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1、英语六级听力备考精华笔记2014年12月英语六级听力备考精华笔记(1)资料的选择: 1、听力原题 2、TOEFL的听力 3、走遍美国、探索、国家地理 听力结构: Section A:10个短对话 Section B:3个段子;复合式听写(很少考) 类型题: 比如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?去不去干 回答Yes/No.以及理由。 Would you go with us? Would you join us? Would you go with me? Do you wanna come? Wanna come? 应试听力提高的三个层次: 1、听

2、懂原文 2、搞清考题之间的类型关系 3、判断出是什么考题 听力遇到的问题: 一、语音问题: 连读:跟读提高口语,考试时不太重要,注意听重读。 二、态度方向: 测试:Im upset. Im overjoyed. Im beside myself with joy. Im in the blues. I feel high today. I feel down recently. 三、口语话问题: 语气(升降调、重读) 例句:Something just hit the front window. What?(什么东西呀?你说什么(没听清)?惊奇,生气。) 例句:He was my boyfri

3、end. 考校园生活: 学生:异性(同学关系)、同性(室友关系) 口语词汇 tape 胶带(邮局场景) cassette 磁带 project 作业 =assignment awful 糟糕的 terrific 特棒的 awesome 特棒的 I see. 我明白。 I can tell that. 我能看得出。 I understand that. 我听说。 I have got . 我有 have to = have got to (gotta) be going to = be gonna want to = wanna tell him Ill take this book. 表示买

4、I wont buy that. 我不信。buy=believe 四、场景问题:1、如何出考题2、如何判断场景(场景线索词)例如:book(校内:Libary;校外:bookstore)textbook, dictionary, magzine, reference book, bibliographymanager, order-bookstore解题思路:比如:traffic: traffic jamcar: break down六次课安排:But题型,三个解题思路(1)场景题(2、3)段子题、替换题(4、5)复合式听写、实战考题(6)Section ABut题型(3-4个题目):but前

5、的话没用,but是关键,but后面的句子是正确选项。例题:P25-5-Test 1-P100A) He has some work to do.B) The woman is going to do that.C) His boss is coming to see him.D) He doesnt feel like eating any bread today.W: I wonder if you have time to go to the food store today. We have almost run out of bread.M: You d better do that.

6、 I havent got my report ready yet, but my boss needs it tomorrow.Q: Why isnt the man going to do the shopping?注:1. 第二人的回答都是充满了遗憾。2. run out of 用完,没有boor 土人,粗野的人(GRE词汇)生活中常用的动词非常简单:takemakegowinlethave口语中常用短语:1. mess 脏乱His dormitory is in a big mess.2. meet = come across = run into = bang into 遇见。hap

7、pen to meet 恰巧碰到3. 与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。run out of 用完了check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开wear out 穿破be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫make out 辨认出figure out 想清楚,弄明白She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼help out 帮个大忙find out 打听

8、,查明真相dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子cafeteria 饭堂,自助餐厅【学校的饭菜不好吃】cook out 在外野餐hang out 闲逛turn out (to be) 事实证明2014年12月英语六级听力备考精华笔记(2)but前的话没用,but是关键,but后面的句子是正确选项。 例题: A) He has some work to do. B) The woman is going to do that. C) His boss is coming to see him. D) He doesnt feel like eating any bread today. W: I w

9、onder if you have time to go to the food store today. We have almost run out of bread. M: You d better do that. I havent got my report ready yet, but my boss needs it tomorrow. Q: Why isnt the man going to do the shopping? 注:1. 第二人的回答都是充满了遗憾。 2. run out of 用完,没有 boor 土人,粗野的人(GRE词汇) 生活中常用的动词非常简单: tak

10、e make go win let have 口语中常用短语: 1. mess 脏乱 His dormitory is in a big mess. 2. meet = come across = run into = bang into 遇见。 happen to meet 恰巧碰到 3. 与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。 run out of 用完了 check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开 wear out 穿破 be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫 make out 辨认出 figure o

11、ut 想清楚,弄明白 She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。 She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮 work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼 help out 帮个大忙 find out 打听,查明真相 dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子 cafeteria 饭堂,自助餐厅【学校的饭菜不好吃】 cook out 在外野餐 hang out 闲逛 turn out (to be) 事实证明 例题: A) He cant find his new apartment. B) He had a bigger apa

12、rtment before. C) He finds the new apartment too big for him. D) Hes having a hard time finding an apartment. W: How do you find your new apartment? M: Well, its quite nice really, although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place. Q: What is the mans problem? 注:1. dormitory 宿舍 apart

13、ment 公寓 laboratory secretary 房子难找;房租贵;房太吵 2. How do you find .= How do you like. 3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 选项中找be accustomed to doing sth.或adapt used to do sth 过去常常 选项中找 was always 或找否定句+now.2014年12月英语六级听力备考精华笔记(3)例题: A) The apartment is better furnished. B) She prefers to live in a quiet plac

14、e. C) Its less expensive to live in an apartment. D) She finds her roommates difficult to get along with. M: I hear you are moving to an apartment. Can you tell me why? W: Actually, I didnt want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But I just cant bear the noise made by t

15、he people living next door. Q: Why does the woman want to move? 住房场景: 1、房难找 2、房租太贵 3、房太吵 注:1. 口语中现在进行时表将要 2. must 表猜测 have got to do 表应该,必须 例题: A) He didnt buy anything. B) He got some medicine for his foot. C) He was sick and couldnt go shopping. D) He bought everything except the football. W: Did

16、you go shopping this afternoon? M: Yes, but all I got was a sore foot. Q: What does the man mean? 注:sore foot 脚疼 sore throat 嗓子疼 例题: A) She didnt know her daughter could sing so well. B) She sings better than her daughter. C) She doesnt like her daughter. D) She herself doesnt have a good voice. M:

17、I heard your daughter sing at the school concert last night. She has a lovely voice, I must say. W: Thank you, but I dont know where she gets it. Q: What does the woman probably mean? 例题: A) He finds history books difficult to understand. B) He has to read a lot of history books. C) He doesnt like t

18、he history course. D) He has lost his history book. W: Why are you so tired and upset? M: Ive been taking the history course this term. But the trouble is that Ill never get through the reading list. Q: Why is the man worried? 作业: 1. paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;文件;纸 research 查询资料(library) 2. presentation

19、口头报告 = report, speech, address 着装正式;心里感受nervous interview 面试(也需正式着装) 3. reading assignment 阅读作业 reading list 读书清单 对作业的评价一定是抱怨 写论文的步骤: 1、选题 2、查资料 3、打印 充满遗憾: 谈论交通-堵车;谈论车-坏掉;谈论买票-卖光;谈论接人-晚点;谈论野餐-下雨 写论文的困难: 1、题目难选 2、资料难查 3、打字困难(机房总被占) typewriter(break down 坏了;ribbon 色带), printer, laser printer, laptop.

20、2014年12月英语六级听力备考精华笔记(4)三个基本思路: 一、学习话题:学几门课,课程难不难,课的进展,考试如何,作业如何,老师怎样,实验课怎样,图书馆怎样 回答:基本上都是抱怨 二、生活话题:穷,省钱,购物一定要bargain,带学生证, 例如:1. I want to make a long distance call. When is the best time? 例如:2. Maybe I ought to subscribe to the journal. 捐献;定购订阅。 Why dont you save the money and read it in the librar

21、y? 例如:3. A) To wear a heavy sweater to the game. B) To postpone the game. C) To change tickets. D) To watch the game at home. 三、混合话题,但忙于学习。 场景题: 选项的特点: 1. 地点;2. to do表目的;3. -ing;4. A and B结构,人物关系 提问特点: What, Where, When, Who 总结重点: 出题思路 判断场景的线索词 例如:fine 罚款(校外交通;校内图书馆) cashier 出纳(各个场景) teller (银行)出纳员

22、ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) 自动提款机 例题: A) He is still being treated in the hospital. B) He has had an operation. C) Hell rest at home for another two weeks. D) He returned to work last week. M: How is your father, Mary? The last time I came to see you, you were about to take him to the hospital. W

23、: He came home last week. The operation was very successful. The doctor said he d almost recovered and could go back to work next week. Q: What did the woman say about her father? 注:be about to do 正要做某事。 2014年12月英语六级听力备考精华笔记(5)医院场景: 1、医生难找 2、病情如何 3、有病耽误课 miss the class 缺课的原因: 1、生病 get ill 2、睡过头 over

24、 sleep 3、traffic (车坏了,或者交通的问题) 医院的线索词: operation 手术 infirmary (校内)医务室;cafeteria 饭堂;tuition 学费 treat, treatment 治疗(过程) cure 治愈(结果) study, learn; search, find; try, manage clinic 诊所 ward 病房 student health center 学生健康中心 medical center 医疗中心 prescribe 开处方;preview 预习;interview 面试;international 国际的 fill th

25、e prescription 抓药 refill the prescription 再抓药 check out 办理出院手续 emergency department 急诊室 例题: A) To meet Tom Wang. B) To work in his office. C) To go to hospital. D) To attend a meeting. M: This is Tom Wang speaking. Could you tell me Mr. Smiths schedule for tomorrow? I would like to meet him at his c

26、onvenience. W: Let me see. Hell go to see his doctor at 8, and chair a meeting at 10 in the morning. Well, he will be in the office the whole afternoon. Q: What does Mr. Smith plan to do at 10 oclock tomorrow morning? 注:chair 主持 打电话场景: 1、约人肯定约不到 make an appointment (约医生) 2、约会去不了 come up 突然来临 resched

27、ule 重新安排时间 fit me in 安排 3、电话打不通,打错电话 run out of coin 硬币用光 cut off 通话被中断 hang up 挂断电话 receiver 听筒 hook 挂钩 telephone book 电话簿 yellow pages 电话簿 yellow press 色情出版物 dial the number 打电话 打电话步骤: look up the number in the telephone; pick up the receiver; drop the coins in the slot 投币孔; dial the number you wa

28、nted. 例题 A) She was afraid she might be kept too late. B) She would have something more important to do. C) She had to meet a friend of hers. D) She was not in the mood to attend the party. W: Hello, Steve. This is Susan. Im afraid I wont be able to come to the party. I was just asked to go to a meeting. M: Do come after your meeting, Susan. Our party wont be over until midnight. Q: Why did the woman say that she could not join in the party? 注:be in the mood to do sth. 愿意做某事,有这种心情做某事 例题 A) To write a check. B) To find a telephone number.

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