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1、09专转本英语教材1南师专转本大学英语(第一册)目 录第一部分:Useful Expressions in College English1页第二部分:Vocabulary and Structure56页第三部分:Cloze Practice150页附:全真试题一193页主编:南京师范大学专转本辅导研究组全体老师参编:普通高校专转本统一考试教材编写组与命题研究组 南师教育培训中心第一部分Useful Expressions in College English1. excite v. excitement n. exciting a. excited a.2. ever since (the

2、n): from then to now3. name after:继命名4. be known as/for5. as to: about;6. feasible a. 可行的;feasibility n.7. come to the/a conclusion; reach/draw a conclusion; 8. based on: on the basis of 以为根据/基础9. for one thingfor another: 首先再次10. indicate v. indication n. indicator n. indicative a. There are indica

3、tions that迹象表明11. so far as sb./sth. be concerned:就而言12. emit: send out; give off放出; emission n. crash; smash13. Set back::阻碍14. proceed to do sth.; proceed with 继续15. conference; press conference16. compose; be composed of; consist of17. hazard: danger18. pollute v. pollution n. polluted air/water1

4、9. disturb v.; disturbance n. remove v. removal n. guide v. guidance n.20. heat v. heat n. a heated/spirited discussion热烈的/激烈的讨论21. expect v. expected; unexpected(ly)22. true a. truth n. truly adv. To tell the truth,23. value n. v. valuable a.24. track down:追查到追捕到25. space n. spacious a.26. spring u

5、p:涌现出来27. outgrow sth./ sb./ clothes28. count: be important; matter29. argue with sb. argument n.30. contract: become shorter or smaller31. come to (oneself): 苏醒 come to with a start(惊跳)32. frighten sb into doing threaten sb into doing; trickinto; forceinto; talk into; persuadeinto; shockinto33. rin

6、g out; make out; find out; work out34. slight(ly): a little 稍微的/地35. light up: 照亮,变亮36. author n. authority n. fame n. famous a. intention n. intentional a.37. girl n. girlish a. cat n. catlike a. trouble n. troublesome a. post v. postage n. marry v. marriage n. pack v. package n.38. declare v. decl

7、aration n. depend v. (in)dependent(ly) a. (in)dependence n.39. person n. personal(ly) a. personality n. personnel :人事部40. investigate v. investigation n.调查41. make on-the-spot observations: 现场观察42. belong to Sth. belongs to sb. belongings所有物,行李,附属物,所有物43. by birth and by education: 根据出生和教育,从出生和教育来看4

8、4. high a. height n. heighten v.45. humble/noble origins: 出生贫贱/高贵46. go out of ones way: 特地做; 专门努力做47. accept v. acceptance n. acceptable a. :能接受的 accepted:被接受的48. decline v.蜿蜒拒绝 refuse v. reject v. rejection n.49. trust v. distrust v. hesitate v. hesitation n. hesitant(ly) or hesitating a. without

9、hesitation50. prefer v. preference n. prefer doing/ sth. prefer do rather than do; would rather dothan do; would do rather than do; had better (not) do51. conflict v. n. conflict with; have a conflict with 52. judge v. n. judgment n.53. act on sth.:根据做54. criticize v. criticism n. critic

10、: 批评家, 评论家, 吹毛求疵者; critical a. be critical of/about55. resent v. resentment n. resent doing; hate v. hatred n.恨56. be chained to : 为束搏57. leavebehind: 丢弃;留下;忘带58. in existence; exist v. existence n. existent a. coexist v.59. be superior to; superiority; be inferior to; inferiority; be senior to; be

11、junior to 比更(用于两者的比较)60. have influence on; influence v. affect v. effect n.61. above all; 首先,最为重要的是62. self-evident:不言而喻; It is self-evident that; evidence n. self-evidently ad.63. thrill v. :非常激动/震惊64. owe to:归功于 Sth. owes to sb.65. center n. central a.66. legacy:遗产67. appoint v. appointment n. ma

12、ke an appointment with sb.68. satisfy v. satisfactory a. satisfaction n. dissatisfy v. 69. agreement n. disagreement n. disagree v. agree on sth.70. rotate v. rotation v. 旋转,转动71. constant a./n. 永恒的constantly; 72. perform v. performance n.73. countryman:同胞74. 以下为形容词alike; alive; alone; asleep; awake

13、; astir: 轰动起来75. 求实;脚踏实地down-to-earth; 彻头彻尾out-and-out; 最时兴up-to-date; word-for-word;逐字(翻译) face-to-face; wait-and-see; 偏僻的out-of-the-way; 生生死死life-and-death; 永远难忘的never-to-be-forgotten 76. slim: 渺茫的; 苗条的, 纤细的;微薄的77. job interview; interviewer: 会见者; interviewee: .被接见者, 被访问者78. depress v. depression

14、n. depressive adj.郁闷的; feel depressed79. approve v. approval n. disapprove v. disapproval n.赞同80. judging by/from:据判断81. attach importance to:重视82. have little/nothing/some/much/ in common:有/无共同之处83. bloodshot eyes: 有血丝的(眼睛)84. consist of; be composed of85. range from to: 范围从到86. in turn; in return:

15、 作为报答87. be dismayed at: 使沮丧88. competent a. 胜任的,称职的;incompetent a. competence n. compete v. competition n. competitor n. competitive a. 竞争的89. protest against sb. :抗议 Before I could protest, he got to his feet. 我还没来得及辩护,他就站起来了90. This was the last straw:喻:所能承受的最后极限91. constitute v. form; make up 组成

16、, 构成92. ultimate: greatest; utmost; last or final; 93. indignant adj.愤怒的, 愤慨的; indignity n.轻蔑, 侮辱94. smell of : 有气味95. apply v. application n. applicant n.; apply to 将.应用于;apply for 申请96. 以下为动词的反义词undo; undress; unload; unpack; unlock; untie; unfold; unscrew; unsay 97. think v. thought n/v.; thought

17、ful a. be thoughtful of98. feel at ease; with ease99. correct; incorrect; impress v. impression n. impressive100. come to terms with: .达成协议, 妥协, 让步101. simply a. simplicity n. simplify v.102. be content(满意)to do; be content with 103. friend n. friendship n. friendly a. hard a. hardship: n.困苦, 艰难, 辛苦

18、104. pretend v. pretension n.; pretend not/to do105. mean to do: 本意想做;mean; meant ;meaning n.106. so much so that: to such an extent that107. revert to doing/sth. 回归;复原108. be immune to sth. :有免疫力的109. delight n. in delight; to ones delight; delightful a.110. take apart:拆开; put together:组装111. singl

19、e out: choose from a group for special treatment112. off balance: 失去平衡;be capable of113. a series of 谓语动词用单数114. mean nothing to; be of no importance to:对来说不重要115. ambition n. ambitious a.116. draw to a close: come to an end117. surgeon; surgery n. surgical a.118. encounter: meet unexpectedly119. be

20、 particular about: 对于.很认真, 一点也不马虎; 讲究的,苛求的,挑剔的120. frequent; infrequent; frequency; frequently121. accept sth. as; 122. live with:不情愿地接受123. be bound to do sth.:注定要做124. handle: manage; deal with125. dwell on: 详述;老是想; dwell in/at126. in practice; in theory127. butterflies in ones stomach: 忐忑不安; Ther

21、e are butterflies in their stomach.128. in advance; ahead of time; one year in advance129. sit on:拖延;搁置130. anticipate v. anticipation n.:期望131. operate; operation; operate on; cooperate v. :合作;cooperation; cooperative a.132. Chances are that; There are chances that; There is every chance that :有机会/

22、可能133. trying moment: adj.难受的, 费劲的, 令人厌烦的134. certain; certainty n.; uncertain(ty); to certain extent;135. confident a. confidence n. self-confidence136. relax v. relaxation n.; considered: 经慎重考虑的;经过熟思的; a considered decision137. evitable a.可避免的; inevitable a.: unavoidable138. at one time or another

23、: 早晚;曾经139. open up:切开;给开刀140. 以下为动词enable endear; empower; embody; entitle; endanger 141. go numb: 失去知觉;麻木; go bad; go wrong; go crazy; go mad142. pull out:驶出; pull into:驶进 143. release sb./ sth.; release information; inform v: tell inform sb. of sth.144. split second: .瞬间145. cop: police; cozy : w

24、arm and comfortable146. stiff a. stiffen v.147. bring back 使恢复148. clean up: 彻底清理;整理149. in force: 大规模地150. when it come to sth. 谈到151. matter-of-fact: practical152. last v. 持续; How long will it last?153. end up + adj. /prep. Phrase / -ing or ed154. illusion:幻觉;幻想 There is no safety in locks and in

25、guns.155. much ado about nothing: 无事生非;小题大做156. ill-tempered; identity n. identify v. identification n. 157. horror n. horrify v. horrible a.158. sheepish: 不安的159. trail off: 渐渐变弱; replay: 回放;重放; secure a. insecure a. security 160. prepare for; in detail; detailed; detailedly161. equal a. equality n

26、. cruel a. cruelty n. real a. reality n. 162. admit to doing/sth.:承认做过; cheat on exams:考试作弊 be faced with; 面 对;163. peek at 窥视164. on the rise/increase/decrease:上升165. A case in point is; sth. is a case in point:是一个典型例子的charge for:收费 ;Overcharge:多收;; charge with:accuse sb. of. Sth. discharge.卸货, 流 出

27、, 放电; overnight166. preschool; preview; prewritten; 167. launch: send out; start; 168. vast: very wide169. file out: march and move out in a line170. all but one: 除了都171. is not to but rather to不是做而是做172. invent: 虚构;杜撰; ringer:冒名顶替者;proctor:监考教师;biography; biographer n. 传记作家173. in the case of:就来说;

28、至于174. seeas 视为175. reinforce: strengthen176. ebb and flow: 潮长潮落177. be linked to:与相连178. contagious:传染的 tempt v. temptation n. psychology n.:生理学 psychological a. psychologist n.179. moral a. immoral a. character n. characteristics n./a.180. out of style:过时的; be hard on:对苛刻; think of as; 视为181. lie

29、in: exist in;; on the one handon the other hand182. at ones best:处于最佳状态 We are now at our best.183. correspond with:与通信; corresponding184. overanxious; overcrowd; overpopulation; overpraise; overweight; overload; overwork; overeat185. against: in contrast to; I got 100 against all other classmates.1

30、86. complacent: conceited:自满187. by ones estimate: guess据的估计188. take sth. for granted; take it for granted that :想当然地认为189. haste a. hasten v.190. section; subsection; subway; subconsciousness; subsequent(ly); suburb; subdivide; subtitle; subplot; subaverage; sublevel; substandard; subnormal191. fo

31、ist on:将强加于; try sth. on sb.: 在身上试验; for sure: certainly; 192. for good: forever193. pronouncement:声明;见解194. devise v. device n. evaluate v. evaluation n. determine v. determination n.195. whereupon:于是;因此196. make a fuss of/over: 为大惊小怪197. ach v. My feet ach. ;spiteful:恶意的;dreary: dull and uninteresting198. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit.199. only too glad/readyto: very gla

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