope and home and abroad to a good long-term cooperation partnership.祈望与海内外客商建立良好长期合作伙伴关系。With great pleasure I ask you to toast the long-term cooperation between us.我荣幸地请诸位为我们的长期合作干杯。外贸英语中,订单英语怎么说?订单常用英语词汇知多少,填写外贸订单时,常用的订单英语句型有哪些?作为一名外贸er,必须掌握订单英语

8、,下面跟着小编一起学习常用订单英语词汇与句型吧:订单英语怎么说?订单:order;order sheet;order form;order blank;order note常用订单英语词汇:split order 分批订单export order 出口订单import order 出口订单verbal order 口头订单to confirm an order 确认订货freight 运费destination 目的地delivery 交货date of delivery 交货日期place of delivery 交货地点port of delivery 交货港口quality 质量;品质常

9、用订单英语句型:Wed like to order your products. Well send our order confirmation today.我们想订你们的货,今天会寄上正式的订单。We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us.我们希望此批订货质量与以前供应的完全一样。Im sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult fo

10、r us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。This is a trial order. Please send us 50 sets only so that we may tap the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.试订50台,以开发市场。如果成功,随后必将大量订购。This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwi

11、se we will have to cancel the order.此订单须在5周内交货,否则我方将不得不撤销此单。Unless you order in March, we wont be able to deliver in June.除非你方3月订货,否则我们无法6月送货。By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation.请海运发货,铁路运输费用太高,我们愿意走海运。As long as the quality is good, it har

12、dly matters if the price is a little bit higher.只要能保证质量,售价高点都无所谓。We hope our products will satisfy you and that you will let us have the chance of serving you again.希望我方产品令你们满意,今后再来惠顾。惩罚性关税英语怎么说Punitive dutiespunitive tariffs关税相关英语词汇customs duties 关税anti-dumping tariffs 反倾销税protectionist tariffs 保护性

13、关税countervailing duties 反补贴税special protectionist tariffs 特保关税customs barrier 关税壁垒关税相关英语句子The US could impose punitive tariffs of up to 100% on some countries exports.美国可能会对某些国家的出口商品征收高达100%的惩罚性关税。China imposes punitive tariffs on imports from Japan.中国对日本进口商品徵收惩罚性关税。China is firmly opposed to any pu

14、nitive duties set by the European Union targeting Chinese solar companies.中国坚决反对欧盟针对中国太阳能企业征收惩罚性关税。As long as goods are imported above those prices, no duties are collected.只要商品以高于此价值的价格进口,就不会面临惩罚性关税。People insist that we are dumping, we should impose punitive tariffs.人家硬要说我们是低价倾销, 要征收惩罚性关税。Keep eve

15、ry email as short as you can; it saves you time and, more importantly, respects the recipients time.电邮要尽可能简短。既可以帮你省时间,更重要的是,也尊重了收信人的时间。The faster you respond, the shorter your response is allowed to be.回复越快,内容应越简短。Always include one line of context if the recipient isnt expecting this email.若收信人事先不知

16、你要发这封邮件,记得先加一句介绍。不管你与收信人首次联络还是经常共事,这一点都十分重要。Put your ask or action items first in the email, not last, and make them explicit. It should be immediately clear to the recipient what you want.把“问题”和“任务项”明确地写在开头,而不是最后。这样一来收信人一下子就能明白你的诉求。If there is a deadline, say so. If the request is not urgent, say s

17、o.若有截止期限,请说明;若要求并不紧急,也请说明。If you dont need a response and an email is FYI only, say so.若邮件无需回复,仅供参考,请说明。Make any questions as specific as possible. What do you think about the proposal? is not a good question. Can we go ahead with the vendors proposal of $20,000 by Friday? is better.所有问题请尽可能准确描述。“你觉

18、得这个提案怎么样”不够准确,更好一点的版本是“我们能接受卖方提出的两万美元的提案吗?”Use bullets or numbered lists when possible. These are easier to skim than blocks of text.多用黑点或数字来编号。这样比大段文字更易速读。When something is really important, bold it.Do not overuse bold in your emails.Use legible fonts.重要事项请加粗。不要事事都加粗。使用清晰易读字体。If you receive an ask

19、from someone else but cant respond right away, answer letting him or her know when youll get to it. This will save you check-in emails and help the other person plan.若不能立即回复,应回复发件人一有进展会立即知会他/她,以免反复收到追问邮件,同时让对方心里有数,不必白等。Always CC the minimum number of people necessary to get the job done. The more pe

20、ople on the email chain, the lower the feeling of responsibility to answer.仅抄送必要的人。收到邮件的人越多,回复该邮件的必要性就越低。Use “Reply All” only when truly needed. No one likes that person who clogs the whole departments inbox.不必要时别点“回复所有人”。谁也不喜欢喜欢给全部门收件箱添累赘的人。Dont hijack a thread on one topic to discuss another topic

21、. Start a new email thread instead, with the relevant subject line and recipients.若想更改话题,请重开一封邮件。可以再加上相关主题和收件人。If you are emailing for business purposes, have your contact information and title in the footer. The simpler, the better.若因工作或生意需要发电邮,记得在页脚处加上联系方式和头衔。当然,越简短越好。订立合同的7个步骤:Trying to make a bu

22、siness contract? To close the deal, youll need a legal business contract in writing between the parties.How to Make a Business Contract?想要写一份商业合同?为了顺利完成交易,你就需要一份合乎双方利益的合同。怎样制作合同?Step 1Summarize the basic terms of your agreement in writing. Before making a business contract, youll need final agreemen

23、t on all the terms. If possible, confirm these terms with the other party by email.在写的过程中,将基本词汇总结起来。在决定写合同之前,你要保证使用的这些词汇合同双方都是同意的。如果可能的话,你也可以与对方或其他几方就这些词汇通过电子邮件进行协商。Step 2Depending on the type of business contract, there may be existing templates online. Modify these business contract templates to s

24、uit your needs and specific terms.根据所要的商业合同类型,在网上可能找到一些商业合同范本。找到后对这些范本全同进行修改,让它变得适合你的需要,一些特定词汇你也可以修改。Step 3If you have a simple business contract, you may not need a sample agreement-it may be easier to make your own as a letter agreement that is signed by all parties.如果你有一份比较简单的商业合同,那就不需要一个范本合同了。因为

25、合同书是要被相关各方签署的,所以你自己做一份会比较简单。Step 4Include all terms and specific agreements within your business contract. Read the contract. Confirm that you have written about the who, what, when, where, why and how regarding the terms of the deal.将各类条款和具体的契约都包括进你的商业合同。自己读一下这份合同。确定你的合同中包括了有关这次交易的人物,什么,时间,地点和怎样。St

26、ep 5Consider what if scenarios. Check that you have accounted for non-performance, lateness and default. Discuss any changes or new terms with the other party if applicable.多想想可能出现的情况。检查一下,你对不履行合同,延迟履行合和违约都负有责任。如果可行的话,就与有关各方谈论一下合同的改变或新条款。Step 6Send the contract to your attorney for review for a larg

27、e business deal.如果是大单子,将合同寄给你的律师看看。Step 7Send two originals to the other party with a short cover letter. All parties should initial each page of the agreement and sign and date the last page. Follow up to get the signed contract back quickly. After the other party has initialed and signed the contr

28、acts, sign them and send one original back for the other partys records.把两封合同原件与一封较短的附信发送给其他各方。合同的每一页都应该由各方一起参与编辑,一起签名和一起在最后一页署名。接下来就马上把合同收回。一旦一方起草和签定了相关合约,把它们全部都签好,再将一份原件寄给别一方存根。建议和警告为了避免和减少问题的产生,你可以将所有可能出现的情况都列出来和将你的决定详细的写出。自己写一份简单一点的合同,合同中包括了所有你已经同意了的条款,且声明你对任何可能产生的违反合同的作法负相关责任。让另一方先签合同,然后你再签并把一份

29、原件送达对方存根。这样一来,你就可以对合同有更多的控制权,也可以不至于写好一份合同后,对方会挑毛病。如果在一个星期内情况有变,你有权不签合同,这样你可以有更多的时间,担更少的风险。外贸付款英语怎么说Payment 付款外贸付款常用英语词汇:convenient 方便payment on deferred terms 延期付款the refusal of payment 拒付pay on delivery (P.O.D) 货到付款collection 托收款Promisory Note 本票Commercial Bill 商业汇票Bankers Bill 银行汇票外贸付款常用英语词汇:What

30、is the mode of payment you wish to employ?您希望用什么方式付款?Its convenient to make payment in pound sterling.用英镑付款较方便。Please protect our draft on presentation请见票即付。This is the normal terms of payment in international business这是国际贸易中惯用的付款方式。We cant accept payment on deferred terms.我们不能接受延期付款。We dont think y

31、oull refuse to pay.我们相信你们不会拒付。Well not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us.见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。股份公司英语怎么说?What is acorporation?Not all businesses arecorporations. Several people may join to own and manage apartnership.什么是股份公司?不是所有的商业组织都是股份公司,而是人们集合在一起共同拥有和管理合伙的所有权。Almost all large and medium-sizedbusinesses are organized as corporations. So are overseasbusinesses.In each case the firm is owned by stockholders who hold shares in the business.几乎所有大型和中型的商业组织都是以股份公司的形式

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