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1、一 自我介绍My name is zhouwei .I graduated from Chongqing Technology And Business University with my major in Economics.I would like so much to apply for the 职位(比如marketing management trainee) position that you offer.With my four year Language learning,I can now speak fluently English,and I was the minis

2、ter of Propaganda Department .During that time I gained lots of experience of working with other people,Which I can explain to you in detail later on.I like 职位(比如marketing) so much.I like Communicating with other people.For the moment,I would like so much to have the trainee program that you offer a

3、nd work out a project to help Shanda Entertainment in about 1-2 years time.二 经典提问回答。1 Why should we hire you?回答:I believe I am your ideal choice because I know that for a 职业(比如marketing management trainee)should have criteria like working under pressure,team work,careful,creative and rational decisi

4、onal-making.I think I am this kind of person.I have a degree in marketing and my past experience is very similar to this job.And especially I can work under pressure.2.I know it is not an end of my study as I graduated from school,actually,I am soWilling to enter another large school to continue my

5、study and devote my serviceto it.I will certainly learn through practice and try my best to adapt to the new environment in the shortest time.It is for sure that I will face the challenge and I will be a successful part of many projects teams.I am confident that I will learn to work very well very q

6、uickly just what I did to my major.3.What are you greatest advantage and disadvantage?So let me start from my weakness.I guess my greatest weakness would be (假装考虑)。I am sometimes a little bit impatient.I want to finish everything as quick as possible,and I prefer quick action.I know this is on one h

7、and good for efficiency,but on the other hand,we have to listen to the opinions coming from all aspects.I am aware of it now and I am on my way to change myself to be a little bit more considerate .Actually, I am doing plans every time I am starting a project, but now I will listen more opinions com

8、ing from every aspects and it really helps me alot.Well ,talking about my strength.I believe the biggest one is my commitment to quality.I strongly believe in doing things correctly ,not just one hundred percent,but one hundred and twenty.I dont like work on those things that I can not work out a hi

9、gh quality result.Once I decide on one task,I will great effortIn it and I know I can do very well.4.why do you want to join our company?I think the history of the company can reflect a lot of important characteristics of your company.Let me take a glance back to the history.When I read books on it,

10、I really get attracted by the way your campany developed.I know it was first set up in(某个行业)and it Merged with(融入) (公司名字)Your company s last action on(对的作用)。(假装思考)really strengthen my hope wo join your company because I know it has great perspective.Well ,history can forecast the future,your company

11、s background inspires me a lotabout my own career planning. 或者I know your company has a very good reputation in the industry;it ranks the third不一定是第三) in the field of (在某个范围内)and the fifth in the field of .It was set up in the year has a promising perspective(观点)。I know youra companys cultur

12、e is *(上网看),which I appreciate so much.It is just whatI need in a company and my personal career plan and your companys development Strategy match very well.I am sure this is my right choice.5.Where do you see yourself in five years?In the near future ,I would like to move into a marketing managemen

13、t position in five years.And eventually ,I would like to develop a new project that can be the next growing point.This is my long term vision.The main thing right now is to learn as much as possible and try to apply it in my new position.I think your companyOffer a great platform for me and it is su

14、re a perfect choice to join your company.6.what motivates you?(你的动力是什么)I am motivated by the creed that I am successful if I can successfully use my ability.I believe that everyone has his own talent and once he realized it,he willAchieve much more than he could imagine .I feel always content if I c

15、ould do my best to apply my ability to something that I consider important.So that is anotherreason that why I hope to get this chance because I believe what motivates me is very beneficial to my job.7.What is your hobby?(业余爱好)I like sports very much.Mostly after work,I like playing basketball very

16、much with my friends.It helps to build my team work sense too.I love NBA,do you?Huston RocketsIs great in the last several games8How do you work under the pressure(你如何在压力下工作)?Well,I dont mind working under pressure .I know every job has its own pressure .I know your company has much pressure on time

17、 because we have to finish the audit righton time.I am prepared for that.Every time when I am facing pressure,I will try my best regardless of the situation ,and sure I have my own way to release my pressure through other ways.9What would you do on the first day on your job?I think it is very import

18、ant to get a good in the very first day.I will first get a big picture of my working environment and learn as much as possible,like I will know as much colleagues as possible,I will talk to them,I will read the manual and get instructions from my supervisor.On the other hand,I know a very important

19、duty of this position is to take orders form our clients in Europe,so I will try to get familiar with the trade and shipping procedure in Europe as quick as possible三 分组讨论1 首先抓紧时间认识同一小组的人2 显示领导力和调和矛盾 抓紧主要矛盾的句子Ok,everyone,there are always two sides to everything,and we need to figure out which is mor

20、e important.Well,I think we can finally find a solution to thisAnyway,out point of view is not so far apart,We should be able to resolve this problem.Well,lets listen to Miss A ,what do you think of this?What if we let Mr.B tell us something about his opinion?How aboutwe make avote on thisOK,lets move to the next pointWe are almost out of time,so let me make a summary.

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