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《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高一912单元阶段性测试.docx

1、走向高考高考英语一轮复习 高一912单元阶段性测试阶段性测试三(无听力版)高一册912单元阶段测试.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2020北京市东城区高三综合一)1library A. liberate B. silenceC. silly D. magazine2cinema A. receive B. acceptC. special D. access3weight A. height B. seizeC. ceiling D. neighbour4opposite A. close B. hospitalC. notebook D. remove5laugh A. tho

2、ugh B. throughC. enough D. taught答案15 BADBC.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6Not that Im unwilling to go with you, _ Im busy now.A. because B. butC. but that D. however7Has the football match just started?Just started? It must be clear who _ by now.A. is winning B. winsC. has won D. would win8Youve made grea

3、t progress in your study of English, havent you?Yes, but much _.A. remains to do B. is remained to doC. remains to de done D. is remained to be done9_ running, learning English needs will.A. As with B. As toC. As for D. As if10Does he know how to work out the problem?Yes, he has _ a good idea to sol

4、ve it.A. caught up with B. kept up withC. come up with D. put up with11Did you meet with the famous space hero, Yang Liwei?_ I had come here earlier!A. If only B. If notC. But for D. For fear12I hear that as many as 150 people were killed in the storm.Yes, _ news came as _ shock to me.A. the, the B.

5、 the, aC. a, the D. a, a13We need a person badly to think up such an idea._ the newcomer have a try?A. Shall B. MayC. Should D. Need14Will Thursday or Friday _ you?Either will _.A. fit, be B. fit, OKC. suit, all right D. suit, do15The investigation is sure to _ some surprising things, which we have

6、never thought of.A. bring forward B. bring upC. bring in D. bring out16Would you like _ knife and fork, or would you rather use _ chopsticks, sir?A. the; the B. a; /C. /; the D. /; /17Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.Oh! I thought they _ without me.A. had gone B. are go

7、ingC. have gone D. went18My mother is interested in _ you have said.A. all that B. all whatC. that D. which19The rainy season is coming and lets make full use of the _ days to dry whatever is needed to dry before the next dry season.A. few last sunny B. last few sunnyC. last sunny few D. sunny last

8、few20Every possible _ advanced technology.A. should be made use ofB. should be made useC. use should be made ofD. should make use of答案6C。提示:(It is) not that.but that.相当于(It is) not because.but because.意为“不是因为而是因为”。7A。提示:进行时表示将来时。说话时比赛还在进行之中。8C。remainto do意为“仍要做”,当主语与不定式是动宾关系时,需使用不定式的被动式。9A。As(is oft

9、en the case) with.(什么)常有的情况,as引导非限制性定语从句,常用省略形式。10C。come up with an idea想出一个主意。11A。if only“要是就好了”,表示感叹,用虚拟语气。12B。the news表示特指,as a shock/a surprise/a pleasure,抽象名词具体化。13A。Shall he/they.,表示说话人请求对方同意;May I.也可以表示说话人的请求。14D。sth. suits sb.“对适合”;do“行,可以,行得通”。15D。考查动词短语辨析。语境:这次调查肯定有我们永远想象不到的令人惊奇的发现。此处的brin

10、g out表示“使显现”。前三项分别表示“提议”“教育,提出”“引进”。16B。考查冠词的用法。一副刀叉用“a knife and fork”,筷子用复数chopsticks,表示“一副/一双筷子”用a pair of chopsticks,所以选B项。17A。考查语气和时态。I thought引导的从句表示“我原以为/我本以为”,从句用过去完成时,表示与过去事实相反的猜想。所以选A项。18A。all thatwhat,母亲对你说的一切感兴趣。19B。提示:多个形容词作定语的排列顺序:限定评价大小形状新旧颜色国家材料用途类别中心词。其原则是:与中心词关系密切的形容词通常靠近名词。20C。提示:

11、make use of意为“利用”,含此动词短语的句子变被动语态时,可将of的宾语提到句首作主语,也可将use置于句首作主语,此处即use被提至句首作主语的用法。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(2020宁波质检)When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been _21_. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often _22

12、_ to France, so I was used _23_ a foreign language to people who did not understand _24_. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to _25_ a nice holiday without any _26_ problems.How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a _27_ telephone to give my

13、 American friend Danny a _28_ and tell him I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me _29_ lost and asked _30_ he could help me. “Yes,” I said, “I want to give my friend a ring.” “Well, thats _31_,” he exclaimed. “Are you getting _32_? But arent you a bit _33_?” “Who is talking about marriage?” I repl

14、ied. “I _34_ want to give a ring to tell him Ive arrived. Can you tell me where theres a phone box?” “Oh!” he said, “Theres a phone downstairs.”When at last we _35_ meet, Danny _36_ the misunderstanding to me. “Dont worry,” he said to me. “I had so many _37_ at first. There are lots of words which t

15、he Americans _38_ differently in meaning from _39_. Youll soon get used to all the funny things they say. Most of the _40_ British and American people understand each other!”21A. out B. aboardC. away D. abroad22A. gone B. beenC. got D. come23A. to speak B. for speakingC. to speaking D. speaking24A.

16、English B. FrenchC. Russian D. Latin25A. having B. buyingC. giving D. receiving26A. time B. humanC. money D. language27A. perfect B. popularC. public D. pleasant28A. ring B. letterC. word D. message29A. to look B. lookingC. looked D. looks30A. that B. ifC. where D. when31A. well B. strangeC. nice D.

17、 funny32A. to marry B. marryingC. to be married D. married33A. small B. smartC. little D. young34A. very B. justC. so D. just now35A. did B. couldC. do D. can36A. described B. explainedC. talked D. expressed37A. trouble B. misunderstandingsC. fun D. things38A. write B. speakC. use D. read39A. us Bri

18、tish B. British usC. us Britain D. we British40A. chance B. placeC. people D. time答案本文是篇记叙类的完形填空题。文章讲述了身为英国人的“我”,学过法语,也经常去法国,能用法语同不懂英语的人进行交流;而在讲英语的美国,“我”却遇到了语言障碍。21D。由第一段首句“When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States.”以及“Like most English children.”的内容可知,这不是“我”第一次出国。22B。根据语法以

19、及句意,此处用had been to表示“去过什么地方”。23C。根据词法以及句意可知“我”已经习惯讲一门外语。be used to后接动名词。24A。根据上文的内容以及逻辑,即可得出答案,表示“我”已经习惯同不懂英语的人讲外语。25A。根据句意,表示“度假”,应用have a holiday。26D。根据第二段的内容可知作者遇到的是语言问题。27C。根据常识,在机场,作者寻找的应该是公用电话。28A。根据前面的内容可知作者是想给朋友打个电话。29B。“看见某人正在干某事”,用see sb. doing sth.。30B。根据上文以及语法,此处选if表示这位友善的老人询问他是否能帮助“我”。3

20、1B。根据语境可以推测这位老人对作者的回答感到很奇怪。32D。根据“Who is talking about marriage?”可知此处应用married。33D。根据上下文内容可知正因为作者很年轻,还没有到谈结婚的时候,而现在就要送别人戒指,这位老人对此感到很奇怪。34B。作者对老人的误解作解释,他只想给他的朋友打个电话,而不是送戒指。35A。根据语法,助动词did用于肯定句,表示强调。36B。根据上文内容,作者的朋友对老人对作者的误解作解释。37B。根据上文内容及所提供的选项即可得出答案。38C。产生误解是因为这两个国家的人对很多词语的使用不同。39A。from是介词,后用代词的宾格,B

21、ritish表示“英国人”,作us的同位语。40D。most of the time“大多数时候”。.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A(2020安徽)A rainforest is an area covered by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year and the temperature rarely dipping below 16. Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment

22、 because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate. Without the forest cover, these areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere, warming the rest of the world. Losing the rainforests may also influence wind and rainfall patterns, potentially causing certain natural disasters al

23、l over the world.In the past hundred years, humans have begun destroying rainforests in search of three major resources(资源): land for crops, wood for paper and other products, land for raising farm animals. This action affects the environment as a whole. For example, a lot of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) in

24、 the air comes from burning the rainforests. People obviously have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit.There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, when people cut down trees, generally they can only use the land for a year or two. S

25、econdly, cutting large sections of rainforests may provide a good supply of wood right now, but in the long run it actually reduces the worlds wood supply.Rainforests are often called the worlds drug store. More than 25% of the medicines we use today come from plants in rainforests. However, fewer t

26、han 1% of rainforest plants have been examined for their medical value. It is extremely likely that our best chance to cure diseases lies somewhere in the worlds shrinking rainforests.41Rainforests can help to adjust the climate because they _.A. reflect more heat into the atmosphereB. bring about h

27、igh rainfall throughout the worldC. rarely cause the temperature to drop lower than 16D. reduce the effect of heat from the sun on the earth42What does the word “this” underlined in the third paragraph refer to?A. We will lose much more than we can gain.B. Humans have begun destroying rainforests.C.

28、 People have a strong desire for resources.D. Much carbon dioxide comes from burning rainforests.43It can be inferred from the text that _.A. we can get enough resources without rainforestsB. there is great medicine potential in rainforestsC. we will grow fewer kinds of crops in the gained landD. th

29、e level of annual rainfall affects wind patterns44What might be the best title for the text?A. How to Save RainforestsB. How to Protect NatureC. Rainforests and the EnvironmentD. Rainforests and Medical Development答案文章论述了热带雨林的重要作用以及对环境的影响。41D。因果判断题。由文章第一段内容可以得出答案。42A。由上下文内容可知,A项正确。43B。推测判断题。由文章最后一段内

30、容即可得出答案。44C。主旨大意题。整篇文章主要论述了热带雨林的重要作用以及砍伐热带雨林对环境所造成的影响。B(2020南京高三调研)Teaching Boys: Developing classroom practices that workAmanda Keddie and Martin MillsBridges the gap between theory and practice to offer a practical and sustainable framework for teaching boys in classroom of all levels.Sales pointsTeaching boys remains one of the

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