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1、高中英语期末分类练习题1、名词、代词、冠词A.用所给词的适当形式填空1.In many ways, the education system in the US is not very different from_in the .2.How would you like_if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you.3.The meeting will be held in September, but_k

2、nows the date for sure.4. Susan made_clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.5.A smile costs_, but gives much.6.I would appreciate _if you let me know in advance whether or not you will come.7.Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are similar to_of MacDo nalds.B.语法填

3、空It was late at night.Two_1_(German) were sleeping in their room when suddenly,one of them,Mrs.Green,was woken up and found a thief slipping into their room to try his luck.She had three_2_(thousand) dollars in her pocket.“What should I do?Many_3_(thief) usually bring_4_(knife) with them,” she thoug

4、ht in_5_(silent)And at the same time the thief happened to touch a_6_(sport) suit.It seemed as if he found there was someone in the room,so he went out to the next room where two_7_(Frenchman) were sleeping.When he was looking for_8_(money) or some(jewel)_9_in the next room,Mrs.Green woke up her hus

5、band quickly and called the policeAnd then the thief knew what had happened.He was so scared that he took out a knife.Just then the police came up.Before the thief ran away,the police caught him.For Mrs.Green,it was really _10_unusual experience.2、介词和动词短语1.When he was 30, back in 1953, he was workin

6、g_a research assistant in the university.2._view of the weather, the basketball match will be held indoors.3.These comments came in response_specific questions often asked by local newsmen.4._all the animals I have had, these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken world.5.We tend to have a be

7、tter memory for things that excite our senses and appeal _our emotions than for straight facts.3、形容词和副词 Some people think that they will get ill if they use their brains(大脑)_1_ much. It is not true. Through many researches, scientists show us that the _2_( much) you use your brains, the better they

8、will be, and the_3_( wise) you will behave. Of course, if you want to keep your mind _4_( clearly) and be energetic(充满活力的), you must take a proper rest and study_5_( proper). To the teenagers, using their brains in the morning is _6_( well) for their health. There are many ways to rest. One is a _7_

9、( peace) rest. Sleep is a peaceful rest. Another is an _8_( act) rest. For example, take a walk _9_( outdoor), do morning exercises every day. To change the way of the brainsactivities(活动)is also a good way to rest.In everyday life, to eat some eggs, meat, fresh vegetable and fruit is also good for

10、the brains.Wish you a wise man and _10_( happiness) life.4、谓语动词1(2016浙江高考) When the time came to make the final decision for a course,I decided to apply for the one that _(reflect) my interest.2(2016江苏高考)More efforts,as reported,_(make)in the years ahead to accelerate the supplyside structural refor

11、m.3(2016 天津高考)When walking down the street,I came across David,whom I _ (see) for years.4(2016天津高考)Two years ago,while Cathy _ (watch) the Olympics,a dream came into her sweet little headto be a swimmer.5. (2016北京高考)I _(read)half of the English novel,and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.6(2016北京高

12、考)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts _ (reward)success in the end.7(2016北京高考)Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for?The new Star Wars.We _ (wait)here for more than two hours.8(2015湖南高考)I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy, but _(hold)back tha

13、nkfully by the shop window.9(2015陕西高考)At college, Barack Obama didnt know that he _(become)the first black president of the United States of America.10(2015天津高考)Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon because she _(teach)a class at that time.11(2015安徽高考)It is reported that a space st

14、ation _(build)on the moon in years to come.12(2015福建高考)To my delight, I _ (choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.13(2014大纲卷)Unless some extra money _(find),the theatre will close.14(2014北京高考)I found the lecture hard to follow because it _(start) when I arrived.15(2014安徽高考

15、)The twins,who _(finish) their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground.16(2014浙江高考)Sofia looked around at all the faces:she had the impression that she _(see) most of the guests before.5、非谓语动词语法填空A Freud was one of the first scientists 1_(make)serious research of the mind. The mind

16、 is the collection of activities 2_(base) in the brain that involve how we act, think, feel and reason. He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams 3_(search) for the causes of mental and emotional problems. He also tried hypnosis. He wanted to see if 4_(put)patients into a sleep-like c

17、ondition would help ease 5_(trouble) minds. In most cases he found the effects only temporary. Freud worked hard, although what he did might sound easy. His method involved 6_ (sit) with his patients and 7_(listen)to them talk. He had them 8_(talk)about whatever they were thinking. All ideas, though

18、ts and anything that entered their mind had to 9_(express). There could be no10_(hold)back because of fear or guilt. 语法填空B Itwas getting dark when I got home. It was cold and I 1_(wear) a coat. I walked up to the door and put my hand into my pocket 2_(take) out my key 3_ I couldnt find it. I suddenl

19、y remembered that Ihad left 4_ on my desk in the office. It really didnt make 5_ difference. I knew my wife was at home and the children must have come back from school 6_ now, so I knockedat the door. There was no answer, so I knocked again. I 7_(continue) knocking at the door for some time. I was

20、getting angry. Then I remembered something the office boy had told me at noon. He said that my wife 8 _ (phone)saying that she 9_(go) shopping in the afternoon with the children. There was only one thing for meto do: I had to clime in 10_ a window.6、并列句和复合句A. There was a time _I was tired of learnin

21、g English and disliked to learn English. And this was the reason_my father forced me to join a 30-day training in an English club before I went to senior high school. When I first came to the club, I missed my parents very much. So I packed up my things and I wanted to go home. Fortunately, my guide

22、, _teacher was Yu Minhong, communicated with me face to face, rom_I gained some useful instructions. He also showed me a good partner, and we got along well with each other. Gradually, I adapted to the life there.Every day, I would like too talk with other teenagers and set down a series of activiti

23、es _we did.I should be grateful to my father and my guide, _encouraged me to fall in love with English.Now, I feel it interesting to learn English, _which I put my entire energy.Every day, I read words and passages aloud. In class, I joined in English discussions. Before I go to sleep, I recall the

24、passages ,through_I can memorize a large number of new words._my English teacher says, “ As long as you form the habit of learning English every day and have perseverance, you will conquer English sooner or later.”B. It was reported_there was an accident at the corner of Roman street this morning. N

25、o one saw _on earth happened then. A car ran into a truck but fortunately, nobody got injured. _will be responsible for the accident is still under investigation. The police were uncertain about_the driver was guilty._the police should do now is _they must find out what led to the accident. They sai

26、d it was difficult for them to judge because_the accident happened is not clear.Perhaps the reason was _the driver was too tired to stop the car in time.The driver didnt admit the fact_he was driving too fast at the turning. The police doubted_what he said was true and decided to make a further inve

27、stigation.7、特殊句式(倒装句和虚拟语气)1. You are late. If you _(come) a few minutes earlier, you _(meet) him.2.The two students talked as if they _(be) friends for years.3.He looked as if he _(be) ill for a long time.4.He suggested that they _ use a trick instead of fighting.5.My father did not go to New York;

28、the doctor suggested that he _(go) there.6.Why didnt you buy a new car? I would have bought one if I _(have) enough money.7.He insisted that we all _(be) in his office at one oclock.Not until I began to work _ I _(realize) how much time I had wasted.8.Only by practising a few hours every day _ you b

29、e able to master the language.9.If you dont go, neither _.10. Only after I read the text over again _ I _ (know) its main idea.11. Not only _ (make) a promise, but also he kept it.综合提高题语法填空1Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. _51、_ a long reading assign

30、ment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with _52、_(inform) in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned _53、_ brief written comments but without a grade.

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