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1、哈尔滨市初中毕业学年调研测试12011年哈尔滨市初中毕业学年调研测试英语试卷第I卷一、听力测试(本题共30分)听录音,每题读两遍。I 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图画。(本题共5分。每小题1分)II听对话,根据问题选出正确答案。(本题共10分,每小题2分)( ) 6. A. By train. B. By car. C. By air.( ) 7. A. At 9:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 8:00( ) 8. A. Rude and helpful. B. Shy and kind. C. Helpful and friendly.( ) 9. A. Jane. B.

2、 Jim. C. Both Jane and Jim.( )10. A. Shanghai. B. Beijing. C. Nanjing.II听对话,根据对话内容选出最佳答案完成各句。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 11. Aileen will hold a party_. A. next Sunday B. next Thursday C. next Friday( )12. Marks birthday is on _. A. March 6th B. April 9th C. May 16th( ) 13. Mark would like to enter_. A. Yingcai

3、 Middle School B. No.3 Middle School C. Hongyang Middle School( ) 14.They will _ now. A. do sports B. work hard on their exams C. clean the classroom( )15. The speakers are_. A. students B. teachers C. workersIV. 听短文, 根据所听内容选出短文中划线部分词的同义词或同义短语。 (本题共10分,每小题2分) Last May, my grandparents joined in the

4、Loving Travel which was organized by our city. The topic of the activity was about loving parents and taking care of 16 . The number of the old men and women who took part in it was 17 twenty. First, they went to Guangzhou by bus, and then went to Hainan Island 18 . Hainan Island is 19 for its beach

5、es. All the members were attracted by its scenery. They traveled for 20 . The old men and women were looked after well. They were thankful to their sons and daughters for their love. I hope more and more people can enjoy such love.( )16. A. the sick B. the old C. the young( )17. A. just B. over C. a

6、round( )18. A. in a ship B. on a bus C. on a plane( )19. A. popular B. known C. dangerous( )20. A. a week B. half a month C. three weeks二、 单项选择(本题15分,每小题1分)( )21. Boys and girls, youre sure to make _ amazing difference today if you try your best and relax yourself. A. a B. an C./( )22. Many countrie

7、s began to pay more attention to Nuclear safety (核安全)after Japans earthquake. We human beings are always short_ energy, so we should keep the balance between safety and danger. A. of B. at C. for( )23. Skimming (略读)is used when our purpose is to quickly get a general idea about the reading material.

8、 The skimming is one of _ styles when you have to read a lot of material in a moment. A. much useful B. more useful C. the most useful( )24. -Youve never seen living dinosaurs, have you? - _. Luckily, I saw a movie about dinosaurs last year. How I wish to go into the movie and watch them closely! A.

9、 Yes, I have B. No, I havent C. Certainly, I have( )25. Constant dripping wears away a stone (水滴石穿). As students, we should do what we can _ knowledge in order to build our country better when we grow up. A. get B. getting C. to get( )26. Theres no doubt that QQ has been very popular among us middle

10、 school students._ , we should use it in a right way. A. However B. Besides C. Though( )27. You cant _ other people to decide how you live your life. You should make a right choice to enjoy your own success-work hard and believe in yourself. A. depend on B. care for C. talk about( )28. Sometimes peo

11、ple wont know the value of the health they lose it. So, my dear friends, dont stay up late_ eat too much unhealthy food. A. until; while B. when; and C. until; or( )29. -Could you tell me_? -On the Internet. Type in , and you will get what you want. A. where can I find listening material B. how I ca

12、n improve my listening C. where I can find listening material( )30. If you_ good things to happen, they will do! There seems to be a natural cause-and-effect relationship between optimism(乐观)and success. A. expected B. expect C. would expect( )31. Both our minds and bodies should be ready to deal wi

13、th the most important challenges _ will come up in the following two months. A. what B. who C. that( )32. The traffic rules of England are different from ours. When travelling in the UK, you should look_ first before you cross the street. A. left B. right C. down( )33. Study habits can help you thro

14、ughout your education. As a successful student, you should_. (1) ask your classmate for help as soon as you find a problem (2) pay attention to WHY but not the ANSWER during your study (3) review your notes before beginning your homework (4) make a plan for studying (5) try to study too much at one

15、time A. (2) (3) (4) B. (3) (4) (5) C. (1) (2) (3)( )34. WHO(World Health Organization) suggests that an adult shouldnt take in more than 210 g Iodine(碘) every day. According to the table, Wang Ming can eat at most _ eggs for keeping healthy today.( )35. Which word of the following has a different st

16、ress from the others? A. Dentist. B. Machine. C. Treasure.三、 完型填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)根据短语内容选择最佳答案。 Every time I come to the end of a tube of toothpaste(牙膏), I feel surprised at what I see. I think the tube(管) is completely empty, 36 I can squeeze (挤) many more brushings out of it. Im sure you have experie

17、nced the 37 thing in daily life. Heres a lesson for all of us. We work toward a goal and sometimes get disappointing results for a long time. Things 38 as we have imagined. We think theres not much left in “our tube”, and we plan 39 it away. In fact, well have a lot more left in the tube. So we shou

18、ld believe in 40 and keep moving forward. Our biggest breakthroughs (突破) often come up when we think theres 41 left in our tube. When we experience disappointments, they are often balanced by exciting success. 42 , too many people give up too early just before they can get around that final corner t

19、o success. The writers of Chicken Soup For The Soul found one who would print their book 43 they were refused by 33 publishers(出版社). What if they would have given up too soon? So, next time when you find yourself in a situation where you feel you just cant go on any further, 44 the tube. All you nee

20、d to do is to squeeze one more drop from the tube. Just 45 that you keep up the good work. Success may be just around the corner.( )36. A. so B. and C. but( )37. A. same B. different C. surprised( )38. A. arent going B. isnt going C. wasnt going( )39. A. throw B. to throw C. throwing( )40. A. itself

21、 B. ourselves C. themselves( )41. A. nothing B. everything C. anything( )42. A. Luckily B. Sincerely C. Unfortunately( )43. A. as B. after C. before( )44. A. remember B. forget C. stand( )45. A. point out B. make sure C. talk about四、 阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A) On June 24,2010, iPhone 4 came upon the stag

22、e all over the world, which is the 4th generation (代) iPhone since the first generation appeared three years ago. It is like a real super star and attracts everyone. In fact, iPhone is more than just a phone. It is with many powerful uses in one. That means you can make calls, listen to music, take

23、photos, check E-mails and do many operations you like on your iPhone, for over 150 thousand programs can be downloaded in the Apple Store. All that and more make iPhone 4 the best phone that you have ever seen before. Different from other traditional mobile phones, you can just find a home button on

24、 iPhones. Of course, no keyboard can be seen when you dont need to telephone or send short messages, but when you move your finger on the touchscreen(触摸屏), the whole world is in your hand! The touchscreen of the iPhone is based on the technology of capacitive (电容性的)screen. When the screen is touched

25、, the charge (电荷) from the human body can affect the charge from the capacitive screen which is behind the surface screen, and pull a small amount of charge of the touch point, creating a voltage (电压) hill, then the charge from four comers of the capacitive screen runs to the voltage hill.So the CPU

26、 can deal with the place you touch. Because of this, capacitive screen can be controlled with very light touches of a finger or even two but generally cannot be used by a gloved hand. Because most gloves stop the necessary charge. This kind of touchscreens is widely used on Apple s other things such

27、 as itouch and ipad. No one can doubt that iPhone is as popular as Lady Gaga, What surprise can be given by Apples and what can change everything again?根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )46. The underlined word operation in the passage means _in Chinese. A. 操作 B. 制作 C. 手术( )47. When sending short messages with a traditional mobile phone, A. no keyboard can be used B. it can only b

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