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1、高考英语全国普通高等学校招生统一考试31高考英语全国普通高等学校招生统一考试31第一卷(三大题,共110分)I、单项填空(共40小题,计分40分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。例:haveA.gave C.hat D.made答案是C。1.specialA.shallow B.officer C.choke D.trousers2.mathematicsA.ecycle B.respect C.message D.package3.shoulderA.ouder B.proounce C.onely D.Europe4.increaseA

2、.desert C.wise D.promise5.parentA.spear B.wear C.carry D.patientB)以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D中找出适当的字母或字母组合使其正确与完整。例:alr dyA.ea D.eu答案是A。6.congr t lationA.a; u B.e; u C.o; o D.a; o7.handker iefA.sch C.tch D.ch8.act B.ur idA.qu B.q D.k10.c t nA.ur; ai; ia

3、C.ur; ia; aiC)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。例:He comes late sometimes, ? he B.isnt he C.comes he D.doesnt he答案是D。11.Is your camera like Bills and Anns?No, but its almost the same as .A.her B.yours C.them D.their12.Do you remember he came?Yes, I do, he came by B.when C.that D.if13.D

4、o you think its going to rain over the weekend? .A.I dont believe B.I dont believe itC.I believe not so D.I believe not14.Would you like to come to dinner tonight?Id like to, Im too busy.A.and D.but15.Can I join your club, Dad?You can when you a bit older.A.get B.will getC.are getting D.wi

5、ll have got16.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I for her.A.had to write it outB.must have written it outC.should have written it outD.ought to write it out17.Hi, havent seen you for ages! You look fine! . You look well, too.A.Great B.Thanks C.Oh, no D.Not at all18.She set out soon after dar

6、k home an hour later.A.arriving arriveC.having arrived D.and arrived19.Im sorry to keep you waiting.Oh, not at all. I here only a few minutes.A.have been B.had been C.was D.will be20.She is newcomer to chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.A.the; the B.the ; 不填 C.a; 不填 D

7、.a; the21.I must apologize for ahead of time.Thats all right.A.letting you not know B.not letting you knowC.letting you know not D.letting not you know22.Rather than on a crowded bus, he always prefersa bicycle.A.ride; ride B.riding; rideC.ride; to ride ride; riding23.Shall I tell John about it

8、?No, you . Ive told him already.A.neednt B.wouldnt C.mustnt D.shouldnt24.How long has this bookshop been in business? 1982.A.After B.In C.From D.Since25.The missing boys were last seen near the river.A.playing be play26.Dont all speak at once! , please.A.Each at one time B.On

9、e by one timeC.One for each time D.One at a time27.Do you like the material?Yes, it very feeling B.felt C.feels felt28.John plays football , if not better than, well well as well well as29.I dont really work here; I until the new secretaryarrives.A.just help

10、out B.have just helped just helping out D.will just help out30.It there were no examinations ,we should have at school.A.the happiest time B.a more happier timeC.much happiest time D.a much happier time31.I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she , shewould have met my brother.A.has com

11、e B.did come C.came D.had come32.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added addC.adding D.added33.Heres my card. Lets keep in .A.touch B.relation C.connection D.friendship34.The first textbooks for teaching English as a fore

12、ignlanguage came out in the 16th century.A.having written be writtenC.being written D.written35.Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. .A.I dont B.I wont C.I cant D.I havent36.I dont know the restaurant, but its to be quite a good one.A.said B.told C.spoken D.talked37.Mother was wor

13、ried because little Alice was ill ,especially Father was away in B.that C.during D.if38.I need one more stamp before my collection .A.has completed B.completesC.has been completed completed39.The weather turned out to be very good, was more thanwe could expect.A.what B.which C.that

14、D.it40.We all write , even when theres not much to and then and byC.step by step D.more or less、完形填空(共20小题,计分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从4160各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their41. This was the beg

15、inning of another 42 day in New York City. 43 this day was to be different.Waiting 44 the crowded streets, on top of a 45 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to 46 a tightrope (绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.Philippe took his first47 with great

16、 care. The wire held.Now he was 48he could do it . 49 only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a 50 of 131 feet.Soon the rush-hour 51 began to notice. What a 52 ! There, 1350 feet above the street ,a 53 figure was walking on air .Philippe made seven 54 , back and forth(来回). He wasnt sa

17、tisfied with just 55. At times, he would turn, sit down, and 56 go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing 57 to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of 58 watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.After the forty-five -minute 59,Philippe was taken to the police station.He was asked 60

18、 he did it. Philippe shrugged(耸肩) and said,When I see two tall buildings,I walk.41.A. jobs C.buses D.offices42.A.working C.same D.ordinary43.A.And B.So C.But D.Thus44.A.for D.above45.A.roof B.position C.wall D.building46.A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix47.A.act B.landing C.step D

19、.trip48.A.sure B.uncertain C.glad D.nervous49.A.Through B.Against C.With D.On50.A.distance B.height D.rope51.A.streets B.crowds C.passengers D.city52.A.height B.pleasure C.wonder D.danger53.A.great B.strange C.public D.tiny54.A.experiments B.circlesC.trips D.movements55.A.walking B.staying C

20、.acting D.showing56.A.almost B.even C.often D.rather57.A.spirit B.result C.strength D.courage58.A.patient B.terrified C.pleased B.trick C.try B.why C.whether D.when、阅读理解(共20小题,计分40分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目。从四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。ATokyo: Three snakes, whose poiso

21、n could kill a person in ten minutes, are guarding a blue star sapphire (蓝宝石) worth nearly six hundred thousand dollars at a Japanese exhibition of jewels sent from an Indian museum.Normally it would be forbidden to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects, but its diferent this time beca

22、use the jewels are being eshibited at a hotel, a police official said.Exhibition officials said that a person bitten(咬)by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an anti-poison medicine to be saved.Medicine was being kept ready at a nearby hospital.Star sapphires and other valuable jewels w

23、orth a total of one million dollars are on show behind glass. Hundreds of visitors came to see the special blue star sapphire and were surprised when they saw the sixty-centimetre long brown guards.61.Using snakes at exhibitions of valuable objects is .A.quite normal B.never allowedC.often necessary

24、 D.usually forbidden62.The jewels were being shown in Indian hotel Indian museumC.a Japanese hotel D.a Japanese museum63.Why were the snakes and jewels at the same exhibition?A.They were both special things from India.B.The snakes were there to keep the jewels safe.C.The organizers wanted

25、 to do something unusual.D.People liked to visit an exhibition guarded by snakes.64.Many visitors came to the exhibition because .A.the snakes were on many jewels were being exhibitedC.exhibition officials said it was specialD.they were interested in seeing a famous jewelBDo you always unde

26、rstand the directions on a bottle of medicine?Do you know what is meant by Take only as directed? Read the following directions and see if you understand them.To reduce pain, take two tablets(药片)with water, followeed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For night-time and early morning reli

27、ef(缓解疼痛)take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount(量). For children under six years old ,ask for your doctors advice.Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness after taking the medicine.65.How many table

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