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1、四级词汇 四级词汇大练兵cjyxn四级词汇大练兵(一)选择正确的单词填入句子并翻译每个句子。1. She was so _B_ in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door A.attracted B.absorbed C.drawn D.concentrated 2The issue is how to _B_ of radioactive waste Adeal Bdispose Cdisposal Ddo 3.Being _B_ of money,she managed to save enough for a h

2、oliday Aeconomic Beconomical Ceconomics Deconomies 4.The doctor is trying to save the patient by every means _B_ Aimaginative Bimaginable Cimaginary Dimagination 5.Even though he was guilty,the_A_ judge did not send him to prison.A. merciful B.impartial C.conscientious D.conspicuous答案:B.B.B.B.A【译文】1

3、.她工作如此专心以致于没听见有人敲门。2.问题是怎样处理放射性废料。3.由于节省,她设法储够了度假的钱。4.医生在努力用一切想得出的办法来抢救这位病人。5.尽管他有罪,那位仁慈的法官也没有把他送进监狱。四级词汇大练兵(二)选择正确的单词填入句子并翻译每个句子。1It has been revealed that some government leaders_their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook 2The trend of

4、 brain drain does the developing countries _ degrees of harm Adiver Bdiversify Cdiverse Ddiversity3. It is not easy to learn English well but if you _ ,you will succeed in the end A. hang up B. hang about C. hang on D. hang onto 4. The young couple is_ in their own factory Aindustrial Bindustrious C

5、indulge Dindividual5. The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he_ himself A. injure B. had injured C. injured D. would injure 1.【答案】c. 据透露,一些政府官员滥用职权为自己谋取非法利益。 辨析及搭配A. employ v.雇佣,使用。n.雇佣。C. abuse. n.滥用, 虐待, 辱骂 v.滥用, 虐待, 辱骂。D. overlook. vt.俯瞰, 远眺。n.眺望2.答案与译文C人才外流的趋势不同程度伤害着发展中国家。 辨析及搭配Adiver

6、 n潜水员。Bdiversify v使多样化。Cdiverse adj不同的。Ddiversity n多样性。此处只能用形容词diverse修饰名词。 3.【答案】C. 学好英语不容易,但如果你坚持下去,你最终能成功。辨析及搭配A. hang up 挂断(电话),B.hang about 闲荡 C. hang on 坚持下去,D. hang onto抓紧(某物)。 4.【答案】B。句意:这对年轻的夫妇勤于经营他们自己的工厂。辨析及搭配A. industrial adj. 工业的,工业发达的,供工业的。B. industrious adj. 勤劳的,勤奋的,固定短语be industrious

7、in“勤于做”。 C. indulge v. 沉溺,放纵,固定短语 indulge in或be indulged in “沉溺于”。D. individual adj. 个别的,单独的。5. 答案A. 这个疯子被关进墙上装有衬垫的病房,以免他伤害自己。 辨析及搭配本题测试lest用法。由lest引导的句子谓语部分应用虚拟语气should 动词原形,should可以省略。lest意为“以防、以免”,equals “in case,for fear that”。四级词汇大练兵(三)选择正确的单词填入句子并翻译每个句子。1.A lawyer needs an_ secretaryA) ineffic

8、ient B) efficient C) effective D) sufficient2. I suggest we put the scheme into effect,for it is quite_A) eligible B) sustainable C) probable D) feasible 3. We should keep a _ eye on the prisoners every momentA) jealous B) envious C) jealousy D) envy4. Most nurses are women,but in the higher ranks o

9、f the medical profession women are in a_A) scarcity B) minority C) minimum D) shortage5. With all its advantages,the computer is by no means without its_A) boundaries B) restraints C) confinements D) limitations1. 答案为B。句意:律师需要一位能干的秘书。A) inefficient 不能胜任的,没有能力的。efficient effective adj. efficient与effe

10、ctive都表示“有效的”。B) efficient 指“有效率的”,“高效率的”,“有能力的”,常指人。C) effective 表示“有效的”,“效率好的”,“得力的”,常指政策、措施等。 D) sufficient 充分的,足够的。 2. 答案为D 。句意:我建议把计划付诸实施,因为这项计划的确切实可行。A) eligible 意为“合适的,合意的”指有资格做某事。B) sustainable 意为“支撑得住的,能持续的”。C) probable 只表示一种可能性,用在这里不合适。D) fea- sible 意为“可行的”。3. 答案为A。句意:我们要每时每刻注意看守犯人。形容词jeal

11、ous,envious二者近义,都表“妒忌的,羡慕的”。A) envious主要作“羡慕”解,指希望得到别人的东西;用于贬意时,指因未获得某物而不满。B) jealous语义要比envious强,指对别人占有的或自己企图占有的东西感到不满或怀有恼恨的心理,认为应属于自己或自己应得。二者常用于固定短语be envious ofbe jealous of当中。jealous还表“留意提防的,猜疑的,戒备的”。 C) jealousy是 jealous 的名词。D) envy 是envious的名词。 4. 答案为B。 句意:大多数护士是妇女,但在高层次的医务工作中,妇女只是少数。A) scarci

12、ty意为“稀少,歉收”。B) minority意为“少数”。C) minimum意为“最低限度,最少量”。D) shortage意为“不足,缺少”。 5. 答案为D 。句意:计算机尽管有许多优点,但并非没有局限性。A) boundaries,boundary意为“分界线,边界”。B) restraints,restraint意为“限制的东西”。C) confinements,confinement意为“限制”。D)limitations,limitation意为“缺点,局限性”。 第四期:四级词汇大练兵1. Id_his reputation with other farmers and bu

13、siness people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan。A) make up for B) account for C) take into account D) make out 2. In most countries the sale of liquor to children is _。A) forbid B) prohibitC) abrogate D) ban3. All had to stay in the open space,espat nig

14、ht, for the_ of the warning of an earthquake。A) donation B) durationC) destination D) domination4. As we know,Churchill was one of the worlds most _statesmen。A) eminent B) imminent C) illicit D) explicable5._ the claim about German economic might,it is somewhat surprising how relatively small the Ge

15、rman economy actually isA) To give B) Given C) Giving D) Having given1.答案为C。译文: 我得向社区的其他的农户和商人们了解他的信誉,然后再决定是否同意他的贷款请求。 A) make up for 补偿,弥补,偿还。Make up for lost time。B) account for 解释,说明。C) take into account 考虑到。D) make out 勉强了解,开出,声称。 2. 答案为D.译文: 大多数国家都禁止卖酒给小孩子们.A) forbid 禁止, 不许.B) prohibit 禁止, 不准,

16、阻止.C) abrogate 废除, 取消.D) ban 禁止.辨析: ban, forbid 和 prohibit三个词都表示禁止, 其中ban语气最重, 指权威机关正式禁止. forbid是普通用词, 指个人行为. prohibit是正式用词, 指用法律或法令来禁止.3. 答案为B.译文: 在整个地震警报期间, 大家只好(特别是在夜间)待在空旷的地方.A) donation 捐赠品, 捐款.B) domination 统治, 控制, 支配.C) destination 目的地.D) duration 期间, 持续时间.4. 答案为A.译文: 众所周知, 邱吉尔是世界上最卓越的政治家之一.A

17、) eminent 著名的.B) imminent 逼近的, 即将发生的.C) illicit 违法的.D) explicable 可解释的, 可说明的.5答案为B.译文: 考虑到德国经济强大这一说法, 德国经济相对来说如此弱小这一点有些令人吃惊.注释: given为介词, 意为考虑到, 如果有之意. 第五期:四级词汇大练兵1. They claim that_1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisisA)sufficiently B)approximately C)considerably D)properly2. My fa

18、ther seemed to be in no _to look at my school reportA)mood B)emotion C)attitude D)feeling3. Dogs are often praised for their _;they almost never abandon their mastersA)faith B)loyalty C)trust D)truthfulness4. To my _,Tom has been there several timesA)knowledge B)view C)information D)earning5As a doc

19、tor,Im very interested in medical _A)magazine B)journal C)periodical A)technical1答案:B。 译文:他们宣称大约有1000家工厂在经济危机中倒闭了。A)sufficiently: adv 足够地,充分地。B)approximately: adv 近似地,大约。C)considerably: adv相当大地,相当多地。D)properly: adv 适当地,正确地,确切地,完全地。2答案:A。译文:我父亲似乎没有心情看我的成绩单。A)mood: n 心情,心境。固定词组be in no mood to do sth没

20、有心情做某事。D)emotion: n 情绪,情感,感情。E)attitude: n 态度,看法,意见,姿态,姿势。F)feeling: n 感(知,触)觉,同情。s:n 心情,感情,情绪。3答案:B译文:狗经常因为忠实而受到称赞,它们几乎从来不背弃自己的主人。A)faith:信心,信任,信念。B)loyalty:忠实,忠诚,忠心。C)trust:信任,信赖。D)truthfulness:诚实,说真话。4答案:A译文:据我所知,汤姆到过那儿好几次了。A)knowledge:n知识。一般是指正确而且系统的知识,它可指个人的知识,也可指全人类所积累的知识。它前面常用表示“获得”的动词,如acqui

21、re,obtain,get等。但它不与study或learn连用。常用词组to sbs knowledge表“据某人所知”。B)view:n 观点,看法。C)information:n 知识。指个人从他人、书本、观察、实际中所得来的真实的或想象的知识或信息,常指零碎的知识,亦有“资料,情报”之意。E)learning:n 知识,学问。指通过刻苦钻研后获得的反映客观事物的系统知识。它还表“学习”。5答案:B译文:作为医生,我对医学杂志非常感兴趣。A)magazine主要指一种常带插图并收集各种各样的文章、故事、诗歌、评论等的期刊。它以刊登专门材料为内容,以具有某种特殊爱好、兴趣或职业的读者为对象

22、。B)journal “专刊”,正式用语,多指学术性刊物或描述当前人们关心事情的刊物。C)periodical “期刊、杂志”,多指定期发行的刊物,如周刊、月刊,不指日刊。D)technical 技术的,专门的。 第六期:四级词汇大练兵选择正确的单词填入句子并翻译每个句子。1. With the _of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A) exhibition B) exception C) except D) reception2. Although the traffic is not busy, he l

23、ikes to drive at a _ speed.A) spare B) fast C) moderate D) moral3. In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,a student should _ his findings in logical order and clear languageA) furnish B) propose C) raise D) present4. All the memories of his childhood had _ from his mind by the tim

24、e he was 65.A) faded B) illustrated C) confined D) concerned5. This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _ under it without modern technology.A) canal B) tunnel C) channel D) cable1答案:B译文:除了玛丽,所有的女学生都渴望参加聚会。A)exhibition: n展览, 展览会。B)exception: n 例外, 除外。with the exception of 除之外。C)except:

25、prep. 除.之外, 除去, 除掉 conj. 只是, 除.之外, 若不是。D)reception: n 接见; 接待; 欢迎, 接待处, 接待部门。2答案:C译文:交通虽然并不繁忙,他还是喜欢以中速驾车行使。A)spare: adj 备用的, 多余的,剩余的。B)fast: adj or adv 快的(地), 迅速的(地), 牢固的(地)。 C)moderate: adj中等的, 适度的, 温和的, 不激烈的。D)moral: adj 道德的, 精神的, 道义上的。主要指“行动上、思想上遵照普遍接受的道德标准的”。3答案:D译文:在准备科学实验报告时,学生应该用逻辑的构思、简明无误的语言陈

26、述自己的研究发现。A)furnish:vt 布置,为配备家具,供应,提供,装备。B)propose:v 建议,策划,提名。C)raise:v 增加,饲养,提出(质疑,抗议等)。D)present:v 赠送,提起,陈述,表达(意见等)。4答案:A译文:到他65岁时,孩提时代的所有回忆都已从他的记忆中消退了。A)fade:v 渐渐消失,退色,枯萎。B)illustrate:v 举例说明,例证,图解。C)confine:v 限制,监禁,把.关在.里面。D)concern:v 涉及,有关,关系,担心,担忧。5答案:B译文:这条河是如此的大以至于没有现代科技,在其下建造一条隧道是不可能的。A) cana

27、l:n运河,水道。B)tunnel:n .隧道。C)channel:n河床,海峡,频道。D)cable:n多心导线,缆索,电缆,电缆电报。 第七期:四级词汇大练兵选择正确的单词填入句子并翻译每个句子。1.The _ is nearly dead, so I cannot start the car again.A)bean B)beam C)bake D)battery2.When making modern cameras , people began to _ plastics for metal.A)surround B)substance C)stretch D)substitute3

28、.With the help of the government , a large number of people_ after the flood in 1991.A)survived B)suspended C)suffered D)subjected4.He always has a lot of _ ideas in his mind, and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.A)novel B)spoil C)acceptable D)additional5. The professor did _

29、research before writing the articleA) exhausting B) exhaustive C) exhibited D) executed1答案:D译文:电池几乎坏了,因此我不能再次启动汽车了。A)bean:n 豆,毛豆。B)beam:n 光线,梁;v 放光,微笑。C)bake:v 烘,烤。D)battery:n 电池,炮兵连。2答案:D译文:人类在制造现代照相机时,开始用塑料替代金属。A)surround:v 围绕,环绕,包围。B)substance:n 物质,实质,本质。C)stretch:v 变长,变宽,伸展;n 伸展,一段时间。D)substitut

30、e:v 代替,替代,n 替代者,代用品。3答案:A译文:在政府的帮助下,大多数人经过1991年的大洪水后仍然幸存着。A)survive:v 幸存,幸免于难。B)suspend:v 悬挂,吊,暂停,暂缓。C)suffer:v 遭受(痛苦或困难),经受。D)subject:v 使经受,使受制于。4答案:A译文:他总是有许多新奇的想法,有时我们甚至都不知道他正在想什么。A)novel:n 小说;adj 新奇的,新颖的。B)spoil:v 弄糟,损坏,过分溺爱。C)acceptable:adj 可接受的。D)additional:adj 另外的,附加的,额外的。5答案:B译文:这位教授在写这篇文章之前,做了全面的调查研究。A) exhausting:adj 使人疲惫不堪的,筋疲力尽的。B) exhaustive:adj 彻底

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