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1、中学常考易混词近义词116组辨析序号易混词辨析妙语串珠1by heartat heartin heartby heart指专注,专一;at heart指在内心里,本质上;in heart指情绪高涨。The boy is diligent at heart. He learns all his lessons by heart and whenever he learns, he is always in heart.这个男孩非常专注。他学习很专注。他每次学习都情绪高涨。2call sb namescall ones namecall sb names习语,指谩骂某人,而call ones na

2、me则指喊某人。My teacher often call my name in class but never call me names.老师经常在课堂上点我的名字,但他从来不骂我。3calm quietcalm指内心平静;quiet指环境安静或人文静。He is quiet now but he is not calm in heart.他安静了下来,但内心却不平静。4care aboutcare forcare about和care for都有“关心、照料”的意思,二者的区别是,care about还指“介意、在乎”,care for指“喜欢、想要”。The man whom you

3、care for never cares about what people say.你喜欢的那个人从来不在乎别人说什么。5catchholdcatch指“抓,抓住”处于运动或隐蔽状态的事物,是一个动态的动作;hold指“拿着,握住”,是一个静态的动作。You cant catch the ball if you hold something in your hands.手里拿着东西你就不能接住球。6clothesclothingdressclothes复数名词,不能用来表示单件衣服。Cloth-ing只有单数形式,侧重于笼统而非具体地指代各种服装和衣着用品。dress一可作不可数名词,统指“

4、衣服”,二可以用作可数名词,指妇女、儿童的服装;三是可用来表示在交际场合因应酬需要而穿的带修饰性的外衣、礼服。The dresses in Linglings Clothing Sale are different from our clothes.李宁服饰店里的服装和我们的衣服不同。7meetingconferencemeeting指广泛的、通俗意义上的会议,而conference指正规的、专题性的会议。There is going to be a news conference on the sports meeting here today.今天这里将召开一场运动会专题会议。8cookc

5、ookercook作名词指“炊事员、厨师”,作动词指“烹调、做饭”;cooker指炊具,而非人。The cook needs some cookers when he cooks.那个厨师在烹饪时需要一些炊具。9crossacrosscross是及物动词,可直接跟宾语;across是介词,与动词搭配,然后才能接宾语。To get to the store, you have to go across the street. But you must be careful when you cross the street because the traffic is heavy.要到那家商店,

6、你得先过马路。在过马路时要小心,因为有很多来往车辆。10day after dayday by dayday after day“日复一日”,强调不变化地重复;day by day“一天一天地,逐渐”,强调逐渐变化的过程。It was raining day after day the whole month. So the water level in the river was rising day by day.这个月天天都在下雨,河水的水位一天比一天高。11decidemake up ones minddecide指根据现有情况,从若干可能中做出选择,而make up ones min

7、d强调“打定主意,下定决心”。He decide to move to the countryside and make up his mind to live a simple life.他决定搬到乡下去,决心过简单的生活。12deepdeeplydeep既可作形容词也可作副词,含义具体,可指空间上和时间上的“深”;deeply只作副词,用来比喻人在思想上、精神上的“深”,“深深地,深切地”。We are deeply moved by the deep feeling between them.我们被他们两人间的深情所感动。13directdirectlydirect指空间上的“直达”;d

8、irectly有两层含义,一是指“直截了当地”,二是指“立即,马上”。He went directly to his hotel after he got down the direct train from Beijing.他下了从北京来的直达火车后,立即去了旅馆。14disappointeddisappointingdisappointing指“令人失望的,令人扫兴的”,disappointed指某人对他人或某事物“感到失望的”。I am disappointed to learn the disappointing news.得知这个令人扫兴的消息,我感到失望。15effectaffec

9、t这两个单词都有“影响”的含义,二者的不同在于:一词性不同,affect是动词,effect是名词;二含义有细微差别,affect是因,effect是果。Changes affect us and sometimes make an effect our lives.改变会影响我们,有时还会对我们的生活产生影响。16elderolderelder一般用于家庭中的长有比较或指年长者(the elder),older既可以用来比较人的年龄大小,可以比较事物的新旧程度。His elder brother is cleaning the older table.他的哥哥在擦那张旧桌子。17elseot

10、herelse和other均指“其他的,另外的”,但else跟在不定代词或疑问代词后,作后置定语;other在名词前,作名词的前置定语。You can touch something else with the other hand.你可以用另一只手触摸其他物体。18enjoylikelovelike, love, enjoy都有“喜欢”之意。Like与love的区别在于like表示一般性的“喜欢”,love表示“热爱”,程度显然大于like。Enjoy则着重指“欣赏,享受的乐趣”。Do you like singing?Yes. And I also enjoy listening to s

11、ongs.I love the river, and I like to swim there.你喜欢唱歌吗?喜欢。我喜欢听些歌曲。我非常喜欢那条河,也喜欢在河里游泳。19every dayeverydayevery day指“每天”,在句中作时间状语;everyday是形容词,指“每天的,日常的”,在句中作定语。I practices everyday English every day.我每天都练习日常英语。20exam (examination)test在表示考试时,exam(examination)指正式、大型而严格的期中期末考试或各种入学考试等,一般时间较长;test指非正式的小考、

12、测验等,具有短暂性和临时性。Before the end-of -term exam (examination) we took several tests to warm up.在期末考试前,我们进行了几次小考热身。21excitedexcitingexciting既可修饰人也可修饰物,修饰人,指人“有鼓动力的”,修饰物,指事物“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”。Excited一般只可修饰人,指人“激动的,兴奋的”。We were excited to hear the exciting news.听到这振奋人心的消息,我们很激动。22fastquickfast指运动速度快,可兼作形容词和副词;qu

13、ick指在短时间内,快速而敏捷地做出反应。Which is faster, a train or a plane? Give me a quick answer, please.火车和飞机哪个快?请快点回答。23fewa fewa few表示肯定意义,指“一些,几个”,few表示否定意义,指“没有几个”。I have a few good friends, but few of them live in this city.我有几个好朋友,但是他们几乎都不住在这个城市。24forgetleaveforget指“忘记”某事,leave指因忘记而把某物“遗留在”。The boy forgot to

14、 take his homework to school, because he left his s从schoolbag at home.这个男孩忘记带作业了,因为他把书包落在家里了。25forget doing sth.forget to do sth.forget doing sth.指忘记做过某事,forget to do sth.指忘记去做某事。Mary always forgets lock- ing the door, while David forgets to lock it. What a funny and lucky couple they are! 玛丽总是忘记已经锁

15、上门了,而大卫又总忘记锁门。他们可真是一对有趣而又幸运的一对啊。26for the momentfor a momentfor the moment指“此刻,暂时”,for a moment指“一会儿”。Would you please wait for me for a moment, and I am busy and can not go with you for the moment.你能等我会儿吗?我这会儿正忙不能跟你去。27friendly withfriendly tofriendly to指“支持,赞助”,后可跟人或物;friendly with后一般跟人,指“与某人友好相处”

16、。He is friendly to the plan and I am not, but we are still friendly with each other.他赞成这个规划,而我反对,但是我们仍能友好相处。28get inget onget in和get on都指“上(车)”,但车不同,get in一般指上car, taxi;get on指上plane, ship, bus, train, bike, horse等。People getting on a bus usually travels slower than those getting in a car.坐公交一般都比坐车慢

17、。29go for a doctorgo to a doctorgo for a doctor指因病去请医生看病,go to a doctor指去看望医生,不论生病与否。She went for a doctor called Hank, and she knew him very well, because she often goes to him.她请了一名叫汉克的医生来看病。她跟汉克很熟悉,因为她经常去看望他。30go to bedsleepgo to bed和sleep都表示“睡觉”的动作,但动作先后顺序不同:先go to bed然后sleep。To go to bed early

18、and sleep well is good to your health.早睡睡个好觉对身体好。31growplantgrow可以作及物和不及物动词,作及物动词指“种植某物”,作不及物动词指“生长”。plant作动词时也指“种植”但含有“移植”的意思,此外还可作名词,指“植物”。We grow rice and plant trees in spring and they all grow well.我们在春天种稻植树,它们生长得都很好。32have a word withhave words withhave a word with指和某人说话,have words with指与人争吵。常

19、言道“言多必失”,因此可联想复数形式的既表示争吵(have words with)。I intended to have a word with him on the problem but we have different ideas and had words with him.我本想和他谈谈这个问题,但是我们意见有分歧,最后吵了起来。33have (has) been (to)have (has) gone (to)have (has) been to指到过某地,现在已经回来了,have (has) gone to指去了某地,还没有回来。She has been to America

20、once and now she has gone there again.她去过美国一次,现在她又去了美国。34have to musthave to和must都有“必须”的意思,但感情色彩有所不同,have to指客观上不得不,must指主观上认为必须怎样。“You must finish your homework before you go to play,” said my father. So I had to do so.我父亲对我说:“你必须写完作业才能去玩”。所以我不得不这样做。35hearlisten (to)hear ofhear指“听到”,强调结果,listen to指

21、听,强调动作,hear of指间接地听到听说。Did you hear of Ann? Listen! She is singing in the next room. Lets stop talking and listen to her. Now can you hear her? 你听说过安吗?听!她在隔壁唱歌呢。我们不要说话了,听听她唱歌。你听见了吗?36hear fromhear of(about)hear of指听说,从别人那儿间接得知。hear from指“收到的来信”。Its so strange that I heard from a man whom Ive never h

22、eard of.收到陌生人的来信,太奇怪了。37highhighlyhigh除了作形容词“高的”外,还可作副词,指具体的高;highly指抽象概念上的“高度地认识到、高度评价”等。He can jump high in the race and so is highly spoken of.他能在比赛中跳很高,所以得到了高度的评价。38inintoin一般作静态介词,表示“在里”,不涉及位置的变化;into是动态介词,表示“到里”,常伴随位置的移动、变换的过程。Come in and put the books into the box.进来把书放到箱子里。39in front ofat (i

23、n) the front ofin front of表示“在(之外的)前面”,at (in) the front of表示“(之内)的前面”。He stands in the front of the room looking at the children playing in front of the house.他站在房间前面,看着屋前玩耍的孩子们。40in schoolat schoolbe in school指“在上学(还没有工作),而be at school指”在学校里(还没放学)“。The young man was diligent. During his study in s

24、chool, he usually stayed long at school.这个年轻人很勤奋,他上学时,经常在学校呆很长时间。41inspiredinspiringinspired指“受到鼓舞(激励)的”,表示被动意义;inspiring指“鼓舞人心的”,表示主动意义。We are inspired by his inspiring words.他那鼓舞人心的话激励了我们。42in the treeon the treeon the tree指在树上,属于树的一部分,如花、果、叶等;in the tree也是在树上,但不属于树的一部分,只是停留在树上。There is a boy in t

25、he tree picking fruit on the tree.树上有个男孩在摘果子。43in the wallon the wallin the wall指在墙“里in”,嵌入墙中;on the wall指在墙“上”,在墙的表面。He put up a picture on the wall to cover the hole in it.他在墙上挂了张照片来挡住墙上的洞。44in timeon timein time指“及时,提早”,on time指“准时,按时”。可用其介词来区分:in time指在一段时间内,在迟到前,即“及时”;on time指在规定时间点上,正点,即“准时,按时

26、”。The film will be showed on time. Can you arrive at the cinema in time? 电影将准时开演,你能及时赶到电影院吗?45jointake part injoin作及物动词时,后可接人或物。join sth.指加入到某一组织,成为其中的一员,join sb.指和某人共同做某事。take part in后只可接物,一般指参加到集体活动中并扮演一定的角色。After joining the company, he took an active part in the group work.进入公司后,他在集体协作中表现积极。46ki

27、nd ofa little ofkind of日常用语,指“有点儿,有几分”,可以修饰动词;a little of修饰名词,表示数量、程度方面的“中的一点儿”。I kind of think he knows a little of everything.我似乎感觉他对任何事都了解一点。47latelatelylate作形容词指“晚的”,作副词指“迟,晚”。如I am late(adj.)=I come late(adv.) lately副词,指“最近,不久前”。Why do you often come for school late lately? 最近你怎么老是上学迟到?48laterl

28、ater onlater和later on都表示“过后,后来”。在表示将来时两者可以互换,但指过去的“后来”或表示某段时间后,只能用later。At first he kept silent, but a few minutes later he told me,“Youll see by yourself later (on).”开始他沉默不语,几分钟后他告诉我:“一会你自己看看就知道了。49learnstudylearn指带有模仿性的初学阶段,study指深入地学习、研究。He began to learn Chinese five years ago and now he is stud

29、ying it hard.他五年前开始学汉语,现在他努力研究汉语。50leave forleaveforleave for指“出发去某地”,leavefor指“离开某地去某地”。Two years ago he left China for America and now he is leaving for Canada.两年前也离开中国去了美国,现在他又要去加拿大了。51letslet uslets包括听话人在内的双方,let us不包括听话人在内。因此两者的反义疑问句不同,letsshall we,let uswill you。Lets play football, shall we?Pl

30、ease let us play football, will you?We have finished our homework, and I think our mom will let us go out. Lets go and ask her, shall we? 我们已经完成作业了,我想妈妈会让我们出去了。我们去问问她,好吗?52liftraiseriselift“举起”,指凭借自身的力气或机械举起重量大、且看得见的物体;raise除举起可以看得见的物体外,还指举起抽象性的东西,如地位、价格,指“提高”,及物动词;rise不及物动词,可指物体升起或物价等上涨。The sun rises. Students raise their hands to answer the teachers question. Outside the classroom a man is lifting a heavy stone.太阳升起来了,学生们举起手回答老师的问题。教室外一个人正举起一块重石。53likewould likelike是“喜欢”的意思,表示爱好。Would like用于疑问句中征求对方意见,用于肯定句中表示请求、愿望或个人想法,指“想要”。Would you like some more cheese?Yes, thank you. I like

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