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1、甘肃省张掖二中学年高二英语月考试题优才甘肃省张掖二中2020学年高二英语10月月考试题(优才)第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIf you love fine dining, Delhi is an excellent place to taste the best of Indian food. You wont regret trying these fine dining restaurants.BukharaBukhara is probably the mos

2、t famous restaurant in India. Its got a string of awards to its name. Theres plenty of hype (大肆宣传) surrounding this restaurant. Above all, the US presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have dined 26115588VarqThe Martaban ka Meat,the cooked lamb,is one of the restaurants popular dis

3、hes. There are plenty of choices for vegetarians (素食者) as well. If youre looking for a fine family dining experience,head to Varq,as young children are now 23026162Dum PukhtThis restaurant delivers a royal dining experience. It has a 200-year-old technique of slow roasting in seale

4、d pots over a very low flame. This allows the meat to cook in its own juices. As you can imagine,its a nonvegetarians 26112233DakshinIt will offer you some of the best and most unusual flavors from the south. Youll be pleasantly surprised to discover quite a few traditional dishes

5、on the menu that are usually not found in the local 426611221What made Bukhara most famous?A. It has the oldest way of cooking. B. It offers the most traditional dishes.C. American presidents once ate there. D. One can enjoy more vegetables there.2A couple with their two kids a

6、re recommended to go to_.A. Bukhara B. Varq C. Dum Pukht D. Dakshin3To have a royal dining experience,you should call_.A. (9111) 26115588 B. (9111) 23026162C. (9111) 26112233 D. (+9111) 42661122BThe Tower of London was first built by William the Conqueror for the purpose of protecting and controllin

7、g the city. Today it is one of the most popular tourist attractions and attracts over three million visitors a year.It was occasionally used as a Royal Palace for the Kings and Queens of England until the time of James I but is best known as a prison and an execution(死刑) place. Within the walls of t

8、he Tower, princes have been murdered, spies shot, and Queens of England beheaded. One of the most famous executions was that of Anne Boleyn in 1536. She was the second wife of Henry VIII. He wanted to get rid of her because she could not give him a son. She was tried and found guilty. The sword and

9、the executioner were brought over specially from France and with one stroke the executioner cut off her head.The Tower was also the scene of one of Londons most famous mysteries, known as the mystery of the Princes in the Tower. King Edward IV died in 1483. He had two sons, Edward and Richard, and t

10、he elder, Edward, became the king on his fathers death. As he was only 12 years old, his uncle (Richard, Duke of Gloucester) became his Protector until the time of his coronation. Young Edward lived in the Tower, and the Duke persuaded Edwards brother to come and live there as well so that they coul

11、d play together. But then the Duke announced that he was the new king, and he, not Edward, was crowned(加冕), calling himself Richard III.After that, the boys were seen less and eventually disappeared. It is believed that Richard III ordered their deaths, although it has never been proved. Today, the

12、Tower where the boys were imprisoned(囚禁) in the Bloody Tower.4The Tower of London was first intended_.A. to attract touristsB. for the conqueror to protect and control the city of LondonC. for William the Conqueror to protect the people from invasion(侵略)D. to defend the country from invasion5The Tow

13、er of London became_.A. a place for the rulers after James I came to powerB. a place for execution of common people at the time of James IC. a place of attraction for tourists right after it was builtD. a place to imprison and execute people after James I was crowned6Anne Boleyn _.A. was executed be

14、cause she had committed a crimeB. was beheaded because she had lost the kings favourC. was imprisoned in the Tower of London for lifeD. was sentenced to death after she had given birth to a child7After the death of King Edward IV_.A. Duke of Gloucester came to power according to the lawB. his brothe

15、r became the Protector until Edward was crownedC. Duke of Gloucester took over the crown by cheating his nephewsD. his son was beheaded in publicCA girl was having problems with her old boyfriend. Even though she didnt want to see him any more, he seemed to turn up everywhere she went. By “coinciden

16、ce” he went to the same movies, the same restaurants and the same shops. When she went on a date with a new guy and the old boyfriend just happened to appear, she became suspicious(怀疑的). Police found a global positioning system(GPS) device(设备) in her car that the old boyfriend was using to follow he

17、r.New communication technologies always have a combination of benefits and problems. GPS allows hikers and people in boats and cars to avoid getting lost; GPS can also help police track stolen cars. Because GPS systems are built into cell phones, police and others who help in an emergency(紧急情况) can

18、more easily locate someone who calls for help.A new form of identification is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). RFID uses tiny microchips(芯片), the size of a grain of sand. They are used like bar codes on products, but nothing has to be scanned in; walking past a detector(检测器) is enough. RFIDs a

19、re now being sewn into clothing. This is fine when you are paying, but when you wear your clothes and walk back into the store, the store will know exactly what you bought when you bought it and how much you paid for it. Moreover, based on what you are wearing, the store advertisements may change ju

20、st for you as you walk by. Is this the end of privacy?These concerns also expand to new video telephones. Lots of kids will use them to see their friends as they talk, but parents may like them for another reason. Kids who claim to be studying with a friend may answer the phone and find themselves c

21、aught at a movie or shopping mall.8RFID may soon _.A. track all your movements in stores B. help you buy new clothesC. replace GPS totally D. create new kinds of advertisements9One concern about the new technology is_.A. the price B. detectors C. privacy D. the shape10The main purpose of the passage

22、 is to tell people _.A. we will soon see RFIDS on video telephonesB. the advantage of GPS is tracking stolen carsC. new communication technologies are bad for peopleD. technology has strengths and weaknesses第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项将11-15小题涂在答题卡71-75相应的位置While it

23、s wonderful to share a special trip with friends or family, traveling alone is another experience.11_.Meet new peoplePeople who are traveling alone seem more approachable to others. Before you know it, you could be chatting with some interesting folks at a sidewalk cafe or even joining a group of li

24、ke-minded people on the beach.12_.Do everything you want and nothing you dont wantHave you ever been hesitant to do that half-day at the spa you are eager for because you feel bad leaving your travel partner with nothing to do?13_.If you want to “waste” the day sitting at an outdoor bar drinking a c

25、ocktail instead of sightseeing, you wont have to answer anyone.14_If traveling makes you a good, smart person, then traveling alone makes you better and smarter. Taking a trip by yourself might seem frightening. However, once you take the courage and get over your fears, youll feel a sense of energy

26、. A successful single vacation can inspire you to try new things in life.Great serviceFor some reason, service at hotels and restaurants seems better when youre traveling alone.15_. And its possible that when you make it known, you could be offered a better room or a free cocktail.A. The key is to k

27、eep an open mind and keep safety in mind.B. When you travel alone, you dont need to please anyone but yourself.C. Travellingalone makes you truly listen to your inner thoughts.D. Here are four good reasons why you should try it.E. It is refreshing.F. Giving up.G. People tend to admire those who trav

28、el alone.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My dad has been driving a truck for almost his entire life. He is usually 21._ all the weekdays and comes home only at weekends. Sometimes he stays 22._for two weeks at a time. 23._I dont get to

29、 see him as often as I wish, we remain very 24._My dad is the type of person who doesnt let you 25._ up anything that you start. When I was eleven, my father bought me a piano. At first I was so 26._ about it that I would spend hours and hours learning how to play. Then it got 27._. I was so tired o

30、f it that I asked if I could stop. Much as I tried, he 28._me to go on. Now I have been playing for almost five years. I love it and I m glad I 29._my dads advice.My dad is 30._talented, for he has been playing the guitar for over 20 years. Under his influence, I also like 31._now. Sometimes my dad

31、can be my biggest 32._. He makes me smile even when I lose in a talent show. 33._, sometimes he can be my biggest critic(批评家). He 34._ ignore the small mistakes I make. He encourages me never to lose 35._, because he thinks that all my efforts will 36._ one day.My dad is generous. Every Thursday night, he 37._ to read to the children at a childrens club. When he reads, their 38._ light up with curiosity about what will happen next. I feel 39._ of h

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