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1、人教版新目标最新八年级上期中考试英语试题八年级英语期中考试试题总分100分 姓名:第一部分 听力技能(共20小题,计20分)第一节听力选择(15小题,计15分)根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1小题。( )1.Where did Helen go on her school trip? A B C( )2.What are they talking about? A B C( )3.What does the man want to see? A. A play B. A soap opera C. An action movie( )4.Who

2、is shorter? A. Tina B. Sally C. The girl( )5.Who is that woman? A .Alice B. Lilys mother C. Alices mother听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。( )6.What does Jack look like? A. He is fat B. He is thin C. He is of medium build.( )7.What does Jacks mother ask Jack to do ? A. To eat less food B. To watch TV in the evening C.

3、 To take a walk every evening听第七段对话,做第8-9小题。( )8.What programs does Cindy like? A. Comedies and news B. Comedies and talk shows C. Talk shows and news( )9.What does the man think of comedies? A. Interesting B. Relaxing C. Meaningless听第八段对话,做第10-12小题。( )10.What does the woman ask the man to do?A. To

4、go swimming together.B. To go to the clubC. To teach her to swim( )11.How often does the woman go swimming?A. Never.B. About once a week C. About once a month( )12.Where does the woman swim? A. In her house B. In a lake C. In a river听第九段对话,做第13-15小题。( )13.When did lucys mother buy her a pair of shoe

5、s? A. Last week B.Last month C.Yesterday( )14.How does lucy like the shoes?A. They are too smallB. They are too bigC. She doesnt like the color( )15.What did lucy do this afternoon?A. She stayed at home and did her homeworkB. She went to the shopping center but it was closedC. She went shopping with

6、 her mother 第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。 My Best Friend DavidAgeHe is(16)_ years old.CountryHe is from(17)_.LanguageHe can speak (18)_well.SportHe likes(19)_.Character(性格)He is (20)_ and helpful.第二部分 知识运用(共20小题,计20分)第一节 单项选择(10分。共10小题,每小题1分)( )21.-_do you read English? -Every day. A

7、 How often B How long C How far ( ) 22. How fast the train is running now!Yes, but I dont hope that the train will run much _. Its dangerous.A. larger B. faster C. cleaner ( ) 23._ he is 80 years old, _ he looks very young. A Although; but B But; / C Although; / ( ) 24. A good friend makes me _. A l

8、augh B laughs C laughing ( ) 25_ is important to eat a balanced diet. A One B That C It ( )26-_are you staying there? -Just for two hours. A How often B How long C Where ( ) 27 -What are you doing for vacation? -Im _ my little brother. A babysits B babysiting C babysitting ( ) 28-Whats wrong with yo

9、u, Bob? -_. A I know B It good. C I have a bad cold. ( ) 29-_do you usually go to school? -By bus. A How B Who C What( )30-Can you come to my party?-_. A I cant go. B Of course, Id love to. C No, Id like.第二节 完形填空(每小题1分, 共10分) I dont do well in my study. Most of my classmates are much better than me.

10、 So I get very 31 . You know, 32 is difficult to keep on working hard. And I think 33 I spend much time studying for the tests, I cant get good grades. Luckily my father 34 gives me some help. He tells me not to 35 about it. He says many 36 people are not so good at their subjects. Edison, the famou

11、s scientist, had a bad headache for his 37 when he was a 12-year-old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world. And Newton, had the same story like 38 . After hearing that, I believe I shouldnt give up(放弃)。I 39 try my best. And if I keep on studying hard, I can do much 40

12、 . My father is very happy to hear that and he says he will always help me and be with me.( ) 31. A. happy B. stressed out C. thirsty D. hungry( ) 32. A. that B. there C. it D. this( ) 33. A. although B. but C. because D. if( ) 34. A. hardly B. twice C. often D. never( ) 35. A. worry B. forget C. ta

13、lk D. think( ) 36. A. traditional B. American C. famous D. interesting( ) 37. A. hobbies B. health C. sports D. studies( ) 38. A. you B. him C. her D. them( ) 39. A. should B. can C. may D. would( ) 40. A. more different B. morefun C. better D. worse第三部分 阅读技能(共15小题 计30分)第一节 阅读短文或图表,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(

14、共10小题,每小题分,共20分)A It was Marys birthday. She received (收到) a letter from her uncle. “Dear Mary,” he wrote in the letter, “Happy birthday, Im sending you some chickens. Theyll arrive tomorrow. I hope youll like them. Uncle Bob.”Mary was very pleased. She liked eating eggs and chicken .“I can keep the

15、 chickens for their eggs or eat them,” she thought.When the chickens arrived the next day, they were put in a box. Mary was very happy. She began to carry it into her garden, but the box of the chickens was so heavy that she dropped it. The chickens all ran out. Mary spent hours in trying to find th

16、em. A few days later her uncle came. He asked, “Did the chickens arrive safely?” “Yes, but I dropped the box. It broke open and chickens ran everywhere. It took me the whole morning to look for them,” Mary said.“Did you find them all?” asked her uncle.“ I hope so,” Mary answered, “but I only caught

17、eleven of them.” “Thats very interesting. I only sent you six,” her uncle said with a smile.( )41 Mary received a letter from her_. A. mother B. aunt C. uncle( )42 When she received her present, Mary was _. A. sad B. worried C. happy( )43 Why did Mary drop the box? Because _. A. the box was too heav

18、y B. the box was too light C. she didnt like it.( )44 It took her _ to find the chickens. A. an hour B. two hours C. the whole morning.( )45 How many chickens did Mary catch? A. five B. six C. elevenBTime for Our Three Days ExamNovember 14November 15November 16 Time SubjectsTimeSubjectsTimeSubjects8

19、:309:30history8:3010:00English8:309:30politics10:0011:00physics10:3011:30geography10:0011:00biology14:3016:30Chinese14:3016:30math( )46. How many subjects do you test according to the time table? A. Six B. Seven C. Eight( )47. English is tested on _ according to the time table. A. November 14 B. Nov

20、ember 15 C. November 16 ( )48. Which of the following exams takes the longest time? A. Chinese B. physics C. politics( )49. Which of the following exams takes the shortest time? A. Chinese B. math C. English( )50. Which subject is tested on the afternoon of November 16? A. P.E B. Art C. No subject第二

21、节 阅读材料,回答所提问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)It was Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. “What a day!” I thought. “Its raining again”. Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. “Ive just arrived by train,” she said, “Im coming to see you.” “But Im still having brea

22、kfast.” I said.“What are you doing?” She asked. “Im having breakfast.” I repeated. “Dear me!” She said. “Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock!” 51. What day was it?52. Did he get up early last Sunday?53. Who telephoned then?54. How did his aunt Lucy arrive there?55. How was the weather?第四部分

23、写作技能(共计30分)第一节.完成对话(5分)Lisa: Hi, Simon, can you come to my party?Simon: _56_?Lisa: My birthday.Simon: _57_?Lisa: On Nov. 25th, at 7:00pm.Simon : _58_?Lisa: At my home.Simon: Yes, _59_. But maybe a little late.A. What are you doing for vacation B. When is itC. Id love to D. I cant come to your partyE

24、. What partyF. Where is itG. It doesnt matterLisa: _60_. 第二节.根据文章内容,汉语意思及首字母填空使文章通顺、完整。(每空1分,共10分) AMy mother told me a good friend is like a(61)_ (镜子). Im quieter and more (62)_(严肃的) than most kids. Thats why I like reading books and I study (63)_(更努力) in class. My (64)_(最好的)friend Yuan Li is quiet

25、 too, so we enjoy studying together. Im(65)_(害羞的)so its not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books - you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good.BDear Bill,How was your vacation? Did you do (66)a_ interesting? Did everyone in the family go (67)w_ you? I went to a frie

26、nds farm in the countryside with my family. (68)E_ was great. We fed some hens and some baby pigs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening (69)b_ read. Still no (70)o _ seemed to be bored. Bye for now.第三节. 英汉互译 将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)Here are

27、photos of me and my twin sister Lin Ying. As you can see, (71)在某方面我们看起来相同, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers.(72)我们两个都喜欢运动,although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She is more outgoing, and Im quieter.(73) I think Im

28、smarter than her._. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, (74) 她最喜欢的科目是体育. However,(75)we both enjoy going to parties._第四节.书面表达。(10分)根据下列提示,请你写一篇日记,记录八月二十日(星期五)你和Lily一起去参观株洲博物馆的情况。1. 天气:晴朗。2. 路程:博物馆离你家约两公里。3. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去。4. 时间:八点出发,十点回家。5. 内容:见到了许多照片、实物等,学到了很多知识。6. 游人:见到许多孩子和父母、学生和老师、士兵等。要求: 80个词左右,符合日记的格式,可根据内容适当发挥。考场号: 班级: 学生姓名: 座位号: 密 封 线 八年级英语期中考试答题卷班次: 姓名: 得分:听力:题号123456789101112131415答案16._ 17._18_ 19._20._单选题号21222324252627282930答案完型填空题号31323334353637383940答案阅读理解题号41424344454647484950答

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