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1、中考英语一轮教材复习精练七下module712含答案2018年中考英语一轮教材复习精练七年级(下)Module 7Module12 一、重点单词Module 71. _adj.严格的;严厉的 2. _ n花园3. _ adj.难对付的 4. _ n村庄5. _ adv.(在)昨天 6. _ n总统Module 87. _ n森林 8. _ v注意到9. _ v采;摘 10. _ adv.环绕着;围绕11. _ v敲 12. _adj.迷路的13. _ v应门;回答 14. _ v推15. _ v跳 16. _ v吃完;喝完;用尽17. _ adj.睡着的 18. _ v返回;归还19. _ v

2、高声说;大声喊 20. _ prep.无;没有Module 921. _ n报纸 22. _ v结婚23. _ v建造 24. _ adj.富有的25. _ adj.真实的;真正的 26. _ n语言27. _n火;火灾 28. _ adj.年轻的Module 1029. _ v猜;猜测 30. _ v到达31. _ adj.举世闻名的 32. _adj.绝妙的;了不起的33. _n电灯 34. _n宫殿Module 1135. _ n& v吻;亲吻 36. _ n& v微笑37. _ n头;头部 38. _ v拥抱;紧抱39. _adv.一起;共同 40. _ v触摸;接触41. _ adj

3、.外国的 42. _ adj.礼貌的 43. _ adv.某处;某个地方Module 1244. _ adj.活泼的;轻快的 45. _ adj.现代的46. _ adj.流行的;受欢迎的 47. _ prep.穿过48. _ adj.吵闹的 49. _ n声音50. _ n乐手;音乐家 51. _ n世纪52. _ pron.又一个;再一个 53. _ adj.贫穷的54. _v相信 55. _ adj.完美的二、词汇拓展1. bore v使烦扰_adj.烦人的;无聊的_adj.令人厌烦的;令人厌倦的2. decide v决定_n决心3. write v写_(过去式)_(过去分词)_ n作家

4、4. become v成为_(过去式)_(过去分词)5. die v死亡_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)_n死亡6. succeed v成功_n成功_adj.成功的_ adv.成功地7. excite v激动;使兴奋_ adj.激动的;兴奋的_ adj.使人兴奋的;令人激动的8. relax v放松_ adj.放松的;兴奋的_ adj.令人放松的9. wonder n& v奇迹;想知道_ adj.绝妙的;了不起的10. sell v卖;出售_(过去式/过去分词)11. shake v摇晃_(过去式)_(过去分词)12. visit v参观_n游客;观光者13. hold v握着;使不动_(

5、过去式/过去分词)14. bring v带来_(过去式/过去分词) 15. feel v感觉;觉得_(过去式/过去分词)_ n感觉;感情 16. comfort n& v安慰;舒适_ adj.舒适的;舒服的17. friend n朋友_ n友谊;友好_ adj.友好的18. hunger n饥饿_ adj.饿的19. France n法国_adj.& n法国的;法语的;法国人;法语20. Germany n德国_adj.& n德国(人)的;德语的;德国人;德语_(pl.)德国人21. foot n脚;足_(pl.) 22. person n个人_ adj.个人的23. Japan n日本_ad

6、j.& n日本(人)的;日语的;日本人;日语24. Russia n俄国_adj.& n俄罗斯(人)的;俄语的;俄罗斯人;俄语25. noise n噪音_ adj.吵闹的26. west n西方_ adj.西方的三、重点短语1. _从前 2. _散步3. _独自一人的 4. _拿起;举起5. _破碎 6. _起初;首先7. _指着 8. _妇女节9. _国庆节 10. _儿童节11. _发现;查明;弄清 12. _在岁时13. _在19世纪60年代 14. _世界各地15. _握手 16. _互相;彼此17. _臂挽臂地 18. _一点也不19. _事实上 20. _结婚21. _排队等候 2

7、2. _带领某人参观四、重点句型1. Im looking forward to _ my friends again. 我盼望再次遇到我的朋友。2. She _ _the very big bowl but she didnt like it it was too hot. 她捡起那个很大的碗,但是她不喜欢它它太烫了。3. William Shakespeare died _ _ _ _ fiftytwo. 威廉莎士比亚在52岁时去世了。4. Where _ she _ this morning? 她今天早上去哪儿了?5. She decided _ _for a walk in the p

8、ark with her basket. 她决定带着篮子去公园散步。6. But in Britain many people dont like other people to touch them_ _. 但是在英国许多人一点儿也不喜欢别人碰他们。7. _ _people when you talk to them. 当你和人们说话时,不要碰他们。8. He wrote _ _ wonderful pieces of music. 他写了数百首美妙的音乐。9. _ _ _ _! 多么美丽的一个城市啊!1. 一般过去时()(七下Module 7)【基本用法】 be动词(was/were)的一

9、般过去时肯定句:was/were表语;否定句:was/were not表语;一般疑问句:was/were提至句首。【教材例句】1. I was born in a small village. 我出生在一个小村庄。 2. Who were your first friends? 谁是你第一个朋友? 3. I wasnt bored in Quincy. 我在昆西不会感到无聊。 4. Were you difficult in class too? 你在课堂上也很难管吗?No, I wasnt. 不,我不是。【即学即练】()1. Where _you last Saturday?I _in th

10、e Capital Museum.A. are; am B.are; will C. were; was D. were; have been 2. 一般过去时()(七下Module 8, Module 9)【基本用法】行为动词的一般过去时:肯定句谓语动词用过去式,否定句:didnt动词原形;一般疑问句:Did主语动词原形。【教材例句】1. She walked into the bedroom. 她步入卧室。2. She didnt like the middle bed or the big bed. 她不喜欢中间的床和那个大床。3. Did she often go for a walk

11、 in the forest alone? 她经常独自在森林里散步吗?No, she didnt. 不,她不是。【即学即练】 ()2. I have been to Shanghai. I _ there last month. A. go B.went C. have gone D. will go ()3. _he_himself there yesterday?No, I dont think so.A. Has; enjoy B.Did; enjoy C. Did; enjoyed D. Does; enjoy3. 一般过去时()(七下Module 10)【基本用法】一般过去时的特殊疑

12、问句:特殊疑问词一般过去时。【教材例句】 1. How long did it take to get there? 到那里要花费多久? 2. When did he die? 他什么时候去世的? 3. Who was with you? 谁和你一起去的? 4. What was it like? 它(那次假期)怎么样?【即学即练】 ()4. When _ you _the edictionary?Last month. A. have; bought B.had; bought C. do; buy D. did; buy4. 祈使句(七下Module 11)【基本用法】(1)无主语;(2)

13、以动词原形开头;(3)否定句在动词原形前加dont。【教材例句】 1. Give them more personal space. 给他们更多的私人空间。 2. Wave to say goodbye. 挥手说再见。 3. Dont stand too close to North Americans. 不要与北美人站得太近。【即学即练】 ()5. Tom, _afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one.A. dont B.not C. not be D. dont be ()6. _out your love. T

14、he world will become a nicer place to live in.A. Speak B.To speak C. Spoke D. Speaking 5. What引导的感叹句和选择疑问句(七下Module 12)【基本用法】(1)What(a/an)形容词名词(主语谓语)!(2)用or引导选择疑问句【教材例句】1. What a beautiful city! 多么美丽的一个城市啊! 2. What beautiful music this is! 这是多么美妙的音乐啊!3. Do you like traditional western music or pop m

15、usic? 你喜欢传统的西方音乐还是流行音乐?【即学即练】 ()7. _useful information he has found on the Internet!A. What a B.What C. How a D. How 一、单项填空()1. I like playing _ violin, and I want to be _violinist when I grow up.A. the; a B.a; a C. /; a D. a; an()2. (2017淮安) I feel very _. May I have a cake?Sure, you may take one f

16、rom the fridge.A. brave B.thirsty C. full D. hungry()3. Hearing the good news, Betty laughed and ran out of the classroom _.A. sadly B.quietly C. angrily D. excitedly()4. (2017益阳改编) Which of the two subjects do you like, PE. or music? _. Theyre really interesting.A. Neither B.Both C. None D. All()5.

17、 Cathy has such a good _that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year.A. sleep B.idea C. voice D. time()6. (2017孝感) Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane.Thats true. I never go traveling _a book.A. without B.from C. on D. about()7. _did you stay in Beijing this summer? Ab

18、out two weeks.A. How far B.How long C. How much D. How often()8. The moon light entered the room _the window and it made the room bright.A. across B.through C. over D. upon()9. Joy _a new camera yesterday. He took lots of pictures with it.A. buys buying C. bought D. will buy()10. (2017重庆B卷) _ba

19、d day! Its raining hard. We have to stay at home.A. How a B.What a C. How D. What ()11. Both Li Ming and I _members of the Students Union.A. am C. are D. were()12. Look! A big _on her face!Yes, she has passed the driving test just now! A. look C. picture D. excuse()13. We need to do som

20、e research to _the answer.A. find out B.look out C. hand out D. take out()14. Which Tshirt do you like better, the red one _the blue one?I prefer the blue one.A. and B.but C. or D. so()15. I think Bill is very brave, but _he dare not to talk in front of the whole class.A. in a word fact C. in d

21、anger D. in the end()16. Dear passengers, please take care of your _belongings(所有物) when you take the train.A. personal B.comfortable C. difficult D. popular()17. _to the old like this. All of us must be polite to each other. A. No say B.No speak C. Dont speak D. Dont say ()18. _wonderful Yang Lipin

22、gs dance is!A. What B.What a C. How D. How a ()19. (2017徐州) Do you still want to go climbing _have you changed your mind?A. and B.but C. so D. or()20. (2017东莞市模拟) My mother will cook some delicious food. Would you like to join us for dinner? Of course. _.A. Id love to B.I dont think soC. Its OK D. I

23、t doesnt matter二、阅读理解(2017滨州)Bikesharing has swept across China, with an increasing number of people choosing bike riding instead of driving. The bike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it, and those bikes can be easily unlocked with a smart phone and left anywhere in public.

24、Bikesharing allows people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily.In some cities, we can see more and more people riding this kind of sharingbikes. Its very convenient to use the bikes if you have a smart phone. First, you have to download such an APP on your smart phon

25、e. Then what you need to do is to find a nearest bike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike or connect your phone with the bike over a Bluetooth wireless connection. You will find the bike can be unlocked itself. Then you can enjoy your trip. Whats more, the greatest advantage of bikesharing is that you can easily find one and never

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