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1、世界上最冷的地方阅读练习Comprehension Test阅读理解The Coldest Place on Earth 世界上最冷的地方Tim Vicary (著)1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F)。a The first man to find the North Pole was an American.b The name of Scotts ship was Fram.c Amundsen had more motor sledges than Scott.d They made depots

2、because they couldnt carry all the food with them.e Ponies are faster than dogs on snow.f The British killed some ponies to eat.g Scott didnt try to learn to ski.h There are no mountains in Antarctica.i The Norwegians killed some dogs to eat.j Amundsen waited for Scott at the North Pole. 20 marks2 M

3、atch a word from A with a definition from B. 在B部分中选择合适的序号与A部分组成定义。 A1 Sledge 4 Pony2 Ski 5 Snowstorm3 Ice Ba A small horseb Something to carry food and equipment across the snowc A lot of wind and snow at the same timed A long piece of wood to put your feet on to travel on the snowe Cold hard water

4、20 marks3 Match a number from A with a letter from B to make complete sentences. 在B部分中选择合适的序号与A部分组成完整的句子。 A1 The Norwegians wanted to be the first men at the North Pole .2 On the Terra Nova, Scotts men ate in a room under the ponies .3 Bjaaland wasnt happy with the skis and sledges .4 Johansen told

5、Amundsen he was a bad captain .5 When the Norwegians arrived at the South Pole . Ba because he started too early and his men nearly died in the cold.b so their table was often wet and dirty.c there was no British flag there.d but Peary, an American, found the North Pole a year before.e so he changed

6、 a lot of things to make them stronger and faster. 20 marks4 Explain in 3 sentences why Scott did not win the race to the South Pole. 有三句话解释原因。1 2 3 30 marks5 Oates wrote a letter to his mother. Fill in the gaps using: think, learn, sleep, drive, like. 用适当的词填空We had a very bad winter here. I dont .

7、Scott. We were here all winter, but he didnt . to ski, or to . dogs. Our equipment is bad, and he doesnt . about other people. Im going to . in his tent on the journey, but I dont want to. 10 marks Total marksMutiple-choice Test 选择题The Coldest Place on Earth 世界上最冷的地方Tim VicarySetting 故事背景 Choose the

8、 best answer. 选择合适的答案1 The journey to the South Pole began in the _ of 1910. a spring b summer c autumn d winter2 Scotts ship was called _. a Fram b Terra Firma c Terra Nova d New Land3 In 1910, Scott was _ years old. a 31 b 39 c 41 d 434 Scott and his men wanted to _. a be the first at the South Po

9、le b be the first in Alaska c visit South America d travel around Norway5 He wanted to _ under his clothes. a carry a bottle of whisky b wear something British c wear another jumper d carry a British flag6 Roald Amundsen decided to go to _. a Antarctica before Alaska b Alaska before Antarctica c Bri

10、tain d America7 Amundsens friends were excellent _. a sailors b walkers c swimmers d skiers8 Amundsens ship first went to a small island to get _. a men b food c dogs d clothes9 _ was the first country to the North Pole. a Britain b Norway c America d Antarctica10 When Amundsens men heard where he r

11、eally wanted to go, they _. a left the ship b were happy c were angry d went to Scotts ship. 20 marks Characters 人物 Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案11 Robert Scott was _. a strong and not very tall b strong and tall c not very strong or tall d very thin and tall12 Roald Amundsen was _. a not very tal

12、l with a long face b quite short with a big face c tall with long hair d tall with a long face13 Olav Bjaaland was the best _. a swimmer in Norway b skier in the world c leader of the Norwegian team d skier in Norway 14 _ thought that Scott made a lot of mistakes. a Oates b Wilson c Evans d Bowers15

13、 Amundsen _ very carefully. a built Framheim b drove the dogs c made his depots d wrote letters16 Johansen told Amundsen that he was wrong to start in _. a January b April c June d September17 _ knew how to drive the dogs in Scotts team. a Oates b Meares c Evans d Wilson18 Titus Oates _ became black

14、. a hands b legs c feet d fingers19 Hansen wanted Amundsen to _. a go more quickly b be first at the South Pole c go home d make more depots20 Edgar Evans was the first of Scotts men to _. a feel ill b ski c die d leave 20 marks Dialogue 对话 Who said or wrote this? 谁说的或写的这些话?21 An American flag at th

15、e North Pole, a British flag at the South Pole. a Scott b Johansen c Evans d Amundsen22 Its a ski race, isnt it, and the English cant ski! a Bjaaland b Amundsen c Oates d Johansen23 I came here to learn about the Antarctic! a Scott b Johansen c Amundsen d Oates24 All the ponies are in a small room a

16、t the front of the ship. a Evans b Scott c Oates d Bowers25 Thats too early! We cant start then its dangerous and stupid! a Oates b Johansen c Bjaaland d Amundsen26 You arent coming to the Pole with me. a Scott b Oates c Amundsen d Johansen27 This is a wonderful place but I dont want to stay a long

17、time. a Amundsen b Bjaaland c Scott d Wisting 28 Stop! This is it. a Scott b Hanssen c Oates d Amundsen29 Great God! This is an awful place! a Evans b Oates c Scott d Wilson30 Im going outside for a minute. I may be some time. a Scott b Wilson c Oates d Evans 20 marks Vocabulary 词汇 Choose the best a

18、nswer. 选择适当的答案31 when two or more people try to be first a lie b camp c race d journey32 a drawing which shows where places are a plateau b flag c pole d map33 to go from place to place a travel b ski c journey d reach34 thick air which is difficult to see in a ice b rain c fog d wind35 to be the fi

19、rst in something a reach b win c lose d pull36 with nothing in it a dirty b awful c lost d empty37 something to carry food and things on snow a boot b sledge c island d tent38 when you do not know where you are a lost b quiet c unhappy d tired39 a place to leave food and things on a journey a depot

20、b tent c house d equipment40 a small horse a body b boot c pony d hole 20 marks Plot 情节 Choose the best answer. 选择适当的答案。41 When Scott heard that Amundsen wanted to go to the South Pole, _. a Scott was in front b Amundsen was in front c Scott was in England d Amundsen was in Norway42 The two teams de

21、cided to _. a go to the South Pole in winter b go to the South Pole in the summer c stay in the same place for one year d play football 43 _ before the journey. a No one worked hard at Scotts camp b The Norwegians didnt work hard c Only Scott worked hard d Amundsen worked the hardest44 The Norwegian

22、s travelled more quickly because _. a the English team was fatter b they used motor sledges c they liked the snow and ice d they skied and used more dogs45 Scotts ponies walked slowly because _. a they didnt cost much money b their feet went down into the snow c they ate too much d the men were too

23、heavy46 Amundsen thought that _ go up the mountains. a anything could b only men could c only ponies could d motor sledges couldnt 47 The Norwegians killed thirty dogs because _. a the dogs were ill b they only needed eighteen dogs c the dogs didnt like the cold d the dogs ate too much food48 Scott

24、wanted to take five men to the Pole, _. a so Bowers went back with Teddy b and there was food for everyone c but he only had food for four men d but only three wanted to go49 _ on December 14th, 1911. a Scott arrived at the South Pole first b Amundsen arrived at the South Pole second c Scott arrived

25、 at the South Pole second d Amundsen arrived at the South Pole first50 People found _ in November, 1912. a the bodies of Scott, Wilson, Bowers and Oates b Amundsen and his team c the bodies of Scott, Wilson, and Bowers d five bodies 20 marks Total MarksColdest place on Earth1 a T b F c F d T e F f F

26、 g T h F i T j F2 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c3 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c4 1 Scotts ponies were old and ill and they died quickly. 2 In the winter Scott didnt learn to ski, or to drive dogs. 3 The Norwegians were some of the best skiers on earth, and they had a lot of dogs.5 like, learn, drive, think, sleepThe Coldest Place on EarthSetting1 b2 c3 c4 a5 d6 a7 d8 c9 c10 bCharacters11 a12 d13 d14 a15 c16 d17 b18 c19 b20 cDialogue21 d22 a23 a24 c25 b26 c27 b28 d29 c30 cVocabulary31 c32 d33 a34 c35 b36 d37 b38 a39 a40 cPlot41 a42 b43 a44 d45 b46 d47 b48 c49 d50 c

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