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1、双汇集团企业道德文化案例分析Shineway business ethics case studies and cultural 学院:营销与物流管理学院班级:营销0970姓名:范林燕学号:9207097007双汇3.15“瘦肉精”案例:河南省孟州市等地养猪场采用违禁动物药品“瘦肉精”饲养生猪,有毒猪肉流入济源双汇食品有限公司。事件经相关媒体曝光后,引发广泛关注。2011年3月25日,相关记者从“瘦肉精”事件国务院联合工作组获悉,河南“瘦肉精”事件所涉案件调查取得重要突破,截至目前,肇事“瘦肉精”来源基本查明,并发现3个“瘦肉精”制造窝点。目前,河南全省的“瘦肉精”抽检排查工作已基本结束,未来

2、国务院食品安全委员会办公室还将就“瘦肉精”问题开展全国性的专项打击活动,确保食品安全。联合工作组还通报,截至2011年3月24日,“瘦肉精”事件中被河南省有关部门控制、刑拘、立案侦查的人员已达68人,其中“瘦肉精”销售人员26人,使用养殖户33人,生猪经纪人7人,企业采购人员2人,并对43名公职人员进行了调查取证。 相关人员表示,目前,河南全省的“瘦肉精”抽检排查工作已基本结束,未来国务院食品安全委员会办公室还将就“瘦肉精”问题开展全国性的专项打击活动,确保食品安全。双汇集团企业文化理念:双汇商业连锁有限公司是以经营双汇冷鲜肉和肉制品为主,采用“冷链生产、冷链运输、冷链销售、连锁经营”的肉类营

3、销模式,集工业、商业、物流业于一体的“横向一体化,纵向一条龙”的新型肉类经营业态。目前在国内建有近400家双汇连锁店,是河南连锁十强、全国连锁百强企业。 双汇连锁店实行“统一形象、统一标准、统一服务、统一配送、统一管理”的“五统一”发展模式,大力推广冷鲜肉的品牌化经营,实现热鲜肉、冷冻肉向冷鲜肉转变,传统销售向连锁经营转变,改变传统的“沿街串巷、设摊卖肉”旧模式,结束了中国卖肉没有品牌的历史,引导了行业的发展方向,双汇开创中国肉类品牌,双汇连锁店成为“放心店”、“民心店”和“民生店”。 双汇连锁店的定位是一个“以生鲜肉为核心商品的专业食品店”,同时还围绕“一日三餐”配置商品,调味料、粮油和速冻

4、食品的销售量在河南的市场占有较大份额。随着消费转型,牛奶、面包、休闲小食品和各种饮料的销售占比也逐渐提升。在未来的经营中,我们将继续加强与家庭厨房相关联的产品,开发与引进周转率高的即食性商品。 双汇企业内部质量要求标准:1严格有效的质量管理体系:整个生产、加工、配送环节严格按照ISO9001和美国HACCP标准,从源头到终端产品,从硬件设施到软件管理实现了与国际标准的接轨,达到国内领先的水平。2 先进的检测设备:双汇集团投资数百万元从国外引进高效液相色谱仪、快速微生物检测仪等先进的检测设备和仪器,从检测手段和监控能力上达到国际领先水平。3 严格的质量检验和把关:生猪进厂后,由质检人员按照严格的

5、生猪宰前检验规程,对生猪进行检验,严格把关,确保收购生猪必须是来自非疫区的;并严厉打击注水、掺假等不法行为,从而保证了收购生猪的质量。双汇集团的检验人员分布在生产车间的各个加工环节,肩负着质量卫士的重任,对生产加工的各个环节进行严格的质量检验和把关,生产过程中对“瘦肉精”实行在线头头检验,确保食品安全。4 严格的卫生管理制度:所有从事食品作业者必须按照食品卫生法的有关要求,每年都要进行健康检查。 工人进入车间必须经过风幕屏障、 一次更衣、 淋浴、手洗消毒、风淋、脚踏消毒等严格的卫生消毒措施,有效控制了操作间与人员的卫生。5 “冷链生产、冷链配送、冷链销售”:为了确保冷鲜肉的冷链不断,使广大消费

6、者尽快吃上双汇放心肉,双汇集团引进了先进的全封闭式升降对接平台,并采用专门的制冷运输车,确保冷鲜肉在装卸车时冷链不间断,真正实现了“冷链生产、冷链配送、冷链销售”的全程冷链。 “瘦肉精”事件结果:1双汇集团连发两条公告向消费者道歉,济源双汇停产整顿,封存济源双汇产品。 农业部会同国务院食品安全办、工信部、公安部、商务部、卫生部、工商总局、质检总局、国家食药局等部门将启动为期一年的“瘦肉精”专项整治行动,出重拳、下狠招,严厉打击违法生产、销售和使用“瘦肉精”的犯罪行为,全程强化“瘦肉精”源头管理、生猪养殖、生猪收购贩运、生猪屠宰、肉品加工、肉品消费餐饮、肉品进出口等环节的监管,细化措施,坚决杜绝

7、“瘦肉精”进入食品产业链,保障人民群众消费安全。 双汇“瘦肉精”事件分析总结:从双汇文化理念以及质量标准看来,说明双汇生产管理存在问题,物流管理存在问题,以及企业社会责任不明确。利益让企业对价值链,生产链,产生失控。根据分析,得出许多深层次原因如下:1.中国的种粮格局、劳动力成本发生改变。养猪基地逐渐向北方粮食基地转移。造成猪肉资源分布不均衡,个别地区生猪收购困难的情况发生。2.肉制品加工厂商过快扩张产能,产能利用率不足,加剧了生猪收购市场竞争状况。如雨润2007-2009年生猪屠宰产能分别为1405万头、1805万头、2550万头,而2008、2009年实际屠宰数分别为722万头、978万头


9、样,只会被市场淘汰。Shineway business ethics case studies and culturalShuanghui 3.15 lean case:Pig farms in Henan and other places used Mengzhou prohibited animal drug, CL raising pigs, toxic pork Jiyuan Shuanghui Food Co., Ltd. After the incident related to media exposure, caused widespread concern. March 25

10、, 2011, the relevant reporter from the lean event of the State Council Joint Working Group was informed, Henan, CL event made an important breakthrough in investigating the case in question, as of now, the incident of lean to identify the source of basic and found three lean manufacturing dens.At pr

11、esent, Henan province, CL sampling investigation work has been completed, the future of the State Council Food Safety Commission Office will also lean against the special issues of national activities to ensure food safety.Joint Working Group also reported that as of March 24, 2011, CL event in the

12、control departments of Henan Province, Detention, the investigation has reached 68, including lean sales staff 26 people, with 33 farmers, seven pigs brokers, corporate procurement staff 2, and 43 public officials conducted an investigation and evidence collection. Relevant personnel said that at pr

13、esent, Henan province, CL sampling investigation work has been completed, the future of the State Council Food Safety Commission Office will also lean against the special issues of national activities to ensure food safety.Shineway concept of corporate culture:Shuanghui Chain Co., Ltd. is a commerci

14、al operation Shuanghui cold meat and meat-based, using the cold chain production, cold chain, cold chain, sales, chain operations, the meat marketing mode, set of industry, commerce, logistics in one of the horizontal integration, vertical one-stop new meat business conditions. Currently in the coun

15、try built nearly 400 Shuanghui chain, the chain is the top ten in Henan, the national chain of hundred companies.Shuanghui chain unified image, unified standards, unified service, unified distribution and unified management of the five unified model of development, to promote the brand of cold meat

16、business, to achieve hot fresh meat, frozen meat, cold meat to change , traditional sales to chain transformation, change the traditional street to Lane, warn meat old model, not the end of the brands history of Chinese meat, and guide the development direction of the industry, Shuanghui meat to cre

17、ate a Chinese brand, dual Department stores as rest assured that Shop, popular shops and livelihood shop. Shuanghui chain positioning is a raw meat products as the core of the professional food store, but also around the three meals a day configuration of goods, sauces, cereals, oil and frozen food

18、sales account for a large market in Henan share. With the transformation of consumption, milk, bread, casual food and beverage sales accounting for all gradually improved. Operations in the future, we will continue to strengthen the family kitchen with associated products, development and introducti

19、on of high turnover of the instant merchandise.Shuanghui internal quality standards:A strict and effective quality management system:The entire production, processing, distribution links in strict accordance with ISO9001 and HACCP standards the United States, from the source to the end product, from

20、 hardware to software management to achieve convergence with international standards, the leading domestic level.2 advanced testing equipment:Shuanghui Group invested several million dollars from abroad, high-performance liquid chromatography, rapid microbial detection and other advanced testing equ

21、ipment and instruments, from the means of detection and monitoring capability has reached international advanced level.3 strict quality inspection and check:Pig into the plant, by the personnel according to strict quality ante-mortem inspection procedures pig, the pig inspection, strict checks to en

22、sure the acquisition of pigs must be from non-infected areas; and crack down on water, adulteration and other illegal acts, which ensure the quality of the acquisition of live pigs. Shuanghui Groups inspectors are located in the various processing aspects of the production plant, shoulder the import

23、ant task of quality guards on the production and processing of all aspects of testing and strict quality checks, the production process of lean head of the implementation of online testing, ensure food safety.4 strict health management system:All those engaged in food operations must be in accordanc

24、e with the relevant requirements of food hygiene, health checks every year. Workers into the plant must be air curtain barrier, a change clothes, shower, hand disinfection, air shower, foot disinfection strict sanitation and disinfection measures, effective control of the operating room and staff he

25、alth.5 cold-chain production, cold-chain distribution, cold chain sales:In order to ensure continued cold meat cold chain, so that the majority of consumers to eat Shuanghui Meat, Shuanghui Group, the introduction of advanced docking platform for all closed down, and the use of special cooling truck

26、s to ensure that the cold meat in the loading and unloading car uninterrupted cold chain, so that cold-chain production, distribution cold chain, cold chain sales of the entire cold chain.Lean event results:Shuanghui Group announced two bursts of 1 to apologize to consumers, Jiyuan Shuanghui suspend

27、 production for rectification, Jiyuan Shuanghui seal products. Ministry of Agriculture, Food Safety Office of State Council, the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Health, SAIC, AQSIQ, the State Food and Drug Administration and other departments will launch a one-year, CL

28、 special rectification action , punch, and the next Henzhao to crack down on illegal production, sale and use of lean of the crime, to strengthen the whole lean source management, pig farming, pig acquisition trafficking, pig slaughtering, meat processing, meat consumption of food, meat and other as

29、pects of import and export regulation, detailed measures to resolutely put an end to lean into the food chain, consumer safety and protection of the people.Shuanghui lean event analysis concluded:Philosophy and culture from the Shuanghui quality standards, no description Shuanghui production managem

30、ent problems, problems of logistics management, and corporate social responsibility is not clear. Interest to business-to-value chain, production chain, resulting in loss of control. According to analysis, the number of deep-seated reasons are as follows:1 Chinas grain pattern, changes in labor cost

31、s. Gradually to the north base of pig food bases. Resulting in uneven distribution of resources, pork, pigs acquired some areas difficult to happen.(2) meat processing companies rapid expansion of production capacity, lack of capacity utilization, increased market competition in the acquisition of a

32、 pig. Rain run pig slaughtering capacity of 2007-2009 were 14.05 million, 18.05 million, 25.5 million, and actual slaughter numbers 2008 and 2009, respectively 7,220,000, 9,780,000. Capacity 22% compound annual growth rate, 2009 annual capacity utilization 38.35%.3 industry concentration is low, the seller is a perfectly competitive market, price taker, raw meat profits are too low. Most small and medium sized meat processing enterprises in the absence

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