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1、定语从句知识点汇总定语从句英语谚语欣赏1. He who knows nothing but pretends to know everything is indeed a good-for nothing.不懂装懂,一事无成. 2. Its the first step that costs.千里之行,始于足下3. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 甘当小绵羊,迟早要喂狼. 概念:(1) 定语从句:在主从复合句中用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧接在先行词(antecedent)后面。(2) 先行词:被定

2、语从句修饰的成份。先行词可以为一个词,短语,或整个主句。(3) 引导定语从句的词叫关系词,分为关系代词和关系副词。关系词的作用:1) 引导定语从句,连接主句和从句,相当于一个连词;2) 必在从句中作某个句子成份(可以做主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语)常用的关系代词: that、 which、 who、whom、whose、as常用的关系副词(在从句中只作状语): when、why、 whereThe student who answered the question was John. I know the reason why he was so angry.The boy (whom) yo

3、u are talking to is my brother. Id like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 定语从句三步:第一找出先行词;第二看先行词在定语从句中的语法功能(做主语、宾语或状语);第三选择合适的关系词。. 几个关系代词的基本用法:that: 可指人或物;在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表语。(指人时,相当于who或 whom;指物时,相当于which)(一般不用于非限制性定语从句; 不可置于介词后作宾语) 如:1. A letter that/which is written in pencil is difficult t

4、o read. (主语)2. Do you know the gentleman that/who spoke just now?3. You can take anything ( that) you like. (宾语)4. What is the question (that/which) they are talking about?5. Here is the man ( who/whom/that ) you want to see.6. Shes no longer the girl ( that) she used to be before.(表语)7. Our hometow

5、n is no longer the one (that) it used to be.= Our hometown is not the same as it used to be.= Our hometown is different from what it used to be。= Our hometown is not what it used to be.which: 指物;在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。如:1. The book which/that was on the desk was bought by my father.(主语)2. The book (whic

6、h/that) I bought yesterday is very interesting.(宾语)3. The factory in which his father works is far from here.4. He was proud, which his brother never was. (表语)5. Tom spent four years in college, during which time he learned French.(定语)6. He may be late, in which case we ought to wait for him.who, wh

7、om, whose:who: 主格, 在从句中作主语,在口语或非正式用法中作宾语; 只可指人whom: 宾格,在从句中作宾语; 只可指人whose: 属格,在从句中作定语,可指人也可指物。I like the students who/that work hard. (主语)All who heard the story were amazed. (代词如he, they, any, those, all, one等后多用who.)Chaplin, for whom life had once been very hard, was a success as an actor. (宾语)Hes

8、 a man from whom we should learn. = Hes a man (whom/who/that) we should learn from.A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.(指人)Id like a room whose window faces south. (指物)=Id like a room of which the window faces south. =Id like a room the window of which faces south.There is a teapot sh

9、aped like a Chinese duck, out of whose mouth tea is supposed to come 1.关系代词 whose,引导定语从句时,既可指人,又可指物,在从句中只能作定语;of whom 只能指人;of which 只能指物,有时 whose 可以与 of whom 和 of which 互换使用。如:The girl whose hair is golden is from England. 头发金色的那个女孩是英国人。The house whose doors are green is an office building. 门是绿色的那座房

10、子是办公楼。2.“介词 + whose +名词” 引导定语从句。如:I love my motherland, for whose good future I will work hard. 我爱我的祖国,为了她美好的未来我要努力工作。3.在下列情况下,一般只用 of whom 和 of which。(1)定语从句的主语是 few, little, some, most, many, much等时,一般只用of whom和of which。In the room are lots of people, many of whom I dont know. 房间里有很多人,很多人我不认识。He h

11、as a lot of story-books, a few of which I have never read. 他有很多故事书,有几本故事书我还从未看过。(2)定语从句的主语是数词、形容词的最高级时,一般只用of whom和of which。如:The old man has three children, two of whom are college students and one of whom is a manager. 那个老人有三个小孩,其中两个是大学生,另一个是经理。(3)定语从句的主语是all, none, both, neither, each等不定代词时,一般只用o

12、f whom和of which。如:There are fifty students in our class, all of whom are working hard. 我们班有五十个学生,所有这五十个学生学习都刻苦。He planted two trees last year, both of which are growing well. 去年他栽了两棵树,这两棵树都长得好。(4)在定语从句中作表语的定语时,一般只用of whom和of which。如:He has three brothers, of whom Li Lei is the youngest one. 它有三兄弟,蕾是

13、他们中最小的一个。There are many countries in Asia, of which China is the largest one. 亚洲有很多国家,中国是最大的一个。关系代词作介词宾语:关系代词在定语从句中用作介词宾语时, 介词可放于从句之首, 也可放于从句之末. 但以放于句首较为正式.(介词前置,必须注意不影响动词词组的含义。关系代词who 和 that 用作介词宾语时, 介词必须放在句末.)关系代词前介词选择三原则:一先,二动,三意义(重中之重)1.一先,即根据定语从句中介词与先行词的搭配关系选择。I never forget the day on which I

14、came to this school. (on the day)2. 二动,即根据定语从句中谓语动词与介词的搭配关系选择。This is the iPad on which I spent 3000 yuan. (spend money on sth.)3. 三意义,即根据定语从句的意义来确定介词。This is my pair of glasses, without whichI cannot see clearly.This is the book for which you asked. =This is the book (that/which) you asked for.Do y

15、ou know the person with whom I shook hands?= Do you know the person (whom/who/that) I shook hands with?The beginning of agriculture was a big step in human progress with which nothing could compare until our information age.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for h

16、elp.Is this the factory to which you paid a visit last week?Is this factory the one to which you paid a visit last week?This is the girl whom they are looking after. (介词after与look构成固定词组,不可前置。look at, look for, look after, take care of, hear ofaboutfrom, care for, look forward, pay attention to, list

17、en to等)as 的用法:(as 引导定语从句, 在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语)如为限制性的,多用于the same as ; the same as;such as ; as many/much as;so as等结构中。如:I have the same book as you (have). 我有一本和你的一样的书。 Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been. (关系代词as和指示代词same连用, 在从句中用作表语, 先行词是same.).-Why didnt you mention that in f

18、ace of the police just now?- I thought it was such a minor detail as was hardly worth mentioning. We will only discuss such problems as have something to do with our own interests.Dont do such things as you are not sure about. There is no such place as you dream of in all this world.比较:I live in the

19、 same house that he used to live in. Im wearing the same shirt as you wore yesterday.比较:Here is so big a stone as no one can lift. (定语从句) Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.(结果状语从句)如为非限制性的,多单独引导一个定语从句,这种定语从句可置于句首,句中或句尾,译为正如,这一点。(动词常为know, see, expect, point out, etc.)As we all know, smok

20、ing is harmful to ones health . (as 作宾语)=As is known to all, smoking is harmful to ones health . (as 作主语)=Its known to all that smoking is harmful to ones health .=Smoking is harmful to ones health , as we all know .(as 作宾语)=Smoking, as we all know, is harmful to one health.He was a foreigner, as I

21、knew from his accent. (宾语, 先行词是前面整个句子). 关系副词引导的定语从句:When 指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。其先行词是表时间的名词(如:time, day, week, tear, month, etc.)He came last night when I was out.We will put off the picnic until next week, when the weather would be better.注意:先行词为时间名词,可用when引导定语从句,when在定语从句中作状语;还可以用which或that 引导,which或that

22、在从句中作主语或宾语。比较: I still remember the day when /on which my brother joined the army.(作状语)Next month, when you will be in your hometown, is just around the corner.I still remember the days which/that we spent together. (作宾语) Next winter which/that youll spend in Harbin, Im sure, will be exciting.I shal

23、l never forget the day when Shen Zhou was launched, which has a great effect on my life.There are occasions when joking is not permissible.Where 指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。其先行词是表示地点的名词,如:place, school, factory, room, etc. This is the place where I was born. I live in the room where /in which he used to live. 注

24、意:先行词是地点名词,定语从句可用where引导,还可用which或that引导,which/that 在从句中作主语或宾语。 比较: This is the factory where /in which he worked last year. (作状语)在高中的英语学习中,我们都知道,where在定语从句中用作关系副词,作状语,先行词一般指地点。例如:This is the farm where we worked when we were young.这就是我们年轻时候在此干活的农场。He met his wife in the park where they fell in love

25、 with each other.他是在这个公园遇到他的妻子,就是在那里,他们相爱了。当然,在实际的英语学习中,where在定语从句中的用法远不是这么简单,相反,要复杂得多,为了让学生对where在定语从句中的用法有更好的了解,下面我就对学生在学习过程中的重难点问题谈一谈它的用法。一、某些在从句中充当地点状语的“介词+关系词”结构可以与where 互换,where=in/at/on/.which例如:This is the house in which I lived two years ago.这是我两年前住过的房子。This is the house where I lived two y

26、ears ago.在英语学习中,并不是单纯地让学生知道where的这种用法就可以了,很多时候学生要掌握where和其他词的用法的区别,才能更好地把握定语从句的用法。例如:This is the factory where/in which you worked last year.This is the factory that/which/you visited last year.在第一句中,关系词在定语从句中作状语,所以用关系副词where或者in which,因为定语从句中worked 是个不与物动词;而在第二句中,关系词在定语从句中做宾语,因此用that或which,还可以省略,vi

27、sited是个与物动词。学生有时还会碰到更复杂的情况。例如:Is this factory the one that/which/ you visited last year?Is this factory the one where/in which you lived last year?Is this the factory where/in which you lived last year?这几个句子比前面的两个句子又复杂,除了要区别关系词在定语句子作什么成分,还要注意到前两个句子缺成分,所以要补充 the one。二、where定语从句修饰抽象名词where引导的定语从句的先行词大

28、多数情况下是表示地点的名词,但也有特殊情况。如果定语从句修饰point,situation,part,condition和case等表示抽象意义的词,关系词在定语从句中充当状语时,常用where 引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中” 。为了帮助同学们熟悉这一语言现象,正确掌握这一知识点,对where定语从句修饰抽象名词的用法作一归纳。1)where定语从句修饰抽象名词pointYou reach a point where medicine cant help. 你已到了药物无法治疗的地步。We have reached a point where a change is needed.

29、我们到了必须改一改的地步。注:有时point也可以是具体的地点:The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1. 事故发生在A15与M1交叉的十字路口。2)where定语从句修饰抽象名词caseThere are cases where the word “mighty” is used as an adverb. 在一些情况下,mighty一词可用作副词。3)where定语从句修饰抽象名词activityThose successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an ac

30、tivity where sight matters more than hearing.那些失聪的成功舞蹈演员们认为,舞蹈是一种让人看胜过让人听的活动。4)where定语从句修饰抽象名词situationHe got into a situation where it is hard to decide what is right and wrong. 他陷入一种难以分辨是非的局面。5)where定语从句修饰抽象名词positionIts put me in a position where I cant afford to take the job. 这使我陷入一种不能接受此工作的境地。6)where定语从句修饰抽象名词jobShe wants a job where her management skills can be put to good use. 她想找一份能将她的管理技能派上用场的工作。当然了,我们碰到这些词作为先行词时并不一定都用where,我们也要具体情况具体分析,他们只有在定语从句中作状语时才用where。例如:We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.A. which B. that C. where D. when-Do you

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