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1、牛津八年级下反义疑问句专题教案八年级下反义疑问句专题教案一、英文中的反意疑问句。 1、什么是反意疑问句 英语中,反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。翻译为“是吗” 2.反意疑问句的回答,回答时,如果情况属实,用Yes加上反问句的倒装肯定句;若果情况不属实,则用No加上反问句的倒装否定句。例如 You were moved by your students, werent you?情况属实:Yes, I was. 情况不属实:No, I wasnt. 二、反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述

2、部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应关系,即:肯定+否定? 否定+肯定?如: They are very late for the meeting, arent they? 他们开会迟到了,是吗? She was ill yesterday, isnt she? You cant do it, can you? 你不能做它,是吗? You didnt go, did you?三当陈述句中含有be动词,助动词,或是情态动词时,反问句部分由这些词加上主语人称代词构成, Be动词包括:am, is, are, was, were 助动词有:do, does, did, have(用在完成时), has(用

3、在完成时)等情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should例如: She is a lovely girl, isnt she? 她是一个可爱的女孩,是吗? He will go home, wont he? 他要回家了,是吗? She doesnt like to eat popcorn, does she? 她不喜欢吃爆米花,是吗? The baby wont sleep early, will it? 小宝宝睡得不早,是吗? 注意:He has supper at home every day, doesnt

4、he? (不能用hasnt he?) 他每天在家吃晚饭,是吗? They have known the matter, havent they? (不能用dont they?) 他们已经知道那事情了,是吗? 四当陈述句中只含有行为动词时,若动词加了s,就用does, 若动词为原形,就用do,动词为过去式,则用did,例如: You cleaned your house last week, didnt you? 你上周打扫了你的房间,是吗? Your father plays the computer very well, doesnt he? 你父亲电脑技术很好,是吗? They look

5、so happy today, dont they? 你今天看起来很高兴,是吗? 五反意疑问句的陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom,nobody, nothing, barely, scarcely等否定意义的词时,问句部分用肯定式。如: She never tells a lie, does she?(不用doesnt she?) 她从不说谎,是吗? He was seldom late, was he?(不用wasnt he?) 他几乎不迟到,是吗? 六、反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am时,问句部分习惯上用arent I?表示。 如: I am

6、a very honest man, arent I? I am a student, arent I?七陈述部分的主语为不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything时,问句部分的主语用it。如: Something is wrong with the computer, isnt it? 电脑有问题了,是吗? Nothing has happened to them, has it? 他们什么事也没发生,是吗? 八、陈述部分的主语为不定代词somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one),

7、everybody (everyone)时,问句部分的主语用he或 they,这时问句动词的数应和he或 they一致。如: Someone has taken the seat, hasnt he? 有人已经坐了位置,是吗? Everyone has done their best in the game, havent they? 每个人在比赛中已经尽力了,是吗? 九陈述部分为祈使句 1)若为lets引导,反问句用shall we? 例如 Lets go home together, shall we? 让我们一起回家,好吗? 2)若为let us引导 和其余的任何一般的否定祈使句,都用w

8、ill you, 例如 Let us stop to rest, will you? 让我们停下休息,好吗? Dont make any noise, will you? 别弄出噪音,好吗? 3)一般的肯定祈使句则用will you 或wont you 都行,例如: Do sit down, wont you? / will you? 请坐,好吗? You feed the bird today, will you? 今天你喂鸟,是吗? Please open the window, will you? (wont you?) 打开窗,好吗? 十:陈述部分为There (Here) + be

9、+ 主语时,问句部分用动词+there (here)?形式。 There are two cakes on the plate, arent there? 碟子里有两块蛋糕,是吗? Here is a story about Mark Twain, isnt here? 这是关于马克吐温的故事,是吗?十一. 当陈述部分有情态动词must,问句有4种情况: (1)mustnt表示“禁止,不可”时,附加问句通常要用must。如: You mustnt stop your car here, must you? 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗? (2)must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用need

10、nt. 如:They must finish the work today, neednt they? 他们今天要完成这项工作,是吗? (3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行推测时,问句通常要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。 如:He must be good at English, isnt he? 他英语一定学得很好,是吗? (4)当must+ have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语),问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didnt+主语”或“wasnt/werent+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),问句要用“havent/h

11、asnt+主语”。She must have read the novel last week, didnt she? 她上星期一定读了这本小说,是吗? You must have told her about it, havent you? 你一定把这事告诉她了,是吗? 十二. 陈述部分有have to+V(had to + V) 疑问部分用dont +主语或didnt + 主语如: we have to get there at eight tomorrow, didnt we? They had to cross the busy street, didnt they?十三. 当陈述部分

12、是主从复合句时,附加疑问部分一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系。如: She says that I did it, doesnt she? They dont know where she comes from, do they? 注意:但当陈述部分的主句是 I think, I believe, I suppose, I expect等结构时,附加问句中主谓句一般要与宾语从句的主谓语保持一致,并且要注意否定的转移。如: I think she is wrong, isnt she? I dont think she can make such a beautiful kite, ca

13、n she? 十四. 当陈述部分是并列句,附加疑问句则需和就近的分句的主语和谓语一致。如: Xiao Ling has been writing letters all afternoon but he should finish them now, shouldnt he? 十五.当陈述部分含有情态动词used to时,疑问部分可用usednt 或didnt。如: The old man used to smoke, didnt he ? / usednt he ? 十五. 陈述句子中的主语为动词不定式短语、动名词短语或其他短语时,疑问部分的主语通常用it。如: Learning how t

14、o repair motors takes a long time, doesnt it? Where to hold the meeting has not been decided, has it? 十六. 陈述句中的谓语动词是wish,表示愿望时用may,且用肯定形式。如: I wish to learn English, may I? 十七. 反意疑问句的回答用yes, no, 但是,回答意思相反。当反义疑问句的结构为前面否定,后面肯定时,要注意yes 译为“不”,而no译为“是的”。如: 1 -They dont work hard, do they? 他们不太努力工作,是吗? -Y

15、es, they do. 不,他们工作努力。/No, they dont. 对, 他们工作不努力。 - She is a student, isnt she? 她是一名学生,不是吗? - Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 - She isnt a student, is she ? 她不是一名学生,是吗? - Yes, she is. 不,她是学生。专题练习:一、填空题。 1. We must go at once, _? 2. My uncle used to smoke, _? 3. She must be a music lover, _? 4. Please turn down

16、the radio, _? 5. Let us do the jobs ourselves, _? 6. There were few people there,_? 7. You need to have a good dictionary, _? 8. Neither Mary nor his brother is to be present at the meeting tonight, _? 9. Not only the students but also the their teacher will be questioned about it, _?10. Peter didnt

17、 believe I had returned the book bought from the library, _? 二、单项选择题。 1.Tom often has lunch at school, _? A. doesnt Tom B. doesnt he C. hasnt he D. hasnt Tom 2.Theres not much news in todays newspaper, _? A. isnt it B. has there C. is it D. is there 3.-They havent paid for their tickets, have they?

18、- _. They didnt pay any money. A. Yes, they have B. No, they havent C. Yes, they havent D. No, they have 4.Your grandpa had walked for two weeks before he reached the city, _-? A. was it B. did he C. had you D. hadnt he 5.Mr King has never been to France, _? A. has he B. hasnt Mr King C. hasnt he D.

19、 has Mr King 6.You never go to the movies, _? A. dont you B. do you C. wont you D. cant 7.Mr Green went to Shenzhen on business last week, _? A. isnt he B. doesnt he C. didnt he D. hasnt he 8. Miss Zeng will never forget her first visit to Canada, _? A. will she B. wont she C. isnt she D. wasnt she

20、9.Lucy, you clean the blackboard today, _? A. do you B. did you C. will you D. can you 10. - Jack hasnt paid for the school things, has he? - _. His father will pay for them. A. Yes, he has B. No, he hasnt C. Yes, he did D. No, he didnt 11.I dont think that necklace is made of diamond, _? A. do I B.

21、 do you C. isnt it D. is it 12. His wife had the carpets and the curtains cleaned, _ she? A. hadnt B. had C. didnt D. did 13. Its my daughter s wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that, _? A. havent I B. dont I C. dont he D. isnt it 14. No one left here yesterday, _? A. didnt they B. did

22、 they C. didnt one D. did one 15. Birds rarely build nests in our garden, _? A. dont they B. do they C. didnt they D. did they 16.You must have been to the Great Wall, _? A. mustnt you B. havent you C. arent you D. must you 17. I feel like going to the cinema tonight, _? A. dont I B. dont you C. do

23、I D. do you 18. Lets start out early tomorrow morning, _? A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. dont you 19. The need our help badly at the moment, _? A. neednt they B. need they C. dont they D. do they 20.She is unfit for the position, _she? A. is B. isnt C. doesnt D. does 21.I wish to visit America

24、, _? A. dont I B. can I C. may I D. may you 22.She s been a worker here for many years, _? A. isnt she B. is she C. hasnt she D. has she 23.You d better go at once, _? A. wouldnt you B. had you C. hadnt you D. should you 24. I am very interested in Mark s novels, _? A. arent I B. am not I C. arent y

25、ou D. are you 25. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident, _? A. dont they B. didnt they C. did they D. do they 26.His sister had bad cough, _she? A. wasnt B. doesnt C. hadnt D. didnt 27. Dons smoke in the meeting room, _? A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 28. Youve never seen dinosa

26、ur eggs, have you? _. How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World. A. Yes, I have B. No, I havent C. Certainly, I have D. Of course, I havent 29. John can hardly understand any Chinese, _ he? A. cant B. doesnt C. can D. does 30. Lucy, you clean the blackboard today, _? A. do you B. did you C. will you D.

27、 can you 三、句型转换练习:1. Helen never gets angry with her students. (改为反意疑问句) Helen never gets angry with her students, _ _ ? 2. He never plays football in the street. (改为反意疑问句) He never plays football in the street, _ _? 3. Your grandpa seldom goes to the shopping centre with your grandma.(改为反意疑问句)Your

28、grandpa seldom goes to the shopping centre with your grandma, _ _? 4. Sam had never created a comic strip by himself before. (改为反意疑问句) Sam had never created a comic strip by himself before ,_ _ ? 5. Steve Jobs grew up as an only child with a single mother.(改为反意疑问句)Steve Jobs grew up as an only child

29、 with a single mother, _ _? 6. Miss Green has never done any online shopping. (改为反意疑问句) Miss Green has never done any online shopping, ?7. Micro-blogging service helps to improve students writing skills. (改为反意疑问句) Micro-blogging service helps to improve students writing skills, ?8. The cormorants feet are used to push it quickly through the water. (改为反意疑问句) The cormorants feet are used to push it quickly through the water, _ _?9. There were thousands of football fans in the square last night. (改为反意疑问句) There were thousands of

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